■ A y w »»>1 4 » t »W «R Hag*. »••• I hv P o rtla n d O b s e rv e r—D e c e m b e r 12, 1990 Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS HELP WANTED PLANNER MANUFACTURING PROCESS TECHNICIAN PLANNER, ASSOCIATE: City of M il­ waukie, OR Salary - $2,210 to $2,686/mo. D .O .Q , plus excellent benefits Position performs a vari­ Tektronix Inc., a Fortune 500 firm and world leader in test and measure­ ety of tasks, including project work, ment equipment, offers immediate and is expected to exercise inde­ openings for Manufacturing Proc­ pendent judgement and initiative in ess Technicians at our Beaverton perform ance of assignm ents. A s­ Circuit Board Operations and are sociate planner has opportunity for soliciting interested applicant for challenging work assignm ents in future openings at our Forest Grove development review and zoning facility. administration long-range and proj­ ect planning and inter-departm en­ Responsibilities will include setting up and operating basic equipment for tal coordination and liaison. Special the manufacturing of quality two expertise or project experience in sided circuit boards,a and develop­ transportation housing or historic ing and utilizing process change resources planning is necessary. documentation. You must possess Strong writing, public com m unica­ the ability to operate multiple and/or tion and basic designs and graphic more complex equipment functions, skills are essential for this position. including equipment set-up of N.C. This position requires three years drill, rout, scrubbers, laminators, experience employing technical skills printers, and developers including a in the field of urban planning and a variety of wet processing equip­ Bachelor’s degree in urban plan­ ment. ning preferred. City em ploym ent application packets will be available Requires proficiency in multiple proc­ ess functions , including the use of at the City of Milwaukie Personnel complex precision measuring in­ Office on M onday, Decem ber struments, recognizing and correct­ 17,1990. Interested applicants must ing minor equipment malfunctions, submit com pleted job application, and knowledge of data systems supplemental questionnaire and and ability to interpret data. You written exam ination on or before must have an understanding of safety 5:00 PM, W ednesday, January 23, and chemical handling procedures 1991 at the Personnel Office, City sufficient to provide training to other of Milwaukie, 10722 SE Main Street, employees. Knowledge of circuit Milwaukie,OR 97222; 659-5171 or board work flow is desired. Fax 652-4433. EEO. Tektronix offers a com petitive pack­ age of compensation and benefits. HEALTH CARE If you are interested in working in COME JOIN THE CHALLENGING the circuit board industry and meet FIELD OF the above minimal requirements, CORRECTIONAL HEALTH please send your resume to: Cindy SERVICES B enson T a ylo r, DS F 1-293, Oregon Department of Corrections is Tektronix, Inc., P.O. Box 3000, recruiting Pharmacist and Dental Forest Grove. Assistant positions to work on con­ tract of correction facility in the Port­ We are an equal opportunity employer m/f/h. land area. Hourly wages negotiable. To inquire, contact Cindy Linville at (503) 378-2581 from 8 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday. The State of Oregon is an Equal Opportunity Employer. HEALTH CARE COME JOIN THE CHALLENGING FIELD OF CORRECTIONAL HEALTH SERVICES Oregon Department of Corrections is recruiting Registered Nurses for medical and mental health depart­ ment and Pharmacist positions for correctional facilities in the Salem area. The State offers excellent retirement and other fringe bene­ fits, including Tort liability insurance. To inquire, contact Cindy Linville at (503) 378-2581 from 8 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday. The State of Oregon is an Equal Opportunity Employer. JtiNWlfal Through Diversity he innovative spirit at SAFECO built on the idea that involve­ T is ment in several arenas not only expands our options—it expands yours. This philosophy is as true in our product and service offerings as it is in our approach to reward­ ing every employee As one of America's largest diversified finan­ cial corporations, we otter excel­ lent salaries and an innovative benefits package Our commitment to innovation and diversity is also reflected in the unique blend of cultures and customs in our people By taking an active role in equal opportu- , nity efforts, we can more readily meet the needs of an increasingly complex marketplace. To that end. we particularly invite minority, sen lor. and disabled applicants to explore employment opportunities in areas such as claims, under­ writing, and clerical support In return for vour efforts, you can expect a very competitive starting salary an excellent benefits pack­ age, and salary increases based on performance. Please forward your resume to SAFECO Insurance Companies, Attn Personnel. 4101 S.W Kruse Way. Lake Oswego, OR SAFECO TELEMARKETERS WANTED TEKTRONIX, INC. COUNSELING COUNSELOR AIDE ALPHA HOUSE Starting salary $951-$1040 per month plus benefits. CODA Inc. seeks full time counselor aide at Alpha House Adult residen­ tial Treatm ent Facility to: provide overnight facility and client supervi­ sion from 10pm Friday till 8am Saturday; 10pm Saturday till Bam Sunday and midnight Sunday till 10am Monday. Coordinate client food stamp registration, organize weekly food orders, shop, schedule backup workers, perform various client services. These duties are performed from 11am till 9pm on Thursdays. To qualify: applicants PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE MANAGER C Assistant District Forester $ 2 5 1 3 -$ 3 5 3 8 The Oregon Department of Forestry currently has an opening for a Prin­ cipal Executive/Manager C, Assis­ tant District Forester in Astoria. This announcem ent is to fill the current vacancy. Submit an application now if you wish to be considered for this job classification, the Assistant District Forester assists the District Forester in planning, budgeting, organizing, staffing, implementing, controlling, and evaluating the State Forest program. Announcement closes January 3, 1991. Contact Department of For­ estry Personnel Section, 2600 State Street, Salem, 97310, (503) 378- 2565 for job announcement, test questions, and applications. PORT OF PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Microcom puter Analyst l/ll will pro­ vide end-user support for m icro­ com puter systems, assist in devel­ oping new applications on m icro­ computers, adm inister the Port's m icrocom puter procurement and inventory, and ensure that m icro­ com puter repairs and installations are accomplished. This position will close Friday, December 14, 1990, at 5:00 p.m. KGON Radio Earn $10 1 5/hr. Wotk from home. Must Part-time Phone research - evenings - Must have experience. Send res­ be profr sional. W e provide lists, ume to: Research, 4614 S.W. Kelly, scripts 6. ongoing direction. Work Portland, Oregon 97201 An Equal your own schedule, full or part time. Opportunity Employer. Call 503-284-3413. OCEANOGRAPHY OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY Scientific Program m er and Analyst (Research Assistant). W ork will involve the application of numerical models in studies o, coastal physi­ cal oceanography. Duties will in­ clude programming, computing, and analyzing results from numerical models of continental shelf and slope flow fields. Oceanographic and at­ mospheric data will be analyzed and used for model input and evalu­ ations. M .S ., or B.S. with equivalent experience, in physical oceanogra­ phy or related field required. Expe­ rience in the study of physical oceanographic flow processes, in the application of numerical solu­ tion procedures for partial differen­ tial equations, and in the use of statistical data analysis techniques is highly desirable. Com puter pro­ gramming experience is required with knowledge of FORTRAN and UNIX desirable. Salary range is $24,000 - $30,000, depending on qualifications. Resume with names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references must be re­ ceived by 11 January 1991. Send to Dr. John S. Allen, College of Ocean­ ography, Oregon State University, Oceanography Admin Bldg. 104, Corvallis, OR 97331-5503. Oregon State University is an AA/EO employer and has a policy of being responsive to the needs of dual­ career couples. DIRECTOR OF CAMPUS AND BUILDING PLANNING The Oregon State System of Higher Education is seeking a Director of Campus and Building Planning to work with the eight colleges and universities to prepare campus master plans to review plans and specifications for construction proj­ ects, to coordinate system activi­ ties regarding energy, hazardous materials (e.g. asbestos), pubiic art, and handicapped accessibility Candidates should have significant experience in architecture, project management, planning and/or public works contracting. Good oral and written presentation skills are nec­ essary. Higher education experi­ ence is preferred. The expected salary is in the $40’s. Applications must be received by Jan 11,1991. Please call (503) 346-5783 for an application packet, or write to Fa­ cilities Division, Oregon State Sys­ tem of Higher Education, PO Box 3175, Eugene, Oregon 97403. The Oregon State System of Higher Education is an equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. Women, minorities & handicapped persons are especially encouraged to apply. OCEANOGRAPHY OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY Research Assistant, Marine Resource Management. Fixed term half-time (may increase to full time) to help administer Marine resource Mgt. Grad. Program in OSU Coll, of Oceanography. Salary $27,000 (full time). MS in nat. resource mgt. field with marine or coastal emphasis, IBM PC com puter skills required. Administrative experience helpful. Applications must be received by Dec. 31. Apply: J. J. Gonor, College of Oceanography, Oregon State University, Oceanography Admin Bldg 104, Corvallis, OR 97331-5503. Oregon State University is an AA/ EO employer and has a policy of being responsive to the needs of dual-career couples. EMPLOYMENT Lost Your Job? Earn $2,700, weekly W ork at home. Easy Fun . Legal. Guarantee. Write: ISBE -C 322 W. Compton Blvd. #100-B Compton, CA 90220 & Advertising Employment 388 Bids/Sub-Bids CITY OF GRESHAM BUDGET ANALYST $2,530 - $3,226/m onth Immediate opening tor a budget Analyst to perform budget preparation and analysis, financial analysis and conduct related m anagement stud­ ies. Bachelor's degree in econom ­ ics, accounting, or finance plus two years professional budget or finan­ cial analysis experience in a m u­ nicipal setting is required. A M as­ ter's degree in Public Adm inistra­ tion or other relevant experience and education may substitute for some of the requirements. Submit a completed City application, resume and supplemental question- nairetothe Human Resources Divi­ sion, 501 NE Hood Ave., Suite 100, Gresham, OR 97030 by 5:00 p.m., December 21,1990. A pre-em ploy­ ment physical examination and drug screen is required. CITY OF GRESHAM IS AN EQUAL O P P O R T U N IT Y /A F F IR M A T IV E ACTION EMPLOYER. MULTNOMAH COUNTY MANAGED CARE COORDINATOR Social Services Division - $29,691 - $34,431 annually; provide collabo­ rative planning and procurement of treatment and support services for the seriously mentally ill children and their families; requires the equivalent of a Master’s degree in a mental health field and two years of professional experience in the pro­ vision of mental health services to children and families; apply by December 21, 1990. W HERE TO APPLY Multnomah County Employee Services, Room 1430,1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Port­ land, OR 97204. Multnomah County is an Equal Op­ portunity Employer offering an excellent benefit package. 50 + NEW POSITIONS To receive applications, check th e box o f each position th at interests you & m ail th is com pleted ad to: Snohomish County Dept of Personnel, 1st Floor, County Admin. Bldg., Everett, WA 98201. □ ENGINEER IV $3336-4053 □ ENGINEER III $3174-3860 □ ENGINEER II $2878-3500 □ ENGINEER 1 $2612-3174 □ PLANNER, Sr. $2878-$3500 □ PLANNER, Assoc. $2370-$2878 Engineering Oper. Admin, Surface Water Management Design/Traffic/Conatruction Surface Water Water Quality/ Design/Materials Geologist Surface Water Watershed Planning/Public Involvement-Environmental Public Involvement-Environmental □ ENGINEERING TECH, Sr. $2742-3336 □ ENGINEERING TECH. IV $2370-$2878 Construction/Survey Survey/Design/construction/Traffic/Surface Water Drainage/Design Technical Support □ ENGINEERING TECH. Ill $2256-2742 ' □ ENGINEERING TECH II $2047-2490 □ COMPLIANCE OFFICER $2370-2878 Traffic/Survey Progam Planning Graphics/ Trariic/Design Technical Support Program Planning □ TRAFFIC SIGNAL TECH./ELECT. $2742-3336 Traffic □ PERMIT COORDINATOR I $2149-2612 Land Use Review □ DATA PROCESSINO « REAL PROPERTY SP EC IA U STII $24903026 Right-of-Way □ REAL PROPERTY SPECIALIST I $2256-2742 Right-of-Way N am e ______________________________ As the leader in computing services, ADP Is at the forefront of the fastest Browing Industry in the world, end our Dealer Sorvlces division in Port­ land Is one of our largest business areas. If you like a fast-paced environment, look Into this opportunity for a Deve'°P_„r Wlona9er * * Utilizing your project manage­ ment skills as well as structured methodologies end software devel­ opment knowledge, you will lead a teem of professionals developing and maintaining Internal and busi­ ness application databases. In addi­ tion, you will schedule work and allocate resources; oversee technical and personnel management; train personnel; and provide statusfman- power reports to upper manage­ ment. To qualify, y o u should possess a BS in Computer Science, Math antVor equivalent experience, end a m inim um of 3-4 years' data process­ ing experience, to Include program­ ming, design, systems analysis and project leadership. Additionally, you'll need 3+ years' experience managing technical professionals. ADP offers a competitive salary and benefits package, Including stock sharing and career develop­ ment tuition reimbursement. Please send your resume, including salary history, to: ADP Dealer Ser­ vices, Human Resources, 7525 SW First, Suite 4bO, Portland, Oregon 9/2 01. W e are an equal opportunity employer. St. Vincent Villa Address____________________________ City____________ State______ Zip_____ Completed applications must be returned by 12/21/90 Holladay Park Medical Center ItC A C Y 1225 Northeast 2nd Avenue (503) 233-4567 Committed to Carter Opportunity ? or A tt Americans 24-Hour Job Line 239-3116 An Equal Opportunity Employer A Legacy Member Q U A L IT Y ASSURANCE PROFESSIONALS Batlelle. Pacific Northwest Laboratories, a prem ier research and developm ent laboratory located in R ichland. W ashington, is currently recruiting tor Q uality Assurance Professionals for its expanding departm ent As a Quality Assurance Professional perform ing quality engineering assistance, systems developm ent, and QA program training, p rim ary duties w ill include evaluating, verifying and providing support to a wide spectrum of Battelle a ctivities Q u alified candidates should have a broad-base know ledge of research and developm ent QA and QC principles A degree in Engineering or Physical S cience is strongly preferred Located in south-central Washington, the Tri Cities area otters affordable homes, excellent schools, a low crim e rate, and plenty of outdoor activities Q ualified candidates should subm it a resum e and salary history to B a tte lle . P a c ific N o rth w e s t L a b o ra to rie s . R e c ru itm e n t C enter, A ttn : M. A. A .. P.O. B o x 1406, R ic h la n d , WA 99352. W om en and m inorities are encouraged to apply Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories Apts. For Rent, North Portland S U B S ID IZ E D H O U S IN G fo r the lanbdicappcd and/or disabled. 30 u n i’ Community Resource Aide ;le v ator bu i Id ing i s under construe tio r jn d is due to open M arch 1,1991. Foi n o rc in fo rm a tio n o r to make applica ;ion, please ca ll 288-3186. Equal Housing Opportunity. HELP WANTED Guardian Management Corp, Earn $500 to $1500 weekly stuffing envelopes at home no experience. For free information send self ad­ dressed stamped envelope to Metro Data Assoc., P.O. Box 9306, Li­ vonia, Ml 48151 SPECIAL NOTICE American Collections America's fastest growing collection service. Medical, dental, retail, com­ mercial. No collection, no fee. Call toll-free, 1-800-395-0108. W c arc in need o f an in d iv id u a l to jo in cu ltu ra l and econom ic groups. M u st the s ta ff o f a federal grant designed to have v a lid drive rs license and good d r iv ­ serve ch e m ica lly dependent m others/ ing record. c h ild re n /fa m ilic s . D uties include pro- Interested applicants please apply to the v id in g /co o rd in a tin g transportation fo r State o f O regon E m p lo ym e n t D iv is io n , client, assisting clients in keeping appts., 5411 N E M a rtin L u th e r K in g B lv d ., p e rfo rm in g home help services in c lu d ­ Suite B, 9 A M -4 P M , M -F . R efer to ing laundry, b a b ysittin g , grocery shop­ order #1111123. p in g , etc. Requires some experience in Emanuel Hospital dealing w ith social services o r co m m u ­ n ity organizations,experience w ith c h il- dren and a b ility to lif t and carry same, a b ility to m odel good parenting s k ills and interact p o s itiv e ly w ith the e thic. & Health Center 2801 N . G antcnbein P ortland, O r. 97227 M em ber o f Legacy Health System Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/H