Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 14, 1990, Page 12, Image 12

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    I u g t 12
1 he P o rtla n d O bserxer - .N tncm ber 14, 199()
Portland Observer
Notice to Contractors
Project #3660
Sealed bids for the construction of Wastewater Pump Stations for the City of
Brookings, Curry County, Oregon, will be received by the City until 1:00 P.M., on
November 30,1990. Bids submitted prior to the opening are to be delivered to City
Hail, 898 Elk Drive, Brookings, Oregon 97415. Bid opening will be conducted at the
City Hall and publicly opened and read aloud.
The project includes five (5) various sized sewage pumping stations. This in­
cludes mechanical and electrical equipment and wood structures.
Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of H.G.E., INC., Engineers
and Planners, 375 Park Avenue, Coos Bay, Oregon 97420, and at the following
Bay Area Plan Exchange
Coos Bay, Oregon
Medford Builders Exchange
Medford, Oregon
Eugene Builders Exchange
Eugene, Oregon
Oregon Builders Exchange
Roseburg, Oreogn
Josephine County Builders Exchange Grants Pass Oregon
H.G.E., INC., 19 N.W. Fifth Avenue
Portland, Oreogn
Construction Data
Portland, Oregon
Builders Plan Exchange
Portland, Oreogn
DJC Plan Center
Portland, Oregon
Brookings City Hall
Brookings, Oreogn
Dodge Scan Reports
Seattle, Washington
One copy may be obtained by prequalified prospective bidders upon receipt
of cash or check in the amount of $50.00 made payable to the Engineer. Deposit
made upon procurement of drawings, specifications, and forms of contract docu­
ments will be non-refundable. Individual sheets and specification pages may be
purchased for the cost of reproduction: Drawings, $2.00 per sheet: Specification
pages, $0.25 per page.
Bidders must prequalify with Owner, on Standard Oregon Review Board Pre-
qualificaiton Forms, ten (10) days prior to bid opening. Disqualification statements
shall be issued not later than 4 days before bid opening by the Owner. Prequali-
ficaiton forms may be obtained from the Engineer and should be submitted to the
Owner via the Engineer and is not over one year old, refiling is not necessary un­
less there has been a substantial change in Contractor's status.
No bid will be considered unless fully completed in the manner provided in the
Instructions to Bidders upon the bid form provided by the Engineer and accom­
panied by a bid bond executed in favor of the City of Brookings in an amount not
less than ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the bid. Bid bond is to be forfeited
as a fixed and liquidated damage should the bidder neglect or refuse to enter into
a contract and provide suitable bond for the faithful performance of the work in the
event the contract is awarded him. funds for the improvements are available, and
monthly payments will be made by check.
Any contract award under this Invitation to Bid is expected to be funded in part
by a grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Neither
the United States nor any of its departments, agencies, or employees is or will be
a party to this Invitation to Bid or any resulting contract. This procurement will be
subject to regulations contained in Part 33 Procurement Under Assistance Agree­
Bidders on this work will be required to comply with the provisions of the Presi­
dent s Executive Order No. 11246 concerning equal employment opportunity,
including all amendments and requirements issued thereunder. The requirements
for Bidders and Contractors under this Order are explained in the Contract
The attention of Bidders is directed to the requirements and conditions of em ­
ployment to be observed and minimum rates to be paid under the Contract. The
Bidder shall comply with provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 276a) for
this public work project.
The Bidder’s attention is directed to the provisions of these Contracts that re­
lated to the utilization of small, minority, and women business enterprises during
the performance period of the Contract. The following goals are set for this Con­
1. Eight percent of the dollar amount of the construction
services and/or supply services is to be performed by
minority subcontractors and/or minority suppliers.
2. Four percent of the dollar amount of the construction
services and/or supply services is to be performed by
women subcontractors and/or women suppliers.
Prior to Award of Contract, EPA will review the Proposals with respect to the
Bidder’s degree of compliance with the above goals; a low Bidder who has not
achieved these goals must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director, Office
of Civil Rights and Urban Affairs, EPA Region 10, that the goals are not attainable
on the Contract work.
Before a Contract will be awarded, compliance with all EPA requirements
specified in the Contract Documents will be subject to EPA review and approval.
No bid will be received or considered by the City of Brookings or any officer
thereof unless the bid contains a statement by the bidder as a part of his bid that
the provisions required by ORS 279.350 shall be included in this Contract.
The City of Brookings reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive
all informalities. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the opening
and thereafter until after the lapse of sixty (60) days from the bid opening.
By o rd e r o f the C ity o f B rookings.
Fred hum m el
M ayor
Qualifications due Nov. 20
The Portland Bureau of Parks and Recreation will accept qualifications through
Tuesday, November 20,1990, for professional services in support of formulation of
a master Plan for Portland International Raceway.
Specific services needed include analysis of the needs of the raceway in the
general areas of safety, spectator facilities, utilities, major maintenance, noise
compliance and capital improvement. Compensation will be based on the scope of
services to be negotiated between the City and the firm which is selected to do the
Specific submittal requirements are contained in the "Request for Qualifica­
tions" document which may be obtained by calling Fontaine Hagedorn, Bureau of
Parks and Recreation, at (503) 796-5115.
The City of Portland encourages participation of Minority/Women Owned
Business Enterprises in its projects.
t# Employment
Separate sealed bids for the Housing Authority of the City of Salem will be re­
Sealed bids are requested for labor and materials to rehabilitate 17 vacant
ceived by the City Recorder, Room 205, City Hall. Salem, Oregon 97301, until, but
single family residences located at scattered sites in Portland, Oregon. Bids will be
not after 11.00 a.m., standard time, December 12,1990, at which time said bids will
received at the Housing Authority of Portland (HAP) Development Office, 135 S W
be publicly opened and read aloud in the City Council Chambers, Room 240, City
I Ash, Suite 400, Portland, OR, 97204 until 2:00 p.m., P.S.T., Decem ber'17,1990
Hall, for the project specified herein.
Shortly thereafter, bids will be opened and publicly read. The attendance of bidders
The "information for Bidders", form of "Bid Proposal", "Bid Bond” , Contract,
[ is welcomed.
and Performance & Payment Bond, Plans, Specifications, and other contract
The work to be performed varies by site, but may include plumbing, electrical
documents may be examined and obtained for a non-refundable fee of $20.00,
roofing, painting, siding, window replacement, vinyl floor covering and other work
made payable to the Salem Housing Authority, at the office of the Purchasing
necessary to correct building code violations and to address deferred maintenance
Supervisor, 555 Liberty St. S.E./Room 330, Salem, Oregon 97301-3503, phone
Interested bidders may obtain one set of bid documents at the HAP Develop­
Work Description:
ment Office Monday through Friday between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM upon deposit of
A) Livingston Village and Northgate Village: Exterior building renovation of
$20.00 which is refundable if documents are returned in good condition within ten
housing units to include composition roofing replacement, eave modifications,
(10) days after bid opening. Additional sets of documents may be purchased for $ 15
wood siding replacement, downspout replacement and related work.
| each , which is not refundable.
B) Shelton Village: Exterior building renovation of housing units to include
A HAP representative will conduct a pre-bid meeting and inspection tour of the
composition roofing replacement, eave modifications, downspout replacement
sites commencing at 8:30 AM November 26th at a designated project site. All sites
and related work.
not visited that day will be inspected the following day. The attendance of bidders is
Each bid shall be accompanied by a Previous Participation Certification, Non-
requested on pre-bid tours, and questions posed at that time, when not addressed
Collusive Affidavit, and a certified check or bank draft, payable to the Salem Hous­
in the specifications, will be answered by Addendum and mailed to all bidders Pre­
ing Authority (SHA) or a satisfactory Bid Bond executed by the Bidder and a Surety
bid site inspection schedules will be included with bid document packages.
that is acceptable to the Federal Government, in an amount equal to ten percent
The Housing Authority of Portland will require contractors to submit with their
of the bid.
bid, a Certificate of Compliance with the following minimum prequalifications: 1) that
Bids must be submitted on the proposal forms furnished to bidders. Propos-
the contractor is a general contractor licensed to perform the type of work specified
| als shall be submitted in a sealed envelope plainly marked “ BID ON C.I.A.P.
in the contract within the state of Oregon, 2) that the contractor will meet all
PROJECT/SIDING & ROOFING - BID NO. 3801 ” , and show the name and busi­
performance bonding and insurance requirements specified in the contract docu­
ness address of the bidder.
ments before issuance of the Notice to Proceed, and 3) that the contractor has
A PRE-BID CONFERENCE will be held in the Conference Room, Administra­
received gross proceeds of at least two times the amount of his bid on this contract
tion Office Building of the Housing Authority of theCity of Salem, 360 Church Street,
from general contracting work performed overthe preceding 12 months. Verification
S.E., Salem, Oregon at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, December 3,1990. A tour of the
of prequalifications may be required before award of the contract,
project sites, will follow the pre-bid conference. Entire pre-bid conference will last
No bid will be considered unless accompanied by the contractor's certification
approximately two hours.
of compliance with prequalifications and bid security in the form of certified check
The Contract will be awarded on the basis of the base bid unless it overruns
cashier’s check, or surety bond payable to "The Housing Authority of Portland” in
the amount budgeted for this work. In the case of such overrun, deductible alter­
an amount equal to 5% of the bid. Bid security is forfeited as fixed and liquidated
nates will be taken by the SHA in numerical order as they are listed to the extent
damages should the bidder neglect or refuse to enter into contract or provide a
necessary to come within the budgeted total. If there are no deductible alternates
suitable bond for the faithful performance of the work and for payment of ail
or taking all deductible alternates the resultant still exceeds the budgeted amount,
incurred in performing the work when bidder is notified of contract award.
! the SHA reserves the right to reject all bids, or secure additional funds necessary
Attention is called to the provisions for equal employment opportunity, insur­
to awarding the Contract.
ance requirements, and the payment of not less than the minimum salaries and
A surety bond, cashier's check, or certified check of the bidder in the amount
wages as set forth in the Specifications. Payment of wages determined pursuant to
of ten percent (10%) of the bid must be attached to each proposal as bid security.
tne Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 276a et seq.) is a requirement of this project. Any
Unsuccessful bidders will have their security refunded to them when the contract
State determined prevailing wage rate that exceeds the corresponding Federal rate
has been awarded.
| is inapplicable and shall not be enforced.
The successful Bidder will be required to furnish and pay for satisfactory Per­
A minimum of 20% MBE participation in the execution of this work is a HAP
formance and Payment Bond, in the full amount of the Contract.
i Development goal and the methods the bidder proposes to meet this goal shall be
Attention is called to the provisions for Equal Employment Opportunity, insur­
submitted on a notarized "Certification of MBE Participation” form which will become
ance requirements, and the payment of not less than the minimum salaries and
| part of the bid.
wages as set forth in the Specifications.
No bidder may withdraw bid after the hour set for opening thereof until after the
Any prevailing wage rate (including basic hourly rate and any fringe benefits)
I lapse of sixty (60) days from the bid opening.
determined under State or tribal law to be prevailing with respect to any employee
HAP may reject any bid not in compliance with the prescribed bidding proce-
in any trade or position employed under the contract is inapplicable to the contract
dures and requirements and may reject any or all bids and waive all informalities, if
and shall not be enforced against the contractor or any subcontractor with respect
in the judgment of HAP, it is in the public interest to do so. Questions regarding this
to employees engaged under the contract whenever either of the following occurs:
project should be directed to John Manson at 273-4511.
(i) Such nonfederal prevailing wage rate exceeds (A) the applicable wage rate
NOTE: This project is 100% federally funded as part of a 4.17 million dollar
determined by the Secretary of Labor pursuant to the Davis-Bacon Act (40
obtained through the Department of Housing and Urban Development
U.S.C.276a et seq.) to be prevailing in the locality with respect to such trade; (3)
for a program to acquire and rehabilitate low-income housing.
an applicable apprentice wage rate based thereon specified in an apprenticeship
program registered with the Department of Labor or a DOL-recognized State
Helen Barney
Apprenticeship Agency; or (C) an applicable trainee wage rate based there on
of Development
specified i a DOL-certified trainee orogram; or (ii) Such nonfederal prevailing wage
rate, exclusive of any fringe benet
xceeds the applicable wage rate determined
by the Secretary of HUD to be pr<. 'ing in the locality with respect to such trade
or position.
The Salem Housing Authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to
waive formalities in the bidding and of postponing the award of the contract for thirty
(30) days. Prices bid shall be firm for a period of 30 days after the closing date.
No Bidder may withdraw his bid within thirty days after the bid opening.
NOTE: This project is federally funded through the Department of Housing and
urban Development and all requirements of that agency pertaining to bidding and
contract performance shall be strictly adhered to.
Inquiries concerning the contents of the bid specifications should be directed
to Jerry Croft, Contract Administrator, Salem Housing Authority, at (503)588-6455.
Gary Kanz, C.P.M.
Purchasing Supervisor
BID NO. 3801
CLOSING: December 12,1990 @11:00 a.m.
Fire Protect ion/Millwork & Wood Door
Portland, OR
BID DATE: 11/19/90 at 2pm
P.O. Box 1300
Portland, OR 97201
(503)221-8811 F ax:(503) 221-8934
OR LICENSE #2 8 4 1 7
Sub - Bids Requested
Hamilton Hall Kitchen Alteration, Eugene, Oregon
Bid Date 12/3/90 Time 4:00pm
Lee Construction Co.
P. O. Box 257
Eugene, Oregon 97440
Phone 503 - 683-3607 Fax 503 - 683-7364
CCB# 63579
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small minority
owned and disadvantaged business enterprises
Sealed bids for the Dixon Aquatic Facility Expansion project will be received by
the Oregon State Board of Higher Education until 2:00 PM, local time, December 11,
1990. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud on December 12,1990, at 2:00
PM local time.
Additional information may be obtained by contacting the OSU Physical Plant,
Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2001 or telephone 503-737-4921.
Encourages you to join forces with your church
and support a literacy program.
Northeast Community Development Corporation (NECDC) is seeking con­
struction firms interested in bidding on single-family housing rehabilitation and
single-family housing new construction.
All interested parties are invited to a pre-construction conference which will
outline the specifics of the project and answer any questions pertaining to the
General requirements for construction firms are to be licensed, insured and
bondable. The pre-construction conference will be held, November 15,1990 at 1726
NE Alberta. If you have any questions, please contact Russell Dawson, Housing
Development Director at 282-5482.
RSVP requested by November 13,1990.
Sealed bids for the Langton Hall Pool Balcony Replacement project will be
received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education until 2:00 PM, local time,
November 28,1990. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud on November 29,
1990, at 2:00 PM local time.
Additional information may be obtained by contacting the OSU Physical Plant,
Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2001 or telephone 503-737-4921.