+ *» # + « r ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ • « • ♦ ♦> ••*♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ r** * ♦ ♦♦<•»• ♦•*rW V* > October 17,1990 The Portland Observer-Page 7 N ews A round T own CONTACT OFFICE HOLDS OPEN HOUSE TO WELCOME STAFF, ANNOUNCE HOURS UNITED WAY CAMPAIGN SUR­ PASSES $4 MILLION After six weeks of Cam paign ’90, United Way o f the Colum bia-W illam ­ ette has raised $4,432,514, or 23 percent o f its $19.5 million goal. The North Region has raised $128,468, or 14 percent o f its $904,982 goal. This region is led by Associate Campaign Chairwoman Janice W ilson, senior vice president of the metro east re­ gion, First Interstate Bank o f Oregon. It runs from St. Johns east to 42nd Avenue and the Columbia River south to Burnside Street. “ This year’s fund-raising drive has a new focus, said Campaign Chairman Bruce W illison, chairman o f the board for First Interstate Bank of Oregon. * ‘The O ther C am paign” stresses what United W ay-supported agency program s give away rather than what people give to United Way. These programs assist one-in-three people o f the metro area’s 1.3 m illion residents, willison added that he wants to remind people in a season of cam paigns, the most important one to the com m u­ nity is “ The O ther C am paign” - the one for human service. •<=- CLA REMONT •o Grand Golf Course Grand Homes Grand Opening FREE HEALTH SCREENINGS FOR SENIORS (AGE 55+) OFFERED AT NEIGHBORHOOD SITES EASTCO Loaves and Fishes, St. Adians Episcopal Church, 17405 NE Glisan. Pleasecall 255-9775 for appoint­ ment. (9a .m. to 12 noon). November 2, 1990. Volunteers of America, 537 SE Alder Street. Please call 232-2233 for appoint­ ment. (9 a.m. to as noon). November 9, 1990. OASIS, City Center Meier and Frank 10th Floor, 621 SW Fifth Ave. Please call 241-3059 for appointment. (10 a.m. to 1 p.m.). November 16, 1990. Lents Loaves and Fishes, St. Peters Catholic Church, SE 87th and Foster. Please call 777-1610 for appointment (9 a.m. to 12 noon). November 30, 1990. Among services at the screenings are blood chem istry tests which include cholesterol, glucose and amenia m eas­ urements, blood pressure, colorectal cancer take-hom e test kit, lung function and hearing testing. Vision and glau­ com a assessm ents, nutritional counsel­ ing and foot care evaluation are also usually offered. Appointments are nec­ essary and may be made by calling the screening site. There is no charge for the screening which are funded by Legacy Health System hospitals and healthcare organizations. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN HOME REPAIR TRAINING PROGRAM COMPLETE PROJECT UNDER PDC’S URBAN HOMESTEAD PROGRAM Forty Portland high school students have spent the last year completely re­ building an abandoned home in N orth­ east Portland purchased through the Portland Development Com m ission’s Urban Homestead Program. On Tuesday, October 16, the stu­ dents celebrated com pletion of the proj­ ect by holding an open house and driving a ceremonial “ final” nail of simulated gold into the rehabilitated house. They were joined by the new owner o f the house, PDC Urban Homestead Program staff and the instructors who guided them. The home was purchased under PDC’s Urban Homestead Program, which provides low-cost home ownership op­ portunities to qualifying city residents. The hom esteader is required to repair all major housing code violations and live in the house for at least three years. This is the fifth home com pleted by the Portland Public School’s Home Repair Training Program (HRTP) since it began in 1985 under a cooperative agreem ent with PD C’s Homestead Program. Stu­ dents enrolled in the program com e from a variety of Portland high schools. Students who have participated in HRTP not only have helped reclaim some of the city’s stock of low-income hous­ ing but, in some cases, have found re­ warding careers through the program. Some students have gone on to open their own building and remodeling busi­ nesses. HRTP students, who fill the role of general contractor, began w ork on the project in O ctober 1989. T heir work included a new front porch, vinyl siding, exterior and interior painting, repair o f windows, new roof, new kitchen and bathroom, new floor coverings, and ex­ tensive sheet rock and wall repair. E lec­ trical and plumbing work is typically sub-contracted. The students work in tw o shifts, one group in the morning, another in the a f­ ternoon, leaving half the day for their regular classes. * ‘TTie program really gives those participating a leg-up on others entering the building and rem odeling trade,” noted HRTP Coordinator John Harris. “ Our kids have som e real skills to offer an em ployer.” PDC Urban Homestead m anager Jennifer Gardner praised the rem odeling work done by the students. “ O ur hous­ ing specialists constantly m onitor work done by all our contractors and subcon­ tractors. The rehab work done by the HRTP program always m eets, and often exceeds, our guidelines. A high degree o f workmanship is accom plished.” In addition to the Urban H om estead Program, HRTP students also perform a variety o f home repairs under P D C ’S’s Single Family Housing program. U nder both programs the homeowner only pays for the materials used by the students and the cost o f the subcontractors. Fall finds the HRTP students al­ ready working on their next Urban Homestead home rehabilitation project. CLAREMONT "S PALL HARVEST CELEBRATION Snihlny O th fo r ll, IWO Nuttl - SdUlpni Ina Hart, Katie Burrell (front) and Lt. Charles Moose in front o f Iris Court Contact office. Oct. '90 /5955 A W. Wis/ Uniini tioiid I \uikuni, (liiani VJ22) I low Io gel lo Claremont The Iris C ourt Com m unity Contact O ffice, part o f the Portland Police B u­ reau’s com m unity policing efforts held an open house to announce regular office hours and w elcome two new staff m em ­ bers, at the office, 315 N. Sum ner,#3. (south of Vancouver and Killingsworth). The Police Bureau has opened three contact offices this year, one in each of the citii!* three precincts. The contact offices are within the boundaries of community policing demonstration proj­ ects being conducted by each precinct. Iris C ourt is the first to hire staff and D em onstration Project, said he is pleased to welcome Ina Hart and Katie Burrell to the project. The two will staff the office from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays. Hart and Burrell were placed through the Private Industry C ouncil’s senior em ­ ploym ent program. Police Bureau officials and repre­ sentatives from social service, neighbor­ hood, business and civic organizations attened the open house. The public is welcome. “ Having people here for regular hours will help us to serve this com m unity set off. cc hours. L l Charles Moose, project better,’’ said Moose. facilitator for North Precinct’s Iris Court Protect yourself against BIG LOSSES and COSTLY RE PA I PS. Call Levi Russell 289-3648 M y name is Levi Russell. I am an ex­ perienced housing rehabilitation spe­ cialist and home remodeling inspector. I advise homeowners in making im­ provements to their homes, correcting code violations, selection and quality of materials, selection of contractors, and estimating cost of improvements. I also perform house inspections for home buyers. For more information, call 289-3648. You Are Invited! to a Community Forum Barbara Roberts Democratic Candidate for Governor October 23,1990 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm Mallory Ave. Christian Church 126 NE Alberta Hear the Issues Raise Your Concerns Mie» Oline ( >(*•»» lim y I >.iy (VH) b *) SOI i I (MINSK Ik in ' h im I l M ' l k i l l l i l C .im iii)' Kbk* Urlili h u ll fad f i W ’ A U a .-tilínni' mi Ihs/Aiy kizz mill (fam uli M hmuhb ( .»iicsif- liizcs The Portland Observer gladly accepts articles and photos for review for publication. Photos must be printable and preferable in black and white. Articles should not exceed 250 words and must be tvpewritten and double spaced. No material is returned unless requested and accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope.