b n » V » « + » % < • <*w /-*<*•' « «•■* -ars o f this experience must basis, depending on event schedule. include program monitoring. Prefer The Phone Room is open 8 am- 8pm, experience in energy conservation. seven days a week. You should have clear handwriting, an ability to m em o­ Salary $2632-3147/month. application deadline November 27. Request an­ rize and a good telephone voice. You nouncem ent and exam from Personnel should be able to work with others and O ffice, 1535 Edgew ater St. NW, Sa­ independently. You m ust be willing to lem, OR 97310, (503) 378-4133. be CPR certified. An Equal Opportunity Employer: M i­ Applications available only to residents nority, female, and disabled candi­ o f the First Opportunity Target Area: dates arc encouraged to apply. N and NE neighborhoods between the AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EM ­ Banfield Freew ay on the South, NE PLOYER 42nd on the East, Colum bia Bv on the North and N Chautauqua including PLUMBER Colum bia Villa on the W est. APPLY Tektronix Inc., a Fortune 500 firm and IN PERSON: November 8-21, 8:00 world leader in test and m easurement am through 5:00 pm, M emorial C oli­ equipm ent, offers an exciting oppor­ seum General Office, 1401 N. Wheeler. tunity for a Plum ber at our Etched An Equal O pportunity/A ffirm ative A c­ Circuit Board Plant in Forest Grove. tion Employer. One swing shift and one graveyard position available. PHOTO You will maintain, repair, fabricate and TOOLING install various types o f plum bing/ m echanical systems, equipment/ma- TECHNICIANS chinery in accordance with all local Tektronix, a Fortune 500 firm and world and state code requirements. You will leader in test and m easurem ent equip­ also maintain preventative maintenance ment, has immediate openings for a logs and records, utilize “ state o f the Photo Tooling Technician on our swing a rt” test equipm ent, and respond to shift at our Etched Circuit Board Plant trouble calls and emergencies. Forest Grove. W e are seeking a m ulti-crafted process You will operate photo and com puter- plum ber with a minimum o f 7 years’ aided imaging equipm ent and perform as a joum cylevel plum ber with experi­ com posite functions in a clean room ence as a welder, mechanic or H.B.A.C. environm ent In addition, you will Technician. State o f Oregon Plumbers generate high quality production license with thorough knowledge of filmwork by touching-up, m odifying Uniform Plumbing code required. and masking filmwork, and managing Ability to interpret and work from satellite film libraries. blueprints, schematics and flow dia­ Requires the basic know ledge o f proc­ gram s also a must. May be required to essing silver and diazo film and the work w eekends, holidays, and/or ro­ ability to use photo tools, m agnifica­ tating shifts, and overtime. tion and m easurem ent devices. Expe­ Tektronix offers a com petitive package rience in perform ing film com posite o f com pensation and benefits. For registration functions and know ledge im m ediate consideration, please send o f the manufacturing o f circuit boards your resume and salary requirements is a plus. to: Cindy Benson Taylor, DS FI-293, For immediate consideration, please send Tektronix, Inc., P.O. Box 3000, Forest your resum e to: Cindy Benson Taylor, G rove, OR 97116. DS FI-293, Tektronix, Inc., P.O. Box W e are an equal opportunity em ployer 3000, Forest G rove, OR 97116. m/f/h. W e are an equal Opportunity Employer. T E K T R O N IX M/F/H. ________TEKTRONIX_______ PROJECT COORDINATOR Economic Development $36,492-$47,268 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES GEOTECHNICAL DESIGNER $2060-$2765 Oregon Highway Division seeks appli­ cants for vacancy in Salem. Requires a B achelor’s degree in Civil or Trans­ portation-related engineering; AND one year o f experience in the practice of transportation engineering; OR four years o f professional engineering experience. Person in this position evaluates site conditions and performs detailed soil and rock mechanics analy­ sis in order to develop geotechnical designs. To obtain a application, con­ tact O D O T Personnel in Salem (503) 378-6281. Applications must be re­ turned by 5:00 p.m., N ovem ber 23, 1990. W e are an AA/EEO employer. Coordinate the development and implem­ entation o f a business developm ent program targeted at the office/service sector,with special em phasis on the C entral City as a location for em ploy­ m ent and investm ent. Determine m ar­ ketplace advantages of Portland, pros­ pect identification, preparation of tech­ nical and m arketing materials, direct marketing, and client support and fol­ low-up. Responsible for the recruit­ ment o f new office/services users and assist in the retention and expansion of existing companies in the Central City. Closing date: D ecem ber 7, 1990. For a ENTRY LEVEL com plete jo b description and applica­ COUNSELOR II tion packet, call 796-6819 or contact: 5 p.m. PORTLAND DEVELOPM ENT C O M ­ Starting salary $1109-81250 plus bene­ For additional information, call the Port’s MISSION fits. CODA INC seeks entry level Job Hotline, (503) 231-5478. 1120 SW FIFTH, SUITE 1100 counselor for STAR methadone m ain­ The Port is an Equal Opportunity Em ­ PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 tenance program to manage caseload ployer. ________ ___________ An Equal Opportunity Employer o f opiate dependant clients, provide COMMUNICATION supervised therapy to groups and indi­ viduals, maintain clinical records and PROGRAMS BUSINESS assist with other program functions. COORDINATOR OPPORTUNITY To qualify: an associate’s degree in $2,617-$3,176/mo. health services OR certification as Service Station For Lease Some Invest­ Four years’ progressive experience in chemical dependency cousclor arc ment Required Jon or Tony 297-7600 implementing com m unications pro­ required as is one year human services grams, including writing for publica­ experience. Clinical experience in COORDINATOR/ tions. Bachelor’s degree in com m uni­ methadone treatment and strong com ­ cation-related field. Additional study m unication skills preferred. NURSERY in organizational com m unications and To apply submit standard CODA appli­ Coordinator for Relief Nursery. M asters public relations desired. cation form including screening ques­ in Early Child Ed. or Social Services For EWEB Application contact: tion responses to address below. or B.A. +4 yrs. exp. in therapeutic Eugene W ater & Electric Board Application materials available at CODA preschool or social services with high- P.O. Box 10148 - 500 E. 4th Avenue Inc., 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. risk families. Minority applications Eugene, OR 97440-2148 Equal opportunity/affirm ative action encouraged. Send resume: VOA, 537 employer. or call: (503) 484-2411 S.E. Alder, Portland, OR 97214 Position closes: Monday, December 3, Community Relations specialist, will assist in developing and implementing pub­ lic relations and educational programs. This position will close on Friday, November 16, 1990, at 5 p.m. Public Affairs Manager will develop, implement, and administer public in­ formation programs. This position will close on W ednesday, November 21, 1990, at 5 p.m. Administrative Coordinator-Temporary, will provide administrative support to the Human Resource division staff. This position will close on W ednes­ day, November 21, 1990, at Equal Opportunity Employer 1990 - 5:00 p.m. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER & Advertising tt Employment « Bids/Sub-Bids CLERICAL DATA PROCESSING PROFESSIONALS NORTHWEST' NATURAL GAS COMPANY Arc you Interested In learning about a company from the ground up, in a statistical, repet- -H lw , task-oriented position? If you are - numerical sorting ac­ curacy and production skills will be npcessary to succeed In this filing clerk position. Desired background/skills will Include general clerical experience with basic office machine back­ ground. A customer service atti­ tude and commitment to detail will be necessary for successful performance. A full benefit package is Included In this full-time position that has a starting salary of 11120/month If you are Interested in this learn­ ing opportunity, please send/ FAX your resume Identifying this specific iob by November 16, 1990: Northwest Natural Gas 220 N.W. Second Avenue Portland, Oregon 97209 FAX: 721-2506 An Equal Opportunity Employer JOB INFORMATION LINE (503) 220-2434 There Are a Million Reasons Why We Speak Your Language Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon is currently accepting applications for Programmer Analysis. Several large projects and new business efforts will be requiring individuals with experience working in a large scale IBM environ­ ment. Successful candidates will have strong comm unication, interpersonal and user skills. Positions require 2-5 years experience in performing system s analysis and design, coding, testing and implementation assignm ents. CICS skills a definite plus. Candidates m ust also have experience in the following: ♦COBOL *VSAM ♦OS/JCL *TSO/ISPF Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package, flex-tim e work hours, and competitive salary. Pre-em ploym ent drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed im m ediately, place ad #449 at the top o f your resume or in your cover letter. Send resum e to: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 Blue Cross Blue Shield Equal Opportunity Employer TDD #225-6780 jMMlibH INSURANCE MEDICAL CLAIMS ANALYSTS Through Diversity he innovative spirit at SAFECO is built on the idea that involve­ ment in several arenas not only expands our options—it expands yours. This philosophy is as true in our product and service offerings as it is in our approach to reward­ ing every employee. As one of America's largest diversified finan­ cial corporations, we offer excel­ lent salaries and an innovative benefits package T Our commitment to innovation and diversity is also reflected in the unique blend of cultures and customs in our people. By taking an active role in equal opportu­ nity efforts, we can more readily meet the needs of an increasingly complex marketplace. To that end, we particularly invite minority, sen­ ior, and disabled applicants to explore employment opportunities in areas such as claims, under­ writing, and clerical support Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon is currently accepting applications for Medical Claims Analysts. This position is responsible for accurate and timely payment o f BlueCross and Blue Shield o f O regon’s medical claims. Experience necessary to perform this task will include: 1 year recent clerical work experience in a doctor’s office or hospital setting Demonstrated knowledge o f medical terminology and anatomy. This may be obtained through a classroom setting or office experience ICD-9/CPT-4 Coding A minimum o f 6-12 months experience using a CRT in a production oriented environment Fast, accurate use o f a 10-key calculator Previous claims processing or insurance billing experience highly desirable. Starling salary S1347/rno. Training class will begin Jan. 2, 1991. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary. Pre-em ploym ent drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed im mediately, place ad #457 at the top o f your resume or you may apply in person between 9 AM -4PM Mon-Fri. Blue Cross Blue Shield o f Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W. Market Portland, O r 97201 Blue Cross Blue Shield Equal Opportunity Employer Tdd #225-6780 In return for your efforts, you can expect a very competitive starting salary, an excellent benefits pack­ age. and salary increases based on performance Please forward your resume to SAFECO Insurance Companies, Attn: Personnel, 4101 S.W Kruse Way, Lake Oswego, OR 97035. SAFECO Engineering APPLICATIONS ENGINEER SUPERVISOR Metheus Corporation, a leading supplier of high resolution graphics controller boards, has an opportunity for an Applica­ tions Engineer Supervisor Io pro­ vide technical support and ex­ pertise to the compny's sales staff, customers, dealers, and distributors. Your responsibilities will include providing technical support for customers via phone and fax. performing benchmarks and diagnostics, reviewing technical documentation and manuals, documenting technical informa­ tion for technical support, self education In Metheus products and customer applications, managing other Applications Engineers. Additional duties in­ clude collecting and reporting problems with products, demon­ strating equipment, gathering product information, providing product bulletins to field. Mandatory requirement: m ini­ mum of two years experience with PC technology operations and concepts and CAD applica­ tion software. Preference is given to a bachelor's degree or equivalent and previous supervl- sory/managemenf experience. Good oral and written communi­ cation skills a must. Only appli­ cants with the above qualifica­ tions need apply. Metheus provides a competitive salary and excellent benefits package. For consideration, please send your resume to: Metheus Corporation, Attn: Human Resources Dept., 1600 N.W. Compton Drive, Beaverton, OR 97006. Applications and re­ sumes accepted for open posi­ tions only. Equal Oportunily Em ­ ployer. METHEUS CORPORATION Legislative Committee Administrator .(1991 Legislative Session) Positions provide information to Legislative Committees regard­ ing issue before committees, ar­ range for testimony and evi­ dence to be provided, and organize and analyze Informa­ tion in the preparation of policy options. Experience involving management responsibility or experience in a staff technical or professional function related to management required. Salary range $2,768 - 13,714 per month. These positions will begin In January 1991 and end at the close of the 1991 Legislative Ses­ sion. A Legislative Administra­ tion Committee application is re­ quired. This recruitment open until sufficient applications are received. It may close at any time without notice. Contact Per­ sonnel Services, Legislative Ad­ ministration Committee, S401 State Capitol, Salem, OR 97310 (503) 378-8530. Equal Opportuni­ ty Employer CLERICAL NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY Do you enloy a fast-paced, team- oriented environment that in­ volves processing work stations and repetitive tasks. Our down­ town office needs qualified can­ didates for an entry-level posi­ tion in the payment processing section of our Treasury Depart­ ment. Background/,raining in payment processing, customer payments and mall extracting Is desirable, bu, no, required. 10-key by touch plus a strong numerical aptitude will be necessary. Starting wage Is 17.24/hr with a benefit package. Only those selected for interview will be contacted. Please respond In writing with your work history and experi­ ence/,raining identifying skills pertinent to this position, by No­ vember 16, 1990. Northwest Natural Gas Co. PO Box 3410 Portland, Oregon 97208-3410 FAX (503) 721-2506 Equal Opportunity Employer JOB INFORMATION LINE: (503)220-2434 Legislative Committee Research Assistant (1991 Legislative Session) Positions compile, analyze, and report information requested by Legislators and Legislative Committees. Experience per­ forming research work which has afforded a knowledge of re­ search methods and a demon­ strated skill in compiling, organ­ izing, and anlyzing research data required. Salary range 11,781 - 12,387 per month. These positions will begin in January 1991 and end at the close of the 1991 Legislative Session. A Leg­ islative Administration Commit­ tee application is required. This recruitment open until sufficient applications are received. I, may close a, any lime without notice. Contact Personnel Services, Leg­ islative Administration Commit­ tee, S401 State Capitol, Salem, OR 97310. (503) 378-8530. Equal Opportunity Employer Computer COURIER (1991 LEGISLATIVE SESSION, For the Oregon Legislative Infor­ mation System of the Legislative Administration Committee. Posi­ tion transports photocopy to and from state printing and assists In resolving computer software malfunctions. Knowledge of operations of electronic com ­ puters and related equipment and microcomputer applications software (WordPerfect) desired. Mus, have a valid driver's li- cense and a good driving record. Salary range 11,252 - 11,622 per month. Position will be expected to work flexible hours. Including nlr evenings and ‘ weekends. A ‘ Leg­ islative Administration Commi»- tee application is required. Ap­ plication materials must be received by 5 PM, November 27, 1990. Contact Personnel Services, Legislative Administration Com­ mittee, S401 State Capitol. Salem, OR 97310 (503) 378-8530. Equal Opportunity Employer RADIO Newsperson with m inim um 3-5 years experience on air. Tape and resum e to P.O. Box 14957, Portland, O R 97214. Equal O pportunity E m ployer.