■ » * % 4 . W 1 » *» V t- lt- y V , ' «• ■ ' '• ' Page 6—The Portland Observer —September 26, 1990 ONE STOP NO. TITLE IABLE & NUMBER 1 M erry Co Round TOP 10 SINGLES W igland So You L ike W hat You See E va G abor N aomi S ims R enee of P aris Atlantic 87864 Miss understanding WB 19590 The Boom in' System Del Jam 73457 Motown 2028 I L-O-V-E U 7 All N ight *u **» P a u M i .ui i r '■ ,i H . Ihmliil i* Doc Bax & B.Fresh. Take 6 Slow Love 6 ANY C LASS A N Y T IM E One of the Northwest Largest Wig Displays Wigs ami Hairpieces For all Nationalities Elektra 64937 5 JOIN S y n th e tic & H u m a n H a ir For B raid in g & W eeving Reprise 19716 E hjov EvwmuvFooo* •' „ i l l . ......i,.....ml........i..„il u ' ..«I III»»1 -• ..i» 4823484823532323235348234853482323234823484853482300010002020248482348 TXT O w C k "*m . H U F» Pump Records 5104 a Candyman K n ockin ' Boots fast W ieht Epic 79450 Cynda Williams H arlem Blues M o n - Fr. 10 a .m . - 6 p an . Columbia 73564 S a tu rd a y 10 - 5:30 p m Janet Jackson Black Cat FAST