November 7,1990—The Portland Observer - Page 5 Portland Uo se rv er ENTERTAINMENT “POLLY-COMIN’ HOME!” A SPECIAL MOVIE MUSICAL 4g¡* THE PORTLAND MUSIC ASSOCIATION AND GI JOE'S TICKETMASTER PRESENT Musicians Ball 1990 Friday Novem ber 9 and Saturday Novem ber 10th 40 B ands 7 C lu b s: ER IC K SO N 'S SA L O O N -K E Y L A R G O -D A K O T A - SATYR1CON C ISC O 'S A N D P A N C H O S -D A Y FO R N IG H T -U F O CA FE P O R T L A N D M U SIC A SSO C IA T IO N A W A R D S 7PM - 9PM S a tu rd a y N o v 10th. (T he a w a rd s w ill be c alled "T h e C ry sta l A w a r d s '') Keshia Knight Pulliam , Phylicia Rashad and Dorian Harewood head the all-star c asto f “ Polly-Com in’ H om e” , a two-hour movie musical airing on Sun­ day, November 18, 7:00-9:00 p.m. (ET/ PT) on NBC. ‘‘Polly-Com in’ H om e!” is a buoy­ antly charming sequel to last year’s ju b i­ lant, Emmy-nominated musical “ Polly,” a musical recreation o f the 1960 W alt Disney classic feature film “ Pollyanna.” Again directed and choreographed by Debbie Allen (“ Fame” ), “ Polly-Comin’ H om e!!!” also stars Barbara M ontgom­ ery (“ Married People” ), Brandon Adams (“ Moonwalker” ), Vanessa Bell Calloway (“ Coming to A m erica” ), T.K. Carter (“ Punky Brewster” ), Ken Page (“ Cats” ), George Anthony Bell ( “ C ats” ), Larry Riley (“ Knots Landing” ) and Vickilyn Reynolds (“ Sugar & Spice” ). Anthony Newley ( “ Stop the W orld, I W ant to Get O ff” ), joins the cast in a rare television appearance and Oscar- winning actress Celeste Holm (“ Three Men and a Baby” ) reprises her role as Miss Snow. “ Polly-Com in’ H om e!” continues the story of a plucky young orphan who lives with her wealthy but domineering aunt in a small, rural A labam a town in THE BLACK TEENAGE WORLD SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM The Black Teenage W orld Scholar­ ship Program, producers o f the Miss and Mr. Black Teenage W orld Pageant has announced plans for its Annual Pageant Program during the month of July, 1991. Ronald Charity, founder and pro­ ducer, o f the program, said, “ we are expecting another group o f outstanding teenagers from across the Country to participate in *91, as we look forward to our 20th Anniversary.” Teenagers 14 to 17 years o f age are eligible to com pete for the titles, prizes, trophies and college scholarships. Charity, further stated, "C olleges and Universities from across the Country have participated in present­ ing scholarships through our program. They have seen the program as an excel­ lent vehicle for recruiting outstanding African-American students who are not only sm art but are also talented. Participants compete in five areas of competition. Sportswear (no swimwear). Creative Expression; Talent; Evening W ear and Personal Projection. Partici­ pants also attend leadership develop­ m ent workshops, rap sessions, African- American History seminars and Personal Developm ent Sessions. Dudley Products Company of Greens­ boro, North Carolina is national sponsor o f the program and 1991 marks the fourth year the cosm etic manufacturing com ­ pany has participated. Joe Dudley, presi­ dent of the firm said, “ we are delighted to participate in a program that high­ lights the positive qualities o f our teen­ agers.” Persons interested in additional information should write, Ronald C har­ ity, BTW SP-’91, P.O. Box 10559, Inde­ pendence Station, Charlotte, N.C. 28212. . , Donnie s A C C E SSO R IE S plus Jewelry African Sculpture • Masks African-American Books framed African-American Prints Hand Painted Sweats, T-shirts Pants and Tops 925 N.E. B roadway P ortland , OR 97232 (503) 249-7204 Raleigh and Donnie Lewis the m id-1950s. D etermined more than ever to unite her Aunt Polly (Rashad) and Dr. Shannon (Harewood), Polly and her friend Jimmy Bean (Adams) are thwarted by the arrival o f a narrow­ minded British headm aster (Newley), hired by A unt Polly to run the orphan­ age. A rabble-rousing singer named E l­ vis Presley and a spirited preacher named Martin L uther King form the backdrop for a story that eventually finds its way all the way to A tlanta and back before Polly finally succeeds in creating a real family for herself in her new home. Eight original songs and musical numbers, w ritten for the show under the supervision of Broadway musical arranger H aro ld W h e e le r ( “ T h e W iz ,” “ D ream girls” ), highlight the story of Polly’s determ ination to bring joy and enthusiasm to the lives o f the people of Harrington. “ Polly-C om in’ H om e!” was w rit­ ten by W illiam Blinn, who wrote last season’s “ P olly” from a story by David Swift. Blinn is the executive producer and Frank Fischer is the producer. “ Polly-C om in’ H om e!” is an Echo Cove Production in association with Walt Disney Television. All a g e s Fri N o v 9 a t U FO C afe-A ll a g e s Sat. N o v 10 a t U FO C a fe a n d THE BILL OF RIGHTS! Television actress and producer, Marla Gibbs, center, helps with the presentation of a framed copy of the Bill of Rights to Bernie Foster, right, publisher of “ The Skanner" newspaper during the recent observance of the publication's 15th Anniversary. The framed document, as well as many additional copies, was presented by Francis M. Gomez, left, Director, of Public Affairs Programs, Philip Morris Companies Inc. Ms. Gibbs, the star and producer of the popular television program, “227," was the keynote speaker for “ The Skanner's"anniversary and she urged African Americans to take the lead in ‘rebuilding their own communities.'Active in helping to rebuild Black areas of Los Angeles, Ms. Gibbs is the founder of the eight-year- old Crossroads Arts Academy that trains persons of all ages in preparing for careers in the performing arts and in other fields. Ms. Gibbs reminded the 600 dinner guests at the Portland Convention Center that “progress is always being made even in the middle of chaos!" E ric k so n 's S aloon. All ag e L a m in a te is $7.50 fo r w e e k e n d $10.00 C lo th P a ss-m e a n s ALL CLU B A CCESS FO R FRID A Y O R SA TU RD A Y $17.50 SO U V E N IR L A M IN A T E -m eans all c lu b access fo r F rid a y a n d S a tu rd a y + 50% d is c o u n t o n PM A m e m b e rsh ip R O C K IN ' A U C T IO N - a t E ric k so n 's S a lo n 7 N W 2 N D A ve. F rid a y N o v e m b e r 9,7-9pm . A d m issio n is $5.00 a t d o o r o r C lo th P a ss o r L a m in a te . IM P O R T A N T IS T H E CA U SE A ll p ro c e e d s fro m M U SIC IA N S BALL 1990 g o to ESTA BLISH T H E M USIC INDUSTRY RELIEF FUND. A safety net by m usicians for m usicians. All p ro c e e d s fro m th e R O C K IN ; A U C T IO N g o to k e e p in g th e P o rtla n d M usic A ssociation in existence. O u r existence p ro v id e s co m m u n ity services n o t fo u n d e lse w h e re . CHINOOK SALMON OR BROILED LOBSTER TAILS JUMBO PRAWNS FISH & CHIPS CLAM CHOWDER BROILED HALIBUT CRAB STUFFED MUSHROOMS LOBSTER THERMIDOR OR PAN FRIED OYSTERS SAUTEED SHRIMP ROSSI OR STEAK & LOBSTER CRAB AU GRATIN OR FRENCH FRIED SCALLOPS STEAM CLAMS OYSTER STEW CHICKEN STEAKS OR . . . . Broadway Hairweevers 5852 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97218 (503)281-9495 OPEN: Tuesday thru Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Shadow Masters & Sound Seafood Restaurant & Bar -- Since 1891 --Lunch & Dinner 1035 S.W. Stark (Corner 11 th & Stark) 226-4171 Photography (503) 629-5930 P.O. Box 6311 Aloha, OR 97006 Support our Advertisers SAY YOU SAW IT IN Rick Pratt TH E PORTLAND OBSERVER Lesley E. HammonJ 'UNIQUE AND UNFORGETTABLE!" Interstate Firehouse Culture Center ■Peter Travers, ROLLING STONE Magazine "MAGICAL! BRILLIANT! Buoyant and extremely tunny." •Georgia Brown, THE VILLAGE VOICE "A comedy of unusual substance." I FCC •Vincent Canbv, NEW YORK TIMES "Danny Glover dazzles!" -David Ansen, NEWSWEEK Magazine Auditions for acting positions in two productions IFCC 5340 N. Interstate Ave. Tri-Met WHERE: Bus #5 Carry on Dear Blood: Sat. Nov.10, WHEN: Tues.Novl3 Most valuable player: Thurs. Nov.15, Sat, Nov.17 INFORMATION: Call: Judy at 243-7930 for an appointment WHAT: City Plans Pioneer Square's Christmas Festivities No, w e’re not rushing the season...T here’re 8,000 lights to string. N otevery town hasaC hristm aschicken, a firehouse dog, a Christm as squirrel and a cinnam on bear. C orbett does. At noon, on M onday, November 12, you can find out why. The anim als will team up with Smokey Bear, a replica of Vista House, antique vehicles and residents of Corbett in a parade down S.W. Sixth Avenue from College Street to Pioneeer Courthouse Square. T h ey 'll all accom ­ pany an 80 foot Douglas fir-a gift from the U.S. Forest Service and the city of Corbett-to its place o f honor as the holi­ day centerpiece in Portland's living room. This is the seventh year that the Association for Portland Progress, in order to promote the city-owned park­ ing garages, is sponsoring the Christmas tree festivities. Bob H untington, C hair­ man of the Board of APP, and Portland Com m issioner Mike Lindberg will be on hand November 12 to accept the tree from Doris T ai, o f the C olum bia Gorge Ranger District,and Bea Graff, member of aC orbettpioneerfam ily. KINK 102’s Les Sam off will make the introductions and the C orbett School Band and C ho­ rus will provide the holiday entertain­ DANNY ...■ . W • -z MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY NOW I kOINCENTER SHOWING 243-3515 Portland Opera Presents Richard Strauss's blood-chilling Salome November 10,14,17,7:30 PM Civic A uditorium —Third & SW Market Performed in German with projected English translations p.m. EXCLUSIVE I J ENGAGEMENT .ACUII] Smokey Bear will be coming out of the forest to help hand out 1,500 Douglas Fir tree seedlings and instruc­ tions for their care. Com e on down to the Square and pick up a future yulctide Immediately following the noontime cerem onies, the tree will be hoisted into place by a crane from G ray’s International. O ver the next ten days, using lifts donated by PG E and PP&L, the towering tree will be decked with garlands and 8,000 lights. Resplendent in its holiday finery, our tree will make its official debut at the Square’s com ­ munity Christm as Tree-Lighting C ere­ mony on November 23, from 7:00-8:15 G LO VER To S leep W ith A nger ment. tree. ROCKIN’ AUCTION The Portland Music A ssociation’s First Annual ROCKIN’ AUCTION will take place on Friday, November 9th at Erickson’s Saloon at 7 N.s. 2ND AT 6:30 p.m. Proceeds will be used to ex­ pand the PM A’s membership and com ­ munity services. Among the items to be auctioned o ff are: Greg A llm ans jacket, G ift- Certificalesjtecords, Books, Tapes, CD’s, Rock Memorabilia, W ine, Recording Studio Time, Hannah Car W ashes, Auto Body W ork, Pizza, Dinners, Hot Tub­ bing, a free night of music with the Mothertones, Row ers, Toys, Mailibu Grand Prix Laps, M ayor’s Ball f t Pre­ view Party tickets and Dates with inter­ esting people from the music com m u­ nity. The PMA is still looking for items for their auction. All items are a tax- deductible donation and will be listed in an auction pamphlet with an acknowledge­ ment o f the contributors. Anybody do­ nating items valued at over $200.00 will receive special recognition and a free PMA Membership. The Rockin’ Auction is a prelude to the PM A ’s special music weekend at Erickson’s Saloon which includes a Musicians Ball/Club-W alk.and the very first Portland Music awards. For more information contact the Portland Music A ssociationat223-9681. a X® CHARGE BY PHONE (503)241-1802 T ic k e ts ; Í I H . »ZH . » VK. » ^ 2 . * ’ 2 5 0 C V IIU T B o x //$ j . Ticket«, at P o rtlau d O p e ra all < »I |<* * l ie ket M aster «RHlt I», < ivic A u d ito riu m and P e rfo rm in g \ r t * < c u lt r B«»\ O f f k r v Port lam i O p e ra ISK.SXX M ile r P o rtlan d «1^205 ' Sponsored by McCormick and Schmick Management Services. Inc Fey lfirgc 7 31 NW First 223-9919 No vein her Wed. 7 LIP TO LIP Thurs.