November 7 , 1990—The Portland Observer - Page 3 Portland Observer RELIGION Proudly Presents It's Annual Zeta Sigma Omega Chapter Talent Show and Dance Friday, November 16, 1990 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. $10.00 per person Columbia Point club 6801 N.E. Cornfoot Road Portland, Oregon For Tickets, Please call 236-5297 or 282-2434 The Gospel is both an announcement and a demonstration of good news, especially in the midst of the turmoil threatening our city. We need not be bound by the status quo, but we can be together in His love. Why not join us for services beginning november 11th at Fernwood Middle School, NE 33rd and Hancock-one block southwest of Grant High School. Our Sunday morning celebration begins at 10:30am and a special Sunday evening service with noted author and evangelist Tom Skinner. Don’t forget-Sunday, November 11th- Fernwood Middle School. For more information, call 287-5226. • v- • » • « ■* . #» l-S f t J . . . t < t U . J » , , NORTHEAST PORTLAND CHURCH HOLDS CELEBRATION Pastor Henry Greenidge and Irving­ ton C ovenant Church invite the com m u­ nity to a celebration, 6:00 p.m., N ovem ­ ber 11, at Fernw ood Middle School (N.E. 33rd & Hancock). The purpose of the event is to com m em orate Irvington C ovenant’s growing, diverse congrega­ tion and to m ove to this new bigger facility. The kick-off event will feature national evangelist Tom Skinner, whose them e will be “ G od’s purpose for the church,’’ and the celebration will be accentuated with special music from the Irvington Covenant W orship Team as well as other performers. Skinner, a former Harlem gang leader, has com m itted his life to becom ing a force for constructive rather than de­ structive leadership. He currently serves as advisor, counselor and m otivator to business and civic leaders, athletes and entertainers throughout America. Irvington C ovenant’s pastor, Henry Greenidge, will be holding the first Sunday service at the new location (Fernwood Middle School) the morning o f the cele­ bration, N ovem ber 11, at 10:30 a.m. SCRIPTURE OF TH E WEEK: II TIM OTHY 3 Opposition on the Journey Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Date: Time: Price: Place: Scripture o f the ‘Wcef Greenidge, formerly an Associate M inister at M aranatha Church, has been involved with the N ortheast Portland com m unity on many fronts (as m ember o f the National Black Evangelical A sso­ ciation, board m em ber of O ne Church One Child, and advisor to the Multnomah County Children Services Division). G reenidge saw the need for an inclusive, dynamic church to meet some o f the special needs o f Northeast Portland-his community. In 1987, he began Irvington Covenant Church in his home with sup­ port o f his family, and the financial sponsorship o f the Evangelical C ove­ nant Church o f America. Irvington’s congregation has since outgrow n both G reenidge’s home as well as its current location at 1718 Northeast 11th Ave. Irvington Covenant sees its mission as reaching out to the unique ethnic tapestry o f N ortheast Portland by being a worshiping, celebrating, nurturing com ­ munity that em braces cultural diversity and cares for people in need. It’ success is already being told. “12TH ANNUAL” THANKSGIVING CRUSADE conducted by Eld Leon Brewer Jr. pastor of The New Testament Church Service will be held at Highland United Church of Christ 4635 N.E. 9th (corner of 9th and Going St.) Rev. C. Prescol Host Pastor November 22-25,1990 7:30 p.m. nightly Sunday Service 3:30 p.m. Excerpts fro m H EAVEN W ITHIN THESE WALLS by Rev. G landion C ar­ ney. associate pastor o f the Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, dean o f W arner Pacific Bible College, author, parent, husband, world renown evangelist and m ission­ ary. The inspired words, o f this book, will enlighten your hearts and rekindle the fire, o f the H oly Spirit, deep within your souls. giving in to laziness, using time unpro- duclively, dropping out o f a ministry activity to enjoy a selfish pleasure, or allowing my mind to occupy itself with sexual or m aterialistic lust. All o f these diversions can sap the vitality o f the inner life and drag me dow n into a con­ dition o f com placency. But if we arc to take our humanity seriously, and I suggest we must, then we must deal with a deep and present real­ In his classic on spirituality, Pil­ ity: the pow er o f evil. I ’m grateful to grim s’s Progress, Puritan w riter John author S e e * Peck for restoring evil to Bunyan depicted the spiritual life as a public dialog. His book, People o f the long journey. Along the way the young Lie, is about evil in human relationships. pilgrim in the story encountered num er­ It’s a topic our culture prefers to ignore, ous temptations to abandon his pursuit of much to our harm. We seem to operate the Celestial City. His toughest chal­ these days with a Star Wars view o f evil. lenge was simply to persevere in the We believe that evil is an external nega­ journey. tive force that can be overcom e by posi­ I feel like this pilgrim most o f the tive thinking or by reliance on good time. Almost daily I find m yself being intentions. W e believe and act as if evil tempted to forsake my spiritual journey. exists “ out there,” but not inside. W e There are always im portant things to do choose to ignore the fact that evil perm e­ and delightful pleasures to be enjoyed. ates our actions and m otives. Such a These activities may be w orth-w hile at view o f evil is unreal and incorrect. certain times, but often they have the Evil poses a constant threat to our negative effect o f draw ing my attention spirituality. It prevents us from discover­ away from God. At other times I become ing who we are. Evil also prevents us com fortable with my daily routines and from receiving the forgiveness and strength begin to believe my life is com plete right which Christ offers as the only means to where I am now. I really don’t w ant to genuine spiritual development. Evil is both personal and cosm ic. It change because I might have to give up some thing I treasure. But the spiritual affects us personally today in all o f our journey requires me to keep moving. transactions with the world. At the same So like B unyan’s pilgrim , I have time, evil pervades our culture and the discovered that perseverance is the most structures o f society. I want to exam ine difficult part o f the journey. Indeed, the both of these dimensions o f evil and help tem ptations may not be so formidable. chart a course for our spiritual journey in They are often subtle and innocent, like an evil world. SAFEWAY SUPERMARKET SATURDAY BENEFITS THE HUNGRY On Saturday, November 10, the eighth annual Safeway Superm arket Saturday, a food drive to benefit the hungry, will take place at all Safeway Stores in O re­ gon and Southwest W ashington. Over 100 radio stations will broadcast live from the stores between 10:00AM and 6:00 PM in an effort to draw public attention and participation in the event. Volunteers, some o f them known per­ sonalities, will be on hand to accept donations o f food and m oney and to answ er questions about the hunger prob­ lem. In the W ashington County area, 11 Safeway Stores will be participating to benefit the county-w ide food bank, tu- alatin Valley Food C enter (TV FC), a program o f W ashington County C om ­ munity Action. A ccording to TVFC spokesperson, Denise Harkness, “ We need a volunteer coordinator to oversee the event at each store, as well as other volunteers to collect the donations of food and m oney.” Anyone interested in helping out with this effort should con­ tact Denise at 642-3236. Hunger relief needs persist in W ash­ ington County, as well as elsewhere around the state and nation. Drastic cuts in fed­ eral funding for both em ergency food and housing means that the over 33,000 people living in poverty in W ashington County must rely even more on em er­ gency food boxes to feed their families. Food in those boxes m ust primarily come from the community-businesses, churches, social organizations and individuals. The public is being asked to bring donations of food or money to their local Safeway stores on November 10. Items most needed are tuna, peanut b u fer, canned meats, stews, pasta (macaroni, spaghetti), powdered milk and packaged beans, peas and lentils. All donated food will remain in the community in which it is collected. ARANATHA HURCH 4222 N.E. 12th Avenue Portland Oregon Sunday Services Sunday School 9:00 A.M. Morning Worship 10:30 A.M. 6:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. Rev. Wendell H. Wallace Senior Pastor Jesus Loves You! Special Guest from California Bro. James Robins with his guitar Crusade choir singing nightly "The public is invited" 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue (comer of 8th & Skidmore) PORTLAND OBSERVER Encourages you to join forces with your church and support a literacy program. Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 P h illip S. N e lso n , P a s to r HIGHLAND CHURCH ANNUAL DINNER Highland United Church o f Christ located at 4635 NE 9th Ave. will sponsor its 20th annual free com m unity T hanks­ giving dinner on Saturday, November 17,1990. D inner will be served from 12 noon to 3:30 pm. This annual dinner has been a joint effort o f H ighland along with St. Luke Lutheran Church o f SW Portland since 1970. The dinner was started to serve less fortunate people who would not have a Thanksgiving dinner. O ne o f the major sponsors of this years dinner is Bill Kwik- Mart, located at NE Frem ont and MLK Blvd. The proprietor, John Rho believes in supporting com m unity endeavors. W e appreciate his participation. Dinners will be delivered to the sick and shut-in. Please call 287-9567 for delivery. Portland Police Sunshine Division Names New Commander AINSWORTH UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST presents "OUR TRANSFORMATION... THROUGH MUSIC" a musical extravaganza SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18,1990 3:00 PM featuring The Randy Cannon Trio Janice Scroggins Thara Memory Dr. Robert Leon Rocky Blumhagen Rev. Rich Osburn Ainsworth UCC Choir, Lessie Williams,director PCC Saturday Music Class at v Ainsworth United Church of Christ 2941 N.E. Ainsworth St. Portland, Oregon tickets $7.00 (can be purchased at the door) for further information, call: 284-8767, Rev. Paul Spurlock Sergeant Jeanne Bradley, a 14-year veteran o f the Portland Police Bureau, has been named com m ander of the Sunshine Division, taking the place o f longtime com m ander Sgt. Mike Skyline M emorial Gardens & Salmon, who has retired. Funeral Home will sponsor Skyline’s As com m ander o f the Sunshine Annual Veterans M emorial Service on Division, Bradley will m anage a small Saturday, November 10, 1990, at 1:00 civilian staff in conducting the Sunshine p.m. in the Funeral Home Chapel. The D ivision’s emergency relief efforts. She a d d re ss is 4101 N W S k y lin e has been a sergeant for the past eight Blvd. .Portland, Oregon. years. She has held uninform ed posi­ The service will feature par­ tions at the Police B ureau’s Central Pre­ ticipation from many veteran organiza­ cinct and has been previously assigned tions, including AM VETS, Paralyzed to personnel, drugs and vice, crim e pre­ Veterans o f America, and Veterans of vention and forfeiture units. Foreign W ars. Duane Goodman o f the Salmon had been com m ander American Veterans organization and o f the Sunshine Division for 14 years Patrick M ulrooney of the Paralyzed and had been with the Police Bureau for Veterans o f American will be featured 26 years. guest speakers. Formed in 1923 by concerned Included in the service will be citizens, the Sunshine D ivision is a vol- the “ Battle Hymn of the R epublic” and unteeragency devoted to providing tem ­ “ G od Bless A m erica” sung by Ron porary emergency food supplies to Port­ Spence accompanied at the organ by land fam ilies in need year round. The Loretta M uralt Holstein, and the “ N a­ Sunshine Division also distributes thou­ tional A nthem ” and “ Taps ’ by bugle sands o f food baskets to needy fam ilies soloist, Earl Barton. at the holidays, and distributes used Refreshments will be served in clothing, shoes, appliances, bedding, the lobby following the service and flags furniture and cooking and eating uten­ will be available to anyone who wants to place a flag on a V eterans’ grave. sils when available. Service Honors Veterans MT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH Maranatha School of Ministry Mid-Week Services - Wednesday ‘77iz time has come fo r the unification o f two friends who have [earned to laugh, (ove and honour one another. Joanna Marlene and Cornelius 'Williams along w ith their parents %fV. and Mrs. ‘Thomas 9^ ‘B rown Ms. 'Betty ‘Williams and Mr. Cornelius ‘Williams Sr. w ould appreciate your presence to witness the uniting o f two lives, in the midst o f Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, ? Saturday, Qfpvember 24, 1990 at 3:00 p.mC 'Bethesda Christian Church 109 Jfprth ‘Emerson, ‘Portland, Oregon d WE ARE MOVING SUNDAY SERVICES TO Stone Tower Church, N.E. Sandy Blvd. ft 30th Worship Services 8:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M Church School 9:30 AM. to 10:30 A.M. Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 N.E.Schvyler 10:30 A.M. and 6:30 P.M. Radio Ministry each Sunday. 8:00 A.M.-KBMS A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler,