i October 1 7 ,1990- ,The Portland Observer--Page P ortland Observer CLASSIFIEDS THURSTON COUNTY, WASHINGTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DEVELO PM EN T/U TIU TY SERVICES DIVISION DEVELOPM ENT SERVICE ENGINEER SALARY RANGE $2,942'm onth-$3,923/m onth CLOSING DATE: October 31,1990 This professional-level position super­ vises a technical staff o f five which is responsible for plan review and in ­ spection o f private road, drainage and u tility projects. Position coordinates w ith other m unicipalities w ith in the urban area on development review and represents the Department o f Public works at land development hearings. M IN IM U M Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S : Re­ quires a BSCE, E.I.T. and four years o f engineering experience. Successful candidates w ill have the a b ility to posi­ tive ly interact w ith citizens, consult­ ants, developers and other public agen­ cies w hile maintaining acceptable engineering policies and practices. E x­ perience in land development essen­ tials (i.e. transportation, storm drain­ age, soils and materials testing) w ith strong verbal, w ritten and analytical skills are required. Must have a valid Washington State Drivers License and Professional Engineer’s License. This is covered by the Management/ Technical Compensation Plan, and reports to the D evelopm ent/U tility Section Manager. Obtain applications at the Inform ation Desk, Thurston County Courthouse, B uilding #1, 2000 Lakeridge D rive S.W., O lym pia, W A 98502-6945. Telephone (206) 754-3800. Thurston County is an Equal Opportu­ nity Employer. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Salary: $24,931/year. Full tim e exempt W e’re looking fo r a positive, practical person to provide organizational and administrative support to the General manager, the Manager o f Finance and Adm inistration and the M etropolitan Exposition-Recreation Commission (M ERC). Coordinates preparation o f M ER C agenda, supervises clerical workers. High school diploma or GED, 2-3 years college level courses in business or equivalent exp. Three years experi­ ence in administrative assistant or ex­ ecutive secretary position. 80 wpm typing; dictation, word processing knowledge and computer operator skills. You must be w illin g to be CPR certi­ fied. Applications available only to residents o f the First opportunity Target Area: Banfield Freeway on the South, NE 42nd on the East, N Chautauqua in ­ cluding Columbia V illa on the West and N Colum bia Bv, on the North. C all our Job Line at 230-6711 fo r other jo b information. APPLY IN PERSON: October 12-25, 8:00 am through 5:00 pm, M em orial C oliseum General O ffic e , 1401 Wheeler. An Equal Opportunity/Affirm ative Action Employer. COUNSELOR III STAR Starting salary $1232-51300 per mo. plus benefits. C O D A Inc. seeks advanced counselor for STAR methodone m ain­ tenance program. Responsibilities include management o f client caseload, prov ision o f individual and group ther­ apy, maintenance o f client records. To qualify: Bachelors degree in psychol­ ogy, counseling or related fie ld and 2 years supervised experience or equiva­ lent. CCDC certifications is desired. T o apply complete and submit stan­ dard C O D A application including screening question responses to ad­ dress below. Application materials available at C O D A Inc., 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. Equal opportunity/qffirm ative action employer._________ THURSTON COUNTY, WASHINGTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONSTRUCTION AND FIRE SAFETY DIVISION DEPUTY DIRECTOR SALARY RANGE $3,227/m onth-$4,302/m onth CLOSING DATE Novem ber 9,1990 INSURANCE MEDICAL CLAIMS ANALYSTS Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon is currently accepting applications for Medical Claims Analysts. This position is responsible fo r accurate and tim ely payment o f blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon’s medical claims. Experience necessary to perform this task w ill include. 1 year recent clerical work experience in a doctor’s o ffice or hospital setting Demonstrated knowledge o f medical terminology and anatomy. This may be obtained through a classroom setting or office experience ICD-9/CPT-4 Coding A m inimum o f 6-12 months experience using a CRT in a production oriented en­ vironment Fast, accurate use o f a 10-key calculator Previous claims processing or insurance billing experience highly desirable. Starting salary $1347/mo. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits pack­ age, flex-tim e work hours, and com petitive salary. Pre-employment drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed imm ediately, place ad #413 at the top o f your resume or you may apply in person between 9 A M -4P M Mon-Fri. This top level management position reports directly to the D ire cto ro f Public works and oversees all facets o f the division, including program planning, budget development, daily operations and personnel management. The position oversee 25 staff members divided Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon throughout the three sections o f the d i­ Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor vision: B uilding Inspections, Plans 100 S.W . Market Review and Fire Inspection. Portland, Or 97201 This position serves as Thurston County’s Blue Cross Blue Shield C hie f B uilding O ffic ia l and as Fire Equal Opportunity Em ployer C hief, directing the operations o f the Fire Prevention Bureau and the sub­ Tdd #225-6780 contractors, who perform fire inspec­ tion, arson investigation and provide pubic information/education. The For Adoption Fam ily Services fo r non­ Deputy director represents the County Earn money in the “ 900” call in service. p ro fit agency. Full time position. $5.25 Income potential unlim ited rig ht in in code development issues at local, to $5.90 per hour depending on experi­ your area. Start immediately. For info state, national and international level. ence, plus benefits. Demonstrated skills M IN IM U M Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S : This call 1-619-549-3717 E x l 1978 24hrs. and 2 years experience in traditional No exp. necessary. position requires a four-year degree in support functions including typing, f i l ­ Public Adm inistration, Construction ing, telephone, and computer experi­ Management, Fire Service A d m in i­ ence are required. Attendance, accu­ stration or equivalent. A Masters de­ racy, detail orientation, a b ility to organ­ gree is highly desirable. Ten years o f ize, cany out tasks independently and in progressively responsible experience Starting salary $1644-$2025 per month consultation are essential. Obtain appli­ plus excellent benefits. C O D A Inc., cation at 2301 N.W. Glisan, Portland, in m unicipal operations, building code seeks counselor supervisor in the A s­ OR or call 222-9661 x222. Deadline enforcement, design and construction sessment Program. Responsibilities for accepting applications 10/15/90 by engineering or related fie ld must be include diagnosis o f substance addicted 5:00p.m. Equal Opportunity Employer. evidenced. A m inim um o f five years clients, clinical supervision o f staff, o f management level experience re­ liaison w ith com m unity resources, quired. M ust possess professional l i ­ provision o f assessment services, censing as an engineer, architect or development and implementation o f PDX Radio: Radio experience a must. certification as a B uilding O ffic ia l or Knowledge in advertising (buying and policy procedures, treatment o f chemi­ Professional Code A dm inistrator w ith production), sales promotions, public cally dependent women and dual diag­ multiple levels o f I.C.B.O. or I.AP.M .O . relations and event production. Send nosis clients. To qualify: master’s degree certification. resume to O ffice Manager, 4614 SW or substantial post graduate course work Obtain applications at the Inform ation K e lly, Portland, 97201. An Equal in a human services discipline or equiva­ Desk, Thurston County Courthouse, O pportunity Employer. lent are required. 2 Years supervised B uilding #1, 2000 Lakeridge D rive human services experience strongly S.W., O lym pia, W A 98502-6045. desired., Advance training/experience Telephone (206) 754-3800. w ith chemicallydepcndent women and Thurston County is an Equal O pportu­ dual diagnosis populations preferred,, nity Employer. to apply complete & submit standard Coda Application form including IN screening question response to the ad­ ADULT AND FAMILY SERVICES dress below. Application materials and DIVISION (AFS) Paragon Cable, Portland’s largest Cable instructions arc available at SALARY ($2464-$3286- Television System, is seeking enthusi­ C O D A Inc., 210 Ne 20th, Portland, OR MONTHLY) astic self-starters to jo in its sales mar­ 97232. Equal opportunity/affirm ative Excellent Benefit Package keting team. Successful candidates w ill action employer. (Announcement #OC901325) have excellent customer relations skills StateO f Oregon, AFS needs an energetic and reliable transportation. We are a and innovative person w ith good highly successful operation and are communication and analytical skills Oregon Convention Center looking fo r top-notch individuals. We for the Program Tcchnicain 2, C hild Salary range: $15.21/hour. o ffe r a comprehensive benefits Care Analyst position in the Income 1 full-tim e, 2 part-time. package,base salary during training Maintenance Section in Salem, Ore­ W e’ re looking fo r reliable, knowledge­ period and career opportunities. gon. Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S : able operating engineers to work at I f you are h ighly motivated and have a any M ER C fa c ility (Coliseum, Sta­ strong desire fo r success and advance­ ..two years o f experience w ith responsi­ dium , Performing Arts Center, Con­ ment, and have a good d riving record, b ility for program/project analysis, vention Center). You w ill perform please apply in person to: m onitoring and coordination. The manual work in the operation and main­ PAR AG O N C A B LE experience must have included pro­ tenance o f a ll heating, cooling, plum b­ 3075 NE Sandy Blvd. gram evaluation responsibility. ing, electrical and mechanical equip­ Portland, OR 97232 Your background must have given you ment. You must be physically able to Equal Opportunity Em ployer the knowledge and skills identified in perform the necessary tasks. You must announcement #OC901325. be available to work any days, any Obtain a State o f Oregon Application shifts, including evenings and week­ (P D 10 0) and A nnouncem ent ends. We prefer two years experience #)C9O1325 from Personnel Center, 775 as an operating engineer in a large Start $11.41/hour! For application info Court Street, Salem, Oregon, 97310 or pubic events fa c ility . V a lid drivers call (1)602-838-8885, Ext. M - 12859, from Portland Personnel Center, PCC, license required. You must be w illin g 6am - 10pm, 7 days. 2850 SE 82nd Ave.,Portland. to be CPR certified. APPLY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, Applications arc available to residents o f AP PLIC ATIO N S M U S T BE RE­ Entry level position in news & talk radio the First O pportunity Target Area. C E IV E D B Y N O VE M B ER 2, 1990, production. Resumes only to: Person­ Boundaries are the Banfield Freeway TO BE ACCEPTED nel, P.O. Box 14957, Portland, OR on the South, N E 42nd on the east, N FO LLO W TH E D ETAILE D INSTRUC­ 97214. Equal Opportunity Em ployer Chautauqua including Columbia V illa TIONS ON THE ANNOUNCEMENT. on the West and N Colum bia Bv. on A N E Q U A L O P P O R T U N IT Y the North. AP P LY IN PERSON: Oc­ EM PLOYER. AU TO S FOR SALE tober 12-25.8:00 am through 5:00pm , GOVERNM ENT SEIZED vehicles M em orial Coliseum General O ffice, from $100. Corvettes, Chevys, Por- 1401 N. Wheeler, or call 235-8771 x shes, and otherconfiscated proper­ 165 for inform ation. C all our Job Line ties. For Buyers Guide 1 -(800) 638- 230-6711 for other jo b inform ation. 8178 ext. 4552. Also open evenings An Equal O pportunity/Affirm ative City Of Eugene & weekends. Action Employer. Salary Range: $2,777-$3,500/mo HELP WANTED Assessment Counselor C-5 MARKETING DIRECTOR PROGRAM TECHNI­ CIAN 2(00813*) CHILD CARE ANALYST DIRECT SALES REPRESENTATIVE OPERATING ENGINEER ATTENTION: POSTAL JOBS! RADIO MANAGER: RECRUITMENT & SELECTION COACH Head softball coach position available at Sherwood High School. Applicant must possess a valid first aid card and have thorough knowledge o f softball fun­ damentals and strategy. Application deadline: October 26. A pply: Sher­ wood School D istrict, 400 N Sher­ wood Blvd, Sherwood, OR 97140,625- 8100. Equal opportunity employer. BANK JOBS 1-900-468-5323 Fee $9.99 SECRETARY JOB O P P O R T U N IT Y Call our 24-Hour JobLlne at 280-4727 for a-lifting of current openings at Emanuel Hospital & Health Center EMANUEL HOSPITAL & HEALTH CENTER A Urgary M t n + t r fc^ual O pportunity Employs i M FH Position manages recruitment and selec­ tion program area which includes work force diversity, affirmative action, EEO employee orientation, career develop­ ment and injured worker reinstatement. The successful applicant w ill have well- developed leadership, analytical and communication skills. Requires a four year college degree w ith preference for graduate study in human resource management related field and 5 years o f professional personnel administra­ tion experience. C LO SIN G D ATE: November 23, 1990. Obtain applica­ tion between 8 am-5pm at C ity o f Eugene, Human Resource & Risk Serv­ ices, 777 Pearl St., Rm. 101, Eugene, OR 97401. AAIEOE Advertising I Employment Bids/Sub-Bids MENTAL HEALTH Opportunities With Community Psychiatric Clinic CPC is a rapidly growing Mental Health Center. We provide services to psychia- trically disabled children & adults and their fam ilies through a variety o f na­ tionally recognized tx progs, located throughout Seattle. We are com m itted to a culturally and em nically diverse workplace. Com petitive salary & benefit Pkg- S U P E R V IS O R -E L R E Y (dntn Seattle): fu ll service residential lx fa c ility fo r the homeless m entally ill seeking supervisor fo r the CCR and TC F programs. Challenging oppor. to work in innovative, nationally recognized tx fa c ility . Masters, or B A in related field + supv. exp. Knowledge o f res. prog. pref. Q U A L IT Y A S S U R A N C E M A N A G E R -C P C (W allingford): Responsible to develop a system fo r assessing client need and review ing service planning, utilization and outcomes. Directs interagency quality assurance audits. Cert. M H P w ith prog. mgmt. exp. Salary dep on exp. C R IS IS W O R K E R -C IS (W allingford area): Crisis w alk-in & out-reach prog, for mentally ill adults. Day, eve & wkend hrs. B A , exp in acute care. Exp. w rking w/chem abuser pref. C AS E M A N A G E R -J D P (dntn Seattle): Case mgmt team servicing m entally ill misdemeanant adults. B A , prev exp w-m entally ill crim inal just system. S C R E E N E R -IT A (dntn Seattle): F /T w ith IT A case mgm t prog. Assist d is­ charge planners w/development o f placement options. Provide liaison btwn case mgrs & hosp. staff. Some after hrs. a vailability req. B A w /2yrs exp. Assessment & discharge planning a plus. IN T E N S IV E C A R E M A N A G E R -W S P (dntn Seattle): F/T case m gr to w ork w ith m ulti-disciplinary team outreaching to m entally ill, substance abusing, homeless clients. Secure housing tx services fo r clients, B A + esp w /C M I and/ or substance abusing pop. H O U S IN G S P E C IA L IS T S -E L R E Y (dntn Seattle): Innovative tx program fo r homeless m entally ill, needs Housing Specialist to coord, client transition into comm unity after leaving program. Teach life skills to prepare individual fo r successful com m unity liv in g and follow -up after transition. B A and/or 2 yrs exp. R E S ID E N T IA L C O U N S E L O R -E L R E Y (dntn Seattle): Case Mgr. day/swing shifts. Residential tx prog, for homeless chronically m entally ill. A A , related exp. G E R IA T R IC C O O R D IN A T O R : F ull-tim e pos. to coordinate mental health programming indlng residential care, p rio rity older adults in north central King Co. includes supv, consultation & program planning responsibilities. M in req: Geriatirc M H specialist & relevant clinical & supervisory exp. M E N T A L H E A L T H NURSES Full-tim e & part-time positions in expanding mental health agency serving north centra King Co. W A (Seattle). Opportunities to w ork w /m ulti-disciplinary teams in community s u p p o rt, crisis intervention, residential programs, pro­ viding assessments, medication evals and case mgmt. Positions avail fo r licensed RNs & Am ps w/prescriptive authority and exp. w orking w/disabled m entally i ll adults. Please send cover letter (identify position) and resume to: A T T N : Personnel, CPC, 4319 Stone Way N, Seattle, W A . 98013. Equal Opportunity Employer. Part Time Counselor II Child Care Worker (26 hours per week) Starting salary $721-$790 month plus excellent benefits. C O D A Inc. seeks child care worker fo r part lime work in the fam ily services program providing child care to infants and children o f clients in drug and alcohol outpatient treatment. Duties include: organiza­ tion o f social, educational and recrea­ tional activities for children, parental relations, consultation w ith primary counselors. Hours: Mon-Thurs 1 pm- 7:30pm. To qualify: higher education in child development and 2 years experience in professional child care or equivalent are preferred. Applicant must be traincd/trainable in first A id and CPR. To apply: Complete and submit standard C O D A application form with screening question responses to address below. Application materi­ als available at C O D A Inc., 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. Equal O pportunity/Affirm ative Action Employer. Clinical Supervisor C-V Alpha House. Starting Salary $1644-$2025 per month plus excellent benefits. C O D A Inc. seeks clinical supervisor for Alpha House A d ult Residential Treat­ ment Facility. Responsibilities include administration o f daily program op­ erations .direct clinical supervision to staff o f 5 counselors, co-ordination o f client admissions, diagnosis and treat­ ment services, consultation w ith pro­ bation and parole officers, develop­ ment and implementation o f policies and procedures, training o f staff and the general public. To q ua lify a mas­ ter’ s degree in a human services disci­ pline and 2 years supervised human services experience or equivalent arc required. Advanced training/experience in addiction, pregnant addict, crim inal justice client and residential treatment techniques very strongly preferred. Must be traincd/trainable in CPR and ca­ pable o f administering CPR for 15 minutes continuously. To apply com ­ plete and submit standard C O D A ap­ plication form including screening question responses to the address be­ low. Application materials and instructions arc available at C O D A Inc., 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. Equal opportunity/qffirm ative action employer MULTNOMAH EDUCATION SERVICE DISTRICT JOB OPPORTUNITIES Our D istrict provides programs and serv­ ices to our 12 constituent school dis­ tricts. We are currently looking fo r qualified individuals fo r the fo llo w in g positions: Break Assistant/Special Education Occupational Therapist 190 days/year Registered Nurse 190 days/year Substitute Registered Nurses, Teachers, Educational Assistants, LPN Call 257-1510 (24/hr jo b inform ation) for qualifications, Salary & C losing dates. Required M ESD em ploym ent application can be obtained in person at MESD’s recruitment O ffice at 11611 NE Ainsw orth C ircle, (A irp o rt W ay), O ffice hours are 8:00-5:00, M onday thru Friday. Applicants residing out­ side o f Tri-C ounty area and physically disabled applicants may request a p p li­ cation materials by m ail.or by ca lling 257-1501 during regular o ffice hours. An Equal O pportunity Em ployer Employment Opportunities MULTNOMAH COUNTY Program Supervisor- Community C orrections- $31,111-40,445 annually. Social W orker-H IV C linical Services Program - $14.93-17.32 per hour. Aging Services Program Specialist-$13.16-16.09 p er hour. A pply fo r the above positions by O cto­ ber 26, 1990, at M ultnom ah C ounty Employee Services, Room 14301120 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland, OR 97204. An Equal O pportunity Em ployer COACH Assistant track coach position available at Sherwood H igh School. A p plica nt must obtain or possess a current firs t aid card & m ust have know ledge o f technique & training in w eig ht events. Application deadline: O ctober 26,. A pply: Sherwood School D is t, 400 N Sherwood Blvd, Sherwood, O R 97140, 625-8100. Equal opportunity employer.