October 2 4 ,19 90-T h ePortland Observer-Page 11 — Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS w Advertising ^Employment & Bids/Sub-Blds CITY OF PORTLAND INVITATION FOR BIDS INVITATION FOR BIDS TRANSPORTATION PLANNING REGIONAL RAIL PROGRAM Project No: HUD Modernization OR16P007904 Project Name:1990 Comprehensive Improvement Assistance Program SITE and DWELLING IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. M8-0802A & B October, 1990 Sealed bids for the 1990 Comprehensive Assistance Improvement Program (CIAP) Modernization Project Numbers: OR7-2. McEwen Homes. Athena: OR7-3, Bliss Homes, Hermiston and OR 7-4 Golden Manor, Hermiston, all located in the State of Oregon will be received at the offices of the Umatilla County Housing Authority, 155 SW 10th St., Hermiston, Oregon 97838 until 2:00 o'clock P.M. P.S.T. Tuesday, November 27,1990, and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud. A Pre-Bid Conference will be held at 10:00 A.M. P.S.T., Tuesday, November 13,1990, at the offices of the Umatilla County Housing Authority, 155 S.W. 10th St., Hermiston, Oregon, 97838. Attendance is MANDATORY for all General Contrac­ tors, and is highly recommended for subcontractors. A list of those attending will be published by addenda and will form the approved General Contractor Bidders list. The Information for Bidders, form of Bid Proposal, Bid Bond, Contract, and Per­ formance Payment Bond, Plans, Specifications, and other contract documents may be examined at the follow­ ing plan centers: Sealed bids are requested for two separate contracts to provide labor and m a­ terials for site and dwelling renovations. Bids for both projects will be received at the Housing Authority of Portland (HAP) Maintenance Office, 8910 N. Woolsey Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97203, until2:00p.m ., PST, Tuesday, N ovem ber20,1990. Shortly thereafter, bids will be opened and publicly read. The attendance of bidders is welcomed. The work location is Peaceful Villa Apartments, 4626 SE Clinton, Portland, Oregon, work to be performed includes: PROJECT A; SITE and GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Landscaping, asphalt repaving, concrete sidewalks, ramps and porch steps, patching of concrete porches and stem wall, handrails, site lighting and concrete benches PROJECT B: BUILDING RENOVATIONS Metal siding with new gutters and downspouts, GFI’s and lighting fixtures in units, and new lavatory faucets and grab bars in bathrooms. Interested bidders may obtain one set of the bid documents at the HAP Main­ tenance Office, mentioned above, upon receipt of $75 deposit which is refundable when documents are returned in good condition within 10 days after bid opening. Additional sets may be obtained for $40 each, which is not refundable. A HAP representative will conduct a pre-bid tour of the project commencing at the HAP Maintenance Office, address above, at 10:00 a.m., P.S.T., November 1, 1990, and the attendance of bidders is requested. An orientation will be given prior to moving to the project site. Questions posed during the tour, when not addressed in the specifications, will be answered by addendum and mailed to all bidders. No bid will be considered unless accompanied by bid security in the form of cer­ tified check, cashier’s check, or surety bond payable to the Housing Authority of Portland in an amount equal to 5% of the bid which is forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages should the bidder neglect or refuse to enter into contract or provide a suitable bond for the faithful performance of the work when bidder is notified of contract award. Attention is called to the provisions addressed in division “ H” , "Special C ondi­ tions," regarding Equal Employment Opportunity, the minimum of 20% MBE partici­ pation, EEO compliance reports, Certification of Non-segregated Facilities and a waiver from enforcing the payment of non-federal prevailing wages when said wages, exclusive of any fringe benefits, exceeds the applicable wage rate deter­ mined by the Secretary of HUD. No bidder may withdraw bid after the hour set for opening thereof until after the lapse of sixty (60) days from the bid opening. The Housing Authority of Portland may reject any bid not in compliance with the prescribed bidding procedures and requirements and may reject any or all bids and waive all informalities if, in the judgment of HAP, it is in the public interest to do so. Questions regarding this project should be directed to David Walter at 283-1693. Loren Tarbell Director of Maintenance REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS for LIGHT RAIL IN THE BARBUR CORRIDOR The Regional Rail Program is soliciting proposals from qualified consultants for the preparation of conceptual engineering analysis for light rail in the Barbur Corridor. The selected consultant will be expected to analyze up to three feasible LTR alignments within this corridor. It is required the consultant will have experience with light rail transit planning, engineering, bridge design and cost estimation experience. The consultant will ex­ amine operating and capital cost estimates for light rail service, prepare a gener­ alized impact assessment, analyze local traffic operations and complete an evalu­ ation of each alternative alignment. The City of Portland encourages participation of minority/women business en­ terprise contractors in its projects. Copies of the proposal package and submission requirements are available at the Transportation Planning Office. Please contact: Stuart Gwin, Project Manager, 1120 S.W. Fifth Avenue, Suite 702, Portland, Oregon 97204. (503) 796-7788. Proposals are to be delivered to the Transportation Planning offices, City of Portland, at the above address by 5:00 PM. Friday November 2,1990. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for Science Green Site Improvements, Science Facilities Additions and Alterations, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon will be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education at University of Oregon, Physical Plant Department, 1295 Franklin Boulevard, Eugene, Oregon 97403, until 4:00 p.m. PST, Thursday, November 8,1990. Bids thus received will be publicly opened and read aloud on Friday, November 9,1990 at 4:00 p.m. PST, in Physical Plant Conference Room 2, at which time documentation of bidder’s good faith efforts to utilize emerging small businesses and minority-or women-owned business enterprise, if required to conform with Supplemental Instructions to Bidders (Division SB), shall be submitted to the undersigned or designated representative. Briefly, the work is described as construction of site improvements including, but not limited to, excavation, earthwork, concrete walks, and irrigation system. Bidders are required to attend a Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference which will be held at Physical Plant Department, Conference Room 2 at 10:00 a.m. PST, on Tuesday, October 30, 1990, at which time compliance required by Division SB regarding minority-owned, women-owned, and emerging small business will be dis­ cussed. A tour of the project site will be conducted following the conference. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for the Hamilton Hall Kitchen Alteration, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon will be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education at University of Oregon, Physical Plant Department, 1295 Franklin Boulevard, Eugene, Oregon 97403-1276, until 4 :0 0 p .m ., PST, Monday, December 3,1990. Bids thus received will be publicly opened and read aloud on Tuesday, December 4, 1990 at 4:00 p.m . PST, in Physical Plant Conference Room 2, at which time documentation of bidder's good faith efforts to utilize emerging small businesses and minority- or women-owned business enterprises, if required to conform with Supplemental Instructions to Bidders (Division SB), shall be submitted to the undersigned or designated representative. Briefly, the project includes, but is not limited to. the following: Hamilton Hall Kitchen and Dining Areas: a re-configuration for the existing plan, new finishes, , HVAC system and electrical w ork. A limited number of alternates will be con­ sidered. A mandatory Pre-Bid Walk-Thru of the site and conditions will be made at 1 10:00 a.m. PST, Tuesday. November 20, 1990, at which time compliance re­ quired by Division SB regarding minority-owned, women-owned, and emerging small business will be discussed. Bidders shall meet w ith the Owner and its representatives at the Dunn Lounge in Hamilton Hall prior to the required walk- thru. For further information, contact the UO Physical Plan (phone: 346-5243). MULTNOMAH EDUCATION SERVICE DISTRICT INVITATIONS FOR BIDS to furnish VARIOUS SUPPLIES Bids are solicited to furnish various supplies for this agency’s Co-operative Purchasing program. Bids will be received by Michael Mlynarczyk, Purchasing Agent at 11611 NE Ainsworth Circle (PO Box 301039, Zip 97220-1039), Portland, Oregon 97220-9097 (Phone: 503-257-1791) until no later than 4:00 pm, Pacific Standard Time, November 29,1990 for: (1) Food, Cafe & Kitchen Products, IFB #015-90-171, (2) Lamps: Fluorescent, High-Intensity Gas Discharge, Incandescent and Photo/A-V, IFB #015-90-172, and (3) Carbonless Multiple Copy Paper, IFB #015-90-173 at which time and address the bids will be publicly opened, but the bid items and 1. Plan Review Center Pendleton, Oregon 2. Blue Mountain Plan Center Walla Walla, Washington 3. Dodge/SCAN Seattle, Washington 4. Intermountain Contractor Boise, Idaho 5. Spokane Construction Council Spokane, Washington 6. Tri-City Construction Council Kennewick, Washington 7. Builders’ Exchange Cooperative Portland, Oregon 8. Construction Data Plan Center Portland, Oregon 9. Central Oregon Builders Exchange Bend, Oregon 10. Daily Journal of Commerce Portland, Oregon Copies of these documents may be obtained from the UCHA at their offices at 155 S.W 10tr St., Hermistcn, Oregon, 97838, by depositing $50.00 for each set. One set t ach of the documents will be issued to General Contractors, Mechanical and Electrical subcontractors only. Others may view the documents at the listed Plan Centers. Said deposit will be refunded to each person who returns such documents in good condition within ten days after the bid opening. Each bid shall be accompanied by Previous Participation Certification, Non- Collusive Affidavit, and a certified check or bank draft, payable to the Umatilla County Housing Authority, or U.S. Government bonds, or a satisfactory Bid bond executed by the Bidder and a Surety that is acceptable to the Federal Government, In an amount equal to five (5%) percent of the bid. The contract will be awarded on the basis of the base bid unless it overruns the amount budgeted for this work. In the case of such overrun, deductible Alternates will be taken by the LHA in numerical order as they are listed to the extent necessary to come within the budgeted tc.al If there are no deductible alternates or taking all deductible alternates, the resultant still exceeds the budgeted amount, the LHA re­ serves the right to reject all bids, or to secure additional funds necessary to a irding the contract. If the total amount of the bid exceeds $25,000, the successful Bidder will be required to furnish and pay for satisfactory Performance and Payment Bond or separate performance and payment bonds, each for 50% or more of the contract price, or a 20% cash escrow or a 25% irrevocable letter of credit. Attention is called to the provisions for equal employment opportunity, insur­ ance requirements, and the payment of not less than the minimum salaries and wages as set forth in the Specifications. Any prevailing wage rate (including basic hourly rate and any fringe benefits) determined under State law to be prevailing with respect to an employee in any trade or position employed under the contract is inapplicable to the contract anc shall not be enforced against the contractor or any subcontractor with respect to employees engaged under the contract whenever either of the following occurs: (i Such non-federal prevailing wage rate exceeds (A) the applicable wage rate determined by the Secretary of Labor pursuant to the Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 276a et seq.) to be prevailing in the locality with respect to such trade; (B) an ap­ plicable apprentice wage rate based thereon specified in an apprenticeship pro­ gram registered with the Department of Labor or a DOL-recognized State Appren­ ticeship Agency; or (C) an applicable trainee wage rate based thereon specified in a DOL-certified trainee program; or (ii) Such non-federal prevailing wage rate, ex­ clusive of any fringe benefits, exceeds the applicable wage rate determined by the Secretary of HUD to be prevailing in the locality with respect to such trade or po­ sition. The Umatilla County Housing Authority reserves the right to reject any or al bids, or to waive any informalities in the bidding. No Bidder may withdraw his bid within thirty days after the date of bid opening. Umatilla County Housing Authority Charles A. Arvidson Executive Director Date: 10/12/90 prices will not be read aloud. The successful bidder will not be required to be licensed for asbestos abate­ ment under section 7 of ORS 468.883. Specifications may be obtained at the above office. Each bid must contain a statement as to whether or not the bidder is a resident bidder as defined in ORS 279 029. The District may reject any bid not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, and may reject for good cause any or all bids upon a finding of the agency it is in the public interest to do so. No bid will be considered that is received after the a p p o in t e d d a t e ^ a n d ^ im e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS The Metropolitan Service District (Metro) is soliciting Bids for 90B-129-SW- Hauling of Waste Tires from Metro facilities to the authorized disposal facility, Waste Recovery Inc 8501 N. Borthwick, Portland, OR 97217. Sealed Bids must be delivered to the Solid Waste Department, Metro, 2000 SW First Avenue, Portland, OR 97201-5398, to the attention of Ray Barker, Assistant Facilities Manager, no later than 3:00 p.m. PST, Thursday, November 1,1990, at which time they will be publicly opened in the Council Chamber. Potential Bidders may obtain Bid documents by contacting Ray Barker at 221- 1646. Metro may reject any Bid not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements and may reject for good cause any or all Bids upon finding of the agency that is in the public interest to do so. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for the Hamilton Hall Kitchen Alteration, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon will be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education at University of Oregon, Physical Plant Department, 1295 Franklin Boulevard, Eugene, Oregon 97403-1276, until 4:00 p.m., PST, Monday, December 4,1990 at 4:00 p.m. PST, in Physical Plant Conference Room 2, at which time documentation of bidder’s good faith efforts to utilize emerging small businesses and minority-or women-owned business enterprise, if required to conform with Supplemental In­ structions to to Bidders (Divisions), shall be submitted to the undersigned or des­ ignated representative. , Briefly, the project includes, but is not limited to, the following: Hamilton Hail Kitchen and Dining Areas; a re-configuration for the existing plan, new finishes, HVAC system and electrical work. A lim ited number of alternates will be considered. A mandatory Pre-Bid Walk-Thru of the site and conditions will be made at 10:00 a.m. PST, Tuesday, November 20,1990, at which time compliance required by Division SB regarding minority-owned, women-owned, and emerging small busi­ ness will be discussed. Bidders shall meet with the owner and its representatives at the Dunn Lunge in Hamilton Hall prior to the required walk-thru. For further information, contact the UO Physical Plant (phone: 346-5243). | ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for the Hamilton Hall Kitchen Alteration, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon will be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education at University of Oregon, Physical Plant Department, 12905 Franklin Boulevard, Eugene, Oregon 97403-1276, until 4:00 p.m. PST, Monday, December 3 ,1 9 9 0 . Bids thus received will be publicly opened and read aloud on Tuesday, December 4,1990 at 4:00 p.m. PST, in Physical Plant Conference Room 2, at which time docu­ mentation of bidder’s good faith efforts to utilize emerging small businesses and minority -or women-owned business enterprises, if required to conform with Supplemental Instructions to Bidders (Division SB), shall be submitted to the undersigned or designated representative. Briefly, the project includes, but is not limited to, the following: Hamilton Hall Kitchen and Dining Areas; a re-configuration for the existing plan, new finishes, HVAC system and electrical work. A limited number of alternates will be considered. The Board has determined bidding documents for such bids, one copy of which may be obtained at the University of Oregon Physical Plant by prime bidders only upon deposit of $50.00. Additional sets may be obtained tor the cost of reproduc­ tion, plus a deposit of $50.00. Deposit will be refunded to the unsuccessful bidder(s) within two (2) weeks after Notice of Award providing the documents are returned in original condition and free of markings. Contract documents may be examined at the office of Bloodworth, Ellis, Seder, McNamara/Architects, 5200 SW Macadam, Suite 370, Portland, Oregon, 97201; University of Oregon Physical Plant, Eugene; Construction Data Plan Center Eastside, Construction Data Plan Center Westside, Daily Journal of Commerce Plan Center,and Builders, Exchange, Portland; Eugene Builders Exchange, Eu­ gene; Salem Contractors Exchange, Salem; Central Oregon Builders Exchange, Bend; Oregon Builders Exchange, Roseburg; Medford Builders Exchange, Medford;Dodge/Scan, Seattle, WA; and Valley Plan Center, Kent, WA. A mandatory Pre-Bid Walk-Thru of the site and conditions will be made at 10:00 a.m. PST, Tuesday, November 20,1990, at which time compliance required by Division SB regarding minority-owned, women-owned, and emerging small busi­ ness will be discussed. Bidders shall meet with the Owner and its representatives at the Dunn Lounge in Hamilton Hall prior to the required walk-thru. The Oregon State Board of Higher Education reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Inquiries regarding this project may be directed to Bloodworth, Ellis, Seder, McNamara/Architects, P.C., 5200 SW Macadam, Suite 370, Portland, Oregon 97201,(503) 223-6963. No bid will be considered unless fully completed on the Bid From provided, in the manner described in Instructions to Bidders, and accompanied by a ten percent (10%) Bid Security. All bidders must comply with requirements of the prevailing wage law in Ors 279.350. Bidders shall submit evidence of "Affirmative Action Compliance" per Division SB. Oregon State Board of Higher Education By: George Pernsteiner, Associate Vice-Chancellor Eugene, Oregon OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Residential Ventilation Workshops DEADLINE: October 29,1990 The Oregon Department of Energy is seeking proposals from qualified consult­ ants for two residential ventilation workshops to be conducted in Portland, Oregon. The term of the contract will be one year, beginning approx. Decem ber 1 ,1 9 9 0 . For a complete copy of the RFP, call Jan Simmons, 503-378-6968, or toll free in Oregon 1 -800-221 -8035. Proposals must be received by ODOE not later than 5 pm, October 29,1990. NO LATE PROPOSALS WILL BE ACCEPTED.