* age 2 " 'l he Hurtland Observer--Decernber 19, 1990 A Parent Speaks P E R BY LULU R. STROUD-JOHNSON applications w ith in the basic concept, i.e. “ O ffice A t Home-Electronic H om e” . Once More You All! M a n y o f our readers seem re ­ lu c ta n t to le t th is series go aw ay q u ie tly , so here are a fe w notes prom pted by your ca lls. I ’ d lik e to believe that this atten­ tio n indicates a m uch-desired interest in econom ic betterment on the pan o f north­ east residents. You have indicated that for some o f yo u I need to c la rify and classify som e o f the in fo rm a tio n and te rm in o l­ og y put fo rth here the past fo u r weeks. A g a in , keep in m in d that yo u can stop by the O b se rve r o ffic e s and p ic k up o lder issues (4747 N .E . M a rtin L u th e r K in g , Jr. B lv d .). B e g in n in g N ovem ber 28, the N o w , s p e c ific a lly and in a nar­ row sense, “ O ffic e A t H o m e " is an a c tiv ity o f ju s t the son the name im p lie s; cle rica l-a cco u n tin g w o rk is perform ed. T h is a c tiv ity m ay a. be in support o f yo u r personal a ffa irs; b. fa c ilita te yo u r conduct o f an e m p lo y e r’ s a ffa irs where most o f yo u r w o rk is “ in the fie ld (see the January issue o f ‘ ‘ B la ck E nterprise” magazine fo r a very e xce lle n t article on the subject) c. serve as the a d m in is tra ­ tive headquarters o f yo u r o w n business enterprise w h ic h is engaged in the sale o f merchandise, sevice o r in fo rm a tio n . In an e a rlie rc o lu m n l described the " D ro p S h ip m e n t” m e th o d o fs e llin g merchandise o r equipm ent by the m a il order process ( “ D ire c t M a rk e tin g ” ). In this system you establish a relationship w ith the o rig in a l m anufacturer (O .M .) such that w hen your custom er answers your p rin t o r television ad fo r the p ro d ­ uct, you c o lle c t from the custom er an­ swers yo u r p rin t or television ad fo r the a rticle s you w ant a re 1 ‘ W hen is A t Home N o t A t H o m e ” , “ T here’ s No Place L ik e H o m e , The E le ctro n ic Hom e C o n ­ product, you co lle c t fro m the custom er and then n o tify the “ O .M .” to ship the item d ire c tly to the custom er. T h is c lu d e d ” . There is a q uaint term used in advice was given to those readers w ho queried, “ H ow can I a ffo rd to finance, the econom ic literature o f the western countries, “ C O T T A G E IN D U S T R Y ” . ship, o r even manage to space to store the m erchandise?” Y o u d o n ’ t! T he reference is to an e a rlie r system w hereby an urban corporation w o u ld p ro vid e scattered households w ith raw A n d , o f course, the answer to “ how can I a ffo rd to carry a ll these unknow n, unseen people on cre d it? ’ ’ O r m aterials and tools fo r the home m anu­ facture o f various goods and appliances. The corporation w o u ld p e rio d ic a lly c o lle c t the finished goods, paying the w o rke rs (usually w om en) at piece w o rk rates. There was ram pant e x p lo ita tio n “ The C .O .D . process is ju s t too cum ber some to be bothered w ith .” - i s arrange w ith your bank fo r the acceptance o f under this system and both governm ent and union have w orked at b rin g in g an end to the inequities that abounded in the system. T oday, an in n o v a tiv e w o rkfo rce has found new and p ro fita b le c re d it cards. Y o u ’ ve seen a ll those t.v. ads fo r various merchandise g iv in g an “ 800 num ber” o r post o ffic e box to expedite the sale by c re d it card; proba­ b ly you have made purchases in this manner. C a ll A T & T , 1-800-222-0300, o r advertise yo u r wares in p rin t media, maga/ines-newspapers. Census Bureau to Survey Area Households L o ca l representatives o f the U.S. Census Bureau w ill re v is it selected area households beginning D ecem ber 1 to con d u ct its Survey o f Incom e and P ro­ gram P a rticip a tion (S IP P ), L e o C. S c h illin g , d ire c to r o f the bureau’ s Se­ attle regional o ffic e , announced. SIPP is a n a tionw ide c o n tin u in g survey introduced in the fa ll o f 1983. It is one o f the n a tio n ’ s largest, w ith about 20,000 households p a rticip a tin g . The Census Bureau publishes p e riodic re ­ ports w ith in fo rm a tio n fro m the survey. Subjects covered include the fo llo w in g ; *Jobs ♦The p lo ym e n t, *H o w and earnings. econom ic effects o f unem ­ d is a b ility , and retirem ent. taxes a ffe c t personal spend­ ing. ♦P a rticip a tio n in program s such as Social Security, Medicare, m edicaid, and fo o d stamps. In fo rm a tio n from SIPP helps p o lic y makers and administrators determine how w e ll governm ent program s are serving the p u b lic and ho w changes in program s and p o lic ie s w ill a ffe c t the p u b lic. Here are some facts on health in su r­ ance based upon a 28-month survey period ending in M a y 1987 (the sample size lim its accurate re p o rtin g to n ational fig ­ ures o n ly); ♦ A b o u t 28 percent o f U.S. residents lacked health insurance fo r a least a m onth d u rin g the period. ♦The survey showed that 7 percent o f the po p u la tio n was covered fo r six months o r less. ♦ T h irty percent o f men lacked con­ tinuous health insurance d u rin g the pe­ riod compared w ith 27 percent to women. ♦Some 52 percent o f Hispanics lacked insurance fo r at least a m onth. O th e r p ro ­ portions were 38 percent fo r blacks and 26 percent fo r W hites. P rivate health insurance covered 90 percent o f whites and about 75 percent o f B lacks and H is ­ panics fo r at least one m onth. ♦ O n e -h a lf o f persons aged 18 to 24 had no insurance fo r a m onth o r more, and 12 percent were covered fo r under seven months. A ll o f this is real lim e qu ite practical business a c tiv ity being con­ ducted fro m th e ir home by m illio n s o f A m ericans. I have detailed in this c o l­ um n and in m y “ Baseline Essay” a r­ ticles on the fro n t pages how I have been using this m e thodology to m arket m y C u rric u lu m and Lesson Plan designs on a n a tio n w id e bases. There is no lim it to w hat can be accom plished w ith the “ e le ctro n ic in te rfa ce ” . L ittle people are fin d in g a vehicle fo r in n o va tio n and fo r ideas they have nursed fo r years before fin d in g an avenue fo r expression. W hereas in 1 9 6 9 1 invested $47,000 in a s im ila r operation, I have gotten this far w ith cash payments out o f m y social security check (O b v io u s ly , there is a p o in t at w h ic h one w ill have to buy advanced equipment to handle large busi­ ness). B y then you can a ffo rd it! A n anecdote fro m m y past O n 5 D ecem ber 1 attended Sabin E lem entary S ch o o l’ s Parent-Teacher A ssociation (P T A ) m eeting. The parent attendance was belter than e a rlie r m eet­ ings; how ever, there rem ains a great deal o f room fo r in vo lve m e n t on o u r part so as to have th is body better re fle ct the Sabin student p o pulation. W e are fortunate to have M r. R ic h ­ ard Bunch as V ice-P resident o f the Sabin P T A . He is a serious man w ho has the w ell-being and educational developm ent o f o u r ch ild re n at heart. He is tru ly a man o f action. A t the 5 D ecem ber Sabin m eeting it was agreed that the P T A w o u ld take care o f p ro v id in g gloves fo r o u r safety patrol. The Sabin student safely pa tro l had been w o rk in g w ith o u t gloves and there had been m any co m p la in ts o f co ld hands and fingers fro m o u r p a tro l ch ild re n . Some ch ild re n had to leave th e ir street posts experience in industry m ay th ro w m ore lig h t on the m odem version o f ‘ ‘ Cottage that covered the eleven western sta te s- se lling e v e ryth in g fro m je w e lry to sport­ ing goods and silverw are to appliances, you name it. T hat year, e ig h t days before X m as we were ru n n in g o u t o f merchandise o f a ll kin d s and even the executives were d riv in g a ll o ver Los A ngeles co u n ty to scrounge up m e r­ chandise to f i l l the orders. A t 8 p.m . one n ig h t I drove up to an indicated street nubm er in East L .A . lo o k in g fo r the fa cto ry o f the “ W estern H ig h w a y Flare K it C orpora­ tio n ” . H e sita n tly, I was adm itted and inside found 12 members o f a H ispanic fa m ily -m e n , women, and ch ild re n -b u sy assem bling flare k its on the flo o r o f every dow nstairs room . C h ild re n ke p t a steady stream o f parts co m in g fro m a backyard garage. IT C A N B E D O N E ! Girls And Bovs IVÎ Equally Affected By Reading Disability C o n tra ry to the p re v a ilin g b e lie f that m ore boys than g irls have reading d is­ a b ility , the results o f a new study in d i­ cate that both sexes are affected in equal numbers. In a study o f 445 ch ild re n from kindergarten to th ird grade, H IC H D - patrol ch ildren are p ro v id in g a safety coldness to their hands. A t tim es our c h ild re n 's hands had been made num b service and they need to be comm ended and supported by us. O u r Sabin P T A ’ s by the c o ld and th e ir sticks had been decision to provide gloves was ignored and usurped by the Sabin P T A P resident dropped. M y concern is that the President o f the Sabin P T A a rb itra rily decided to ignore the P T A ’ s consensus to provide 1 expressed m y concern and anger to Sabin P T A V ice-President Bunch and he personally secured a lim ite d num ber o f that she d id not feel the P T A body meant to re a lly p ro vid e o u r safety pa tro l c h il­ pair o f gloves that same day! I t is both fru stra tin g and tim e consum ing that this m ailer was not handled in the manner agreed upon by the Sabin P T A . It is equally sad that the Sabin P T A President fa ile d to do the rig h t th in g . The ca llo u s­ dren w ith gloves. She fu rth e r stated that our ch ild re n should drop out o f safety ness expressed by her tow ards o u r Sabin populace needs to be confronted and patrol i f they d id not kn o w to wear gloves dealt w ith . Parents, it is so im p o rta n t fo r us to gel in vo lve d and to stay in vo lve d w ith gloves fo r o u r young patrol. W hen ques­ tioned about her refusal, she firs t tried “ passing the b u ck’ ’ -b la m in g another fo r her decision. A fte r fu rth e r ta lk, she stated or i f they d id not have gloves to wear du rin g the co ld weather, etc. T hat k in d o f callous attitude is both very distressing and troubling. 1 am angry and I hope that every parent feels lik e ­ wise. O u r ch ild re n need encouragem ent- not discouragem ent! The Sabin safety our P TA s and schools. R em em ber that our ch ild re n are o u r fu tu re . W e a ll need to be there fo r our ch ild re n ! The address to Sabin Elem entary School is 4013 N.E. 18th here in Pordand. Bills Kwik Mart In d u s try ” . In 1 9 5 9 ,1 v/as the in ve n to ry accountant fo r the Stanley Law rence C o., a huge Los A ngeles m a il order firm and return to school early because o f the I fin d it hard to be lieve that so called “ B la ck Lea d e rsh ip ” in P ortland, O re ­ gon has chosen to rem ain sile n t regarding the brutal and unnecessary death o f brother Charles W illia m s , age 28. W illia m s was k ille d Saturday, D ecem ber 1st, 1990 by em ployees o f B i l l ’ s K w ik M a rt, located at 3510 N E M a rtin L u th e r K in g , Jr. B lvd . It has been rum ored that em ployees o f K w ik M a rt have, on num erous occa­ sions, beaten and assaulted w ith sticks and clubs innocent persons, and have threatened them w ith firearm s. The ow n e r o f K w ik M a rt claim s that W illia m s was s h o p liftin g ( d iffic u lt to believe, since it is kn o w n that W illia m s ’ w a lle t contained in excess o f S300 at the tim e ); but, even i f that w ere the case, is that reason enough to take a life ? I th in k not. T h is type o f abuse cannot, and w ill not, be tolerated. N o w is the tim e to put a stop to this total disregard fo r human life . Since D ecem ber 3rd, members o f both the bla ck and w h ile com m unities have voiced their great dissatisfaction w ith the actions o f the s ta ff o f B i l l ’ s K w ik M a rt. A p icke t lin e has been in force since this date and w ill continue u n til ju s tic e is served. W h y has “ B la ck Lea d e rsh ip ” in P ortland been so ve ry, so noticeably quiet in this matter. What are Ron Herndon and the B la c k U nited F ro n t doing about the h o m icid e o f brother W illia m s ? R ev­ erend Green, Reverend M artin (o f PUSH, People U n ite d to Save H u m a n ity), where arc you? I th in k that a human life is w o rth m ore than a damned p a ir o f tennis shoes. 1 th in k , som ehow , that it should w hat does it take to get you to respond? H arold W illia m s ( o f the B la ck M e n ’ s Coalition), another brother has died need­ lessly, w h y are you now silent? 1 know that there is not a m u ltitu d e o f press and television cameras covering this “ e ve n t.” I hope that this is not the reason fo r the current silences o f our leaders.” In the m eantim e, the members o f the c o m m u n ity-rich and poor, black and w hite-those whose faces aren’ t seen in fro n t o f the w eekly m edia, these are the people whose faces can be seen m a in ­ ta in in g the v ig il in fro n t o f the K w ik M a rt store. B lack Leaders, lead, stand up and be counted among us. W e m ust stop the violence. We m ust stop the k illin g in o u r com m unity. Sincerely, F rederick Douglass W ashington, Jr. count m ore. D r. T u k u fu o f the Urban League, R obert P h illip s o f the N A A C P , rem J# From the Staff at the Portland Observer ■.-¿•.'.«l+KrX-.vv.vvfc;*.*: supported researchers at Y a le U n ive rsity School o f M e d icin e in N e w Haven, C onnecticut and the U n iv e rs ity o f Texas at A u s tin found no s ig n ific a n t d iffe r­ ences in the num ber o f g irls w ith reading d is a b ility com pared to the num ber o f FACTORY STORE. boys. T h is fin d in g , how ever, o n ly ap­ p lie d to those c h ild re n whose reading im p a irm e n t was diagnosed by a special test designed to measure reading achieve­ ment. In contrast, w hen ch ild re n were id e n tifie d by th e ir schools as being read­ NO SHOPPING CONSULTANTS. NO SHUTTLE SERVICE. NO LINGERIE. ing im paired, 13.6 percent o f the boys and 3.2 percent o f the g irls in the study were said to have reading d iffic u ltie s . F rom these results, investigators have concluded that school identification alone is not alw ays a re liable w ay o f measuring reading d is a b ility in c h ild re n . ¡¡is -Li? J l L i IT* PORTLAND OBSERVER POfmflWjfcteKYK (USPS 959-680) OREGON'S OLDEST AFRICAN AMERICAN PUBLICATION Established in 1970 Alfred L. Henderson Publisher Joyce Washington Operations Manager Gary Ann Garnett Business Manager Leon Harris Editorial Manager The PORTLAND OBSERVER Is published weekly by Exie Publishing Com pany, Inc. 4747 N.E. M.L.K., Jr. Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97211 P.O. Box 3137 Portland, Oregon 97208 (503) 288-0033 (Office) FAX#: (503) 288-0015 The Portland Observer can be sent directly to your home for only $25.00 per year. 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The Portland O bserver--Oregon's Oldest African-American Publication - is a member of The National Newspaper Association - Founded m 1885, and The National Advertis­ ing Representative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc., New York, NY. zip-code FACTORY STORE Thank You For Reading the Portland Observer PORTLAND OBSERVER "The Eyes and Ears ol the Community Office: (503)200-0033 Fax#: (503)200-0015 Just discontinued and irregular athletic shoes, apparel and accessories. 3044 NE Martin Luther King Blvd., Portland, OR 97212, (503) 281-5901 I t ÉÊÎ'«'ifî * . i . » *■ ' V5Í •; -V .,« , •