November 21,1990 The Portland Observer Page 3 •Portland Observer |by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears Children Services Determines Grace Collins Center Meeting Standards Grace Collins Memorial Center meets “ the minimum standards," said David Fuks, Children Services M etro Region Administrator, fo r operation as a day care fa cility, on November 9, in recom­ mending that a temporary certificate be issued. A temporary certificate has been issued to Grace C ollins fo r 6 months with the fu ll expectation o f * ‘regular cer­ tification at that tim e,” said Fuks. State Representative Margaret Car­ ter (D-18) commended CSD M etro A d ­ m inistrator David Fuks and the Grace Collins Board o f Directors. “ Grace Collins has been a com m unity resource fo r more than a generation. Grace C ollins was there when there were few services avail­ able to w orking people. Thousands have benefited from the Center’s accessibility and programs.” “ I am very pleased at the remark­ able progress that has been made in re­ cent months. M r. Fuks is to be com ­ mended fo r a new spirit o f cooperation between the Board and CSD. The Board has worked very hard to bring the Center into meeting state standards fo r opera­ tio n ,” Carter said. “ I would encourage com m unity service groups, church organizations, businesses, our local unions, and com ­ m unity papers to review how they m ight be able to assist the Center, in particular, over the next six months. The Center needs toys fo r the babies and toddlers. Educational materials are needed fo r the older children. Simple things such as ‘big blocks’ would help,” said Carter. “ Volunteers could help w ith new s ta ff tra in in g and c u rric u lu m development,’ ’ Carter said. “ As we move towards the Holiday Season, Thanksgiv­ ing and Christmas, service organizations looking for a project might consider Grace C o llin s.” The Grace C ollins M em orial Center is located at 128 N.E. Russell, Portland 97212. Interested persons might also con­ tact M r. Ralph Davis, Chairman o f the Board (287-8544) or LeVem e E. Davis. LeVem e Davis is Principal at M artin Luther K ing Jr. School. F or more in fo rm a tio n , please contact: Jon Christenson, Staff O ffice o f State Rep. Margaret Carter 280-6003 (Portland) WHOLESALE & RETAIL HUNDREDS OF WIGS FOR YOUR EVERCHANGING LIFESTYLES • NAOMI SIMS • BORNFREE • M ICHAEL WEEKS AND OTHER NAME BRANDS TUIS-5AT H iJO -ftrO O 3E ££ H A B BEAOS & BEAUTY SUPPLIES MRS. C'S EBONY ESSENCE COSMETES BEAUTICIAN & STUDENT DISCOUNTS ZURI COSMETES 2 8 1 -6 5 2 5 1 0 0 ’/. HUMAN HAB FOR 7lh & FREMONT (7 0 7 N.E. FREMONT) BRAIDING Hundreds o f Oregon children die each year from causes and circumstances that are preventable, according to two reports released by the Oregon Depart­ ment o f Human Resources. K evin Con- cannon, D irector o f the department, said he had ordered the studies as step one in making Oregonians aware o f the “ trag­ edy o f lost potential from the unneces­ sary deaths o f children.” ‘ ‘When we consider the 84 children who died o f abuse and neglect in this state from 1985 to 1989” , said Concan- non, “ we all clearly recognize the trag­ edy. ’ ’ The m ajority o f the 3,269 children who died from all causes between 1984 to 1988 are an unknown tragedy, he added. “ A great many o f those deaths need not have happened and that fact must force us to action.” The Health D ivision report points out that the rate o f death fo r Oregon’s children is higher than the U.S. rate. In one category, from 28 days to one year o f age, Oregon’s m ortality rate is now a third higher than the U.S. rate. Tw enty years ago Oregon’ s rate was the same as & WEAVHG Lights! Cameras! Christmas! the national rate. According to the report, an interna­ tional comparison shows Oregon’s in ­ fant death rate is worse than that o f 17 other countries-countries w ithout the economic advantages o f Am erica. A t current rales, o f the approximately 41,000 children bom each year in Oregon, 700 w ill not live to celebrate their eighteenth birthday. Listed in the report as s ig n ifi­ cant contributors to the deaths are pov­ erty and substance abuse. “ The experts cannot tell us exactly how many children ’ s deaths are prevent­ able,” noted Concannon, “ but they do agree that substantial numbers die un­ necessarily.” Release o f the reports, added the D H R d ire c to r, is step one in a cam­ paign o f public awareness that Concan­ non hopes w ill lead to direct action. Both reports w ill be taken by Con- cannon to com m unity meetings around Oregon in December. “ W e’ re looking for ideas and recommendations on sav­ ing the lives that constitute our future,” he added. Albina M inisterial A lliance (A M A ) Board o f Directors announced the arrival o f the Emergency Services Program for the North and Northeast Portland area, effective date was November 1, 1990. A M A Emergency Services Program is designed to assist in meeting the needs o f homeless fam ilies and predominantly low income persons residing in the service area o f 1-5 to NE 82nd, and Colum bia Blvd. to E. Burnside. Helping to provide for basic life needs: rent, transportation, energy assistance, com m unity resources and/or referral, and dental services, w ill be the prim ary focus o f this program. The press conference took place on Wednesday, November 21, at the main o lfic e o f A M A , 1425 NE Dckum. Speakers fo r the event included M r. D arryl Tukufu, President and CEO o f the Urban League o f Portland; Rev. Dr. JOe Hardie, President and C hair o f A lbina M inisterial Alliance; and Commissioner Gladys M cCoy, County Chair. EVERT THUG FROM CURRENT STYLES TO SPECIALTY W E S UNBUE H AB ORNAMENTS (Psalms 23 Studies Reveal Hundreds of Oregon Children Dying Needlessly Albina Announces Transfer of Emergency Services Program MRS C ’ S WIGS BETTY C A S IN I PAOPAIETO'! RELIGION S c rip tu re o f the Louise Burton, who has been theLIEA PC oordinator/C om m unity Services Coordinator w ith Urban League since 1980, is now the D irector o f A M A Emergency Services Program. The D irector o f A M A Emergency Services Program reports directly to Cornetta Smith, C h ie f Executive D irector o f A M A . Ms. Burton along w ith two case managers began their new jobs on November 1, 1990. For more inform ation on this or other A lbina M inisterial Alliance Pro­ grams, contact Ken Ives at (503) 285-0493 or write to 1425 Northeast Dckum Street, Portland, Oregon 97211. The President o f A M A is Dr. Joe S. Hardie and can be reached at St. M ark Baptist Church in Portland. “12TH ANNUAL” THANKSGIVING CRUSADE opening year. (M rs. W ilson had already graduated from Portland’ s W ashington The seventh annual Christmas tree- lighting ceremony at Pioneer Courthouse Square w ill bring together 8,000 lights, an 80-foot Douglas fir and K G W ’s tele­ vision cameras-as w ell as celebrity hosts, M ayor Bud C lark, Santa Claus, many o f the c ity ’ s favorite musicians and 12,000 appreciative spectators. The November 23 ceremony w ill be televised live at 7 PM by K G W -T V , and hosud by KG W anchor Tracy Barry and K IN K -R M 102 Radio’ s Rebecca Webb and Les Samoff. The program is again sponsored by the Square’s neighbor, Pacific First Bank; the ceremony’ s media sponsor is K IN K - FM 102 radio. The cost o f erecting and decorating the 80-foot tree is underw rit­ ten by the Association fo r Portland Prog­ ress to promote the low-cost Portland Public Parking garages. This year’ s stage show w ill include performances by jazz musicians David Frishbcrg and Nancy K ing; the rhythm and blues band Pin & the H om its; rap­ pers The U -K rcw ; the western swing group, The Wagon-Maestros; gospel musicians rosetta Robertson and Johnny G arlington; members o f the M artin L u ­ ther K ing, Jr. C hoir; and the Concord Choir. The actual ligh ting o f the tree w ill be done by Weltha Wilson, 97, and Gladys W oodle, 95 The tw o sisters are long­ time residents o f Corbett, which, w ith the C olum bia Gorge Ranger D istrict, have presented the tree to Portland. Mrs. W oodle was among the 13 students who attended Corbett H igh School in its High School.) They cite as one o f th eir fondest memories the com m unity Christm as celebrations o f their childhood, when Corbett’ s fam ilies w ould gather at the comm unity hall to open presents. Each child was allowed to lig h t one o f the candles decorating the tree. T his year, on behalf o f Corbett and the Northeast M ultnom ah County C om m unity Asso­ ciation, the tw o sisters w ill lig h t Pioneer Square’ s Christmas tree. The tree-lighting celebration w ill conclude w ith the audience and p erform ­ ers combining to sing favorite C hristm as carols. Songbooks containing the carols, as w ell as the evening’ s program and a calendar o f holiday events, are provided by The Oregonian. Nestled at the foot o f the tree this year w ill be a new decorative barricade depicting a 19th century village. The 8- foot-tall structure was a jo in t p ub lic serv­ ice project o f carpenter apprentices at the W illam ette Carpenter T ra in in g C en­ ter and painter apprentices provided by painters’ D is tric t #55. M any o f the tree’s 8,000 lights w ill become glow ing memorials to friends and loved ones as part o f the “ L ig h t U p A L ife ” charitable campaign. F or a $10 contribution to the Oregon Hospice Association, donors may m em orialize one person w ith a lig h t on the tree. The names o f all those so remembered w ill be read during a public ceremony in front o f the tree on December 26th. Brunch Honors Local Families W ith in the last two years Peggy C ollins has been homeless, a victim o f substance abuse, and separated from her children. Today she and her fa m ily have bounced back. Collins is recovering from her substance problems and is back w ith her children. M etropolitan Fam ily Service w ill honor the efforts o f the C ollins fam ily, along w ith two other Portland area fa m i­ lies who have overcome sim ilar prob­ lems, this Sunday during a special awards program held in conjunction w ith na- Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote!!! <■— J. > tional Fam ily Week. The awards pro­ gram w ill take place noon, N ovem ber 18, at the downtown Red L io n H otel, 310 SW Lincoln. Nominations fo r this honor were received from social service agencies from throughout the Portland area, w ho were asked to subm it names and in fo r­ mation on fam ilies who have e xe m p li­ fied the philosophy that “ fam ilies s till count.” a panel o f com m unity members then chose the Carol Ranney fa m ily , the Ray and Sally D illo n fa m ily, and the Peggy C ollins fam ily. B e s t C a s h P r ic e s DAD'S OIL SERVICE Heating Oils 104 NE Russel St. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 282-5111 conducted by Eld Leon Brewer Jr. pastor of The New Testament Church Service will be held at Jesus Loves You/ AJhw Tamphi Œ Highland United Church of Christ 4635 N.E. 9th (corner of 9th and Going St.) Rev. C. Prescol Host Pastor November 22-25,1990 7:30 p.m. nightly Sunday Service 3:30 p.m. Ohnräh Psalm 3 4 :3 4236 NE Eighth Avenue (comer oi 8th « Skid mom) Portland. Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 Special Guest from California Phillip S. Nelson, P astor Bro. James Robins with his guitar Crusade choir singing nightly “ The public is invited" ARAN AT HA HURCH MT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH WE ARE MOVING SUNDAY SERVICES TO 'Be’ore You Must" - Make a Decision - "Inquire about the services we offer" Cox Funeral Home, Inc. 24 Hr. Service 281-4891 We are interested in your problems Stone Tower Church, N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 3Oth Worship Services 8:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. Church School 9:30 A.M. to 10:30 A.M. Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 N.E.Schuyler 10:30 A.M. and 6:30 P.M. 4222 N.E. 12th Avenue Portland Oregon Sunday Services Sunday School 9:00 A.M. Morning Worship Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00 A.M.-KBMS 10:30 A.M. A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin. Senior Pastor Maranatha School of Ministry Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler, Mid-Week Services - Wednesday 6:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. Rev. Wendell H. Wallace Senior Pastor