Page 2—The Portland Observer--October 24, 1990 ...And Justice For All What Is a "Good Faith Effort"? BY PROFESSOR MCKINLEY BURT We often hear that phrase, a “ good faith e ffo rt” as having been made by someone o r another--or by a particu­ lar organization. But, ju st what, ex­ actly, does it mean? Under some cir­ cumstances we feel that we know very w e ll the extent o f the im plied comm it- m e n t-to deliver, to expedite, to dis­ charge a debt, or whatever. For in ­ stance, we often have it from the United States Government, “ backed by the full- fa ith and credit o f [the government].” But, today, I would lead us into another area for assessment o f this ubiqui­ tous term. W hile I ’ ve been w riting this current series on “ M in ority Business” (concluded this week on Business Page), I fin d m yself returning to frequent thoughts concerning the level o f com- m itm ent--and, indeed, the sincerity--of many o f the A frican Americans who make such a noisy and highly-publi­ cized case fo r an immediate and mas­ sive escalation o f the m inority business e ffo rt (seldom accompanied by action, let alone a structured plan for im plem ­ entation). In the immediate case, m y re­ flections are prompted by a recent col­ umn o f Tony Brown, the well-known black television commentator and pub­ lisher o f “ Tony Brown’s Journal” . Here, he took to task some o f the most hal­ lowed and respected echelons o f the black leadership hierarchy. Specifically, he furnished the fo llo w in g quotes o f W illiam Reed, a columnist for the Black- owned Washington, D.C. newspaper, Capital Spotlight. “ The Congressional Black Caucus weekend is the most glaring evidence o f a two-decade-old saga o f ineptness, mismanagement, lack o f ac­ countability and vision o f our so-called “ A fte r 20 years o fC B C week­ ends, the most obvious evidence o f Black leadership having been on Capitol H ill are thousands o f Scotch bottles, a slew o f chicken bones and a host o f white merchants rushing to the bank to deposit the one-half b illio n dollars they receive each year from CBC hotel rentals and the sale o f Scotch and hot buffalo wings.” “ This is one o f those 150 an­ nual get-togethers where middle-class Blacks are spending 3 b illio n dollars w ith white people while discussing how bad o ff we are and blaming racism for it. I, o f course, have proposed that all Black groups cancel their 1992 meetings and CT/LL TfifT QOCfiD OW&S use the $3 b illio n as a capital form ation fund to rebuild our com m unity.” “ I think this position is w ell taken, a rather succinct assessment, right to the “ inept” p o in t-a n d every b it as caustic a presentation as I would have made (smiles). Further, I think it is a logic that could be applied to this m icro­ cosm, Portland, Oregon. We know that I have made this case a number o f limes, not only in articles and in speeched- but, going so far as to design and im ple­ ment university calsses incorporating both the standard business and legal structures o f enterprise, but also the real­ time experiences o f successful enterpre- neurs. So what is that can be d o n e - that isn T being done-that must be done? Never in history has the race3 had so many college graduates, so many blacks in experience-gaining positions in man­ agement, technology and the financial interface. But it would seem that it was the lesser educated and exposed blacks o f yesteryear who had the drive, am bi­ tion and motivation to successfully launch many viable business enterprises. What do you think is the answer? W rite us here at the paper; w e’ d lik e to hear from you! You’ve just about given up! You’ve tried the dating scene: night clubs, bars, social lounges. All the prospects just were not what you were looking for in a permanent relationship. Please send me more information ana a membership packet. I don't want to let this unique opportunity pass me by. I have enclosed $2.00 for shipping and handling. Nam e:____________________________________ Male___ Female___ Address: ____________________________________________________ City/State/Zi p: ________________________________________________ I certify that I’m 21 years of age or older, single, and African American. S i g n at u r e: ___________________________________________________ African American Singles Network, P.O. Box 12514, Portland, OR 97212, (503)293-7979 ! Scotty's BBQ Coupon : Special Best In the Greater Northwest i ! NPBC To Hold Annual Banquet North Portland Bible College holds its second fa ll banquet-Friday evening, November 2, 1990. In the “ Great H a ll” o f the Westminster Pres­ á byterian C h u rc h -1624 N.E. Hancock. The theme for this year’ s en­ riching banquet is “ a backward glance, I a forward lo o k ” . M r. David Shaw o f J Pasco, Washington w ill be the guest ® speaker. Donations are $15.00. The purpose o f the banquet is to supplement N PB C ’s building fund. Tickets may be purchased by contacting the follow ing persons/places: NPBC (Bercan Bible Church) - 288- 2919, Alberta P h illip (C W A C ) - 282- 1316, L illia n Jenkins (Eve) - 285-0089 and Rev. Don Fraizer (M t. Sinai Com­ m unity Church) -282-6773. President - Rev. Don Fraizer Chairperson - Ms. Alberta Phil- s S j 2 - For -1 BBQ Rib Dinners $7.90 ¡ 8 1 23 N.E. Klllingsworth J phone 288-5951 ’ The War in Iraq: Russian Roulette for Soldiers Scenario: Y o u ’ re at home, and some­ one breaks in. Before you can react, the intruder grabs your son and puts a gun to his head. Y our son has no choice in the matter, nor do you. The man declares his intention o f playing Russian Rou­ lette with your son, and he pulls the trigger... How different is this scenario from all the young men who are being drafted to spill their blood for what our political leaders like to hype as “ fig h t­ ing for your country” ? Thank you, Uncle Sam, but I ’d only fig h t for moral causes; I would not accept taxpayers’ money only to go and fig h t fo r o il. A s­ suredly, I ’d rather spend my money on inflated gasoline prices than on enlist­ ing Am erica’s youth on a potential death mission (by the way, w e’re spending one and a h a lf B IL L IO N dollars per M O N TH on the war in Iraq). Bush, would Am erica’s fists s till be in Iraq i f you and your fa m ily were in the army? It must be fa irly simple to send people you’ ve never even met, to face their death ...oil. The biggest price you m ight have to pay for this war is hiring another secretary to send o ff letters o f condolence to griev- add .25 Cents for orders to go Offer Expires on October 25, 1990 Support our Advertisers- SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE PORTLAND OBSERVER ing fam ilies and friends o ff soldiers. Even i f the troops aren’ t k ille d in Iraq, what must the experience o f war do to their psyche? I saw a car accident once, and the memory o f the v ic tim ’ s body has never left me. One can only imagine what permanent emotional damage w ill result from experiencing massive legalized murder; Vietnam ’s scars have not yet healed. I think ‘ 'Am erica F irst, P o liti­ cians L a s t" , an absolutist organization w orking toward the preservation o f the B ill o f Rights, said it best; “ Support laws that w ill force the politicians to behave like law-abiding citizens.” It seems ironic to me that we continually elect e litist that wave at starving people from their limousines, and consider it “ getting in touch with the people” (then, o f course, they return to their expansive California dude ranches, or White House residence that has more bathrooms than I have total rooms). And then we’re a ll shocked when they cut Social Security and Medicare, and give the rich fo lk tax breaks. M ost political systems in this w orld attempt to shorten the gap be­ tween rich and poor; meanwhile,the IlNTERNATIONA^OCIETYFOR , INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY I For information on ISIL, its publications and ideas, contact ISIL National Office at 11800 Market Street ¡San Francisco. CA 94102 ' ■BI i S by A ngelique Sanders By Professor McKinley Burt |- losing its middle class populus (some end up in the throes o f starvation; some find a ridiculous niche in capitalist America and in vent a cheesier macaroni or an easy-lift chair and are “ set” fo r life). M ost other governments fund college-level education (in fact, the Soviet Union PAYS qualified students to at­ tend college); most DO N O T pay their farmers to N O T grow crops (our govern­ ment was caught doing this a couple years ago, because they d id n ’t want a surplus-w hy couldn’ t surplus food be sold or given to other countries, or to the food bank?); most wouldn’t pay $10,000 for a disposable m ilita ry seat (yes, again, credit our government w ith that scan­ dal); and most p olitical systems do not sport such a terrifying deficiL I also suspect few countries, besides the U.S. o f A ., would perm it someone like former K.K.K. leader David Duke to run fo r office. * * * ♦ ♦ Thumbs up to the woman at Saturday’s “ No Blood fo r O il” ra lly w ith the sign that read; “ D eficit? Sell the W hite House!” N ext week: an overview o f all Portland’ s recent rallies THE BI-PARTISAN PARTY IS ONE BIG PARTY PRETENDING TO BE TWO PARTIES VOTE LIBERTARIAN P aid f o r by H erb Booth There Is No Choice! Vote No on Ballot Measure 11 by Professor M c K in le y B u rt The ballot title is “ School Choice System, Tax C redit fo r Educa­ tion Outside Public Schools.” This measure, which would A M E N D TH E OREGON C O N S T IT U T IO N , submits a somewhat harmless-sounding question in the voters’ pamphlet: “ Should Constitution provide choice o f public schools, tax credit for education outside public schools, voter approval o f certain education laws?” Il is the position o f the O b­ server newspaper, this w riter, and a host o f concerned citizens and organizations that the passage o f this ill-conceived measure would constituue an u n m iti­ gated disaster for Oregon’ s educational system. It is almost inconceivalbe that at a time when both the education hier­ archy, parents, and other interests are making yeoman efforts to solve the existing problems o f the system, a mas­ sive assault would be launched by a coa­ litio n o f narrowly-focused special inter­ est groups. The “ Oregonians for Educa­ tion Choice” group presents a number o f “ carrots” in their campaign to slip this measure through, but deliberately fa il to examine the devastating disrup­ tions and chaos these proposals would fa il to bring about: "W h a t is the E ducational Choice In itia tiv e ? I t is an amendment to Oregon's Constitution to be voted on in 1990. The initiative allows fa m ilies to choose what schools their children a t­ tend. Open enrollment w ill a llow fa m i­ lies to choose between government schools, even i f the schools are in other school districts. A basic education tax credit w ill provide a state income tax credit f o r K-12 education expenses in alternative schools. The tax credit w ill pay up to $2,500 per student by 1992. Why do we need choice? Our government school system is fa ilin g , producing unqualified graduates despite increases in spending. Choice provide these benefits: ■If a school isn’ t rig h t f o r your fa m ily, you’ l l be able to choose and afford a l­ ternative schools. ■Schools that must compete w ill improve o r lose students. ■Different schools can cater to different needs o r values. •Families w ill be more involved, becom­ ing active choosers and consumers o f education." O f a ll that has been w ritten in opposition to this measure-Oregonian Newspaper, Oregon Education Associa­ tion, Oregon School Board’s Associa- tio n -w e think the position o f the “ R ain­ bow C oa litio n ” sums it up rather w ell: "B u t statewide B a llo t Meas­ ure U l l , up f o r vote on November 6, is not really choicefor parents. I t is choice f o r schools to cream the crop o f aca­ dem ically and athletically successful, cheaper-to-educate kids. I t ’s a choice only fo r a fe w parents who can afford the money up-front, the transportation costs, and who can sell their children to the chosen school. . .the most selective, academi­ cally elite private schools would remain selective and elite, the only difference being that parents o f their students would suddently get a nice tax break.' (Eugene Register-Guard, August 16,1990 The vast m ajority o f poor, working class, ra c ia l m inority, im m i­ grant, disabled, special needs, costly kids would be left behind in fin a n c ia lly drained schools. $80 m illio n would ’ immediately leave the Oregon pub lic school fu n d to go to church schools, even without any transfer o f kids. In n e r ‘ city and ru ra l safety net districts would be hardest hit, as money, teachers, and program s fo llo w the outflow o f c h il­ d re n ." Vote No on 11! The Portland Observer gladly accepts articles and photos for review for publication. Photos must be printable and preferable in black and white. Articles should not exceed 250 words and must be typewritten and double spaced. No material is returned unless requested and accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. OREGON’S OLDEST AFRICAN AMERICAN PUBLICATION Established in 1970 & Alfred L. Henderson Publisher Joyce Washington Operations Manager Gary Ann Garnett Business Manager Leon Harris Editorial Manager The PORTLAND OBSERVER is published weekly by Exie Publishing Company, Inc. 4747 N.E. M.L.K., Jr. Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97211 P.O. 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The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions Manuscripts and photo­ graphs should be clearly tabled and will be returned if accompanied by a self addressed envelope All created design display ads become the sole property ol this newspaper and can not be used in other publications or personal usage, without the written consent ol the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition of such ad 1990 PORTLAND OBSERVER ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE XRT WITHOUT PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED, isenptions $20 00 per year in the Tri-Countyarea, $25.00 all other areas inland O bserver- Oregon's Oldest African-American Publication - is a member ational Newspaper Association - Founded in 1885. and The National Adverbs scentative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc , New York, NY B M o n - Fr. 10 a.m . - 6 p.m. Saturday 10 - 5:30 pm Near Lloyd Center 282 1664 1105 N.E. Broadway ] Protect yourself against BIG LOSSES and COSTLY REPAIRS. Call Levi Russell 289-3648 M y name is Levi Russell. I am an ex­ perienced housing rehabilitation spe­ cialist and home remodeling inspector. I advise homeowners in making im­ provements to their homes, correcting code violations, selection and quality of materials, selection of contractors, and estimating cost of improvements. I also perform house inspections for home buyers. For more Information, call 289-3648.