Page l2 "The Portland Observer- October 17, 1990 Measure Drastic Would and Costly... Measure 4 would immediately force the complete shutdown of the Trojan electric plant on December 6, 1990. Please consider these facts about Trojan and Measure 4 when voting November 6. Trojan produces as much power as Bonneville Dam, up to 20% o f Oregon's electricity needs In 14 years of serving Oregon. Trojan has provided an average of 5 billion kilowatt-hours ol electricity each year. Trojan is the largest electricity plant we have within our state. Our electricity surplus is gone, and power supplies are getting seriously tight Recent reports from the Bonneville Power Administration show serious pow er shortages developing in the Puget Sound area, with a good likelihood ol blackouts in the near future. Oregon's pow er supply situation is getting similarly tight. A shutdown of Trojan could create serious power reliability problems. Measure 4's shutdown o f Trojan would be expensive for consumers The respected Northwest Power Planning Council’s study of the potential impacts of Measure 4 shows the likely costs to consumers would be about $1.5 billion dollars— with the costs going as high as $3 billion dollars. Measure 4's shutdown would be environmentally damaging Closing Trojan would force more coal, gas, and oil burning to produce power. Burning these fuels pours polluting carbon dioxide gases into the air, and adds to the global wanning Greenhouse Effect. Moreover, closing Trojan would create more pressure to dam our remaining free-flowing rivers and streams, destroying fish populations and wildlife habitats. Join us in voting NO on 4. NO on 4 Committee Over 35,000 members... and still growing. Dr. Gary F. Gates, M.D. Louisa Bateman Dr. Ansel G. Johnson 1 Dr. Alan H. R obinson Dr. Dwight A Sangrey Environmentalist Klamath Falls Former Member, Oregon Fish & Wildlife Commission Director. Nuclear Medicine Department. St. Vincent Hospital iN Medical Center Chair and Professor Geology Department Portland State University Head, Nuclear Engineering Department Oregon State University President Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology Dr. Anna S. Gail, M.D. Dr. Barbara M. Karmel Keith Parks Phil Schneider Radiologist Donald J . Cook Don (rtxlard President The Reed Company Retired General Manager Eugene Water and Electric Board General Manager Pendleton Grain Growers Jo h n R. (Jack) Donaldson Manager. Canby Utility Board Former Memlxr, Northwest Power Planning Council Former Director Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife Jo h n D. Gray Irv Fletcher Farmer President Oregon AFVCIO Gerald W. Herrmann Vickie L. McFarlane Director, Senior Volunteer Program Oregon City Dr. Cyrus W. Field Chairman. Department of Geosciences Oregon State University Chairman, Grayco Resources Stafford Hansell Ron Fortune Executive Secretary and Treasurer, Northwest Oregon Labor Council, AFVCIO Dr. Jo h n W. Mitchell Economist Dr. Peter J . Paquet Wildlife Biologist Professor Jam es E. Reinmuth Dean, College of Business Administration University of Oregon Vem Rifer Coral Angus Executive Director, Klamath Associate Professor Biology/Environmental Sciences Portland State University Dr. Robert C. Loomis, M.D. Hector Macpherson Basin Cenior Citizens Council Past President. Oregon Medical Asstxiation Farmer Albany Dr. Jo h n Owen Linda KozJowski Roy Bowden Executive Director, Association Northwest Steelheaders Clinical Assistant Professor Neurology, Oregon Health Sciences University Jean K. Young Sam VanVactor President. Murphy, Symonds, and Stowell Dr. Stephen Stolzberg, M.D. Past President Oregon Environmental Council Director, John Inskeep Fnvin »nmental Learning Center Former Senior Economist, International Energy Agency Member Oregon Fish & Wildlife Commission, Former Member, Oregon Energy Facility- Siting Council Dean School of Engineering Oregon State University Senior Advocate Former Mayor of King City Dr. Mary Taylor (Partial list. Titles and affiliations for identification purposes only.) Slop the shutdown ol Troian's electricity Vote Authorized by the No on 4 Committee 621 S.W. Alder. Suite 605, Portland. Oregon 97205 L I