November 14, 1990 The Portland Observer -Page 7 Blazers co n tin u e d fro m P age 6 proved bench play of Cliff Robinsons and the addition of Danny Ainge? “ All Ainge does is take shots from their big men. Il’s the same team.” Did we see two different games, Bill? “ look, what do you want me to say?” , asked Laim- beer. “ You’re going to write what you want to anyway. I repeat, they are the same team.” Other Pistons comments: Joe Dumars - “ Il only counts as one W in the column. I don’t care if it’s an expansion team you’re playing, you only aetr one victory. Besides, it’s too early to tell..." Isiah Thomas - “ The best team, tonight, won. Portland, behind Terry Porter (28 pts.) and Kevin Duckworth (27 pis) defeated the Pistons 113-101. Clyde Drexler, listen, The Locker Room is a fan of basketball, not the Los Angeles Lakers. You must have the column mixed ap with my cousin Roch­ elle Gantt in Washington, D.C. She is the Laker fan and Magic lover. So, please slop calling the columnist a Laker fan because as you know, writers are ab­ jective! Besides, we are not allowed to cheer at die press table. Oh, keep on “ glidin’” like you're “ glidin’” and leave that jumper alone. You can post-up any guard in the league... PART ONE Benefit For Lucille Harris Place : Walnut Park Veterans Club 405 N.E. Church Date : November 25, 1990 Time : 1:00 pm until 2:30 am w Jim Hill honored as top Sportscaster... Tu Tu II Music By J J J Quiet Storm 18 ;SHT Donation: $2.00 (minimum) at door Refreshments - Tickets only Bartenders & Waitresses vs Customers D LA Raiders superstar Marcus Allen congratulates popular Sports Anchor, Jim Hill of KABC-TV, Channel 7 in Los Angeles after presenting him with the prestigious Sports Joum alislof The Year Award at the Cedars-Sinai Sports Spec- Protect yourself against BIG LOSSES and COSTLY REPAIRS. Call Levi Russell 289-3648 M y nam e is Levi R ussell. I am an e x ­ p e rie n ce d housing re h a b ilita tio n s p e ­ cia list and hom e rem o d e lin g inspector. I advise h o m e o w n e rs in m aking im ­ p ro ve m e n ts to th e ir hom es, co rre ctin g code vio la tio n s, selection and q u a lity of m ate rials, se le ctio n of contracto rs, and e stim a tin g cost of im provem ents. I also perform house in sp e ctio n s fo r hom e buyers. F o r m o re In fo rm a tio n , c a ll 2 89 -3 648. Place your advertisement in the Portland Observer Office# (503) 288-0033 Fax# (503) 288-0015 tacular Dinner held recently at the C en­ tury Plaza Hotel. Previous winners in­ clude Vin Scully, Dick Enbcrg and Jim Murray. Hill received the coveted award before a throng of supporters active in­ volvement in the community. MRS C ’S WIGS W H O L E S A L E & R E T A IL HUNDREDS OF WIGS FOR YOUR EVERCHANGING LIFESTYLES • NAOMI SIMS • BORNFREE • MICHAEL WEEKS T T Y C A B IN l P R O P R 'E T O 'î T U IS -S A T lt i3 O - 6 r 0 0 3C ££ ANO OTHER NAME BRANDS EVERYTH»« FROM CURRENT STYLES TO SPECIALTY WES UMQUE HAB ORNAMENTS HAB BEAOS A BEAUTY SUPPLES MRS. CS EBONY ESSENCE COSMETES ZURI COSMETES 281-6525 BEAUTICIAN & STUDENT DISCOUNTS 100’/. HUMAN HAB FOR BRAIDING & WEAVNG 7th & FREMONT (7 0 7 N.E. FREMONT) w WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION Fri. - Nov. 30 8:00 PM M em orial Coleseum -M A IN EVENT- ” HULK HOGAN & TUGBOAT -V S - EARTHQUAKE & DINO BRAVO PLUS HACKSAW JIMM DUGGAN -V S - SGT SLAUGHTER DAVEY BOY SMITH -V S - HAKU DAVEY BOY SMITH • VS- PLAYBOY BUDDY ROSE SABA SIMBA VS THE BROOKLYN BRAWLER -TAG TEAM MATCH - - LEGION OF DOOM VS DEMOLITION WWF INTERCONTINENTAL CHMPIONSHIP TITLE MATCH CHAMP - TEXAS TORNADO -VS- MR PERFECT KETS: *15, *12 AND s9.50 Pt»j . SI Ticketmaster tee a, CuHuum la i Ottica. Cl Joti art all tictulmuter outlets WATCH WWF. ON KPTV Chanl. 12. Saturdays al 1, 00 AM KGW Chant 8. Saturdays at 4 00 PM »Hts*^* lta*»T>*» «• lna»SH»H •"< > 1 f. • A ’., -