November 21,1990 The Portland Observer- Page 9 u ■ ■ « . . . . - — — ---------- n New Product Line Designed to Reduce Consumers' Fat Intake ^5 Protect yourself against BIG LOSSES and COSTLY REPAIRS. Call Levi FI us sell 289-3648 HAMMER TIME " I T 'S AFTER HAM M ER CONCERT T IM E " PARTY M y name is Levi Russell. I am an ex­ N utritionists at K ra ft General Foods (K G F ) have determined that sim ply by sw itching to the company’ s new line o f fat free products average Americans can significantly reduce the amount o f fat in their d ie t In recent months, the company has introduced fat free products in seven popular food categories, more than any other food company. These include fro ­ zen desserts, baked goods, salad dress­ ings and cheese. “ Based on average consumption figures, i f consumers substitute a ll o f the fat free products currently offered by K G F fo r the regular versions in equal amounts, they could reduce d aily fat consumption from 36 percent o f total calories to 33 percent o f total daily calo­ ries,” Patricia Kreutler, Ph.D., associate director o f K G F ’ s nutrition department said. Thus, these products could poten­ tia lly bring Americans h a lf way to the national Cholesterol Education Program’s goal o f reducing dietary fat to the recom­ mended 30 percent o f total calories. Fat free products provide new ways to help consumers w ith their number one diet concern-reducing fat and choles­ terol. “ N ow , i t ’ s easier to low er fat in the diet w itho ut sacrificing taste. This is good news fo r American consumers,” Kreuthler said. “ Substituting fat free products for fu ll fat products can make a difference, but it is im portant to note that this is not the o nly answer to achieving a healthier lifestyle. It is essential to have balance, variety and moderation as part o f an overall dietary plan, plus exercise,” she said. Consumer demand fo r K G F ’ s fat free products has been unprecedented. “ Our biggest challenge is keeping shelves stocked,” K G F Chairman and C hie f Executive O fficer Michael A. Miles said. KG F currently offers the fo llo w in g fat free products: K ra ft Free nonfat dress­ ing, Scaliest Free and Knudsen Free nonfat frozen dessert, Sealtest Free nonfat fro ­ zen yogurt, Sealtest Free nonfat frozen dessert bars, Entenmann’s fat free and cholesterol free baked goods, K ra ft Free Singles nonfat pasteurized process cheese product and L ig h t n ’ L iv e ly Free nonfat yogurt. perienced housing rehabilitation spe­ cialist and home remodeling inspector, advise homeowners in making im­ provements to their homes, correcting code violations, selection and quality of materials, selection of contractors, and estimating cost of improvements. I also perform house inspections for home buyers. For more information, call 289-3648. fe a tu rin g : m .c. m .c. H a m m e r lo o k a lik e contesl H am m er dance contest BEST WESTERN IN N AT T II5 C O LISEU M --AC R O SS THE STREET FROM THE MEMORIAL COLISEU M . 1 3 N . W EID LER , PORTLAND OR 9 7 2 2 7 D E C E M B E R 1 3 X 1 -1 1 0 :0 0 p.:n. - 2 :0 0 a.m . ( a f t e r th e c o n c e r t ) 1 9 9 0 M U S IC , D . J . , T IC K E T DRAWING FOR DECEMBER 17 M .C . M .C . HAMMER LOOK A L IK E CONTEST, DANCE CONTEST i|; 7 . O O IN ADVANCE $ 9 .0 0 AT THE DOOR J A -B E L L S BEAUTY & BARBER S U PP LIE S 5 8 3 4 NE UNION 2 8 1 -6 3 9 3 Place your advertisement in the Portland Observer Office# (503) 288-0033 Fax# (503) 288-0015 5 2 8 7 N LOMBARD " A V K liS T O N , 2 8 3 -6 0 8 5 C A N 'T TOUCH T H IS BALE , GAGE " P R O D U C T IO N STAY CLEAN IN C . 1 3 2 4 NE SUMNER Northeast Portland seniors need your help in order to make their Christmas holiday a joyus one. By volunteering tw o (2) hours this December you could help a senior w ith Christmas shopping, meal preparation or transportation. Cal, Project Linkage, a division o f M etro­ politan Fam ily Service, at 249-8215. It w ill make you feel good a ll over! Times have changed. And today, the time you have to cook for your family gets less and less. But, you can count on one thing to stay the same—Krafts excellent quality. FOOD STAMP BENEFITS, ELIGIBILITY LEVELS AND DEDUCTIONS INCREASE M onthly benefits fo r m illion s o f par­ ticipants in the U.S. Department o f A g ri- culture’ sFood Stamp Program increased on Oct. 1. A t the same time, food stamp income eligibility levels went up by about 5 percent, meaning a fa m ily can have more income and s till q ualify fo r food stamps. “ These food stamp benefits are the highest on record, “ said Catherine Bertini, assistant secretary o f agriculture fo r food and consumer services. “ The changes are a result o f annual adjustments fo r the cost o f liv in g and a 3-percent increase in basic benefits mandated by la w .” As a result o f the increases, the maximum food sum p allotm ent fo r a fa m ily o f fo ur in the 48 contiguous sutes and the D istrict o f Colum bia increased from $331 to $352 a month-about 6 percent. Gross income levels, which help determine e lig ib ility fo r households that do not include an elderly or disabled member, increased from $ 1,311 a month to $1,376 amonth fo r a fa m ily o f four. Net income levels, used to determine e lig ib ility and benefits fo r all house­ holds, increased from $1,009 to $ 1,059 a month fo r a fa m ily o f four. Deductions from gross income, which are used to determine a household’ s net income, also increased. Standard deduc­ tions increased from $112 to $116 per household in the 48 contiguous sutes and the D istrict o f Columbia. Shelter deductions increased from a maximum o f$1 77 to a maximum $186 a month per household for the same areas. Sundard and shelter deductions are higher in Alaska, Guam, Hawaii and the V irgin Islands. The maximum dependent care deduc­ tion remained at 20 percent o f earnings. The fo llo w in g amount are fo r the 48 contiguous sutes and the D istrict o f Weve made it our business to keep pace with you in these changing times by offering consistently good tasting food products. And convenient new ways to prepare them. And weve been doing it for 75 years. NEW MONTHLY FOOD STAMP ALLOTMENTS FOR HOUSEHOLDS WITH NO INCOME Household Size $105 1 $193 2 $277 3 $352 4 $418 5 $502 6 $555 7 $634 8 Each additional member Caring homemakers have come to expect nutritious, high quality foods from Kraft. +$79 NEW NET MONTHLY INCOME LIMITS USED TO DETERMINE ELIGIBILITY AND CALCULATE BENEFITS Household Size $ 524 $ 702 $ 880 $1,059 $1,237 $1,415 $1,594 7 $1,772 8 Each additional member +$179 1 2 3 4 5 6 And thats the one thing well never change. NEW GROSS MONTHLY INCOME UMITS USED TO DETERMINE ELIGIBILITY Household Size $ 681 $ 913 $1.144 3 $1,376 4 $1,608 5 $1,840 6 $2,072 7 $2,304 8 Each additional member +$232 1 2 Columbia. There w ill be corresponding increases in Alaska, Guam, H a w a ii and the Virgin Islands. The maximum allotments f a r the fo u r person household in urban Alaska w ill be $459 a month; in R ural I Alaska, $586; in ru ra l ¡1 Alaska, $713; in H aw aii, $574; in Guam, $519; and in the V irgin Islands, $453. Amounts shown are f a r the 48 States