Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 21, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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    Page 4 -T h e P o rtla n d O b s e r v e r - N o v e n ib e r 2 1 , 1990
1 Portland Observer
Giants, Bears pose threat to 49ers
bv Aaron Fentress
P aul Silas has seen a lot o f basket­
ball in his tw enty-plus years as a player/
coach in th NBA and he too is impressed
with the locals. He adm itted that the
Knicks biggest mistake was trying to run
with the Blazers. According to Silas the
w orst thing that a team could do is at­
tempt to play fastbreak basketball against
Portland. Portland is too talented in the
open and has a strong bench, he says. A
m em ber o f NBA Cham pionship teams
three times, Silas has a theory that he ap­
plies to the 1990-91 TrailBlazer team.
Portland beat New York 141-125.
“ There are tw o factors one must
consider when you look at the TrailBlaz-
ers this year," he said. First, Danny
Ainge is die best thing that ever could
have happened to them. He gives them
depth and stability at both guard posi­
tions. Last year, Portland lacked the
outside shot, somewhat, and he gives
them that element. Secondly, Portland
has been to the well and tasted the water.
Now, they want to drink it all the time.
Portland is going to taste the water again
hough it's a bit young in the
1990-91 NBA season, many
writers, coachers, and annoucers are
already jum ping on the Portland Trail
Blazers bandwagon. Among them, TN T
analyst H ubie B row n and Paul Silas,
Assistant couch uith the New York Knicks.
Brown covered the Blazers 113-101 vic­
tory over the D etroit Pistons and w alked
away very im pressed. W hen asked to
compare the team he saw lose 4-1 in the
finals last season, Brown said that they
could win it all.
son said. “ W e haven’t deviated from it
one bit. It’s building a team slowly,
maybe making a key trade or two, not
trying to do it all overnight. Y ou’ve got
to try to get good before you can get
great, and these things do not happen
overnight.” Nelson 8-2 W arriors are
led by Chris Mullins, a two time NBA
All-Star, 1989 Minute Maid Orange Soda
NBA Rookie o f the year, and 1990 All-
Rookie team point guard Tim Harda-
way, who is developing into one of the
toughest guards in the league. Nelson is
hoping that Tyrone Hill, a 6-10 rookie,
lives up to his First Round fanfare and
“ Portland is 12 guys deep," said
Brown. “ There are no loopholes in their
line-up right now. With the addition of
D anny Ainge, youv’e got another three-
point guard, another guard who can play
point or the scoring guard, and he can
play big defensively for you. Also, they
are much stronger on the front line. If
any injuries occur, A laa A bdelnaby will
contribute greatly for a rookie and C liff
R obinson has really matured. Portland
has a good first and second unit. I was
happy with (K evin) D uckw orth too. He
has really im proved tremendously this
year. Tonight, he showed me that I
didn’t see the real Duckworth last season
in athe play-offs. I ’m predicting that he
will have a big-tim e season.
“ We m entioned twice on the tele­
cast that Terry Porter played last sea­
son's playoffs hurt. W hen Isiah (Tho­
mas) got the best o f him last season, it
was unfair to criticize his play. Tonight,
a healthy Porter dom inated Thomas all
n ig h t Thai's the Porter that will help
take Portland back to the Finals. Y ou’ve
got to love this team. In order to make
the next step, y o u ’ve got to have consis­
tency and com e back with a big year. I
like their confidence, intensity on de­
fense, and their talent. Portland has the
total package."
this season, but this time they are going
to jum p in it, rub it on their faces, and
show er in it. Cham pagne is going to
reign suprem e in Portland.
* ‘Portland has everything they need.
The only problem I see is in the middle.
I think that (Kevin) Duckworth is good
enough, but they are stronger at all of the
other positions. Portland isa so lid c lu b ” .
Portland is undefeated in nine contests
this season. The next home game is
against the Golden State W arriors on
Firday, November 23, at 7:30pm.
Speaking of the Warriors, coach Don
Nelson is excited about his teams chances
for the playoffs, despite trading Manute
Bol (76ers) and Terry Teagle (Lakers)
for First Round draft picks in 1991. Nelson
believes that the organization’s “ master
plan” is right on schedule.
“ Yes, there is a m aster plan," Nel­
college stardom. H e says that the W ar­
riors are one player away from com pet­
ing for the W estern Conference Title.
Three weeks ago, The Locker Romm
criticized the behavior of EX-NBA player
David W ingate, who after being charged
with two sexual assaults, was released by
the San Antonio Spurs and M ike Tyson
for their behavior or attitude towards
women. The column also suggested that
athletes be more responsible and realize
that they are not above the law. Ja m e s
W o rth y , a five time NBA All-Star se ­
lection and m arried man, was arrested
recently in Houston. Worthy was charged
with soliciting o f prostitution. W orthy
solicited sex from tw o undercover offi­
cers, who posed as prostitutes after po­
lice shut down an escort service. W orthy
contacted the service through the Yel­
low Pages and requested that two women
m eet him at his hotel room . W ere both
women for him or was one for a team ­
mate? After W orthy told the undercover
officers what he wanted and how much
he would pay, he was arrested. Some
might call this entrapm ent, but this is
pure sexual irresponsibility and stupid.
W hat does he tell his wife Angela? All
the Locker Room wants to know is, who
is going to turn in their role model cre­
dentials next?
With ten w eeks now gone by in
the NFL the regular season is starting to
look like a simple form ality before the
real games begin. W ith the disappear­
ance o f parody and the em ergence o f the
elite the playoffs prom ise the be filled
with wars o f the mighty, not the weak.
Last season theCleveland Browns
(9-6-1), P ittsburgh Steelers (9-7),
Buffalo Bills (9-7), Houston Oilers (9-
7), Minnesota Vikings (10-6), Denver
Broncos (10-6), New York Giants (10-
6) and Philadelphia Eagles (10-6) all
limped their way into the playoffs only
to end up crippled food for the 14-2 San
Francisco 49ers to feast upon. Only the
Los Angeles Rams with their record of
12-4 seemed to pose any kind of threat
to the 49ers. They m et in the NFC
Championship. Final score 30-3,49ers.
All told the 49ers cruised through
the playoffs winning three games by a
margin of 120-27. This year things
won’t be so easy. In fact the 49ers
appear to only be one of the pack despite
their 10-0 record.
With six games remaining the
New Y ork G ian ts (10-0), Ch icago Bears
(9-1), Buffalo Bills (9-1) and Miami
Dolphins (8-2) have all risen from the
level o f just being respectable to lay
claim on greatness. All have a shot at
knocking o ff the 49ers. For the Giants
their chance will come Dec. 3, when
they meet the 49ers on Monday Night.
The G iants, who have pretty much
clinched the NFC East title, will win.
Looking at the results from recent
years it may not seem like a wise pre­
diction to pick the Giants over the 49ers.
But if you look at both teams perfor­
mances so far this season. T here’s no
reason why the Giants can’t beat the
The Giants have out scored their
opponents by 136 points scoring 246
themselves. The 49ers with their high
powered offense have out scored their
opponents by 102 points while scoring
253 points. The significance to this
statistic is that the 49ers offense hasn’t
scored many more points then the Giants
despite the presence o f Joe Montana,
Jerry Rice and Roger Craig. In fact
Giants quarterback Phil Simms is rated
higher than Montana. And Giants run­
ning back Otis Anderson has out rushed
the often injured Craig.
As for the teams individual de­
fense the G iants’ ranks number one
while the 49ers are seated 8th in the
Another interesting fact that points
in favor of the Giants lies in the com pe­
tition they have faced this year. The
49ers have only faced one team with a
winning record all season, the (6-4)
W ashington Redskins. M eanwhile the
Giants have faced the Redskins twice,
the Philadelphia Eagles (6-4) and Miami
D olphins (8-2), who the Giants beat
convincingly, 20-3.
The Giants are the team to beat in
the NFL.
Aside from the Giants there are
other strong teams who can cause the
49ers problems in this years playoffs.
The Chicago Bears have regained
their old form using the same formula o f
the ground gam e matched with a dan­
gerous defense. Through 10 games the
Bears have intercepted 23 passes and
registered 30 sacks. Running back
Neal Anderson has scored 12 touch­
downs. The Bears have all but won the
Fri. - Nov. 30
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unique opportunity pass me by. I have enclosed $2.00 for shipping and handling.
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African American Singles Network, P.O. Box 12514, Portland, OR 97212,
in c ro n ia n a w o m e n s c risis Line is pleased to announce openings for its January volunteer direct service worker
training. The Portland W om en’s Crisis Line is a w om en’s organization serving the M ultnom ah, C lackam as, and W ashing­
ton county area, as well as V ancouver, W ashington.
Volunteers are now needed to staff the crisis line, which is a 24 hour service which provides support and inform ation for
women and children (and their friends and fam ilies) who are victim s/survivors o f rape, attem pted rape, incest, dom estic vio­
lence or sexual harassment.
The training is forty hours long, spread out over a three week period. No experience is necessary.
Interested women should call Kelly at 232-9751 before D ecem ber 28 for further information.
The sixth annual Fred Meyer/Trail
“ The Fred Meyer/Trail Blazer Youth
Blazer Youth Basketball Tournam ent is Basketball Tournament is the largest youth
slated to begin on January 6,1991. Boys basket ball tournament in the state of
and girls in the sixth grade that are in­ O regon,” said W ally Scales,the Trail
volved in a registered basketball league Blazers vice-president, special events.
are eligible to participate in the com pe­ “ Last year we had over 1,200 boys and
girls take part in the com petition.”
The tournament, a single-elim ina­
Entries for the tournam ent m ust be
tion evcnL will hold its preliminary rounds postm arked by December 7, and can be
at local high schools in the greater Port­ found at all 46 Fred M eyer Custom er
land area. Two teams from each grade Service Desks in Portland and southwest
level will advance to the cham pionship W ashington, and at the Trail Blazer o f­
round, which will be played prior to a fice (700 NE M ultnom ah,6lh floor). The
Portland Trail Blazer home game at entry fee for the tournam ent is $20.00
Memorial Coliseum. All participants will per team, and teams cannot exceed 15
receive a free athletic bag, compliments players. A team roster must be subm itted
o f Fred Meyer and the Portland Trail with the application and entry fee.
I------------------------------- -,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Black Cowboy Expert
to Kick Off Black
Studies Fundraiser
Paul W. Stew art, founder and cura­
tor o f the Black Am erican W est Museum
in D enver, C olorado, will be the guest
speaker at a reception for the Friends of
Black Studies/Portland State University.
503-6 35-2 97 3
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TICKETS: *15, *12 AND *9.50
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^eeSw” int far* Wt"'1 1
In the AFC W est the Los Angeles
Raiders (7-3) lead the Kansas City Chiefs
(6-4) by one gam e. The two teams will
meet this Sunday for the outright AFC
W est lead.
Youth Basketball
Tournament set to begin
NFC Central division.
A lthough quarterback has been a
question for the Bears in recent years
fourth year m an Jim H arbaugh his
proven him self more than adequate with
his 92.2 quarterback rating, ranking
him third in the N FC behind Simms and
M ontana
W ith the G iants and 49ers both
staying perfect through 10 games many
people have over looked the Bears. But
with the G iants and 49ers meeting once
th e w in n e r w ill h a v e to rem ain
undefeated or face the possibility of
traveling to Chicago during the playoffs.
If Chicago can manage to get the
G iants or 49ers to travel to Chicago
either team could be in trouble. Come
January there will be snow in Chicago.
And they don't call Chicago the windy
city for nothing. Passing in Chicago in
January is not pleasant and if the Bears
can get on top and ride the legs of
Anderson and their defense they will be
tough to beat. This m akes the 49ers date
with the G iants all the more important.
O ver in the A FC things are a little
less clear as far as division titles are
concerned. The D olphins and Buffalo
Bills (9-1) seem to be waiting til their
week 16 m atchup to decide the AFC
East title. M iami won their week two
m eeting 30-7.
In the AFC Central parody is king
as the Cincinnati Bengals (6-4), Oilers
(5-5), and Pittsburgh Steelers (5-5) are
all still in the hunt.
The event will be held on Friday, N o­
vem ber 3 0 ,1 9 9 0 at the Red Lion/Lloyd
Center. The hors d ’oeurve/no-host bar
reception will begin at 5:30 p.m.; at 6:00
p.m. Paul Stewart will narrate a slide
show featuring the history o f black
cow boys and pioneers. Stew art has w rit­
ten two books, entitled W estward Soul
and Black Cow boys. He has received the
Black Educators United Award, the
G eorge W ashington H onor M edal and is
in W ho’s W ho in Black A m erica and
W ho’s Who in Intellectuals o f the World.
Documents, letters, scrapbooks,
pictures, photographs, regalia...all com ­
prise the Black A m erican w est museum
collection, which began as a personal
interest and developed into a hobby.
O ver the years, Paul Stew art s “ hobby”
has evolved into a national center for
research, education, and cultural resources
on the history o f Black A m ericans in the
W est. Stew art’s favorite exhibit is the
one focusing on the life o f Ferdinand
Shavers, a bodyguard to Abraham Lin­
The Friends o f Black Studies at
Portland State University is a newly-
formed affiliate o f the PSU Foundation.
The Friends o f Black Studies promotes
excellence int he teaching and study of
Black history w ithin the University and
strives to increase aw areness o f this re­
source in the com m unity. Funds raised
will be used to support activities such as:
supplementing references in PSU library;
community outreach; supporting faculty/
student research activities; and funds for
an annual visiting scholar/speaker.
ReeeptlSBW ftS.OO ' *
Tickets are availab le at PSU T icke t O ffice, 506 S.W .
M ill, (503) 725-330*7 o r (503) 236-S667
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