*< ***« ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Page 1- The Portland Observer November 21, 1990 Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS ATTORNEY LAWYER REFERRAL PRO BONO ADMINISTRATOR (Part-time 20 hrs/wk, .5 FTE) OREGON STATE BAR This part-time position within the Member Services Division ad­ ministers both Lawyer Referral and Pro Bono Programs of the Bar, linking members of the public in need of legal services with attorneys willing to provide those services. Administrator provides technical assistance to local volunteer attorney pro­ grams and supervises staff, maintains data base for program support and handles marketing and advertising for related pro­ grams. Position provides occa­ sional legal advice to client call­ ers as needed. Skills needed: Knowledge of pro­ gram administration, including supervision, budgeting, program planning and evaluation. Ability to maintain computer data base, and excellent interpersonal skills. Requires graduation from a four- year college or university; grad­ uation from an accredited school of law: member of a state bar, preferably Oregon. Salary Range starts at: $1,116/ month, benefits included. Apply immediately, send resume and cover letter to Personnel Of­ ficer Attn: MSA, 5200 S.W. Meadows Roaa, Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035. Deadline for appli­ cation is Monday, Novermber 28, 1990. Equal Opportunty Employer SECRETARY CURRICULUM J miw A Through Diversity he innovative spirit at SAFECO is built on the idea that involve­ ment In several arenas not only expands our options—it expands yours This philosophy is as true in our proauct and service ofterings as it is in our approach to reward ing every employee As one of America's largest diversified finan­ cial corporations, we offer excel­ lent salaries and dn innovative benefits package Our commitment to innovation and diversity is also reflected in the unique blend of cultures and customs in our people By taking an active role in equal opportu­ nity efforts, we can more readily meet the needs of an increasingly complex marketplace. To that end we particularly invite minority, sen­ ior. and disabled applicdnts to explore employment opportunities in areas such as claims, under­ writing, and clerical support T In return for your efforts, you can expect a very competitive starting salary, an excellent benefits pack­ age. and salary increases based on performance. Please forward your resume to SAFECO Insurance Companies, Attn: Personnel, 4101 S.W. Kruse Way, Lake Oswego, OR SAFECO SECRETARY CURRICULUM 210 Day (School Year) 210 Day (School Year) Requires: 65 wpm net typing; profi­ ciency in operation of microcom- puter/word processor Call 257-1510 (24 hr job information) for further qualifications, salai > and closing dates. Required MESD employment applications can be obtained in person at MESD’s re­ cruitment Office at 11611 NE Ains­ worth C rcle, (Airport Way), hours are 8:00-5:00, Monday thru Friday. Applicants residing outside of Tri- County area and physically disabled applicants may request application materials by mail or by calling 257- 1501 during regular office hours. An Equal Opportunity Employer ENGINEERING SPECIALIST 3 $1692-$2274 Monthly Oregon Highway Division seeks ap­ plicants to fill openings throughout the state. Requires an Associate degree in engineering technology AND four years of subprofessional engineering experience; OR five and one-half years of subprofessional experience A Bachelor's degree in architecture, geology, math, or physics may be substituted for the Associate degree. These positions do field surveying, traffic studies, inspection or testing, drafting, of­ fice engineering, & support for design. To obtain an application, contact ODOT Personnel in Salem (503) 378-6281. Applications must be returned by 5:00 p.m., Novem­ ber 27, 1990. We are an AA/EEO Employer.____________________ MULTNOMAH COUNTY Program Development Specialist/ Engineering Operations (Part-time) $13.16 per hour; provide computer suppo:' including assessment of PC needs programming assistance in programs such as R-Base and Auto­ CAD, and assisting in evaluation of hardware and software products; apply i. y November 30,1990. WHERE TO APPLY Multnomah Countv Employee Services, Room 1430, 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Port­ land, OR 97204. Shadow Masters & Sound Requires: 65 wpm net typing; profi­ ciency in operation of microcom- puter/word processor Call 257-1510 (24 hr job information) for further qualifications, sala;, ,id closing dates. Required MLSD employment applications can be obtained in person at MESD’s re­ cruitment Office at 11611 NE Ains­ worth Circle, (Airport Way), hours are 8:00-5:00, Monday thru Friday. Applicants residing outside of Tri- County area and physically disabled applicants may request application materials by mail or by calling 257- 1501 during regular office hours. An Equal Opportunity Employer HUMAN RESOURCE ADMINISTRATOR ($39,162 - $47,601) The Eugene School D istrict seeks quali­ fied candidates for a Human Resource Professional to administer the district’ s personnel policitcs, procedures, collec­ tive bargaining agreement, and staffing programs. Areas o f special responsibil­ ity include coordination o f the develop­ ment and maintenance o f automated records systems, coordination o f H u­ man Resources staff EE O /A AP, and general human resource management consultation as part o f a client service system. Requires generalist knowledge o f the human resources field, excellent interps- ersonal skills, strong analytical skills, and fa m ilia rity w ith automated person­ nel database and records system. Q uali­ fications shall include a Bachelor’s degree in Public Adm inistration, Business Adm inistration, Industrial Relations or related fie ld , at least three years o f pro­ fessional experience in the human re­ source fie ld , experience in managing one or more areas o f the human resource function, and experience in affirm ative action. Human Resource experience in a public school system or public person­ nel adm inistration preferred. Subm it a letter o f interest, adm inistra­ tive application form , resume, lis t o f three professional references and com ­ plete Supplemental Questionnaire to: E U G E N E S C H O O L D IS T »” C T 4J, H U M A N R ESO U RC ES I I’ A R T - M E N T , 200 N O R T H M O N R O E , E U ­ G E N E , O R E G O N 97402 (503-687- 3247). Closing date: 11/27/90. The Eugene School D istrict is an A ffir m a ­ tive A ction Institution. Women and ethnic minorities arc encouraged to apply. Rick Pratt IfCACV An Equal O pportunity Employer fo r m entally ill adults. Day, eve & wkend hrs. B A , exp in acute care. Exp. w rking w/chem abuser pref. C ASE M A N A G E R -J D P (dntn Seattle): Case mgmt team servicing m entally i ll misdemeanant adults. B A , prev exp w -m entally ill crim inal just system. MENTAL HEALTH NURSES Full-tim e & part-time positions in expanding mental health agency serving north centra K ing Co. W A (Seattle). Opportunities to w ork w /m ulti-disciplinary teams in comm unity su pp ort, crisis intervention, residential programs, pro­ viding assessments, medication evals and case mgmt. Positions avail fo r licensed RNs & Am ps w/prescriptive authority and exp. w o rk ir n w/disabled $1694 - $2276 m entally i ll adults. Adminstrative Secretary F /T w / excellent benefits including 3 wks vac. the 1st yr. Provide admin, secretar­ ial support to Executive Director, Directors, and Board o f Trustees fo r privat- non p ro fit mental health center w / 200+ staff. Req: typing 70 wpm, exp. w / WordPerfect preferred. A b ility to be fle xib le, and w ork w ith secretarial team. Receptionist F ull-tim e receptionist position fo r large mental health agency in W allingford area serving chronically m entally ill. 1 year receptionist exp. in health care setting preferred. 40 W P M typing. $14,282.00 + exc. benefit package. Send resumes to: CPC, 4319 Stone W ay N „ Seattle 98103. EOE. Case Manager Wallingford House Provide assessment, tx planning, crisis intervention, s k ill training & case m gm t fo r m entally ill adults in psychosocial clubhouse prog. Salary $21,500 - 27,500. B A + exp. w / m entally i ll adults. C O O R D IN A T O R -C IS : Screen acutely mentally il l adults fo r respite care beds. Coordinate client activities w ith local emergency mental health p ro vid ­ ers, and provide support fo r clients. Swing and nite shift, s k ill in crisis intervention, assessment, and referral. A b ility to w ork independently. M in. Req. BA plus 2 yrs. exp. Accessment and discharge planning a plus. Please send cover letter (identify position) and resume to: A T T N : Personnel, CPC, 4319 Stone W ay N, Seattle, W A . 98013. $1694 - $2276 The Oregon Department o f ForesU) currently has an opening in Salem fo r a Support Services Supervisor 2, Equip­ ment Pool Assistant. This announce­ ment is to f ill the current vacancy Sub­ m it and application now i f you wish to be considered for this jo b classification. The Equipment Pool Assistant provides a variety o f adm inistrative related serv­ ices in direct support o f the Equipment Pool and the Services Section. The position provides direct support by co­ ordinating, auditing, and preparing b ill­ ings and inventories o f both the M otor Pool and Radio Pool and by providing secretarial and adm inistrative support to the D irector and other Unit Managers in the Section. The position requires skills in analysis, evaluation, and interpreta­ tion o f organizational policy. Announcement closes December 3,1990. Contact D epartm ent o f F orestry P er­ sonnel Section, 2600 State Street, Sa­ lem , O R 97310, (503) 378-2565 for job announcement, test questions, and ap­ plications. INSURANCE MEDICAL CLAIMS ANALYSTS Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon is currently accepting applications for Medical Claims Analysts. This position is responsible fo r accurate and tim ely payment o f BlueCross and Blue Shield o f Oregon’ s medical claims. Experience necessary to perform this task w ill include: 1 year recent clerical w ork experience in a doctor’ s office or hospital setting Demonstrated knowledge o f medical term inology and anatomy. This may be obtained through a classroom setting or o ffice experience ICD-9/CPT-4 Coding A m inim um o f 6-12 months experience using a C R T in a production oriented environment Fast, accurate use o f a 10-key calculator Previous claims processing or insurance b illin g experience highly desirable. Starting salary S1347/mo. Training class w ill begin Jan. 2, 1991. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-tim e work hours, and competitive salary. Pre-employment drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #457 at the lop o f your resume or you may apply in person between 9 A M -4P M M on-Fri. Blue Cross Blue Shield o f Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W. Market Portland, O r 97201 Blue Cross Blue Shield Equal O pportunity Em ployer Tdd #225-6780 PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE/ MANAGER F Assistant State Forester Highway Planner $2464 - $3286 $3370 - $4742 The Oregon Department o f Forestry currently has an opening in Salem fo r a Principal Execulive/Manager F, Assis­ tant State Forester. This announcement is to f ill the current vacancy. The Assis­ tant State Forester, Forest Management D ivision, develops and recommends statewide operating policies and im ple­ ments p olicy decisions in the staff pro­ gram areas o f forest management, insect and disease protection, service forestry, genetic improvemnt, and cooperative research. As the ch ie f o f the Forest Management D ivision, the incumbent supervises the following programs: State Forest Management, Service Forestry, Insect and Disease Program, and C oop­ erative Tree Improvement. Announcement closes December 18, 1990. Specific questions relative to this position should be directed to Mike Bey- erle, D eputy State Forester, (503)378- 2507, Questions about how to apply and the jo b announcement should be ad­ dressed to Steve Thom as, Personnel D ire c to r, (503) 378-5732. Equal Opportunity Employer. SUPPORT SERVICES SUPERVISOR 2 Equipment Pool Assistant An Equal Opportunity!Affirmative Ac­ tion Employer A Legacy Member Pkg- S U P E R V IS O R -E L R E Y (dntn Seattle); fu ll service residential tx fa c ility fo r the homeless m entally ill seeking supervisor fo r the CCR and TCF programs. Challenging oppor. to w ork in innovative, nationally recognized tx fa cility. Masters, or B A in related fie ld + supv. exp. Knowledge o f res. prog. pref. The Oregon Department o f Forestry currently has openings fo r an O ffice Manager 2 in Sweet Home and T il­ lamook. This announcement is to fill the current vacancy and develop a list for future vacancies throughout the state. Submit an application now i f you wish to be considered for this jo b classifica­ tion. The O ffice Manager supervises the clerical, administrative, and busi­ ness support activities o f a district op­ eration. D irectly supervises a staff per­ form ing secretarial, general o ffice, rec­ ords processing, and routine clerical support tasks and ensures tim ely, accu­ rate, and efficient flow o f work between district personnel and the clerical sup­ port staff. Participates as a member o f the d istrict’ s management team. Announcement closes December 12, 1990. Contact D epartm ent o f F o r­ estry Personnel Section, 2600 State Street, Salem, 97310, (503) 378-2565 for jo b announcement, lest questions, and applications. W e ’re looking for a positive, practical person to provide organizational and ad­ ministrative support to the General Man­ ager, the Manager o f Finance and A d ­ m inistration and the M etropolitan Exposition Recreation Commission (M ERC ). Coordinates preparation o f MERC agenda, supervises clerical work­ ers. High school diploma or G ED, 2-3 years college level courses in business or equivalent exp. Three years experience in adm inistrative assistant or executive secretary position. 80 wpm typing; dictation, word processing knowledge and computer operator skills. You must be w illin g to be CPR certified. Applications available to M ERC em­ ployees and to residents o f the First Opportunity Target Area: Banfield Free­ way on the South, NE 42nd on the East, N. Chautauqua including Columbia V illage on the West and N Columbia Bv. on the North. Call our Job Line at 230-6711 for other jo b information. A P P L Y IN PERSON: November 19- 30, 8:00 am through 5:00 pm. M em o­ r ia l C oliseum G eneral O ffice , 1401 N. W heeler. 24-Hour Job Line 239-3116 CPC is a rapidly growing Mental Health Center. We provide services to psychia- trically disabled children & adults and their fam ilies through a variety o f na­ tionally recognized tx progs, located throughout Seattle. We are comm itted to a culturally and em nically diverse workplace. Com petitive salary & benefit OFFICE MANAGER 2 Office Manager Salary: $28,813/year. Full time. Ex­ empt. 1225 Northeast 2nd Avenue (503) 233-4567 Opportunities With Community Psychiatric Clinic D.O.Q. This is a mid-management level position which supervises 9-1-1 and records operations and delivery clerk. Requires Associate Degree in related field w ith m inim um four (4) years experience em ploying technical skills o f dispatch operations; two years su­ pervision in com m unicalionsenviron- ment; and four years total experience. C ity employment application and cer- tification/supplemental form must be received on or before 5:00 PM, M on ­ day, December 3, 1990 at the Person­ nel O ffice, C ity o f M ilw aukie, 10722 SE Main Street, Milwaukie, OR 97222; 659-5171 or Fax 652-4433. EEO Executive Secretary Oregon Highway D ivision seeks a pp li­ cants fo r vacancy in Salem. Requires a Bachelor’ s degree in Planning, Geography, or Landscape Architec­ ture; And three years experience con­ ducting long-range planning and re­ search studies. The person in this position would develop the corridor plan for the Oregon Coast Highway and assist in the Pacific Coast Scenic Parkway. To obtain an application, contact ODOT Personnel in Salem (503) 378-6281. Applications must be re­ turned by 5:00 p.m., November 23. 1990. We arc an A A /E E O employer. MENTAL HEALTH Salary range-$2,234/mo. to $2,715/mo $2349 - $3131 The Oregon Department o f Forestry currently has an opening in Salem fo r a Forestry S taff Specialist 2, Urban For­ ester. This announcement is to f i l l the current vacancy. Submit an application now if you wish to be considered fo r this jo b classification. The Urban Forester w ill develop and implement the new Urban Forestry Program under the d i­ rection and guidance o f the Forestry Assistance Program D irector and coor- diante the urban forestry activities w ith other department personnel, state and federal agencies, cities, rural com m uni­ ties, and private organizations involved in urban forestry programs or projects. Announcement closes December 31, 1990. Contact D epartm ent o f F o r­ estry Personnel Sectiuon, 2600 State Street, Salem, OR 97310, (503) 378- 2565 for jo b announcement, test ques­ tions, and applications. Committed to Carter Opportunity fo r A ll Americans ■ • DISPATCH CLERK, SUPERVISOR: FORESTRY STAFF SPECIALIST Urban Forester MraMi V * " r. H a m w J HELP WANTED $2387 - $3205 The Oregon Department o f Forestry c ur- rently has an opening in Santiam for a Forest U nit Supervisor 2, Reforestation U nit Forester. This announcement is to f ill the current vacancy. The Reforesta­ tion U nit Forester plans, organizes, d i­ rects, monitors, and supervises a ll refo r­ estation activities on approximately 48,000 acres o f State forest land in the Clackamas-Marion D istrict. This en­ compasses all reforestation, young stand management and tree improvement ac­ tivities. This announcement closes December 4, 1990. Contact D epartm ent o f F o r­ estry Personnel Section, 2600 State Street, Salem, OR 97310, (503) 378- 2565 for job announcement, test ques­ tions, and applications. Holladay Park Medical Center Photography (503) 629-5930 P.O. Box 6311 Aloha, OR 97006 FOREST UNIT SUPERVISOR 2 Reforestation Unit Forester & Advertising ^Employment » Bids/Sub-Bids DATA PROCESSING PROFESSIONALS There Are a Million Reasons Why We Speak Your Language Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon is currently accepting applications for Programmer Analysts. Several large projects and new business efforts w ill be requiring individuals w ith experience w orking in a large scale IB M environ­ ment. Successful candidates w ill have strong communication, interpersonal and user skills. Positions require 2-5 years experience in perform ing systems analysis and design, coding, testing and implementation assignments. CICS skills a definite plus. Candidates must also have experience in the fo llo w in g: ♦C O BO L *V S A M ♦OS/JCL *TSO/ISPF Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-tim e work hours, and com petitive salary. Pre-employment drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #449 at the top o f your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume to: Blue Cross Blue Shield o f Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W. M arket Portland, OR 97201 Blue Cross Blue Shield Equal Opportunity Em ployer T D D #225-6780 I * #* 1 * •'JM?'«* A»- t * * MMM