f-v «' <- V age 4- l ht Portland Observer Noictnhvi 28, 1990 Hornana Observer ENTERTAINMENT Morgan Freeman Hopes to Change Attitudes With Positive Roles M organ Freeman M organ Freem an, who is one o f a handful o f black actors to be nominated for more than one Academy Award, said he hopes to change people’s attitudes by m aking m ovies that “ heal” and “ mend u s.” “ You know , 1 have a great opportu­ nity through the roles I choose to help educate us a ll,” Freeman told PARADE C ontributing Editor Wallace Terry, who interview ed him. “ I’m not a social do-gooder,” he added, “ but 1 find m yself more and more a cam paigner. I w ant to change people’s attitudes. About black people. About us as Am ericans. About America itself. I w ant to give us a belter historical per­ spective of ourselves, which will make us get along better.” Freeman, who was nominated for an O scar for “ Driving Miss D aisy” and also starred in “ G lory,” two movies which painted sympathetic portraits of Southern blacks, said he hopes to find more roles such as these. “ We never thought of this country as belonging to us,” he said of black Americans. “ We always thought of ourselves as stepchildren. W e’re not stepchildren. We belong to the Daugh­ ters o f the American Revolution. The Sons loo. All we have to do is do it. The barriers are dow n.” Freeman, who received his first Oscar nomination for the movie “ Street Smart,” with Christopher Reeve, said, “ My mother instilled in me that I could do anything I wanted to do. So I’ve never been afraid to try. W hen 1 see what I want, I don ’t see the barriers.” Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote!!! Willamette Writers Group Sponsors ” Books for Kids” Music Spotlight W illamette W riter, O regon’s larg­ est literary organization, is sponsoring the Books for Kids Program for the sec­ ond year. W illamette W riters believes the gift o f reading is one of the greatest gifts you can give a child. This C hrist­ mas, we ask you to purchase a new book or two for needy children. The donated books will be delivered to Toys for Tots, Shriners Hospital, and Doern bee her C hildren’s Hospital. As an incentive, the following bookstores have offered discounts on children's book pur­ chases: The Book Barn for Children, 4570 S.W. W atson;, Beaverton (15% discount); Catbird Scat Book Store, 913 S.W. Broadway, Portland (15% discount); C hildren’s Place, 1631 N.E. Broadway, Portland (15% discount); C hild’s Play, com er o f N.W. 23rd and Kearney, Port­ land, (15% discount); G inger and Pick­ les Bookstore for Children, 425 S.W. 2nd, Lake Oswego (15% discount); Learning Palace, Canyon Place Shop­ ping Ctr., Beaverton, Eastport Plaza, Portland, and Vancouver Plaza, V an­ couver (15% coupon can picked up at the office or the D ecem ber4, monthly m eet­ ing.); Powell’s Children Bookstore, 8775 S.W. Cascade Ave., Beaverton, (20% discount); and School Daze, 6328 S.W. M eadows Road, Lake Osw ego (20% dis­ count). To receive a discount you must mention W illam ette W riters Books for Kids Program at the time o f purchase. Discounts available Friday, November 23 - Saturday, Decem ber 8, 1990. Some stores require the purchased books be left at the store for later pick-up by W illamette W riters. Book gifts may also be brought to the W illam ette W rit­ e rs’ December 4th general m eeting or to the W illam ette W riters office. Call 452- 1592 for further details. Books must be delivered, unwrapped, no later than D ecember 14, 1990. bv Aaron Fentress A fterseven year as the lead singer for New Edition Ralph Trcsvant has followed in the footsteps of his five other group members and branched out. In most cases o f Hying solo the lead singer is usually the first to do so. In Tresvant's case he's the last,5)ut definitely not the least. A lthough it's unw ise to think Trcsvant can duplicate the success o f former New Edition m ember Bobby Brown's 1987 D on'tbe Cruel', it is safe to assume that Tresvant's new CD will be successful. If only modestly. The strike against Tresvant will be timing. In 1987 Bobby Brown capi­ talized on fresh new song writers L.A. Peid & Babvface and was properly promoted. W hat came about was a surprise num ber one record and four top 10 singles for Brown. Although Tresvant’s CD, entitled Ralph Tresvant, has potential to match D on't be C ru el, the presence of new and sim ilar album s by Bell Biv Devoe (form crN ew Edition members), Johnny G i 11 (anot her former Ncw Edi tion mem - ber) and a forth coming album in early 1991 by Bobby Brown (that other former New' Edition member) makes Tresvanf s album simply one o f the pack. How many New' Edi tion album scan America take at one time ? They all essentially sound the same. Tresvant went the same route as Bobby Brown and put his trust in a few young song writers. In Tresvant's case he picked Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis, who produced Janet Jackson’s hit al­ bums Control and Rhythm Nation, and who along with L.A. Reid and Babyfacc are becom ing the M cC artney and Lennon's o f R & B. Also appearing as song writers on the album arc indeed L.A. Reid, Babyface (although not to­ gether), Kyle W est, who writes with A1 B. Sure, and Michael Jackson, who teams up with John Barnes on "Alright Now". Despite Tresvant's star studded cast o f song writers surprisingly the DAD’S OIL SERVICE Heating Oils 104 NE Russel St. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 282-5111 '& rr L Productions strongest dance track is Tresvant's own "Rated R ", which leads off the album as sort o f a testament to the arrival of Trcsvant as a solo artist. The 'R' stands for Ralph as Tresvant tears off from the beginning in a fast paced rap which Trcsvant pulls off quite well. D isa p p o in tin g ly , a sid e from "Rated R " , the only other dance tracks that stands out are "Stone Cold G entle­ men" and "She's m y love th a n g ". Both figure to be hits while "Girl I can't control it", "Love takes time" , and "Ordinary Guy", hold their own but don't present anything special. On the mellow side Tresvant's first release as a single "Sensitivity" is already clim bing the charts and deserv­ edly so. "Sensitivity", written by Jam & Lewis is the CD ’s best song. Trcsvant gives his most inspired vocal perfor­ mance on "Sensitivity". The songs only w eak point is in the m iddle when Trcsvant breaks into a rap sequence. Lloyd's Center Lerner To Open Lerncr/Ncw York, the largest women’s specialty apparel business under one name in the country, is opening its eleventh store in Oregon, a new 11,900 square foot store at the Lloyd Center in Portland on November 21. The an­ nouncement was made by Lerner’s Presi­ dent Bob Grayson. Currently under construction, the opening o f this store marks the begin­ ning of a new era lor L em cr and its custom ers, the president says. “ We have upgraded the Lem er/N cw York store’s image and m erchandise, without ra isin g the p ric e s ,” ex p la in e d G rayson,” as well as offering outstand­ Best Cash P rices You know what time it is. M.C. H am m er-the biggest rap entertainer in history and #1 male perform er o f 1990 if not the d e c a d e -h as spent more time at the top of the charts than anyone we can remember. As H am m er’s incredible tour continues to sizzle across the country, this new one-hour music video captures pum pin’ music videos from the #1 al­ bum Please Hammer D on’t Hurt ’Em (eight times platinum !) and his debut L et’s Get Started. Il includes ‘ ‘L e t’s Get It Started,” “ Turn This M utha O ut” , “ Pump It Up” , “ They Put Me In The M ix” , “ U C an’t Touch T his” , “ Have You Seen Her” , a new version o f “ Pray” , plus the documentary “ Please Hammer Don’t Hurt Em ” . Cameos by Oaktown’s 3.5.7., Ace Juice, B. Angie B., Special Generation, Ho-Frat-Hooo! and Soft Touch hammer it home. Speaking o f The Hammer, Pepsi­ Cola recently signed a sponsorship agree­ ment for his world tour (which hits Port­ land on December 13 and 17). The tour will begin in the U.S., and then go on to Europe, Asia, and Australia. Pepsi and M.C. Hammer additionally just negoti­ ated an advertising contract, which should be reflected on the airw aves soon... RALPH T R E SV A N T Single Parents Hold Annual Christmas Dance Parents W ithout Partners invites all single parents to enjoy the holiday sea­ son festivities with us at our annual Christm as Dance to be held at the Eagles Lodge, 8835 SW 30th (off SW 30th & Barbur) on Saturday, December 22nd, from 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Dance away any holiday blues to live music by The Classix. For more information call 283-2138. M.C. Hammer Releases Video ing service. Featuring peach and cream decor, marble floors, private fitting rooms, lush seating areas and richly handpainted w allpaper and an array o f mannequins, the store design captures the elegance as expressed in the great art deco stores of the past. The 9,500 square feet of selling space will carry popularly-priced na­ tional brand names such as Bonjour (jeans and sportsw ear), Gloria Vanderbilt (hosiery and lingerie), David Benjamin (career and dressy sportswear), D.B. Sport (casual knits and weekend wear), and Sedu (lingerie). ■ .'A< The rap lyrics are nothing special and only serve to disrupt an otherwise great song. Aside from this "Sensitivity" is a bonafied hit that will put Tresvant on the map quick. O ther songs on the mellow side include, "Do what I gotta do" , "Love hurts". "I love you" , "Alright Now" and "LastNight". O f the five only "Do what I gotta do" has significant poten­ tial to be a hit while the other four are pale efforts compared to Sensitivity". The Ralph Tresvant CD comes with two bonus tracks that don’t appear on the album or tape. "Alright N o w ” and "/ love you". All told Ralph Tresvant has 12 tracks o f which five hold their weight. If Tresvant can fight the wave o f New Edition spin-offs and those five songs can become hits Ralph Tresvant could be a big hit. Otherwise it will simply be another album by a member o f New Edition. Leaving Bobby Brown as the lone super star. Christmas Bazaar Fights Crime The bazaar is on December 1 at 120 N.E. Ivy from 10:00a.m. -5:00 p.m. 223 9919 Wed. Nov. 2X LIP TO LIP Tlmis. Nov. 29. BROTHERS OL THE BAL ADI Fri. Nov. 30 & Sal. Dec. I CURTIS SAL«ADO & THE STILL I IOS Sun. Dec. 2 KBOO BENEFIT (VARIOUS BANDS) Mon. Dec. 3 HEART OF DARKNESS TUes. Dec. 4 ARNOLD BROTHERS "Tropical breexes and romance" W orld Beat Reggae House Rap Blues Soul Gospel Folk Jazz dump ~ Jump Music USED <5^ ■o « xT* In tro To 31 N W FIRST _<- c t> s -ft % z < s> 503/255-6722 2225 N.E. Broadway $ / p 1 y P, \ Royal Esquire C om m unity Center 1625 N.E. Alberta St. Saturday, December 1, 1990 % 9:00 p.m. Until Members & Guests Win A Trip to RENO Includes Hotel % X 503-284-1828 Portland, Or. 97232 C H IN O O K SALM O N OR BROILED LOBSTER TAILS JU M B O PRAWNS FISH & CHIPS C L A M C H O W D ER BROILED HALIBUT CRAB STUFFED MUSHROOM S LOBSTER THERMIDOR OR PAN FRIED OYSTERS SAUTEED SHRIMP ROSSI OR STEAK & LOBSTER CRAB AU GRATIN OR FRENCH FRIED SCALLOPS STEAM CLAM S OYSTER STEW CHICKEN STEAKS OR . . Tickets must be paid in advance and be picked up by December 21, 1990 Drawings Every Hour DJ will be featuring Top 40’s music. ‘ ' » : ■ ’ M liZ ♦fixMAAÖ'' ' 'lÆlkÎfie» A M JA M ité*.** Seafood Restaurant & Bar - Since 1891 --Lunch & Dinner 1035 S.W. Stark (Corner 11 th & Stark) 226-4171