October 24,1990 -The Portland Observer -Page 9 Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS THURSTON COUNTY, WASHINGTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT/UTILITY SERVICES DIVISION DEVELOPMENT SERVICE ENGINEER SALARY RANGE $2,942/month-$3,923/month CLOSING DATE: October 31,1990 This professional-level position super­ vises a technical staff o f five which is responsible for plan review and in­ spection o f private road, drainage and utility projects. Position coordinates with other m unicipalities within the urban area on development review and represents the Department o f Public works at land development hearings. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Re­ quires a BSCE, E.I.T. and four years o f engineering experience. Successful candidates will have the ability to posi­ tively interact with citizens, consult­ ants, developers and other public agen­ cies while maintaining acceptable engineering policies and practices. Ex­ perience in land developm ent essen­ tials (i.e. transportation, storm drain­ age, soils and materials testing) with strong verbal, written and analytical skills are required. Must have a valid W ashington State Drivers License and Professional Engineer’s License. This is covered by the Management/ Technical Compensation Plan, and reports to the Development/Utility Section Manager. Obtain applications at the Information Desk, Thurston County Courthouse, Building #1, 2000 Lakeridge Drive S.W ., Olympia, WA 98502-6945. Telephone (206) 754-3800. MAINTENANCE Journey-Level Millwrights The Jam es River Corporation, W auna Mill, has openings available for Jour­ ney-level Millwrights. Candidates must be able to prove journey-level status, either by showing that they have co m pleteda4 year apprenticeship pro­ gram , or have at least 8 years’ experi­ ence millwrighting. Prefer experience in pulp and paper industry, or other heavy industry. Proof o f joum ey-level status and a resume m ust accompany the application. Three references re­ quired. Joum ey-level rate is $20.505 per hour, plus fringes. Candidates must apply only at the O re­ gon Em ploym ent Division, 818 C om ­ m ercials treet, Astoria, or at the W ash­ ington Em ploym ent Service, 711 Vine Street, Kelso, preferably in person. Posting opens M onday, O ctober 27 from 8am-5pm and closing Friday, N ovem ber 2 at 5 pm. Equal Opportunity Employer Ml. JAMES RIVER CORPORATION Part Time Counselor II Child Care Worker (26 hours per week) Starting salary $721-$790 month plus excellent benefits. CO D A Inc. seeks child care w orker for part time work in the family services program providing child care to infants and children of clients in drug and alcohol outpatient treatment. Duties include: organiza­ tion o f social, educational and recrea­ tional activities for children, parental relations, consultation with primary counselors. Hours: Mon-Thurs 1 pm- 7:30pm. To qualify: higher education in child developm ent and 2 years experience in professional child care Thurston County is an Equal Opportu­ or equivalent are preferred. Applicant nity Employer. ___ _________ m ust be trained/trainable in first Aid and CPR. To apply: Com plete and EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR submit standard CODA application Fulltime, 520,217. Feminist domestic form with screening question responses and sexual violence program . A d­ to address below. Application m ateri­ ministrative, supervision and fund­ als available at CO D A Inc., 210 NE raising experience necessary. At least 20th, Portland, OR 97232. 2 years experience with this type or Equal Opportunity/Affirmative similar non-profit organization re­ Action Employer. quired. W omen and minorities en­ couraged to apply. Send cover letter, Clinical Supervisor C-V resume, and 4 references by 5 p.m . Alpha House. Starting Salary O ctober 31, 1990 to: Portland $1644-$2O25 per month plus Women’s Crisis l ine, P.O. Box 42610, Portland. OR 97242. MANAGER: RECRUITMENT & SELECTION City Of Eugene Salary Range: $2,777-$3,500/mo Position manages recruitment and selec­ tion program area which includes work force diversity, affirmative action, EEO employee orientation, career develop­ ment and injured worker reinstatement. The successful applicant will have well- developed leadership, analytical and com munication skills. Requires a four year college degree with preference for graduate study in human resource managem ent related field and 5 years o f professional personnel adm inistra­ tion experience. CLOSING DATE: November 23, 1990. Obtain applica­ tion between 8 am-5pm at City of Eugene, Human Resource & Risk Serv­ ices, 777 Pearl St., Rm. 101, Eugene, OR 97401. AA/EOE. ______ RADIO SALES ASSISTANT excellent benefits. CODA Inc. seeks clinical supervisor for Alpha House Adult Residential Treat­ ment Facility. Responsibilities include administration o f daily program op­ erations .direct clinical supervision to staff of 5 counselors, co-ordination of client adm issions, diagnosis and treat­ ment services, consultation with pro­ bation and parole officers, develop­ ment and implementation o f policies and procedures, training o f staff and the general public. To qualify a m as­ ter’s degree in a human services disci­ pline and 2 years supervised human services experience or equivalent are required. Advanced training/experience in addiction, pregnant addict, criminal justice client and residential treatm ent techniques very strongly preferred. Must be trained/trainable in CPR and ca­ pable of administering CPR for 15 m inutes continuously. To apply com ­ plete and subm it standard CODA ap­ plication form including screening question responses to the address be­ low. A pplication m aterials and instructions are available at CODA Inc., 210 NE 20th, Portland, O R 97232. Equal opportunity/affirmative Must have excellent computer and typ­ ing skills. Send resume to P.O. Box _________action employer 14957 Portland. OR 97214. Equal Opportunity Employer AUDIOMETRIST OHSU Senior Programmer Analyst/Project Manager Perform audiometnc screening of school- Senior level persons to work with N et­ age children. works & Computing team designing Appl Deadline: 10/26/90 by 5pm-Open and implementing network infrastruc­ Until Filled ture; database and other projects. Must Call at 257-1501 Jcanccn, for Multnomah have ability to plan and carry out Education Service District application complicated technical projects in which form and additional information or costs, perform ance and flexibility are com e to Multnomah Education Serv­ critical factors. Qualifications: 15 or ice District, 11611 NE Ainsworth Circle, more years experience in program ­ ming, system and data analysis, net­ Portland Or. An Equal Opportunity Employer works and project management. Ex­ perience in m ultiple platform s includ­ BREAK ASSISTANT/ ing UNIX, PC, Macintosh and m ain­ frames required. Experience must SPECIAL EDUCATION include use o f C; multiple assembly To provide break coverage for classroom languages. No phone calls, please. staff as scheduled by the supervisor. Please submit resume and letter o f ap­ Salary: $6.61/hr. Appl Deadline:Open plication by November 5, 1990 to: Until Filled. Call 257-1501 Jcanccn, for Multnomah O HSU-Nctworks & Computing Education Service D islrictapplication 840 SW G aincs-G H l 13 form and additional information or Portland, OR 97201-2985 come to Recruitment Office, 11611 Oregon Health Sciences University is NE Ainsworth Circle, Portland. An Equal Opportunity Employer. an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer COMMITTEE ASSISTANT (1991 Legislative Session) Positions provide support to Legislative Com m ittees by performing a variety o f adm inistrative, technical,and cleri­ cal tasks. Experience performing cleri­ cal functions at a technical or adm inis­ trative support level, typing speed of 50-55 W PM , and experience using word processing equipm ent required. Salary rang $1,491 -!967 per month. These positions will begin in January 1991 and end at the close of the 1991 Legislative Session. A Legislative A d­ ministration Com m ittee application is required. This recruitm ent open until sufficient applications are received. It may close at any time without notice. C ontact Personnel Services, L egisla­ tive Administration Com m ittee, S 4 10 State Capitol, Salem, OR 97310 (503) 378-8530. Equal Opportunity Employer. ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT SPECIALIST For the facility services unit of the legis­ lative adm inistration com m ittee. Po­ sition provides adm inistrative secre­ tarial and technical support to the fa­ cility services director, office m an­ ager, and operations supervisor. Expe­ rience performinfg secretarial and tech­ nical functions at an administrative support level required. Salary range $1491-$1967 per month, a legislative adm inistration com m ittee application is required. Application materials must be received by 5 PM , N ovem ber 2, 1990. Contact Personnel Services, Legislative Administration C om m it­ tee, S401 Stale Capitol, Salem, OR 97310. (503) 378-8530. Equal Opportunity Employer. HELP WANTED Earn money in the ‘ ‘900’ ’ call in service. Income potential unlim ited right in your area. Start immediately. For info call 1-619-549-3717 Ext.1978 24hrs. No exp. necessary. RESEARCH ASSISTANT OR RESEARCH ASSOCIATE, TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE COORDINATOR University o f O regon, Spec ialized Train­ ing Program , Em ploym ent Network Project. This full-time position will work on federal grants to coordinate the technical assistance delivered to states and organizations related to sys- tem schange to supported employment for people with severe disabilities. Specific duties include: conduct needs assessm ents, plan, docum ent, and evaluate the assistance delivered; maintain relationships with states supported em ploym ent; and prepare analysis papers. Q ualifications: Mas­ ter’s Degree in Special Education and Rehabilitation or other related disci­ pline or equivalent experience; dem ­ onstrated know ledge o f supported em ploym ent for people with severe disabilities; experience relating to in­ tegrated em ploym ent o f people with severe disabilities; experience in pro­ viding and coordinating training and or technical assistance; and, prefer­ ence will be given to applicants dem ­ onstrated knowledge and experience in com m unity em ploym ent across disability labels and knowledge of slate systems change issues. Salary: $26,000- $31,000. Closing date: October 31, 1990. Send resume to: Carol Femund, Specialized Training Program, C ol­ lege o f Education, University of O re­ gon, Eugene, O regon 97403. Equal O pportunity/A ffirm ative Action Insti­ tution com m itted to cultural diversity. TEACHER/ADVOCATE PRIVATE NON-PROFIT ALTER­ NATIVE HIGH SCHOOL Oregon teaching certificate desired. Mini­ mum 4 years experience with high risk and/or offender adolescents, responsi­ bilities: Teaching, Case management. Advocacy, Counseling. January 16- June 15,1991. Salary range: $1,699-2,042/mo. Depend­ ing on experience. Full mcdical/dcn- tal benefits. Send resume and hand written cover letter to: OMLC 7602 N. Emerald, Plld, OR 97217. Equal Opportunity Employer ^Advertising »Employment Bids/Sub-Bids Administrative Secretary Starling salary $95141400 mo plus excellent benefits. CODA Inc. seeks administrative secre­ tary to type correspondence, reports and proposals, provide telephone and general walk-in reception duties, a t­ tend to all office clerical equipm ent, file, take inventory and place orders for office supplies, forms and publica­ tions. A high school diploma and 2 years secretarial training/experience or equivalent required. Applicant must type 50-65 wpm with fewer than 5 errors, dem onstrate excl knowledge of grammar, punctuation and standard correspondence formats. Proof read­ ing skills and familiarity with WordPer­ fect 5.0 a must. To apply com plete and submit standard CODA application including screen­ ing question responses to address be­ low. A pplication m aterials available at CODA Inc. 210 NE 20th, Pordand, OR 97232. Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer COUNSELING C-IV DTS 2 Positions available. Starting salary S1393-S1450 per month plus benefits. CODA Inc. seeks senior counselors in the drug treatment services (DTS) program. Responsibilities include di­ agnosis, evaluation and treatment to client caseload, handling of complex cases, provision of individual group, youth and family therapy, community outreach activities, program develop­ ment. To qualify: M aster’s degree or substantial post graduate coarse work in psychology, counseling or related field or equivalent required, 2 years relevant experience desired. To apply submit standard CODA application form including screening question responses to address below. A pplica­ tion m aterials available at CODA Inc., 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. Equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. MANAGEMENT Need person with extremely account­ able work habits; positive “ can-do” attitude; excel people skills; ability to manage multiple projects concurrendy; ability to work independently; com ­ fortable knowledge of mechanical, elec­ trical and civil work; strong interest in being a team player; significant con­ struction mgmt exper; ability to inter­ act on a multi-functional level; strong verbal and written com munication skills; em ploym ent history which incl capital improvements and new con­ struction; com m itm ent to “ get the job done” . Interested individuals submit 3 copies o f resume to Lisa Strader, Dept of Corrections, 470 Lancaster Dr. NE, Salem, OR 97310. EMPLOYMENT CITY OF PORTLAND D istrict A quatics C o o rd in a to r-to $2,468/mo. E m ergency C om m unications D irector-to $61,256/yr. E nergy D irector-lo $47,133/yr. Police O fficer-lo $3,217/mo W a te r Q uality A d m in istra to r-io $59,280/yr. For more info/closing dates call (503) 248-4573 (24 hr job information) No resum es please BUREAU OF PERSONNEL 1220 S.W. 5th Ave., First FI. Pordand, OR 97204 Apps also available at: URBAN LEAGUE 10 N Russell Minorities, females and disabled encouraged to apply. HUMAN RESOURCE SPECIALIST 2 AND 3 (C6658* & C6659*) (FOOD STAMP/ADULT WORKER & ELIGIBILITY WORKER) ANNOUNCEMENT #8 OC900654 & OC900656 SALARY ($1537-$2243-MONTHLY) OFFICE SPECIALIST 1 AND 2 (C0103* & C0104*) (CLERICAL SUPPORT) ANNOUNCEMENT #8 OC900034 & OC900085 SALARY ($1246-1858-MONTHLY) IN ADULT AND FAMILY SERVICES DIVISION (AFS) Excellent Benefit Package State o f Oregon, AFS has immediate needs for bilingual applicants for Human R e­ source Specialist 2 & 3 and Office Specialist 1 & 2 positions located in branches throughout the state. QUALIFICATIONS: HUMAN RESOURCE SPECIALIST 2 & 3 (HRS 2/HRS 3) ...three years o f experience involving a high volume of paper work (e.g. assuring information on forms is com plete and accurate, completing necessary docu­ ments); AND experience must include either interviewing to obtain personal or technical information or substantial public contact; PLUS On the HRS 3, one year determining eligibility for a social service program (e.g. cash assistance, medical assistance, food stamp) College level coursew ork may be substituted for the experience on a year for year basis. QUALIFICATIONS: OFFICE SPECIALIST 1 & 2 (OS 1 & OS2) One year (OS 1), two years (OS2) o f general clerical experience including typing, word processing, or other generating o f documents; OR completion o f course- work or training in office technology (OS1) or Associate degree in office occupations or technology (OS2). Obtain a State o f Oregon Application (PD100) and the applicable announcements from Personnel Center, 775 Court Street, Salem, Oregon 97310 or at Pordand Personnel Center, PCC, 2850 SE 82nd Ave. Pordand. BILINGUAL APPLICANTS WITH ENGLISH AND EITHER RUSSIAN, SPAN­ ISH AND/OR SOUTHEAST ASIAN SPEAKING SKILLS ARE ESPECIALLY ENCOURAGED TO APPLY TO THESE ANNOUNCEMENTS. APPLY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, THE ANNOUNCEMENTS COULD CLOSE AT ANY TIME. APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED B Y THE CLOSING DATE ON TH E ANNOUNCEM ENTS. FOLLOW THE DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS ON THE ANNOUNCEMENT. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EM PLOYER. z- JOB SHOPPERS INC. "Temporary Services" "WEEKLY PAYCHECK" "NEVER A FEE" Through Diversity he innovative spirit at SAFECO is built on the idea that involve­ ment in several arenas not only expands our options—It expands yours This philosophy is as true in our product and service offerings as it is in our approach to reward­ ing every employee As one of America s largest diversified finan­ cial corporations, we offer excel­ lent salaries and an innovative benefits package Our commitment to innovation and diversity is also reflected in the unique blend of cultures and customs in our people By taking an active role in equal opportu­ nity efforts, we can more readily meet the needs of an increasingly complex marketplace To that end. we particularly invite minority, sen­ ior. and disabled applicants to explore employment opportunities in areas such as claims, under­ writing, and clericdl support T In return for your efforts, you can expect a very competitive starting salary, an excellent benefits pack age. and salary increases based on performance Please forward your resume to SAFECO Insurance Companies, Attn: Personnel. 4101 S W Kruse Way, Lake Oswego, OR 97035 SAFECO___ LOBBYIST ASSISTANT Legal Services Program seeking lobby­ ist Assistant for Legislative Session to lobby ‘Low income issues’. $1300 to $1500/mo. Start January. Send res­ ume to: TR Legal Aide 310 SW 4th #900 Portland, Oregon 97204 Equal Opportunity Employer ★ WORK WHEN YOU WANT! Need Money? ★ LONG AND SHORTTERM JOBS! ✓ Light Industrial! (Clean Environment, Entry Level and ✓ Experienced.) Technecal Personnel! (Drafters, Designers, Engineers ✓ Office Staff! (Clerical, Computer Positions!) (503) 297-8037 5319 S.W. Westgate Drive Suite 146 Portland, Oregon 97221 COMPUTER PROGRAMMER The Private Industry Council is a private nonprofit organization dedicated to e m ­ ployment and training for econom ically disadvantage youth and adults in W ashington and Multnomah Counues. PROGRAMMER ANALYST Responsibilities: M aintains m anagem ent informauon, fiscal and related datat- bases on local area networks; analyzes and assesses needs; plans, develops and implements system designs; modifies system to improve perform ance; m ain­ tains database integrity and security; coordinates State transm ission process; assists in troubleshooting hardware, software and network problem s. Preferred qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in com puter science or w ith strong college coursew ork in computer programming and technology; m inim um one year related experience, including systems analysis; Revelation database and R/Basic experience preferred; good working know ledge o f general softw are program s (including WordPerfect, Lotus, Paradox), C and Pascal, PC -based hardware, and and Novell networks desired; dem onstrated oral com m unica­ tion skills. Q ualifying experience may be substituted for education. Salary Range: $22,478 to $34,428 plus excellent benefit package. Closing date: 5 PM , Friday, November 2, 1990. Applications available at the Private Industry Council, 520 SW 6th A ve, Suite 400, Portland, OR 97204. FAX 241-4622. No phone calls. An Affirmative Action!Equal Opportunity Employer.