October 10, 1990 -The Portland Observer Page 7 NOMINATIONS FOR THE 1990 SENATE PRODUCTIVITY AWARDS Senator M ark H atfield and Bob Packwood announced that they w ill be accepting nominations for the 1990 Senate Productivity Awards. Nominations fo r this years award w ill be accepted u ntil November 5,1990, and should include the name o f the company contact, the company’s address and the telephone number. Completed applications w ill be evaluated on em­ ployee relations, actual productivity changes as w ell as other areas. The Senate P roductivity Aw ard was established in 1982 to foster productiv­ ity awareness and to honor companies w ith outstanding productivity programs. Each year both Sen. H atfield and Sen. Packwood present a productivity award to an organization in Oregon which has produced a product or performed a serv- ice in a p articularly e fficie n t and effec­ tive manner. Senator H atfield w ill present the 1990 Senate P roductivity Award for Manufacturing and Senator Packwood w ill present the 1990 Senate Productiv­ ity Aw ard fo r A griculture or Service. Companies or individuals may make nominations by w ritin g to: Senator M ark O. H atfield Senator Bob Packwood Room 114 Pioneer Courthouse 101 S.W. M ain St. #240 Portland, Oregon 97204 For more inform ation, please con­ tact Ann W arner in Senator H atfield’ s office, 326-3386 or D avid D illo n in Senator Packwood’ s o ffice, 326-3370. UNITED WAY CAMPAIGN UPDATE A fte r five weeks o f Campaign ’90, United W ay o f the C olum bia-W illam ­ ette has raised $3,612,230, or 18.5 per­ cent o f its $19.5 m illio n goal. The North Region has raised $91,261, or 10 percent o f its $904,982 goal. This region is led by Associate Campaign Chairwoman Janice W ilson, senior vice president o f the metro east region, First Interstate Bank o f Oregon. It runs from St. Johns east to 42nd Avenue and the Columbia River south to Burnside Street. “ The campaign is going extremely w ell at this point. Employee giving is running ahead o f last year,’ ’ said Bruce W illison , chairman o f the board fo r First Interstate Bank o f Oregon. “ We expect the momentum to continue through the remainder o f the campaign.” United Way raises and distributes funds in Clackamas, M ultnom ah and Washington counties in Oregon and Clark County in Washington. It supplies nearly 200 agency programs w ith money co l­ lected during the annual fund-raising drive. These dollars help provide child care, mental health counseling, adult day care, information and referral, emergency food boxes, drug and alcohol abuse treatment, independent liv in g experiences fo r dis­ abled individuals, health and dental care, and services for victim s o f domestic violence and kids at risk o f involvem ent w ith drugs, gangs, delinquent behavior or teen pregnancy FORECLOSURE SALE This advertisement is placed by the U S Department ol Housing and Urban De velopment and does not constitute the legal notice of sale Pursuant to the Multi family Mortgage Foreclosure Act of 1981 the Department well sell The Cove Apartments 1906 Cove Avenue LaGrande, Oregon at 10:00 a.m. local time (PST) on November 16,1990 at Front steps ot Union County Courthouse 1 1 0 6 KAvenue LaGrande, OR 97850 The project consists of 4. two-story walk up buildings containing 20 units The protect is being sold with Section 8 rental subsidy for 20 units HUD intends to submit a bid in the amount of $58,100 Requirements of Sale: Earnest Money Deposit with Bid: $25,000 Terms: All cash, balance at closing Letter of Credit for Repairs at closing: $26,250 You may obtain additional information about this properly by contacting the local HUD office below In advance ol the verbal bid sale each bidder will be required to submit a signed copy of the TERMS AND REQUIREMENTS OF FORECLOSURE SALE - ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY BIDDER and show evi­ dence of the earnest money requirement Due diligence should be performed in advance of submitting a bid HUD Office Third Floor. Cascade Bldg. 520 Southwest Sixth Avenue Portland, OR 97204 Attention: Pam West Telephone: 503-326-2671 I 8 HUD DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT FORECLOSURE SALE This advertisement is placed by the U S. Department of Housing and Urban De­ velopment and does not constitute the legal notice ot sale Pursuant to the Multi family Mortgage Foreclosure Act of 1981 the Department will sell Thunderbird Apartments 401 20th Avenue LaGrande, Oregon at 11:00 a.m. local time (PST) on November 16,1990 at Front steps of Union County Courthouse 1106 KAvenue LaGrande. OR 97850 The project consists of 5, two-story walk up buildings containing 40 units The protect is being sold with Section 8 rental subsidy for 40 units HUD intends to submit a bid in the amount of $123,000 Requirements of Sale: Earnest Money Deposit with Bid: $40,000 Terms: All cash, balance at closing. Letter of Credit for Repairs at closing: $64,600 You may obtain additional information about this properly by contacting the local HUD office below In advance of the verbal bid sale each bidder will be required to submit a signed copy of the TERMS AND REQUIREMENTS OF FORECLOSURE SALE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY BIDDFR and show evi dence of the earnest money requirement Due diligence should be performed in advance of submitting a bid HUD Office Third Floor, Cascade Bldg 520 Southwest Sixth Avenue Portland, OR 97204 Attention: Pam West Telephone: 503/326-2671 HUD DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING ANO URBAN DEVELOPMENT RDI RECEIVES FEDERAL GRANT TO COMBAT DRUG ABUSE D irector W illia m Bennett, O ffice o f National Drug Control Policy, and Dr. Louis Sullivan, Secretary o f Health and Human Services, announced the award o f a m ajor federal grant to the Regional Drug Initiative. The grant from the Fed­ eral O ffice for Substance Abuse Preven­ tion w ill amount to $609,080 for the first year. Total funding for the five-year proj­ ect is expected to be $2.5 m illion . The C ity o f Portland, which is die fiscal agent o f the Regional Drug In itia ­ tive, w ill oversee the budgetary account­ ing for the grant. In accepting the grant award on behalf o f the Regional Drug Initiative, M ayor J.E. Bud C lark said, “ the C ity is proud to be a member o f the RDI Com m unity Partnership. R D I rep­ resents the Portland way o f fighting the Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote!!! drug problem: aconcerted effort by those in law e nforcem ent, e du catio n, prevention .treatment and at the grass­ roots community level.” The program, entided the Com m u­ nity Partnership Demonstration Project, is one o f the first to be funded from a new national initiative. The project in Multnomah County w ill m obilize all components o f the community in devel­ oping and implementing an alcohol and drug abuse prevention system. Michael D. Schrunk, Multnomah County D istrict Attorney and Chair o f the Regional Drug Initiative, reported, “ this federal grant w ill enable our community to cut the demand for illegal drugs and reduce the problems associated w ith abuse o f alco­ hol and other drugs.” Best Cash Prices DAD’S OIL SERVICE Heating Oils 104 NE Russel S t Portland, OR 97212 (503) 282-5111 G O V E R N M E N T S E IZ E D V E ­ H IC L E S from S 100.00. M ia la ’ s, Corvettes, Mercedes, Jaguars, Porsches and other misc. confiscated properly now being sold io the gen­ eral public. For buyers guide call (708) 355-9802 ext. 7585. Open 7 days 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. LU U AZZVL j FU H ll- lt B t i Z L A b tL Marjorie Judith Vincent, Miss America 1991, is a label-conscious con­ sumer. Her favorite? “Made in U.S.A." And the wardrobe for her new role as spokesperson for the U.S. textile/apparel industry will feature nothing but all-American apparel-thanks to the Crafted with Pride in U.S.A. Coun­ cil, a four-year Miss America Pageant sponsor. Throughout the year Marjorie will be making appearances at top stores across the country, urging consumers to look for and buy apparel and home fashions with the “Made in U.S.A." label. Here she wears a suit by Suitables. Support our Advertisers-- SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE PORTLAND OBSERVER The Portland Observ er gladly accepts articles and photos for review for publication. Photos must be printable and preferable in black and white. Articles should not exceed 250 words and must be typewritten and double spaced. No material is returned unless requested and accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope.