rv _OctoberlQ, 1990 M inority Business Enterprises Page 9a FOWLER The Port of Portland is proud to recognize Sam Fowler. Sam was originally hired in June of 1978 as a Fire Fighter at the airport. He was promoted to Lieutenant and later to Captain. In January of this year he was accepted into the Aviation Management Associate Program. This program is designed to rotate employees through various positions in the Aviation Department in preparation for a manage­ ment position. Sam s current assignment is Superintendent of Terminal and Landside Operations which has responsibility for the airport terminal. His professionalism, concern for people, and sense of humor are major factors in his success. Port of Portland 700 N.E. Multnomah P.O. Box 3529 Portland, OR 97208 OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR STATE OF OREGON -W a VS Sam Fowler TRI-MET SUPPORTS MINORITY, WOMEN AND EMERGING SMALL BUSINESSES PROCLAMATION Governor Neil Goldschmidt WHEREAS: The public policy of Oregon is that all branches of state government be leaders within the state in providing to its citizens and employes fair and equal opportunities for em ployment and advancem ent in programs and services and in the awarding of contracts; and WHEREAS: The State of Oregon supports the aspirations of minorities and women to enter the mainstream o f Oregon social, political, and econom ic life; and WHEREAS; The Oregon ' Legislative Assembly has found that opportunities for full participation in our free enterprise system by minorities and women are essential; and that greater economic opportunity for minorities and women must be encouraged; and WHEREAS: Minority-owned businesses continue to emerge as a dynam ic and vital force in our state-bringing innovative ideas, products, and services to our econom y and providing both jobs and training for thousands of Oregonians; and WHEREAS: The continued success of Oregon's econom y depends on the full participation of all citizens a t every level, for Oregon takes great pride in the accomplishments of our minority entrepreneurs and their tremendous efforts and achievements. NOW, THEREFORE, « 4 I i I, Neil Goldschmidt, Governor of the State of Oregon, hereby oroclaim O ctober 7-13, 1990, as MINORITY ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT WEEK in Oregon and encourage all citizens to join in this observance. © T R I-M E T IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and , cause the Great Seal of the State of Oregon to be affixed. Done at the Capitol in the City of Salem and the State of Oregon, on this day, September 20, 1990 A America's Best" MAX help s Tri-Met keep o v er 100,()(X) ears o il th e ro ad e\ erv w eekday. chmidt, Governor^ /X X L Deputy Secretary of State f» • f • •• . » 1 ; > . î *** - ‘V . *• A s For long-term relief from congestion. » - 1 ' A -, o • » • * k - -