September 26,1990- The Portland Observer-Page 7 JACQUI SUTTON TO BE FEATURED WITH OREGON DANCE CONSORT P rofessional S ervices D irectory COIN CAR WASH Twturv# •Spot Free Rinse -Giant Towels •Engine Degreaser -Vacuums •Fragrance Vendors Wax •Carpet Shampoo Armorall On October 6 & 7 at the Intermedi­ ate Theatre of the Portland Center for the Performing Ans, African American singer/ actress Jacqui Sutton will reprise her critically acclaimed rendition of Amaz­ ing Grace in Esperanto during an eve­ ning of dance presented by Oregon Dance Consort, called Roots, Ritual and Re­ newal, the concerts will feature seven dances by choreographer Judith Catter- all whose work has been called “ a cele­ bration of being. “ Jacqui’s rich voice sets the scene for a piece called Descen­ REM WASHERS & DRYERS i----------------------------- 1 Crystal - China ■ Silver | This Coupon Good For | GWEN JOHNSON, MANAGER $15 OFF w ash er , * d e l iv e r y & [INSTALLATTOt£FEEj OPEN 24 HOURS M.L.K.. Jr. Blvd. (Union) & Fargo Next to Nike Square and Popeye Chicken Comer of Columbia & M.L.K., Jr. Blvd. ja’bell’s ‘Princess Mouse Products $30. Delivery & Installation Portland 231-7413 Vancouver 693-4000 5928 NE 12th Avenue Portland, OR 97211 (503)284-6717 Products supplied by Princess House, Inc. A Colgate-Palmolive Company Beauty • Barber • Nails Supplies 5832 N.E. Union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 281-6393 and 5287 N. Lombard Street Portland, OR 97203 (503) 283-6085 Open: H on . tDru Set. 9 i.m . - 6 p.m. dants: A Ritual of Remembrance which depicts an earth-oriented society gath­ ered to celebrate their survival and growth following a period of chaos. Before moving to Portland three years ago, Jacqui sang with a jazz ensemble in San Francisco. She is currently working with the theater company, Tygres Heart, in a production of Shakespeare’s As You Like It to open at the Winningstad The­ atre on November 2. She also keeps busy singing with David York’s Concord Choir. Benjamin Franklin has disappeared. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED AT METRO CRISIS INTERVENTION SERVICE Metro Crisis Intervention Service is recruiting volunteers to staff its 24-hour telephone intervention and information referral phone service. The agency needs volunteers for daytime, evening and weekend shifts. Classes for fall training begin Saturday, Oct. 6; sessions are held evenings and weekends for the conven­ ience of people with daytime commit­ ments. No experience is necessary .though applicants must be at least 18 years old. Metro provides 57 hours of training for applicants accepted into the program. Volunteers typically work one four-hour shift per week.. Call the Metro Crisis Intervention Service volunteer coordi­ nator at 226-3099 to apply. Metro Crisis is a United Way member agency. TASK FORCE ON PREGNANCY & SUBSTANCE ABUSE MET IN NORTH-NORTH- EAST PORTLAND State Representative Margaret Car­ ter (D-18) announced that a special Governor’s Task Force on Pregnancy & Substance Abuse met at the Martin Lu­ ther King Facility, 4815 N.E. 7th Ave­ nue. The Task Force was established in March 1990, after findings by the Ore­ gon Legislature, and State Health Divi­ sion that an estimated 11 % of all new­ borns may be affected by drug or alcohol abuse before birth. “ It is estimated that an affected infant may require up to $8000 in medical care costs in the first year alone,” Carter said. “ In Los Ange­ les, it is reported that a drug affected child may impact the school system up to a cost of $15,000 a year per child. How­ ever, the greatest cost is in the permanent loss to society from learning disabilities, articulation problems, hyperactivity, and severe problems with socialization.” Call Security Open a CD with a checking account and get the best rate in Oregon. In today's everchanging financial climate, it’s nice to know you can depend on one thing. The security o f Security Pacific Bank. For a limited time, the rate on our 9-m onth C D is a great 7.75% with a A N N U A L RATE $5,(XX) m inimum deposit You can earn a bonus of .75% more when you open a new check­ ing account. And cheeking with Security Pacific gives you the banking convenience o f 9(X) branches and 1,6(X) ReadyTeller* ATMs throughout the West. And with our ReadyPhone™ 24-hour customer service line and our exclu­ sive telephone hill paying service TELEBANK,* banking has never been easier. So there’s never been a better time to make the move to Security Pacific. D on’t wait for your bank to disappear before you call Security. In Portland call 222-FAST or toll-free 1-8(X)-551-FAST 24-hours a day. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. SECURITY PACIFIC BANK M e m b e r TO IC ©1990 Security Baciti, HancorporaOon Northwest tW er avaibhle m O regon and Southwest Washington •Rate r f c r t w with new ch n k in g account Government. Municipal. and Busine» hinds excluded Subsontul interest penalty for earh withdrawal V k *!**'*,•'. «’ * * *4». à