Page 8— . he Portland Observer*-September 26, 1990 Travel Roberts’ And Justice For All by Angelique Sanders 3415 N.E. Broadway presents 36 Rounds ol (503) 287-1745 PROFESSIONAL B O X IN G It Is No Coincidence “ Hypocrites" and “ Politics" Sound Similar I promised lo discuss positive topics this week (w ith the clause that if something significant happened, I would cover that in its stead). However, Dan Q uaylc’ s visit Monday v is it evoked nothing positive in my mind. Before I talk about Q uayle’ s visit, though, le t’ s back up in time and review B u 'h ’ s May breakfast stop in Portland, as there is more than a thin parallel between Q uayle’s and his pup- petmaster’ s visit. Bush came to Port­ land to extract blood m oney-S 1,000 per p erson-front w illin g donors for a break­ fast. Stop for a m oment and think about what you could do w ith one thousand dollars (oi the $2,500 it cost to meet Quayle). M ost o f us are liv in g hand to mouth right now, and we have enough intelligence (or perhaps, we lack the vanity) tha even i f we suddenly became millionaires, we would not toss one grand out on a 1 eakfast that probably costs $20 to maxe. I understand the value o f a dollar, and I ’ m quite certain that i f 1 had the m >ncy and the desire to spend that much ash on a breakfast, that I ’d invite a ft v hundred homeless people over to share that meal. I f you arc religious, '’ ink about what God would wish you o do w ith “ spare” money. There are a lot better charities around than Dave Frohnm ayer’ s pocket (which is where the proceeds for the breakfast went). Barbara Roberts, Frohnmayer’ s opponent, dined that day at S isters o f the Road Cafe, a place that feeds the home­ less fo r $1.25 per meal, and the needy may work for their meal. N ow , le t’ s examine Quayle’ s visit. I f you’ve read the story on it, you already know what transpired, os I ’ll skip the basics. In his Seattle speech, Danny got all worked up and stated, * * Deterrence is w orking ,” and went into the exciting details o f the war against Iraq. W e ll, Danny, it appears that what you mean is that death is w orking, and that i f Am erica just k ills a few more people in the struggle fo r cheaper o il, we m ight not have to tap into “ hidden” re­ sources such as the free wealth o f the sun’ s energy or untapped o il fields in Alaska. But telling that to Danny or Geòrgie would be like telling them, “ Let’s not stick our noses into every country unless they’ re pulling something im ­ moral. W hy don’ t we p u ll out o f Iraq and head over to South Africa? O il prices are inconsequential: we have plenty o f other unsought-out resources.” Danny S m ith ’ s campaign manager seemed to summarize every­ body’s main excitement behind Quayle’s visit when she said she expected that it would provide a good publicity boost for his campaign against democrat M ike Kopetski. I think the best way to further my point would be to quote a pamphlet announcing the Quayle v is it which, on the front, shows Dan Quayle (this is an actual photograph, not highly publicized for obvious reasons) w ith a gun that he is ignorantly holding backwards. The caption reads, “ Quayle stresses human rights at meeting in San Salvador” . On the back, the pamphlet says (and I have no way o f know ing i f any o f this is true, so listen extremely skeptically, but...): •A reputed former pot and LSD user, he now campaigns in the hypocritical “ War on Drugs” w hile C IA operatives con­ tinue smuggling cocaine into this coun- C O R D E LL PROM OTIONS September 29, 1990 try according to the Chrisic Institute’s lawsuit •W hile attacking social programs fo r the poor he also assaults wom en’ s rights to make decisions regarding reproduction­ forcing the poor and minorities into deeper poverty •After weaseling out o f going to combat in Vietnam he is one o f the most right- wing hawks in the country, happily participating in the U .S.’ s global terror network responsible for untold deaths, torture and disappearances annually • He is a homophobic and AIDS-phobic je rk w ith a lot o f power •By charging 25(H) dollars a person to talk w ith him over lunch he adds insult to injury to homeless and underfed people in our com m unity •He is both a blithering idio t and the vice-president o f a F elini film gone stark raving violently mad called the United States o f Am erica. One last thought: isn’ t it scary to envision a computer holding captive Am erica’s thermonuclear future (w ith the push o f a red button), when one considers that there has never been a computer proven to run without glitches? Low Air Fares "Call Today" IO - L IG H T W E IG H T S BILLY MARTINEZ Albany, Oregon VS. DAD'S MANUAL ARCE Reno, NV Oil Service Heating Oils * * * * * * * * * 104 N.E. R ussell St. P o rtla n d , O regon 282-5111 ALSO FEATURING ** ★ ★ ★ * ★ ★ * F L Y W E IG H T S KENNY CARSON VS. LUCIANO REYES Salem, OR 8 Rounds Caldwell. IO CLAYTON HIRES Speedy Service - Friendly Call for Quote M ID D L E W E IG H T S Portland, OR J U N IO R JERRY WARD Reno, NV W E L T E R W E IG H T VS. Portland, OR 4 Rounds VS. TO BE ANNO UN CED 4 Rounds J U N IO R MARK EMERY Salem, OR It’s A Small World TO BE A N NO UN CED H E A V Y W E IG H T Salem. OR Safe * Certified * Quality VS. 6 Rounds BLAIR DANIALS JOHN COZAD M ID D L E W E IG H T vs. TO BE ANNO UN CED 4 Rounds _______ T ic jc tz if// Ì a s t e o A U n e x t IS SUBJECT TO ACtMCT COMVEMt MCE CMABCE and N ie c e y 's R estau ran t & Lounge 5700 N.E. M artin Luther K in g, d r . B lvd . 225 N. Killingsworlh Portland, OR 97217 285-9008 Carolyn Sims, Owner D o o is O p e n A t 6 :0 0 P M F ig h ts at 8 0 0 P M R in g s id e 1 ic k e ls $ ? 5 .0 0 G e n n a i A d m is s io n $15 0 0 Enriched * Stimulating Learning Environment ♦ ♦ * * * Ite m : I read in a recent copy o f St. Louis' Post-Dispatch that it was ju s t dis­ covered that in St. Louis, more people are registered to vote than are actually over 18 and alive ( ‘ ‘alive ’ ’ is the hitch: apparently people have discovered how to vote in names o f the deceased). To add insult to injury (and what can the city do now, recall the past few elec­ tions’ results and call them null and void?), it wasn’ t even the c ity ’ s govern­ ment that found this travesty o f an error: it was the newspaper. H O U N D S F o r In fo rm a tio n C a ll 2 4 9 -1 0 93 PORTLAND ARMORY • 10,000 N.E. 33rd Drive (South of Marine Drive) ~ , ‘Donme s t A C C ES SO R IE S "BBQ OUR SPECIALTY" plus Jewelry African Sculpture • Masks African-American Books Framed African-American Prints Hand Painted Sweats, T-shirts Pants and Tops 925 N.E. B roadway P ortland , OK 97232 (503) 249-7204 R a le ig h a n d D o n n ie L e w is ACCOUNTING ADM IN ISTRA TIVE BOOKKEEPING CLERICAL/0FF1CE CONTROLLERS EXECUTIVE MGMT HIGH-TECH FINANCE MARKETING SALES SECRETARIES DATA PROCESSING ENGINEERING 700 NF Multnomah Suite 4 0 0 ................. 233*0055 C CASON’S FINE (503) 285-4750 MEATS 7406 N. Vancouver Portland, OR 97217 I Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS »Advertising »Employment » Bids/Sub-Bids ¡M4» * , «U» - 4 ' • u • n«t INSURANCE MEDICAL CLAIMS ANALYSTS MARKETING TRAINING COORDINATOR Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon is currently accepting applications for M edical Claims Analysts. This position is responsible fo r accurate and tim ely payment o f Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon’s medical claims. Experience necessary to perform this task w ill include: •1 year recent clerical w ork experience in a doctor’ s o ffice o r hospital setting •Demonstrated knowledge o f medical term inology and anatomy. This may be obtained through a classroom setting or o ffice experience IC D -9/C PT-4 Coding •A m inim um o f 6-12 months experience using a C R T in a production oriented environment •Fast, accurate use o f a 10-key calculator •Previous claim s processing or insurance b illin g experience highly desirable.Starting salary $1347/mo. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-tim e w ork hours, and competitive salary. Pre-employment drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed imm ediately, place ad #276 at the top o f your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon, a major health insurance carrier, is cur­ rently accepting applications fo r a Training Coordinator to work in the m arket­ to: ing department. The Training C oordinator w ill develop, deliver and maintain comprehensive training programs that enable all levels o f marketing personnel to perform their jobs in an e fficie n t and effective manner. Q ualified candidates must have 1-2 years training experience in a related fie ld or industry which includes designing as w ell as delivering and coordinating all as­ pects o f a training program. Demonstrated excellent oral and w ritten com m u­ nications skills arc required. Candidate must also have a demonstrated a b ility to deliver extemporaneous explanation o f products, programs and systems. A college degree in a related field preferred. Blue Cross and Blue Shield O f Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-tim e w ork hours, and com petitive salary. Pre-employment drug screening required. T o assure your resume is processed imm ediately, place ad $422 at the top o f your resume o r cover letter. Send resume to: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 loor Lr A Equal O pportunity Employer TDD #225-6780 DATA PROCESSING PROFESSIONALS Blue Cross Blue Shield o f Oregon, a m ajor health insurance company, is seeking a Systems Programmer to assist in the technical support o f an M V S /X A operating system environm ent The System Programmer w ill have responsibilities o f generating and m aintain­ ing the M V S /X A environment along w ith other duties w hich include: Analyzing system problems and applying appropriate fixes M aintaining current levels o f operating system components Installing, m aintaining, testing and documenting software program products Developing and supporting security interfaces between ACF2 and numerous soft­ ware products Providing technical advice fo r a wide range o f data processing projects. To qua lify, applicants must have a thorough knowledge o f the M V S /X A operat­ ing system w ith a m inim um o f 2-3 years o f systems programming experience. Solid SMP/E experience, good problem solving abilities, excellent com m uni­ cation skills and a good w orking knowledge o f AS SE M B LE R are essential. A college degree is desired, but equivalent w ork experience may be substituted. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-tim e work hours and com petitive salary. Pre-employment drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed im m ediately, place ad # 426 at the top o f your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume to: JAYH \ I f / Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 Blue Cross Blue Shield There Are A Million Reasons Why We speak Your Language! EMPLOYMENT CITY OF PORTLAND Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon is currently accepting applications from Programmer Analysts and Senior Programmer analysts. Several large p ro j­ ects and new business efforts w ill be requiring individuals w ith experience Police Officer-to $3,217/mo Emergency Communications Director - to $61,256/yr Paralegal Assistant - to $2,659/mo Loss Control representative - to $2,915/mo Autom otive Parts Specialist - $2,326/yr Auto Body Restorer Foreman - $2,999/yr Parking Patrol Supervisor - to $2,609/yr Greenskeeper I - to $2,220/yr For more info/closing dates call (503) 248-4573 (24 hr jo b inform ation) No resumes please B U R E A U OF PERSONNEL 1220 S.W . 5th Ave., F irst FI. Portland, OR 97204 Apps also available at: us ■L ~ « C * * ' A U R B A N LE A G U E 10 N Russell ‘‘•‘«»I*»»»“*' M in orities, fem ales and disabled encouraged to apply. l Place your advertisement in the Portland Observer Office# (503) 288-0033 Fax# (503) 288-0015 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 5th Fir. 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 TDD #225-6780 Equal O pportunity Employer DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS PROGRAMMER w orking in a large scale IB M environment. Successful candidates w ill have strong communication, interpersonal and user skills. Positions require 2-5 years experience in perform ing systems analy­ sis and design, coding, testing and implementation assignments. CICS skills a definite plus. Senior programmers must have demonstrated project man­ agement experience. Candidates must also have experience in the fo llo w in g: COBOL VSAM f /T Í OS/JCL TSO/ISPF Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-tim e work hours, and com petitive salary. Pre-employment drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed im m ediately, place ad #305 at the top o f your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume to: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer TDD #225-6780 HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL REIMBURSEMENT POLICY REPRESENTATIVE This position requires the a b ility to assist in the development o f physician reim ­ bursement levels, the a b ility lo provide inform ation and w ritten analysis on issues concerning provider payment and reimbursement methodologies, 1-2 years professional experience in the health care fie ld , proven programming aptitude (i.e. SAS, FOCUS), creative problem -solving a b ility , and w ritten and verbal communication skills. Background knowledge o f medical and insurance term inology required. Blue Cross and Blue Shield O f Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-tim e w ork hours, and com petitive salary. Pre-employment drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed im m ediately, place ad #358 at the top o f your resume or you may apply in person btwn 9am-4pm Monday-Friday. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 5th Fir. 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 TDD #225-6780 Equal O pportunity Employer