Page 8a M ino rity Business Enterprises- October It), 199« What Happened FINISH YOUR BACHELOR’S DEGREE WHILE WORKING! Complete your Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration In the Degree Completion Program Salutes and Supports All Minority Business Enterprises of Oregon Finish your Bachelor's Degree while continuing to work! Working adults may complete an accredited bachelor's degree program in as little as seventeen months —while continuing to work full tim e1 This Business Administration degree combines credit for life experiences with the opportunity to develop new management skills If you have tw o years of college credit, you may qualify SUHH-L WARNER PACIFIC COLLEGE.. . - uses the expertise of its REGULAR academic faculty meets TRADITIONAL standards w ith a MODERN delivery system - gives credit for PRIOR experience equivalent to classroom learning - p.vpares you for OPPORTUNITY with a Bachelor s Degree in Business Administration y & »'s Call 7 7 5 -4 3 6 6 Tl! 249-1997 Beauty & Barber Supplies for more details on this exciting program It might be your ticket to a better jo b 1 banks’ advances went to pay our plum b­ ers and electricians. Everything went well for six months until the bank sud­ denly refused to take anymore contacts; “ Downturn in the econom y.” what can you say? Or, as I said here earlicr,"-frus- tration that frequently confronts the minority-did the failure evolve from con­ ventional functions to the marketplace, or was it the result o f racial discrim ina­ tion; How to know ?" We got out, barely breaking even, and financing the last two contracts by m arketing them through an ad in the Daily Journal o f Commerce. Later we were to learn that the bank soon resumed taking these kind o f contracts, based on an idea I had p[ioneered-but they were taken from large, well-financed contrac­ tors previously involved in the franchise, turn-key side o f the business. ‘Coin- cidently’ they all turned out to be cus­ tomers o f the same bank. There were rumors that there had been strong pro­ tests against the bank financing shoe string “ upstarts” in competition with y & a« ATTN: PACIFIC NORTHWEST ARTISTS The U.S. SBA Wants YOU! The U.S. Small business A dm ini­ stration is seeking entries for their 1991 Small Business W eek Poster Contest, targeting professional artists and post secondary-level students in graphic de­ sign and arts. In addition to national exposure and recognition, the winning artist will receive a $4000 contract for final preparation and design. Small Business Week is proclaimed annually by the President, to pay special tribute to the nations’s 20 million small business owners. The poster design should illustrate and incorporate this year’s theme, “ Small Business: Building A m erica’s Future” , and the text: “ U.S. Small Business Week, May 5 -1 1 ,1 9 9 1 ” . Sub­ missions should be designed in no more than two colors on white paper, m easur­ ing 16"x 20". Harold (Hal) W olf, SBA regional administrator for the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, thinks that local artists are a shoe in for the competition: “ this region contnued from page 7 PORTLAND CABLE ACCESS TELEVISION enjoys some o f the nation’s clearest air, tallest mountains, grandest forests and deepest seas,” said Hal Wolf, “ and the innovation and inspiration o f our small businesses are well matched by its cul­ tural diversity and deep artist talent pool! It is certainly fitting that we look first to local artists to celebrate small business- one o f our most precious national re­ sources!” Entries must be postmarked no later than N ovem ber 16, 1990, and should be sent to: The Office o f Public C om m uni­ cations, U.S. Small Business Adm ini­ stration, 1441 L. Street, N.W ., Room 926, W ashington, D.C., 20416. The winning designer will be asked to submit camera-ready art no later than D ecem ­ ber 28, 1990. For additional information on the Small Business W eek 1991 Poster Con­ test, call SB A ’s Region 10 H eadquar­ ters, at (206) 442-1455. CUSTOM SEWING Beauty Supplies We Are Moving: For the most beautiful clothes you ever had designed, made or altered to fit visit PRI Exclusive Clothier. Owners Fie Wash and Patricia Trice have been in business for one year now and going strong. Collectively they have over thirty years of experience in alterations, restyl­ ing, tailoring, dressmaking and designing. PRI Exclusive Clothier specializes in, "One of a Kind" fashions. Fashions for both men and women. Fashions for weddings or any occasions. Costumes for stage and for fun. Also sewing for organizations. For any of your sewing needs feel pleased to know, PRI Exclusive Clothier is ready and waiting to serve you. Our New Address Is 2948 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. (South of Nike's) 319 NE. Wygant Tues.-Fri. 10am-7pm ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A REWARDING CAREER IN HEALTH CARE? Established In 1945, Kaiser Permanente's Northwest Region extends from Salem, Oregon to Longview, Washington. We offer a variety of positions and schedules, career enrichment, and promotional oppor­ tunities. Jobs are available in medical, dental, administrative clerical and technical areas. Applicants can review our current open positions list at one of the fol­ lowing Kaiser Permanente Human Resource offices: Bess Kaiser Medical Center Human Resources 5055 N. Greeley Portland, OR 97217 (503)240-6215 Kaiser Sunnyside Supply Center Bldg. Human Resources 10200 SE Sunnyside Rd. Clackamas, OR, 97015 (503)652-5770 Kaiser Permanente Medical Ctr. Human Resources Room 110 3600 N Interstate Portland, OR 97227 (503)280-2940 ’The open position listing are posted each Friday. Applications are accepted between the hours of 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. and 1:00 to 4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. KAISER PERMANENTE IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER < / ‘S • ' . ' V DESIGNING & ALTERATION PORTLAND. OR 97211 KAISER PERMANENTE 11 - their old, established depositors. What do you think? Kind of reminds you o f the experience o f many of the “ Black In­ ventors” I’ve written about. Well, there you have two personal but quite relevant experiences which may illuminate not only some frustrations but some types of opportunity for the minor­ ity business person. Next week we shall take a hard look at today’s volatile arena- espccially here in Portland, Oregon. Surely to be controversial will be an in-depth examination of the governm ent role in the promotion o f minority business as part of the 1960s “ G reat Society’’ prom ­ ise. This role has been described in every imaginable fashion; from a long overdue assist to a m uch-neglected segment of the American population-to a “ throw­ back” to the Freedm ans’ Bureau set up immediately following the Civil War and an alleged “ E m ancipation” , seen by many to be a precursor institution, carefully-contrived to head off and con­ strain the fear-provoking potential of a strong and innovative race. ¿ a ; É** ■ •.*'**f •, * (503) 282-3533 Sat.-Mon Closed