r**» ’«s 4 * « ♦ ♦ ■f 4 October 3 ,1 9 9 0 The Portland Observer Page 5 i Portland Observer ENTERTAINMENT v ie . ♦ • • r ¡ •>. *’ *•-*2 ? • A. >.*• • 4 . HOWARD HEWITT: In The name of Family, Caring, and for the Love of God. [ J Byline = Lisa Collins A strong family started Hewitt off well, and he hasn't fumbled since top R & B group Shalamar. He audi­ tioned on a Saturday morning, singing “ Feel the Fire” and was on a plane later that evening to perform with the group on television. by Tony W ashington There is an old southern tradi­ tion that gives credit for a strong family unity to the fam ilys’ closeness to the church. O ur parents often tell us that “ the more we pray together, the longer we stay together” . For Howard Hewitt, long tim e lead vocalist with Shalamar and more lately appearing solo with the wo years after gradu­ ating from high school, Howard moved to Los Angeles, arriving at the L.A. airport with $34.00 in his pock­ ets. He chuckles when he re­ calls, “ My only plan was to see what I could get into.’’ T J u st as th e c o n tr o v e r sy behind the rau n ch y 2 L ive Stopped in Beverly H ills” , from the C rew is w in d in g dow n, th e Beverly Hills Cop soundtrack. release of N .W .A .'s latest "100 His first solo album in 1 9 8 6 ,1 M iles and R unning" is likely to Com m it to Love, which featured “ Say heat things up all over again. O ne A m en” , signaled a return to his deeply music review er wrote "Just D on't felt gospel roots. Bite It" (the lead single) might have Howard speaks warmly o f his the m ost dem eaning lyrics about relationship with the group Shalamar. women ever written. According to “ It was like fam ily” , he states. “ We B a rry W h ite, m usic reflects the society and the tim e o f the day. "T he m ajo rity o f the w om en _ or the next six years, today," W hite said, "dress like sa­ Hewitt led Shalamar loon women. They not only look through an unbroken like them, but they disrespect them ­ chain of hits...that propelled the selves like them . W hy does a group into the top ten of the R & woman wear a dress so short that it looks like it's her panties?," he B charts. says, leaning tow ards my tape re­ had a lot o f fun together.” He speaks corder. "Let me warn you ladies, even more warmly o f his reliance on there arc some men out there who o u tsid e p ro d u c tio n ...F ro m B arry can't control their nature." And Eastmond, Terry Coffey, Jon Nettlesby, while the state of today's youth is a Matthew W ilder, Zane Byles, and Leon matter of concern to White, the de­ Sylvcrs...which gave him “ more free­ voted father o f eight, it is not his dom as an artist.” Part of the freedom favorite subject. " I 'm still ta l­ revolved around the first song to be king a b o u t lo v e " , says W hite, recorded on the album I Com m it to whose worldwide album sales ap­ Love, “ Jesus.” Howard produced proach the 100 million mark. And “ Jesus” himself and says “ for me, “ Jesus if the popularity of "Secret Garden" is a very important song. The whole a smash hit collaboration o f Quincy album says, ‘Lets get real with each Jones featuring W hite) or his own other’. “ T here’s the question and then "W anna Do It Good To Ya" are any the solution.” indication, people are still lis­ Foot note: The interview with tening. "If people w eren’t making The O bserver and Mr. Hew itt was one love, I w ouldn't be making music of the better interviews conducted with about it." Fact is. W hite has been entertainers in recent memory. He comes m ost successful m aking m usic across as a person of true sincerity deeply about it. The title o f his latest a l­ devoted to his fam ily, his fans, those bum, "The Man Is Back", however who work with him and m ost o f all, to Jesus C h rist W e extend congratulations to Howard Hewitt, and wish him a world of success in his endeavors. L nations top R & B groups, close family ties are an everyday fact o f life. Bom and raised in Akron, Ohio, Hewitt began his career as a pre-teen performing with his family gospel group, the Hew itt Singers. He later joined the gospel road circuit as a m ember o f the Five Blind Boys, The Soul Stirrers, Mighty Clouds o f Joy, and The Staple Singers. At the age of 14, he began his shift toward the secular, learning the bass and performing with various Akron R & B bands, while still in high school. In 1976, two years after gradu- • ating from high school, Howard moved to Los Angeles, arriving at the L.A. airport with $34.00 in his pockets. He 1 chuckles when he recalls, “ My only plan was to see what I could get into.” He joined a show group as lead vocalist, played California hot spots and touring Europe. In 1979 Howard received an offer to the For the next six years, Hewitt led Shalamar through an unbroken chain o f hits, including the certificd-gold al­ bums Big Fun, Three For Love, Friends, and others that propelled the group into the top ten of the R & B charts. By 1983, original Shalamar members Jeffery Daniels and Jody Wadey had left the group. ‘ ‘Instead o fjust going out o n m y o w n ,” Howard recalls, “ I felt there was still som ething I needed to do with Shalam ar.” W ith Howard at the Helm, a re-form ed Shalam ar recorded the group’s final album Heartbreak and the single “ Dancing in the Sheets” - which wound up in the multi-platinum Footloose soundtrack. In 1985, Howard picked up a Gram m y for “ D on’t Get the P ortland observer Z ? O n T he Hom e F ro n t: A law yer for Sammy D avis' widt^w, said reports that A ltovise and son, Manny, were broke and near having their home confiscated by the IRS, couldn't be further from the truth, pointing out that D avis left an estate worth $6-8 m illion. As to A ltovise,--w ell, she is quite busy m ulling over prospective book, movie and documentary offers about her life with the late, great Sammy Davis....Actress Debbie Morgan (of "A ll My C h ild re n " and now "Generations" fame) has said she w ill e n d h e r m a r r ia g e to a c to r C h a r le s D u tto n , c u r­ rently appearing on Broadw ay in "The Piano Lesson". The two were wed last New Y ear's E ve...C on­ gratulations to actor Keith David, who ties the knot with 25-year old Margit Edwards next week in New York. David is presently co-starring in "Men At Work". His next film, "M arked For D eath" (sta rrin g Steven Seigal) is slated for release on October 5, about the time he’s due back from his honeymoon. T h in g s a r e now fo r M ary W ells: lo o k in g up N ews o f her x - Key LflRQ 3 1 NW FIRST Halloween Party & Fashion Show f& i $10 per person, $18 per couple (semi formal) Advanced Purchase Suggested Limited Tickets 11 E.E. Inc. will be donating to Special Olympics Don't Let Someone Till You About it, Be There!/ S up port A Good Cause And Have A SB Wigland Good Time Scotty's BBQ Support Our Advertisers! Say You Saw It In The Portland Observer! of the Northwest Largest Wig Displays Wigs and I lairpieccs For all Nationalities O ne E va G abor N aomi S ims R enee of P aris ONE S T O P TOP 10 SINGLES NO. TITLE LABLE & NUMBER So You Like What You See Atlantic 87864 Slow Love M otown Open Monday Through Sunday 11:00 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. Also have to-go orders... .25 per Synthetic & H um an H a ir For B raiding & W eeving Z V I ■ :':W < vr SÎHÂC. < X . M on - Fr. 10 a.m . - 6 p.m. Saturday 10 - 5:30 pnr BURGER" Near Lloyd Center "The Best in the Northwest" 112 NE KiUingsworth ’and Rodney’ (503) 288-5951 1105 N.E. Broadway 284-1664 ] - . ,-r- ft 7. : > : i v "• •. - .- ■ !.. . /' - ■ r. • ■ ... ■ - : 7 - ,■* ■' . * K ? -7* «S , 7 .‘. ? V - j 223 9919 Wed. 26 LIP TO LIP Fri. 28 & Sat. 29 BODY & SOUL Sun. 30 BOP HARVEY and CRAZY 8s Mon. 1 NAKED FACE Tues. 2 LITTLE 4 WOMEN b and THE CLEVELANDS African American Singles Network, P.O. Box 12514, Portland, OR 97212, (503)293-7979 O ctober27th, 7pm to 11pm Nendel’s At the Airport :W Sent.-Oct You’ve just about given up! You’ve tried the dating scene: night clubs, bars, social lounges. All the prospects just were not what you were looking for in a permanent relationship. Please send me more information and a membership packet. I don’t want to let this unique opportunity pass me by. I have enclosed $2.00 for shipping and handling. Nam e:_____________________________________Male___ Female Address: City/State/Zip: certify that I’m 21 years of age or older, single, and African American. Si g natu re: ________________________________________________ Ç P te .i.e n ti. 'j e' J 'A L L LM L Ç O O V OC^LS A % £ L A X p N f ' fjn e . » ' g r;/?--f,!-;; & £ n h z x ta ín íri£ n h »W F# a fv .:. The concert was sched­ uled for October third at the Arlene Schnitzer Con­ cert Hall, but has been canceled due to travel difficulties. > » k ■■ MAZE Concert Canceled Support our Advertisers— SAY YOU SAW IT IN throat cancer and m oney problem s have prom pted contributions from throughout the entertain m en t in ­ d u stry . D iana R o ss d o n a te d $15,000; Rod S te w a r t- $ 10,000. Bruce S pringsteen--$10,000; and the T em ptauons-S 5,000. A dditio­ nally, Berry Gordy has now pledged his support. That's aside from the contributions coming in from those o f you a c ro ss the n a tio n . A t present. W ells is m ostly m outhing her words as she recuperates from a tracheotomy. In the m eantim e, for­ m er S uprem e M ary W ilso n is putting together a benefit concert. A lready c o m m itted are S tev ie W onder and Dionne W arwick. The 47-year old singer now resides with her four-year old d au g h te r (the product of a union between she and Curtis W om ack, brother of Bobby W om ack) in a hotel n e a r the hospital. The tw o split w hen her throat went bad and finances soured. With all that has happened, W ilson finds herself on the front lines of the war against cigarette sm oking (which doctors say is at the root of her ills) and p o llu tio n . Ju st recently. W ells (who sports a tube in her throat) started a six-w eek radiation treatment plan. If all goes w ell, she may be able to avoid having her lamyx removed. So let's keep her in our p ra y e rs ....S h o rt T a k e : Sad to report the r e c e n t p a s s in g o f a c to r R a y m o n d S t. J a c q u e s . The official cause o f death was cancer...N ext w eek: S u p e rfly m a k e s a c o m e b a c k . m ight be a little m isleading, as W hite insists he's never gone any­ w here. Fact is, at least in Los A ngeles, for a w hile it seem ed W hite was getting more press for his efforts to end gang violence. W hatever the case, with all he has to say, let's hope he's back to stay. Merry Go Round Electra 64937 M issunderstandlng WB 19590 The Boom in' Syetem D efjam 73457 Tryme WB 19753 BBD (1 Thought It W ss Me?) MCA 53897 I J u et Can't Handle It J1ve 1386 All Night Pum p Records 5104 Your Mom'« In My B u sin ess A tla n tic 87832 ONE STO P RECORDS 1616 NE KiUingsworth Poniard. Oregon (503) 284 2435 f •. èY> ¿, '¿ í A,