Page 6 -T h e Portland Observer-December 12, 1990 Portland Observer BUSINESS SERVICES DIRECTORY Shadow Masters & Sound BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Mary K. Richardson Director of In School Scouting Columbia Pacific Council 2145 SVV Front Ave. Portland, Oregon 97201 (503) 226-3423 ja 'b e ll’s Beauty • Barber • Nails Supplies 5832 N.E. Unton Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 281-6393 and 5?87 N. Lombard Street Portland, OR 97203 (503) 283-6085 Open: Sen. thru Set. 9 e.m. - 0 p.m. Golden Rule ‘Beauty Sofort Photography (503) 629-5930 P.O. Box 6311 Aloha, OR 97006 K iek P ra tt Le&ley E. H a i m m J Optimum Family Health Clinic * Dr. Jewell Crawford, M.D. 4722 N.E. Glisan Portland, Oregon (503) 232-5879 , ‘Donme s (503) 249-7204 Here is a program that meets human need with no funding. W here is your pocket book to help. They serve over 2,000 per month. Help!!! R e s ta u r a n t &. L ounge 7101 NE 82nd Avenue Portland, OR 97220 503/255-6722 $25.00 per month you can have a 1X2" ad in the Business Services Directory Garbage Service 1101 N.E. Alberta Portland, OR 97211 287-0262 Linda Sevier "BB Q O U R SPE C IA L T Y " CASON’S (A nytim e) Raleigh and Donnie Lewis For only ONE on ONE . Tax Service 317 N.E. Killingsworlh Portland, OR 97211 (503) 289-0851 Valerie Currie Tax Consultant 2 8 8 -5 4 2 9 plus Mary Paris Home: 282-0054 C ommunity C are ACCESSORIES Ready to Serve You as Always! 2723 N.E. 7th 281-7053 Buying Appliances Working or Not 288-3233 Jewelry African Sculpture • Masks African-American Books Framed /Vfrlcan-Amerlcan Prints Hand Painted Sweats, T-shirts Pants and Tops 925 N .E . B roadway P ortland , O R 97232 Location: McMurphy's R.D. Sevier & Son, Inc. Tax Returns Loof^ of ‘J(aiiiance Hair Salon & Supply Shop FIN E 3512 N.E. 15th Ave. Portland, OR 284-6365 MEATS (5 0 3 )2 8 5 -4 7 5 0 7406 N. Vancouver Portland, OR 97217 ----- - f TJ Sentry) ^M ark ets/ J Look of Radiance Wants You If You're Qualified 5933 NE Garfield Portland, Oregon 97211 ElonZella 3 locations Serving you CALL: 284-7980 y---------------------------- —2 — 503/774-0044 also stud service Lg. Beautiful male Lonnie Henderson 503-285-0042 TOO * € lAit nomN» Swie OO - 233-BOSS 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Enriched * Stimulating Learning Environment An Open Letter To The American People. Burger King wishes to go on record as supporting traditional American values on television, especially the importance of the family. We believe the American people desire television programs that reflect the values they are trying to instill in their children. We pledge to support such programs with our advertising dollars. BURGER KING CORPORATION © 1 9 9 0 BURGER KING CORPORATION $35.00 per set per month $30.00 delivery & installation R ental W asher Co. Portland Vancouver 231-7413 693-4000 P R O G R E S S IV E REALTY IN C . ORA L. HART, President 283-4542 - 281-3038 317 N.E. Killingsworth Portland, OR 97211 Downtown ^>i. 3 d mes C h ; / d 4 ' >& 1315 S.W. Parle 227-2439 Safe * Certified * Quality 225 N. Killingsworlh Portland, OR 97217 285-9008 Carolyn Sims, Owner EXECUTIVE MGMT ACCOUNTING HIGH-TECH ADMINISTRATIVE FINANCE BOOKKEEPING CLERICAL/OFFICE MARKETING SALES CONTROLLERS SECRETARIES 0ATA PROCESSING ENGINEERING W ASH ERS Hl DRYERS DOLLS It’s A Small World AKC Rottweiler Puppies Large Heads, Big Boned, Dark mahogany, from famous import, Schitt Bloodlines AFRO A M E R IC A N RENT P& J X BEAUTY & BARBER S U P P L IE S Open to Public 9-6 Delivery/Service 2948 NE MLK, Jr. Pe«y Portland. Or. 97212 249-1994