* + < * ♦ '* < ♦• • * 9 *'« « •> « J r t * v v « < »**-«*»> 4 e-< * <■» » < V * * < ♦ 4*< * f • "* November 21,1990- The Portland Observer- Page 7 Jk BOY SCOUTS OF AM ER IC A WW Mary K. Richardson director of In School Scouting Photography (503) 629-5930 P.O. Box 6311 A loha, OR 97006 Columbia Pacific Council 2145 SW Front Ave. Portland, Oregon 97201 (503) 226-3423 Rick P ra tt ja’bell’s 5832 N.E. Union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503)281-6393 and 5287 N. Lombard Street Portland, OR 97203 (503) 283-6085 C ommunity C are (Anytime) Here is a program that meets , (503) 249-7204 Raleigh and Donnie Lewis j FREE BROCHURE O regon M ountain W reaths I Door swags, Centerpieces, Garlands or other fine gills. Corporale or Personal. 1 Take the opportunity to have your I I I questions about dental health answered I | I Dental Exam & X-Rays I J $15.00 I Dr. Edward E. Ward, DMD Help!!! plus Mary Paris Home: 282-0054 "BBQOUR SPECIALTY” C 5 6 1 3 Nashville Road Eddyville, OR 9 7 3 4 3 (5 0 3 ) 8 7 5 - 2 1 5 8 7101 N.E. 82nd Avenue Portland, OR 97220 (503) 255-6722 Patti Johnson, General Manager RENT R.D. Sevier & Son, Inc. WASHERS & DRYERS Garbage Service 1101 N.E. Alberta Portland, OR 97211 287-0262 rental $15 OFF washerv ' .• delivery * [ installation FEE 'I i---------------------------------- 1 Linda Sevier Loot^of J^adiance CASON’S Ilair Salon & Supply Shop FINE | This Coupon Good Pot j $30. Delivery & Installation Portland 231-7413 Vancouver 693-4000 P R O G R E S S IV E REALTY MEATS (503) 285-4750 Look of R adiance W ants You If Y ou're Q ualified 7406 N. Vancouver Portland, OR 97217 5933 NE Garfield Portland, Oregon 97211 ElonZella T J Sentry ¿JVlarketSyj AFRO AMERICAN DOLLS 3 locations serving you C A LL: 284-7980 2 8 3 -4 5 4 2 • 281-3038 3 17 N.E. K illingsw orth Portland, OR 97211 Downtown J d m ô 5 D e ^ e |o p n 9 Q h + C fr l/e / Lonnie Henderson 503-285-0042 BEAUTY & BARBER SUPPLIES 225 N. Killingsworth Portland, OR 97217 285-9008 r Open to Public 9-6 Delivery/Service Carolyn Sims, Owner r thru Saturday 9:00 a .m .-6:00 p.m. * 1315 S.W. Pari# 227-24. P & J It's A Small World Hairweevers ow e« IN C . President Safe * Certified ♦ Quality EXECUTIVE MGMT ACCOUNTING HIGH-TECH ADMINISTRATIVE BOOKKEEPING FINANCE MARKETING CLERlCAL/OEnCE SALES CONTROLLERS _____ 0ATA PROCESSING SECRETARIES ENGINEERING TOONEMuRnorntfiSuKAM • Enriched * Stimulating 2948 NE MLK, Jr. Portland, Or. 97212 Learning Environment Pegy Sumner Owner 249-1994 Potilana Observer ENTERTAINMENT Jefferson High Presents "The Wiz” D o ro th y, T o to and The W iz w ill once again sing and dance th e ir w ay across Jefferson’ s stage in this f a ll’ s p ro d u ctio n o f the W illia m F. B ro w n C h a rlie S m all's m usical adaptation o f the beloved W o n d e rfu l W iz a rd o f O z , by F rank L. Baum . The show w ill open N o v. 29, and continues its run N o v . 30, Dec. 1, 6, 7 and 8 at 8:00 p.m . S tarring lo ca l, w e ll-k n o w n gospel so lo ist, G o ld ie Irb y , as “ the W iz ” and Shalanda B ro w n , Jefferson student body president, as “ D o ro th y ” , this play c o m ­ bines the talents o f a ll fo u r o f Je ffe r­ acter and rehearsals co u ld begin in ear- nesL O th e r cast mem bers in clude Dam on M cP herson, State W re stlin g C ham pion, as the “ S carecrow ” , K ris tin W arren as the “ C o w a rd ly L io n ” , T re n t B e rry as the “ T in m a n ” , Salinda Parks as “ G lin a ” , A ntonia H ill as “ A ddapcrlc” and Christie B la ckm o n as “ E v ille n e .” Dozens o f o th e r Dem o students w ill appear as m unchkins, crow s, strangers, poppies, m onkeys. E m erald C ity c iti­ zens, fie ld m ice and w inkies. The y e llo w arts departments: th e a tre , m u s ic , dance and te le v i­ s io n . S e ve ra l members o f the Jef­ a rtist and o w n e r/ operator o f Illusion- ary Designs. She has w orked as resi­ dent make up and w ig designer fo r the Eugene Opera fo r fiv e years and has ferson Dancers, the Jefferson A c tin g Ensem ble and the Jeffrersound Jazz Band are p a rtic i­ pating in the p ro ­ d u ctio n under the d ire c tio n o f D avid S m it h - E n g lis h , w ith m usic d ire c­ tio n b y D a v id Bryan. produced designs fo r the A riz o n a B allet, the Pennsyl­ v a n ia C h ild re n ’ s Theatre, the Boise B a lle t a n d the M u sica l C om pany E very aspect sical numbers lik e “ Ease on D o w n the R oad” and “ B elieve in Y o u r s e lf’ , to ­ gether w ith ja zz and A fric a n choreogra­ phy b y Bruce S m ith , founder and a rtistic director o f the Northwest A frika n A m e ri­ can B a lle t, and F elice Bean, ja z z dance in stru cto r at Jefferson, are sure to draw the audience in to the m agic o f The W iz . C asting began last spring at a tw o - day a u d itio n and was com pleted th is fa ll a fte r a second round o f call-backs. D anc­ ers, fo o tb a ll players, w restlers, acting students, m usicians a ll put themselves on the lin e , exposing th e ir talents and strengths fo r e valuation by directors and choreographers. Recommendations were made, roles fille d and re fille d , u n til f i ­ n a lly , everyone c lic k e d w ith th e ir char­ A World Beat Reggae House Rap Blues Soul Gospel Folk Jazz b ric k road, in th is version.com es to life along w ith the fam ous Kansas tornado manned by a clu tch o f dancers. O th e r special effects are being created and o r­ chestrated by B rian M . B iggs, w ith assis­ tance fro m te le visio n departm ent head L e n n ie Edwards, w h o also stars as the “ G atekeeper” , and w h o w ill design special vid e o effects. T echnical d ire c to r G le n Jacobs w ill oversee the w o rk o f lig h tin g designer H ow ard W aldron and sound designer Je ff Moore, both o f whom have extensive experience in local the­ atre, and p roperty manager Jim C o w in g . Sets and costum es have been de­ signed by professional designer Fran­ cisco R cyndcrs. R eyndcrs is the founder o f the O regon M im e Theater and has enchanted audiences fo r many years w ith his productions fo r such com panies as the Portland Opera and the P a cific B a lle t h am ong others. M u sic fo r the show w ill be supplied by Jefferson’ s o w n Jazz Band under the d ire ctio n o f D a v id B ryan, and w ith the assistance o f percussionist Dee W iggins, both o f whom are w e ll-k n o w n in the lo ca l m usic scene, having perform ed w ith num erous pro­ fessional groups in classical, ja z z and co m m e rcia l styles. Several professional string-players w ill accom pany the band. The W iz was last produced here in 1982 and sold o u t fo r fiv e audience - w o w in g perform ances. T h is version prom ises a ll the c o lo r and e xcitem ent o f its predecessor. D o n ’ t m iss it! T icke ts may be purchased at Je ffe r­ son H ig h School: General A d m issio n $6 fo r adults, $5 fo r students w ith ID and seniors. Reserved seats are $8 and may be purchased at G I JOES T ic k e t Masters outlets o r at Jefferson. hey LrtRGdL 31 NW FIRST Jump Jump Music USED C O 'S M akeup de­ signs and masks are the responsibility o f D iane T ra p p , p ro ­ fessional makeup son’ s p e rfo rm in g o f this show is cal­ culated to d e lig h t, surprise and engage the audience in a fa n c ifu l, m ysterious and toe-tapping e x h ib itio n o f talenL M u ­ Theater whose “ N u tcra cke r” set is a Reynders creation. He has w orked fo r the A m e rica n Dance Theater, the P o rt­ land R epertory Theater, the B a lle t W est, the Jefferson Dancers, the H a w a ii B a lle t am ong others. H is set designs are being constructed by Jefferson’ s stagecraft class under the d ire c tio n o f G le n Jacobs, w ith costum e co nstruction under the capable and e x­ perienced hands o f JHS resident costu­ m er K ris tin Jager w ith he lp fro m seam­ stress Rosem ary C o m e ly . 2225 N.E. Broadway [ ORA L. HART, 3512 N.E. 15th Ave. Portland, OR 284-6365 A C C E S S O R IE S Ready to Serve You as Always! 2723 N.E. 7th 281-7053 W h ere is y o u r pocket book m onth. Jewelry African Sculpture ■ Masks African-American Books Framed African-American Prints Hand Painted Sweats, T-shirts Pants and Tops 925 N.E. B roadway P ortland , OR 97232 Location: hum an need w ith no funding. to help. T h ey serve over 2,000 per (5 0 3 ) 2 3 2 -5 8 7 9 ‘D onnie s ONE on ONE Tax Service 317 N.E. Killingsworth Portland, OR 97211 (503) 289-0851 Valérie Currie Tax Consultant 2 8 8 -5 4 2 9 4722 N.E. Clisan Portland, Oregon Golden Rule ‘Beauty Safon Buying Appliances Working or Not Lesley E. HammoaJ Dr. Jewell Cruwford, M.D. 9 a .m .-9 p.m. lax Returns M cM urphy's 288-3233 Optimum Family S Health Clinic * Beauty • Barber • Nails Supplies .Open: Itort. thru S a t Shadow 'S^SS Masters & Sound 503-284-4828 Portland, Or. 97232 Program Discourages Youth Gang Participation ‘ ‘ Gangs A re N o G o o d ” is the strong mesage M a ry s v ille E lem entary students w ill hearat a 9 :3 0 a sse m b ly F rid a y (N o v. 16) designed to show ch ild re n how to p ic k good friends and p o sitive activitie s. V e n tr ilo q u is t d u m m y “ R u d y O ’ R ile y ’ ’ jo in s students in Grades K -5 in le arning to say “ N o ,” “ G o ” and “ T e ll” when confronted w ith possible gang in vo lve m e n t. M a g ic, ve n trilo q u ism and audience p a rticip a tio n help d riv e home the messages that friends in flu e nce w ho you w ill become and that there are ways to choose the rig h t friends and activitie s. The gang-prevention program , de­ signed b y P ortland School D is tric t’ s Student D is cip lin e Program s in co n ju n c­ A IEFEERSON PERFORMING ARTS PRODUCTION JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL 5210 North Kerby Street 8:00 p.m. T ic k e ts : ( >eneral A dm ission $6 00 A d ults $5 00 Students/Seniors Reserved Seats $8 00 at GI Joes Ticket Masters for further information, call 280-5130 I m aking and frie n d s h ip -b u ild in g s k ills in young students. p c o illillli I ( U llII as receiving assistance w ith reading, CS math s k ills , and hom ew ork. Open to ch ild re n in grades 1 -6, N e u A r t is is \ . i 'i \ m i \ i , . i titilli- S u l S c i i s . i i h mi I i . h Ik' I K IC k the classes arc tw o hours long and take . u h i ii jJ il. d i , . Hie l i ’lle sl d . n u e p .ills " I Hi, \ e .n S n .ip l L illn m iii mi I e n d ', i 14 place on Saturdays, beginning at 10 a.m . at St. A n d re w 's C o m m u n ity C enter, Y W C A in Northeast, and C olum bia V illa . HI Parents o r gurdians should register c h il­ \ I I", I , dren at any o f these locations. Saturday S chool is free o f charge. .Uhi K I, I S, Ile II h 'll k I I m in in < " i k ei I .il ili, B.U.F. Offers Saturday School The B la ck U nited From S atur­ day School Program opened recently, o ffe rin g children the opportunity to L a m about A fric a n A m erican culture as w e ll ( O ik c i I young ch ild re n w h o are increasingly p rogram , are tw o exam ples o f P ortland P u b lic Schools’ e ffo rts to b u ild d e cisio n ­ November Wed. 21 CRAZY 8S LIP TO LIP Thurs. 22 JOSEPHINE OCEAN Eri. 23 & Sat. 24 CURTIS SALGADO AND THE STILETTOS Sun. 25 T.B.A. Mon. 26 SUE MILES Tues. 27 ARNOLD BROS. Nov. 29-30 Dec. 1.6-7-8 tio n w ith the P ortland Gang Task Force, is part o f a strategy developed to target exposed to gang m e n ta lity and behavior. “ Gangs A re N o g o o d ” assemblies and “ T h e ft T a lk ,” a th e ft-p re ve n tio n 223 9 9 1 9 I • »> << ) ;