Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 24, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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    October 24,1990--The Portland Observer -Page 3
•Portland Observer
F ir s t I n te r n a tio n a l
Methodist Book Exhibit
by Alisha C. Henderson
Publisher Henderson
Invited to Address
World Methodist
World Parish at Frankfurt
D r. A . Lee
H e n d erso n , P u b -
lish er/P resid en t o f
the Sunday School
U nion o f the A fri­
can M ethodist E pis­
copal C h u rc h , has
been invited to p re ­
sent a keynote ad-
z>. a . L n H tn d tn m
dress fo r the W orld
P arish and W orld M ethodist C o n ­
clave on O cto b er 3, in F ra n k fu rt,
G erm any at the in tern atio n al co nven­
ing o f the w orld celebrated book fair.
A n assem blage o f n atio n al represen­
tatives o f glo b al p ro fessio n als in ­
volved in all p h ases o f th e book
publishing industry shall p articip ate
in w hat is heralded as the m ost p resti­
gious publishing industry event in the
w orld for the grow ing m u ltin atio n al
m arketing o f b ooks.
Speaking on his subject o f Spiritual
G ifts A nd W orldly S tan d ard s, A. Lee
H enderson will address the In te rn a ­
tional Publishing C o m m ittee o f the
W orld M ethodist C ouncil. T he occa­
sion m a rk s th e seco n d y ear th a t
v arious M e th o d ist p u b lish e rs p a r ­
tic ip a te d fo rm a lly in th e w o rld ’s
largest book fair alo n g w ith the A fri­
can M ethodist E piscopal C h u rch S u n ­
day School U nion (P u b lish in g H ouse)
under the helm o f D r. H enderson.
P rinting Industry A ssociation o f
the S outh recently accorded its top
aw ard in b o o k design, new sp ap er
layout and color ty p o g rap h y to the
S unday S ch o o l U n io n (P u b lish in g
House) and its aw ard-w inning p u b ­
lish e r. H e n d e r s o n ’s a c h ie v e m e n ts
have continued to g arn er h o n o rs from
the tim e o f his founding the P o rtla n d
O bserver in ¡970. T oday tw enty years
later the O bserver is the largest m u lti­
ethnic weekly new spaper in the P aci­
fic N orthw est. H enderson serves as
P u b lish e r/O w n e r/C h a irp e rso n . M rs.
Joyce W ashington acts as H en d er­
so n ’s assistant an d m anager.
In 1976, H enderson was the reci­
p ie n t ó f th e R u sse ll A . P e y to n
H um an R elations A w ard in O regon
and achieving a slate o f civic com -
7 p.m.
Prayer Cancels out Worry,
or Worry Cancels out Prayer
Chester Leon Johnson, Sr.
On O ctober 17, 1990, Chester L.
Johnson, Sr. departed this life in Mt.
Enterprise, Texas. He became ill on the
train, in route. He was placed into the
hospital and released. He experienced
more chest pains. In an attempt to return
him to the hospital, Mr. Johnson passed
in the arm s o f his daughter.
On October 18, 1927, Mr. Johnson
was bom to Belton & Bernice Johnson.
He was the first born o f seven children.
Mr. Johnson was united in Holy
wedlock to Dorothy B. Williams on March
9, 1945. To this union, seven children
were bom.
Mr. & Mrs. Johnson were both bap­
tized, at an early age, at the Union Springs
Baptist Church in Mt. Enterprise, Texas.
The family arrived in Portland in 1956.
Mr. Johnson began working in Construc­
tion and in 1959 he began working for
Ameron Pipe and Construction Com ­
pany. He worked there for 35 years-until
his retirem ent in O ctober of 1989.
The Johnson family are members of
the Mt. Sinai Baptist Church, Rev. Don
Frazier, pastor.
He leaves to mourn his death, his
loving wife of 45 years, Dorothy Johnson;
tow sons, Chester L. Johnson, Jr. and
Billy D. Johnson; three daughters, Clem-
mie J. D aniels, JoAnn Jones, Dorothy N.
Johnson; two brothers, James R. Johnson
o f Beaumont, Texas and Charles E.
Johnson of Los Angeles, California; two
sisters, Arvelia Starling and Dorothy Henry
both o f Alam orgoda, New Mexico; 30
grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren,
and a host of other relatives and friends.
Funeral services were held on Tues­
day, O ctober 23, 1990 at the Mt. Sinai
Baptist Church.
O From the pulpit of Morning Star Baptist Church Rev. T. L. Lewis, Senior Pastor
This morning I want to preach
on the matter, “ Learning to live with a
lim p” . 1 want to hang this message on
these three points. 1. The mystery of the
limp. 2. The mastery o f the limp. 3.
The ministry o f the limp.
In this second letter that Paul
writes to the church at Corinth, he con­
fronts a group o f believers who consid­
ered themselved to be spiritual elitist. In
other words, they deemed themselves as
being superior in their spiritual and non­
temporal undertaking.
They had had certain spiritual
experiences and blessings. Instead o f
being grateful for what God had allowed
them to experience, they became boast­
ful o f themselves.
Q uite often, this happens. We
take that which is holy and use it as a
sounding board to glorify ourselves. We
take that which is sacrosanct and use it
for selfish means and rapacious gains.
So in an effort to set the record
straight, Paul does some boasting of his
own. However, there was one major dif­
ference in Paul’s boasting and the boast­
ing o f the carnal Corinthians, and that
was Paul’s boasting in the Lord.
They centered their boasting
around the one who received the vision.
Paul centered his boasting around the
one who gave the vision. For there is a
difference in talking about what I have
experienced and what God has allowed
me to experience.
As believers, we must be very
careful about seeking self glory. The
spotlight belongs to the Lord, not to you
and me. God has said that he will not
share his glory with any man. We like to
baost about titles and positions.
We need to be ever mindful of
the fact that all glory belongs to God.
And that when glory is deirected at us,
we need to hurriedly pass it on to the
Dietrich Bonehoffer in his book,
the cost o f discipleship says that, “ when
Christ calls a man he bids him com e and
die. In other words, the call o f Christ to
a believer is to die to self-glory.” Paul
says to the churches at Galatia (2:20) * ‘I
am crucified with Christ yet neverthe­
less I live yet not I but Christ who liveth
in me, and the life which I now live in
the flesh I live by faith in the Son o f God
4222 N.E. 12th Avenue
Portland Oregon
dinners, music and sports tickets, home im p ro ve -ftj
I I Corinthian 12:1-9
Learning to Live With a Limp
Howto have a g
good time helping g
a great cause, g
Join wilh neighbors and friends and raise die roof j j i
while raising funds at the 17di Annual Auclion to 7 »
support the St. Andrew Community Center. Bid on® ?
who died and gave him self for m e.”
We can ill afford to baost about
our accomplishments because apart from
Christ we can do nothing. No m atter
how m uch these Corinthians boasted
about their spiritual gifts, they could in
no way be compated to the revelation
and the vision God had allowed the
apostle Paul to experience.
I imagine he m ust have hushed
a many mouths when he said. “ Breth­
ren about 14 years ago the Lord allowed
me to be caught up in third heaven.
W hether I was in my body or out o f my
body 1 can ’t tell but God knows. I heard
unspeakable words which are not lawful
for man to utter. W hat I experienced in
the third heaven is too holy to even talk
Concerning the three heavens,
there is that first heaven, that is perceiv­
able to every seeing eye. The first
heaven can be seenjust be looking up. It
is where the birds fly and the clouds drift
and hover.
Then there is that heaven that
we can observe at night, we can through
telescopes and other powerful optical
instruments. It is where the moon, the
stars, and other sister planets make their
abode. It’s the second heaven, the heaven
we call outer space.
But then there is the third heaven.
The space that is beyond outer space.
That place where time leaps into eter­
Even Captain Kirk and the
Starship Enterprise have not been able
to penetrate its boundaries. But long
before there was the W right Brothers,
long before John Glenn, long before
Sputnik, long before Apollo, long be­
fore Colum bia and apostle named Paul
was caught up in the third heaven. And
what he experienced up there was un­
And to those carnal Corinthian
Christians who were playing can you
top this spiritual experience, when they
heard P aul’s testimony they had to hugh
their m ouths. Then Paul tells them o f
m yself I will not glory. Yet I do have the
Paul recognized that in his flesh
dwelleth no good thing. He recognized
that there was that part of him that
wanted to boast about his accom plish­
Call for
ments. In his flesh, in his old nature he
wanted to boast about what he had
achieved in life. He knew that he had
achieved in life. He knew that he had a
tendency toward sin ju st like all men.
But God had fixed it so that
every time he w anted to exalt him self
the thorn in his flesh would hum ble him.
Listen to him (verse 7) as he
says, “ lest I be exalted above measure
because o f all the blessings that I have
received there was given to me a thorn in
the flesh, the m essenger o f Satan to
buffet me, lest I be exalted above m eas­
Now in order for us to under­
stand the mystery o f the thom /lim p the
mastery o f the thom /lim p, and the m in­
istry o f the thorn it is necessary for us to
define what a thom /lim p is and how to
identify a thorn.
A thom /lim p is a vehicle or a
means that God uses to keep us humble.
God wants to bless us but, he knows that
along with the blessing he has to have
something to keep us depending on him.
And that something is a thorn.
Now a good way to identify a
thorn is to think about that one thing in
your life that you wish with all your
heart you could change. Y et no m atter
how hard you try you ju st can ’t. You
have prayed about you have cried about
it, you have begged G od but the circum ­
stances ju st w on’t change. M ore than
likely that’s a thorn.
G od allows thorns to enter our
lives to keep us humble. To keep us in
a position where he can use us. A thorn
will keep you from exalting yourself.
W ithout that thorn is P aul’s
flesh he could have felt totally self suf­
ficient. He could have that what he had
accom plished in life came about be­
cause of his own strength and power.
A fter all he spoke several lan­
guages fluently, he was a Hebrew o f the
Hebrews. He was a graduate of the U ni­
versity of Tarsus. He cam e from a royal
family. The Tribe o f Benjamin. H ew as
a world traveler. He was a pharisee of
the pharisees. This man Paul was som e­
body. And you know the more accom ­
plishments you have in life the easier it
is to get lifted up in pride. But God
knows just how to humble us.
(To be continued)
Best Cash Prices
Heating Oils
104 NE Russel St.
Portland, OR 97212
(503) 282-5111
mcnis, professional services, and lots and lots of
merchandise Every penny helps die Center pro-
vide youth programs, s a iio r quilting and bingo,
OMSl's science programs, after school care and
tutoring, teat sports, and meetings.
m em oratives fo r an active role in civil
rights, em ploym ent o p p o rtu n ities cre­
atio n , an d service w ith distinction to
the sp iritu al, physical, an d psycho­
logical advances o f A frican-A m erican
needs in com m unities and active p a r­
ticipation in local, state, and federal
governm ent arenas.
H en d erso n ’s w ife, B obbye, will ac­
com pany him to F ra n k fu rt. She is a
co m m u n ity caregiver in all areas o f
church activities and recently served
as C o -C h airp erso n for the St. J o h n ’s
A .M .E . C h u rch 1990 A nnual H om e­
com ing cerem onies in N ashville, T N .
T he F ra n k fu rt in tern atio n al exhibit
o f boo k s pro d uced by M ethodist p u b ­
lishers in 1989 included Czechoslava-
kia, E ast G erm any, W est G erm any
(coo rd in ated by W alter A . Siering,
S tu ttg art); F rance, G reat B ritain, In­
dia, Sing ap o re, S outh A frica, Sw it­
zerland, an d the U nited States rep ­
resented by the U nited M ethodist
Publishing H ouse and the A frican
M ethodist E piscopal C h urch Sunday
S chool U n io n . Jo in t train in g and
publishing consulting activities in se­
veral co u n tries are encouraged by the
In tern atio n al P ublishing C om m ittee
chaired by G erh ard R oegner, E ast
G erm any.
T h o m as K. P o tte r, J r ., reported
that a sim ilar exhibit is being planned
for the 1991 W orld M ethodist C o n ­
ference in Singapore. O th er new co ­
o p e r a tiv e a p p r o a c h e s to e f f o r ts
encouraged by the In tern atio n al P u b ­
lishing C o m m ittee chaired by G er­
hard R oegner, director o f the Press-
e ste lle d e r E v a n g e lis c h M e th o d -
istischen K irche, include jo in t tra in ­
ing an d p u b lish in g c o n su ltin g a c ­
tivities in several c o u n trie s. Vice-
C h a irp e rso n s o f the In te rn a tio n a l
Publishing C o m m ittee a re Dr. R obert
K. F easter, President, U nited M eth­
odist P u b lish in g H o u se, from the
U SA an d M r. B rian T h o rn to n o f G er­
m any.
S c rip tu re o f t i e 'W eefi
Admission is $5.
God Bless You!
Maranatha School of Ministry
6:30 P.M.
Mid-Week Services - Wednesday
7 :3 0 P.M.
Rev. Wendell H. Wallace
Senior Pastor
1237 NE Failing
Jesus Loves You!
P.O. BOX 12396
9:00 A.M.
10:30 A.M.
17th Annual
Prison Ministries
Sunday School
Morning Worship
St. Andrew
Community Center
Wc need your donations.
Call Auction co-chair Jcrry'Lindsay. 281-5 7 6 5 ;
wo r Wa/f Stichart at the Parish. 281-4429.
Then gather tor the fun on the 27th!
Sunday Services
Sunday School
9:30 am
Morning Worship
7:00 p.m.
Evening Worship
8:00 pm
(corner of 8th & Skidmore)
Portland, Oregon 97211
(503) 287-0261
Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor
You are invited to worship with
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We teach the Bible
We reach out and care for people
Stone Tower Church,
N.E. Sandy Bird. & 3Oth
11:15 am
Worship Services 8:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M.
Church School 9:30 A.M. to 10:30 A.M.
Bible Study. Wednesdays. 116 N.E.Schuyler
10:30 A.M. and 6:30 P.M.
Tuesday Prayer and Bible Band 7:30 pm
Thursday Pastoral Teaching 7:30
4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue
For information Call: (503) 284-7563
Elder Leon Brewer
Radio Ministry each Sunday. 8:00 A.M.-KBMS
A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry
Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor
Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler,