Page 8—The Portland Observer •November 7, 1990 TAKING CARE OF YOUR BABY The A m erican Red Cross is spon­ soring a Baby Care class al the Red Cross building, 3131 N. V ancouver Avenue, from 7 p.m. lo 9 :3 0 p .m .o n the following W ednesday evenings: November 28, D ecem ber 5, 12, and the 19th. T his 10-hour course is for expec­ tant, new and adopting parents and/or grandparents. It gives a base for under­ standing and fulfilling the special needs o f a new baby through the first year. Taught by the Red Cross volunteer in­ structors, the subjects covered include beginning life as a family, baby care and safety. M olhers-to-be are encouraged to bring their partner or care giver. Pre-registration is necessary since class size is limited. There is a charge of $30 per couple or $25 per individual. Call The Red Cross at 284-1234, ext. 176, to register. BOY SCOUTS HOLD FOOD CANVAS On Saturday, November 17, local boy Scouts will go door to door to collect food. D onations will be taken to all W ashington County fire stations. V olunteers are needed at each o f the 10 fire stations during the event and at the end o f the event to transport the food to the W ashington County food bank, Tualatin valley Food Center. Interested people should con tac t Denise at the Food Center to volunteer (642-3236). C ommunity C are 2 8 8 -5 4 2 9 (A n y tim e ) Here is a program that meets human need with no funding. W here is your pocket book to help. They serve over 2,000 per Help!!! month. Tips for Inspecting Home Heating OSU Offers Program for Graduate School Once the fall rains begin in A program to acquaint m inor­ Portland, winter is never far behind. ity undergraduate students with thechal- Pacific Power Pordand Area M anager lengcs, rewards and career advantages Carl Talton says now is the time to make of graduate school has been initiated by an energy efficiency inspection o f you the Graduate School o f Oregon State home that can save you money and University (OSU). improve your com fort this winter. “ We want to ‘demystify’ gradu­ Ainoni! T alton's suggestions: ate school for students from underrepre­ •Get a check-up o f your home heating sented m inorities,” said Carlos Ovando, system by a qualified service contractor. professor o f post secondary and techno­ •Make sure heating ducts in unheated ar­ logical education. As program coordi­ eas are properly connected, insulated nator, he has worked to make faculty and sealed with duct tape. and academic adm inistrators aware of •Clean or replace any furnace or heat the program and solicit their help in pum p filters. Dirty filters pul an added identifying candidates and serving as load on your equipm ent and decrease mentors. efficiency. The Graduate Opportunities •Assure that heat registers and base­ Program for minority Students is de­ board healers are dust free and are not signed to “ help minority students de­ blocked by furniture or draperies. velop a sophisticated altitude toward •Caulk to seal cracks around windows graduate school and an aw areness o f and m oldings; use weatherstripping what it means in their career pattern, “ around doors and sliding windows. O vando said. •Install storm windows and doors or seal The object is not necessarily to w indow s and doors with inexpensive recruit OSU undergraduates to graduate plastic sheeting. school at OSU, said Marliene Costa, •Get storm windows and doors in place. director o f minority affairs and special •Replace missing siding or shingles. programs with the G raduate School. •Repair broken or cracked window panes. “ We want to encourage them •Insulate exposed w ater pipes in un­ to apply to the graduate program most heated spaces to prevent freezing. appropriate to their talents and needs,” •Check the thickness o f attic insulation. she said. That may include OSU but not About nine inches o f attic insulation is to the exclusion o f other schools. recom m ended for maximum energy The program hopes to help savings. address a national problem. •Assure that floor insulation is in place. “ The pool of minority appli­ If there is no floor insulation, consider cants to graduate school is very small installing it. The investm ent will assure nationw ide,” said Ovando. “ And yet that floors are warm er and heating costs universities are frantically trying to recruit lower. minority faculty. Q ualified candidates To ask questions about your are the subject of recruiting w ars.” home weatherization needs or to apply The program will kick off Nov. for the various weatherization loans avail­ 19 with a luncheon at the VIP Lounge in able through Pacific Power, contact the McNary Dining Hall. Sophomores and com pany’s local custom er service of­ juniors from underrepresented m inori­ fice at 3535 N.E. Frem ont Ave. ties who have shown academic achieve­ A joelta Mothers & ment are being invited, said Costa. She em phasized, however, that all interested minority undergraduates are invited to attend. The luncheon will serve as an “ aw areness session and general over­ view o f graduate school,” C osta said. Students will be asked to fill out aca­ demic interest cards so they can be matched with a faculty mentor in that area. Graham Spanier, provost and vice president for academic affairs; Tom Maresh, dean o f the G raduate School; and O vando will discuss what graduate school is about, w hat’s required and the resources available to facilitate the experience. “ M any students feel if they do n ’t have a 3.0 grade point average there is no way they can consider gradu­ ate school,” said Ovando. “ We want to explode some o f the myths and m isper­ ceptions about it.” Later in the year, the program will sponsor a forum on the graduate school experience, featuring minority faculty mem bers and current graduate students. “ We hope to presen t some case studies and look at a range of graduate student experiences to explore the trials and tribulations, both personal and pro­ fessional, that can occur and how they coped,” O vando said. Panel mem bers also will out­ line the kind o f career options opened by graduate school. A final meeting in the spring will include practical advice on the ap­ plication procedure, financial aid, the Graduate Record Examination and other technical aspects. Any student wanting more in­ formation on the program should con­ tact O vando at 737-2501 or Costa at 737-4881. Patronness’ Club ANNUAL Sat. November 10,1990 9 a.m. ~ 1p.m. Vancouver Avenue F irst Baptist Church 3138 North Vancouver Ave. Donation $ y 00 MRS C ’S WIGS WHOLESALE & RETAIL HUNDREDS OF WIGS FOR YOUR EVERCHANGING LIFESTYLES • NAOMI SIMS • BORNFREE • MICHAEL WEEKS K«».* BETTY CABINt PROPRlETO'! ANO OTHER NAME BflANOS T U IS -S A T H i 3 0 - 6