♦ . ♦ ♦ * *** -» * » « « -4 « 4» < « ** ♦ • * * • « < •> • • <»-«#♦ V ♦ » < * ♦ * S December 5,1990"-The Portland Observer-Page 3 i Portland Observer by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears RELIGION Scripture o f the ‘Wee^ CPs a im s 2 3 OBITUARY KCMS WELCOMES "Commissioned" in Concert Lucies C. Ellison was born July 19, 1905 to Alex and Frances Ford-Ellison. He was the second o f nine children. Known to all as L.C. or “ B aby” Ellison, he lived a full Christian life. Brother Ellison was ordained as a deacon in W arren, Arkansas at the Third Baptist Church in 1933 by the late Rev. W .H. W atson. He married Rosie Bowie on June 26, 1939 and later moved to Portland in 1942. A fter moving to Portland, they united with the Community Church in Vanport under the late Rev. Booker Carey. Brother Ellison lived an active life, participaling in various lodges and or­ ganizations. He held the Treasurer posi­ tion for the Billy W ebb Lodge #1050 I.B.P.O E.W. for 40 years, he was also a lifetim e member o f the N.A.A.C.P., was a m em ber and held offices in the E nter­ prise Lodge #1 F&AM PHA, W illamette Consistory #23, M inor Temple #68, C om m ander of the Rite PHA of Oregon, as well as the Urban League o f Portland. He also served as a Portland Police R e­ serve and was promoted as high as L ieu­ tenant. He was one of the Police Officers that escorted Dr. M artin Luther King upon his visit to Portland during the 1960’s. His very active life came to an end on November 23, 1990. He leaves to mourn his homegoing: his loving wife of 51 years, Rosie Ellison, a brother, W oodrow of San Francisco, California; two sisters, Catherine York o f San Fran­ cisco, and Flossie Cable o f Portland, Oregon. So long ‘ ‘ Baby ” , we ’ll see you later on. Sleep on and take your rest, we love you but God loves you best. YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND 7 PM 7 PM Maranatha Church Temple Theatre 4222 NE 12th Portland, OR 49 St. Helens Tacoma, WA 'A rts & crafts fair " AT TICKETS ON SALE AT TOE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: ONE STOP RECORDS, NE Killingsvorth and NE 16th Avenue; HOUSE OF SOUND, N Williams Ave. and Beech; MARANATHA CHURCH OFFICE, NE 12th and Skidmore [office entrance on 13th Avenue side] MT. OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH 116 N E S ch u y ler (at Broadway) Por 11 a n d , O regon S a tu rd a y , D ecem ber 15, 1990 1 0 -5 PM Presented by Canaan Productions Support our Advertisers— SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE PORTLAND OBSERVER NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH MRS C’ s WIGS Wholesale & Retail Hundreds of Wigs 1237 NE Failing For your everchanging lifestyles • Naomi Sims • Bornfree • Michael Weeks Betty Cabine proprietor TUES - SAT 11:30-6:00 And oilier name brands Morning Worship 9:30 am 11:15 am Y.P.W.W. Evening Worship 8:00 pm You are invited to worship with The New Testament family. 100% HUMAN HAIR FOR BRAIDING & WEAVING i L Where we preach Jesus Christ We teach the Bible We reach out and care for people Jesus Loves You/ iïllyjù Thaqpte Œ ’Before You Must" - Make a Decision - "Inquire about the services we offer" Cox Funeral Home, Inc, 2 4 Hr. S e rv ic e 281-4891 We are interested in your problems Shursh Psalm 34:3 Elder Leon Brew er Pastor 4236 NE Eighth Avenue (eom w of 8th 8 Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 Call (503) 287-0261 284-7594 MT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH •■i Planned ^Sunday, December 9, Dr. OC JONES will be guest speaker. Following the 11 am morning worship service, a reception will be held at the Mt. O livet Baptist Church, Schuyler Street location, at 2 pm. Everyone is encouraged to attend the banquet. Music will be provided by the Mass Choir under the direction o f Miss Karen Nance. Edward J. W ashington, Anniversary Chairman. On Decem ber 8 & 9, 1990, the members of Mt. Olivet Baptist Church will celebrate their pastor’s 3rd year Anniversary. On 12/8, a gala banquet w ill be held at the University o f Portland Com m ons Building at 8 pm, the doors will be opened. Tickets on sale at the church’s o f­ fice for $13 each. All tickets must be purchased no later than 12/06/90. There will be NO tickets sold at the door. Tuesday Prayer and Bible Band 7:30 pm Thursday Pastoral Teaching 7:30 * STUDENT DISCOUNTS 7th & Fremont ( 707 N.E. Fremont) Sunday School 7:00 p.m. Everything from current styles to specialty wigs unique hair ornaments Hair beads & beauty supplies Mrs. C’s Ebony Essence Cosmetics BEAUTICIAN Zuri Cosmetics 281 -6525 Pastor’s Anniversary WE ARE MOVING SUNDAY SERVICES TO Stone Tower Church, N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 3Oth Worship Services 8:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. Church School 9:30 AM. to 10:30 A.M. Bible Study. Wednesdays. 116 N.E.Schuyler 10:30 A.M. and 6:30 P.M. Radio Ministry each Sunday. 8:00 A.M.-KBMS A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler, Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor IVi HrsrnHinB H h iT rc H 4222 N.E. 12th Avenue Portland Oregon SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday School 9:00 A M M o rn in g W orship 10:30 A.M. Maranatha School of Ministry 6:30 P.M Mid Week Service Wednesday 7:30 P.M. M A R A N A T H A ........... Rev Wendell H Walaee Senior Pastor C H U R C H