l*uge IO --The Portland Observer—November 14, 1990 New meningitis vaccine A vaccine lhaican prevent meningi­ tis in children recently has been licensed and is now available in Oregon at public and private clinics. This safe and highly effective vaccine can protect infants and young children from infections caused by the bacteria Haemophilus influenzae type b. Haemophilus b is the most common cause ol bacterial meningitis in the United States, and also causes pneumonia, and sepsis or blood poisoning. Haemophilus infections can be fatal and may cause permanent neurologic damage in chil­ dren who survive. Each year, an esti­ mated 12,000 children fall ill from Haemo­ philus in the United States, including an average of 120 children per year in Ore­ gon. One in 200 children become sick with haemophilus infections sometime during the first five years of life, most often during the first year. The vast majority of these infec­ tions can be prevented by the new vac­ cine. The vaccine, called Haemophilus b conjugate vaccine, is given to infants at two, four, and six months of age, with a booster at 15 months of age. Previously, Haemophilus vaccine had been given to children at 15 months of age, too late to prevent most illness. The newly licensed vaccine (Lederle-Praxis’ HibTITER) is Public service announcement START DATE: November 7, 1990 KILL DATE: November 21, 1990 CONTACT: Mike Maksimowicz (667-9060) TIME: 30 Seconds Turkeys and other Thanksgiving food items are needed now at Portland Rescue Mission. The mission plans to feed 200- 300 hungry and homeless men, women and children this Thanksgiving. Donated items can be delivered to the mission at 111 W. Burnside Street or you can call 227-0421 for pick up. Cash donations can be mailed to Portland Rescue Mission, Box 3713, Portland, OR. 97208. i Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS more effective because it can be given to young infants who are at highest risk. All children in Oregon should be immunized with Haemophilus b conju­ gate vaccine beginning at 2 months of age, the age when routine childhood immunizations are started. Immuniza­ tion may be given at the same lime as diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) and polio immunization. The number and timing of doses for these older children depends on their age. Parents with children between 2 and 15 months of age should contact the provider of their child’s immunization to arrange an appointment schedule. Im­ munization is also recommended for children age 15 months to 5 years who have not previously received Haemophi­ lus b vaccine. Haemophilus b immunization is available at private clinics and physician offices as well as local health depart­ ments in Oregon. Please call ahead for scheduling. Vaccine is provided free of charge at local health departments. A modest administration fee may be re­ quested but no one will be denied vac­ cine because of an inability to pay. The vaccine was licensed to use for infants on October 4, 1990 by the U.S. Food and Drug administration. Transportation Engineer 2 FINANCIAL AID COUNSELOR The Office of Student Financial Aid is seeking to fill a permanent Financial Ala Counselor position with responsibilities for one or more programs or functions in the office. Responsibilities In­ clude giving financial aid pre­ sentations, counseling students, performing need analysis, and aid packaging. Bachelor's de­ gree required; Master's degree preferred. Required experience and skills: knowledge of financial aid, communication, problem solving, counseling skills, flexible attitude, current experience In a financial aid office. Preferred ex­ perience with computers and knowledge of Congressional Methodology. Send letter, re­ sume and three current refer­ ence letters to: Julie Potesky, Associate Director, Office of Stu­ dent Financial Aid, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington 99164-1915 by No­ vember 23, 1990. WSU Is an Equal Opportunlty/Afflrmatlve Action educator and employer. Protected group members are encouraged to apply. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Yamada Learning Center University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon Bid Date: November 13,1990 @ 4:00 P.M. (Lead Photogrammetrist) $2383-53199 Oregon Highway Division seek appli­ cants for vacancy in Salem. Requires a Bachelor’s degree in Civil or Trans­ portation related engineering; AND two years of experience in the practice of Transportation Engineering; OR five years of professional experience in the practice of Transportation Engineer­ ing; two of the five years must have been performing professional level engineering work. This position would assist in the supervision and admini­ stration of production of aerial mosa­ ics, topographic and planimetric maps, and computer generated ground mod­ els. To obtain an application, contact ODOT Personnel in Salem (503) 378- 6281. Applications must be returned by 5:00p.m .,N ovem ber26,1990. We are an AA/EEO employer MCKENZIE COMMERCIAL 865 West Second Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 (503)343-7143 FAX (503) 343-3306 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from women and minority owned business enterprises. Sub-Bids Requested Rogue Valley Medical Center Medford, Oregon Bid Date: 12/4/90 @ 2pm Hoffman Construction Co. P. 0. Box 1300 Portland, Oregon 97207 (503)221-8811 Fax:(503)221-8934 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from women and minority owned business enterprises. Place your advertisement in the Portland Observer INFORMATIONAL The A rk a n a a o C lu b o f O re go n PORTLAND w ill bo o o r v in y T h a n k s g iv in g Sealed bids w ill be received u n til 1:00 p.m. on the d a te s in d ic a te d in th e P u rch a sing D epartm ent, Multnomah County School D is t r ic t #1J, 501 N. Dixon, Portland, Oregon fo r the items lis te d herein: FREE 1990 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION - P lc a o c C a l l : BID FILING DATE BID TITLE at D a h lk c M a n o r 9 1 5 N .E . S c h u y l e r S t r e e t fro m 1 2 :0 0 n F o r S e n io r C itiz c n o - 3 i0 0 p .m . L N e e d y I’c r o o n o PUBLIC SCHOOLS CALL FOR BIDS D in n e r N ovem ber 2 2 , ADVERTISEMENT C h a r le s G re e n - 2 5 4 -0 6 0 5 M arg e M oore - 2 0 3 - 9 4 3 3 I d a Mac M i l l o r - 2 0 7 - 9 9 0 0 E t h e l H o lm es - 2 0 7 - 5 7 2 0 G le n d a H c n e f i c l d - 2 0 1 - 9 1 7 3 PLEASE RESPOND UY NOV. 1 4 , 1990 Dec. 4, 1990 F ir s t Aid Supplies And Equipment For Warehouse Stock, 1991-92 Formal announcement, d e ta ile d s p e c ific a tio n s and bidding document may be obtained at the above address. For a d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n, please contact M. J. Hutchens, D ir. o f Purchasing, 249-2000, Ext. 581. Lunchtime fast to benefit hunger Over 30 Oregon artists have joined Oregon Food Bank in an effort to raise awareness and funds to help fight hunger in Oregon. On Thursday, November 15th from 1 1:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m., “ Feast for the Eyes/Fast for the Hungry” will fill the main lobby of the Portland Center for the Performing Arts with works of art by local artists and music by noted jazz pianist Michael Harrison. People are invited to participate in this year’s “ Feast for the Eyes’Fast for the Hungry” by attending the art show’sale and by fasting during their lunch hour (or all day). They arc asked to donate the money they would have spent on their meals to Oregon Food Bank. All those who contribute to the Fast, either by donating money or purchasing art, will automatically be entered into a door prize drawing. The lucky winner will receive a beautiful designer blanket donated by Norm Thompson Outfitters, Inc. Oxfam America will receive 10% of the event’s proceeds. Safeway is in your Neighborhood to Stay SAFEWAY TENDER-GOLD Grade A Turkeys Included. This Is a savings o f $672.00! Call Plump, juicy and tender grade A young turkeys. Choose from 17 to 23 pound size turkeys. Oven roast wiih your favorite family stuffing, it’s sure to be a crowd pleaser There is nothing like a home baked turkey and mashed potatoes and turkey gravy with all the trimmings. Come on in and look over our fine selection our meat department will be glad to offer expert advice on preparing your turkey. 288-0033 today for more Info. Portland Observer 4747 NE MLK, Jr Blvd (503J-288-0033 FIRST ONE Ad Prices Effective 11/14 Thru 11/21/90 -Z