A Top CEBA Winner! More Black Children In Poverty, Study Finds Nearly half of the nation’s black children live below the poverty line, and vast numbers of those children, particu­ larly in the Northeast and the Midwest, are sinking deeper into poverty. These are among the conclusions of a research study recently completed by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Stud­ ies. A summary of the findings will be reported at a half-day conference con­ vened by the Joint Center to discuss the Independent television producer worsening economic status of black chil­ Sheila Brooks won top honors in the dren and explore potential policy solu­ 1990 CEBA Awards of Excellence for tions. Best Television Documentary in the WHEN: Monday, December 10,12:45 Country during the recent 13th annual p.m. The research findings CEBA Awards presentation at the New will be presented at a lunch­ York Hilton Hotel. Ms. Brooks’ one hour eon session that opens the documentary, “ The Color of Death,” conference. examined the problems of drug-related W H ERE: Sheraton Carlton Hotel violent crime in the nation’s capitol, 923 16th Street, NW Washington, DC. The documentary was (at K Street) shown on the FOX Broadcasting affili­ Washington D.C. ate, WTTG-TV, Channel 5, in Washing­ Mt. Vernon Room (Banquet level) ton. Presented by the World Institute of PARTICIPANTS: Black Communications, Inc., the Com­ Eddie N. Williams munications Excellence to Black Audi­ President ences (CEBA) Awards are presented to Joint Center for Political and “ corporations, advertising agencies and Economic Studies individuals who recognize the value of Cynthia Rexroat, Ph.D. human dignity, cultural diversity and Clemson University, ethnic pride in marketing to African Department of Sociology, American consumers.” and Former Joint Center research Associate for the project on black childhood poverty December 12,1990 - The Portland Observer- Page 7 SELF ENHANCEMENT. INC. $29,724 - $39,636 The Oregon Public Utility Com m is­ sion has an opening for an econo­ mist to conduct research concern­ ing the development of longrange policies for utility regulation. To qualify, you must have 2 years ex­ perience in engineering, economic research and analysis, or utility auditing or accounting; AND a Bachelor’s degree in engineering, econom ics, or a relevant scientific discipline, or 3 more years of rele­ vant experience. A M aster’s de­ gree in engineering, economics, or a relevant scientific discipline can substitute for up to 1 year of the required experience. Course work . in engineering, economics, or a relevant scientific discipline beyond a M aster’s degree can substitute for up to 1 additional year of the required experience. For applica­ tion materials, call 503/373-7949. Applications accepted util 1-14-91. FREE BROCHURE Oregon Mountain Wreaths Door swags, Centerpieces, Garlands or other fine gilts. Corporate or Personal. 5 6 1 3 Nashville Road Eddyville, OR 9 7 3 4 3 (503) 8 7 5 -2 1 5 8 Wigland KWANZAA, "A C om m unity A ffa ir" THE 1990 3RD ANNUAL W INTER RALLY One of the Northwest Largest Wig Displays Wigs and Hairpieces For all Nationalities E va G abor N aomi S ims R enee of P aris WED. DECEMBER 19TH H arriet T ubm an M iddle School 2231 North Flint Synthetic & Human Hair For Braiding & Weeving p i l l (Cafeteria) 7 :0 0 Featuring... THE BLACK EDUCATION CENTER (KWANZAA PRESENTATION) Mon - Fr. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday 10 - 5:30 pm THE WOODLAWN AFRICAN DANCERS Near Lloyd Center THE S.E.I. PARENT CHOIR 282-1664 THE S.E.I. STANDARDS 1105 (S.E.I. Elementary, Middle & High School Participants) N .E . B r o a d w a y F r e e C h r i s t m a s S to c k in g • C a s h A w a rd s • D o o r P riz e Clo oulitaïuhiiÿ SCI Achievers) (Tu Slit f\irtici/*tilts) F o r I n f o r m a t io n c o n ta c t: SIZI P a r e n t C o o r d i n a t o r s A d a R e e d o r A n to in e tte E d w a rd s a t 24 9 -1 7 2 1 1 2 th Annual I \ * , , J”" 114«' CLASSIFIEDS ECONOMIST < presents Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote!!! Best Cash Prices DAD'S OIL SERVICE Heating Oils 104 NE Russel St. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 282-5111 ..-C'" S an ta Loves Us, You WiU Too! The B e au tifu l O ld S t. J o h n s P o st O ffice s e ts o ff th e C harm a n d V alue o f H a n d m ad e G ifts a n d D e co ra tio n s by O ver 3 0 0 local a r tis ts a n d c r a fte rs . O p en EVERY DAY t h r u C h ristm a s Eve i t ’s th e p e rfe c t p lac e to fin d th e pei feet g ift. E ach o n e u n iq u e , clev er, p ra c tic a l o r b e a u tifu l, to le -p a in te d o r e m b ro id e re d , sc ro ll-saw n o r h a n d q u ilte d . C re ated w ith d e lig h t to m ak e y o u r hom e, y o u r tre e and y o u r loved o n e s feel filled w ith th e S p irit o f C h ristm a s' O pen E v er y D a y In th e WARM. DRY & BEAU TIFU L OLD ST. JOHNS POST OFFICE 8 7 2 0 N. Ivanhoe H w y 3 0 . c r o s s t h e St. J o h n s B r id g e , left at lig h t M O N -SA T 9 3 0 - 5 :3 0 F R ID A Y S 9 .3 0 - 9 OO t SUNDAYS NOON 5 00 Special Thank* To Art Riedel N EW IT E M S* Prices Effective 12/12 Thru 12/18/90 Safeway is in your Neighborhood to Stay STORES CLERK $1354-$1772 Monthly The Oregon State Highway Division seeks applicants for a vacancy in LaGrande. The person in this posi­ tion performs activities in a parts and supply warehouse such as loading boxes or trucks; maintains inventory, determines space require­ ments for storage of incoming ship­ ments; ensures security of all items; receives orders for parts and sup­ plies and issues items, responds to em ergency needs at any time. To apply, you must request an an­ nouncement, complete the supple­ mental checklist, and submit it along with your application. To obtain an announcement, call ODOT Person­ nel at (503) 378-6281, Applications must be returned by 5:00 p.m., Decem ber 28,1990. We are an AA/ EEO E m p l o y e r . ____________ PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE MANAGER C Assistant District Forester $ 2 5 1 3 -$ 3 5 3 8 The Oregon Department of Forestry currently has an opening for a Prin­ cipal Executive/Manager C, Assis­ tant District Forester in Astoria. This announcem ent is to fill tl.c current vacancy. Submit an application now if you wish to be considered for this job classification. The Assis­ tant District Forester assi-.o the District Forester in planning, budg­ eting, organizing, staffing, imple­ menting, controlling, and evaluat­ ing the State Forest program. Announcem ent closes January 3, 1991. Contact Department of For­ estry Personnel Section, 2600 State Street, Salem, 97310, (503) 378- 2565 for job announcement, test questions, and applications. 1 Volunteer for the Literacy Program! SAFEWAY B eef 7-Bone Chuck R oast Safeway quality grain-fed beef. 1/4-lnch Trim. Pot roast with plenty of potatoes and your favorite veggies for a hearty meal. Serve with a tossed salad and beverage to complete. « S e e d le s s Navel O ranges Large Size. Easy to peel and delicious to eat! Great snack citrus, perfect to pack into school and work lunches, terrific to add peeled sections to fruit salads and more! Sunkist _ - Lt>S. ' MS w ARTISTS