October 17,1990—The Portland Observer Page 3 • Portland Observer I Q , RELIGION tn i WALDEN INSTALLED AS ASSISTANT PASTOR OF FAITH TABERNACLE S t MATTIE ANN CALLIER-SPEARS ELDER CURNEL W ALDEN was born to the late Robert W alden and Mrs. Jossie W alden, March 25. 1938, in the state o f M ississippi. He dedicated his life to Christ in a Sunday morning service at Faith Tabernacle Church, in a store front building on W illiams Avenue, February 17, 1963, where he was blessed and couldn’t let go until God came into his life and filled him with the Holy Ghost. He w ent to fulfill a request, salvation was just a prayer away. Since that day he has been faithful in G o d ’s work and dedicated to his call. CURNEL W ALDEN came to Port­ land June of 1944. His em ploym ent his­ tory has been varied, such as: University o f Oregon Health Science Center, Nate Hartley Fuel Oil, Vancouver Foundry, Columbia Steel Mill and his current place o f em ploym ent is Jam es Rivers Paper Mill in Camas, W ashington. On Sunday, O ctober 14, 1990, an installation ceremony was held at 4 p.m. in honor o f Elder Cum el W alden. The /? = joyous ceremony was both spiritual and cherishable. His wife o f thirty years, the former W illie Kennedy, sat at his side as he re­ ceived his installation charge. Following the morning service, the church held a pot luck in honor o f Elder W alden’s new assignment. As everyone sal eating, enjoying the morsels prepared by the fam ilies o f the church, Elder Walden was scurrying about busily preparing for the baptism o f a new member. As he hurried, his white garment, that he was wearing resembled angles’ wings stretched wide and soaring. Cum el will now serve as the assis­ tant pastor to Bishop Grace C. Osborne. As a mem ber o f Faith Tabernacle for 27 years, Curnel has served in many departm ents of the church, such as: usher board, choir, deacon, trustee, youth departm ent,youth leader, Sunday school teacher, chairman o f the deacon board, janitor, church transportation, coordina­ tor and appointed pastor in charge. Elder Walden was ordained by Bishop Louis W. O sborne in 1972, which was a day that he shall always rem em ber and hold dear and near to his heart. Cum el and W illie W alden are the proud parents o f not one but four sons- G ary, Cory, Bryan and Byron. Elder Walden received a certificate ot appreciation for serving the longest, continuous m em bership in Faith T aber­ nacle’s history and he has received sev­ eral certificates o f honor in other areas. He attended Aenon Bible extension, A.L. Hardy Academy o f Theology, re­ ceiving a Bachelor o f Theology (B.TH). God has truly blessed Elder Walden. For in his Christian walk, he has been an unselfish servant of God. He has touched the lives o f so many. As a side job, he repairs furnaces for many who would otherw ise not be able to have their fur­ naces operating. W hy? He does many for gratis. Just because. Or-he will say, “ Pay me w hatever you can afford.” Curnel is one who follows leader­ ship and his trust is solidly anchored in Christ Jesus. Congratulations! ! And may G od continually bless your ministry. John 3:16 Jesus Loves You! For God so loved the world, he gave his only son for those who should not die but have everlasting life. 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue Congratula tions Congrafutations Larry Of. Torter and Connie L. Chinn dVill exchange their wedding vows on Saturday October 20, 1990 at 1st Church o f Ndzarene 6100