Page 4— I he Portland Observer—September 26, 1990 TO THINE OWNSELF BE TRUE BY C.M. BROOKS ________ mate is so painful. American society, even today, romanticizes the idea of a ne Saturday morning, I was woman having a man. How many times abruptly awakened by the voice have you heard remarks like “ who are of an irate woman shouting, “ You you seeing?” or “ you are too pretty a want me no more? You don’t want me no girl not to have a boyfriend. My personal more? You must not want me, because favorite is, “ you better find a man soon, you’re walking away...” because it is all down hill after 25!” I lifted the blinds and Pearls of wisdom, such as these, not only create an unnecessary peered out of my bedroom to strain on a woman to just be in focus on the source of the dis­ American society, even today, turbance. There in the middle a relationship, but once the re­ romanticizes the idea of a woman of the street stood a long-time lationship fails, she perceives neighborhood friend along with herself as having failed. having a man. How many times her silent boyfriend. Taking So what are the solutions have you heard remarks like “ who place was visibly, if not audi­ you ask? Well the solutions arc bly clear. Their relationship many, but I suggest only two. are you seeing?” or “you are too was now ending. She was los­ The first is you must be able to pretty a girl not to have a ing him for good and she was have some type of balance within boyfriend. My personal favorite is, your relationship and within devastated. So that following day, I yourself. In the case of my friend “you better find a man soon, asked myself why is losing a that I spoke of earlier, she had because it is all down hill after 25!” to eliminate matters like how mate so painful? In an attempt to answer the self-imposed people viewed them (she and question, I have come up with her boyfriend) together, social status, and even economics at the very two answers. ship sours, you are, inevitably going to The basis of my first answer lies in be leftalone.If you don’t have an invalu­ beginning. Then and only then will she the observations I have made of a close, able survival skill such as knowing your­ be able to retain a sense of autonomy at personal friends’ past relationship. She, self, it will make the fallout all the more the end of the relationship. Knowing not unlike many woman, had the ten­ difficult to deal with. Personally speak­ yourself and knowing yourself well is dency to sacrifice her separate individu­ ing, it makes the simple, everyday tasks the second solution. Understand what ality and wound-up confusing who she like getting out of bed, going to work, you are capable of doing and giving in was with whom she was dating. For and even seeing friends an ordeal! any relationship, will also be a benefit tc example; his friends became her friends, Perceptions of women in this soci­ you. Because losing yourself is much his values became her values, his phi­ ety is the second answer to why losing a more painful than losing a mate. O losophies became hers and so forth. There is nothing wrong with taking an active part in a mates life, for this is what helps bind people together. Respect and ap­ don’t preciation of a mate’s vocations only cement the ties that arc forming or have formed. But, there is a point that you should be aware of. Once the relation­ The Portland Observer gladly accepts articles and photos for review for publication. Photos must be printable and preferable in black and white. Articles should not exceed 250 words and must be typewritten and double spaced. No material is returned unless requested and accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. Abandonment: Fear of Losing The One You Love ' Z — - mother is dissatisfied with her spouse hurt you many times before. “ What makes and turns to her son for emotional sup­ that man or woman any different from port or the father who attempts to keep my past experiences” , you ask . Can his daughters affection to himself. The these fears be eliminated? end result is the son feeling emotionally In my opinion, the fear of losing the tied (“ mama’s boy” ) and the daughter one you love can be eliminated, but it feeling the (“ daddy’s little girl” ) same takes time and open communication towards her father. A person may fear between partners. Relationships have a being smothered in a relationship be­ way of opening up past pain and old cause their parents did them the same wounds. Some people arc so paranoid in way. There are countless emotional, psy­ their relationships that they ultimately chological, family base arguements as to push the other away with negative be­ why people fear losing someone they havior or attitude. Past experiences can vB t the heart of every rela X X lion ship; or at least most of them is ihe fear of losing your beloved or mate. Think of all the times you might have told or suggested to someone that you would never leave them? Had you lived up to his promise, chances are that you would have several lovers or mates in you life today. Every­ one has lost someone they loved at one time or another. No one is immuned to losing someone they love unless they don’t take risks or in- h h _____________ create a self-filling volve themselves in prophesy, if you will. relationships. Losing If people continue to E V E R Y O N E H A S L O S T S O M E O N E THEY is a fact of life. Though live out old wounds L O V E D A T O N E TIM E O R A N O TH ER . NO you may lose a lover, consciously or in re­ mate, or husband-that O N E IS IM M U N E D TO L O S IN G S O M E O N E lationships, it will cut does not make you a off the flow of inti­ T H E Y L O V E U N LE S S T H E Y D O N ’T TAKE loser. People grow macy and love. apart, develop new R IS K S O R IN V O LV E TH EM S E LV E S IN Growth in a relation­ objectives/goals, and ship can only occur RELATIONSHIPS. LOSING IS A FACT OF LIFE. often times these when two people are changes do not coin­ THOUGH YOU M AY LOSE A LOVER, MATE, OR healthy enough, cide with those they HUSBAND-THAT DOES N O T M AKE YOU A emotionally, to trust share a relationship their fears, pain, and LOSER with. In some cases, thoughts with each this fear can cause other. Sometimes, the tension in relationships and affect a per­ love, but the strongest ones come in the fear of losing your loved one is son’s abi 1 i ty to com mit. People are afraid area of being abandoned emotionally as because of their change in habits, infi­ of being neglected or abandoned, again. a child. People play out their childhood delity, respect for you, and other ele­ This may also cause a person to become emotional trauma in relationships and ments that do not promote positive inter­ possessive in a relationship or consis­ marriages in some instance. They feel action. In these cases of extreme disre­ tently demand that their mate/lover/hus- empty, powerless, and ashamed when spect or wrcckless disregard for your band/wife to prove their love for them. they want to reach out or bond with oth­ feelings, the affected party should con­ So, why do you suppose people are ers. Parents, in many cases, have no idea sider termination of the relationship. It’s afraid of losing a mate? It has been how much they contribute to their chil­ not always your fault and instead of suggested by some communication pro­ drens emotional or psychological devel­ feeling fear, you should consider it a fessionals that children whose parents opment as adults. Some effects arc good relief that they are leaving your life. were unavailable emotionally fear bond­ and others are terrible. Fear of losing the In summary, people should learn to ing and contact the most. On the other one you love can be a direct result of not slop allowing past pain or wounds to hand, children whose parents were pro­ getting love, emotional or psychological prevent them from living for the future tective, invasive, or dominating worry support from your parents. It is difficult or today. Your mate for life could be about losing their identity, personal space, to trust and believe in another human right before your eyes. Wake up! or character in a relationship. Think of being when the ones you respect the I ■ Portland Observer . - J THE LOCKER ROOM Black People Already Have $$ The Power: Redirect The Dollars BY^ULLYSSES TUCKER, JR. Recently, a colleague of mine in Massachuttes telephoned me, as he does once a month (consistently) to keep me abreast of political/economic develop­ ments on the east coast. He commented about the NIKE/PUSH situation and went on to share his observations on the boy­ cott. An economic major in the doctorate program at Holy Cross College, he also talked about the economic clout black people have and suggested how we should redirect our values towards money. Cynthia Brooks, the new columnist for HIS/HER Opinion had made the same observations too in a previous conversa­ tion. He said that if black people in the United States were country, we would have one of the lop ten Gross National Products in the entire world. That’s based strictly on the consumer dollars spent by black people, not the property, invest­ ments, or other assets we own. Black people would rank up there with Japan, England, Great Britain, Canada, Ger­ many, and other powers around the world. That’s real power! He went on further to say that we spend money, but we need to start focusing away from consumerism. The GNP premise indicates that black people have the economic base to stabi­ lize our own communities and become less dependent upon “ the system” for our survival. It’s just a matter of us (black folks) straighten ingout our (their) priorities and redirecting our dollars. Two days ago, a youngster 1 know bragged to me about owning tenpairof NIKEtcnnis shoes and seven sweat suits. I’m his mentor in a program sponsored by one of the local churches I’m associated with. I laughed at how materialistic he was, calculated the total cost (in my mind) and concluded that he could have pur­ chased $3,000 worth of stock in NIKE. On a deeper note, just imagine if all of the black people in Portland (and the USA) invested their money in elements like C .D .’s, mutual funds, bonds, and other opportunities at black banks they can trust? I’m talking about building a powerful black bank. Futhermore, imag­ ine black people spending their con­ sumer dollars on goods/scrvices offered by black businesses. Then, these same black businesses can turn around and make deposits in that “ trusted” black bank, rhe cycle continues when those (“ trusted” ) black bank lends money to black businesses for expansion or to black couples for home loans/home improve­ ments. The “ trusted” black bank Board of Directors would consist of credible black leaders, black corporate executives,and businessmen. These in­ dividuals would/could assist or help the bank with investment opportunities, economic development projects, and oversee college loans/scholarships. The Board of Directors could also help those “ trusted” black banks buy up property in the community, conduct research for various venture capital projects, and support black social service agencies as well as black lawyers, who might be lobbying on Capitol Hill or down in Salem for black people. Black folks have the power already. U.S.Bank, First Interstate, Bank of America, Security Pacific, Far West Federal, Scafirst Bank, Key Bank, Bank of California, West One Bank, or Wash­ ington Federal Bank-w hich one do you save your money or invest in? None of these banks arc black owned and many of them systematically discriminate against blacks seeking car loans, homes, orexpansion of black businesses. Ameri­ can State Bank, the only black owned bank in the city looks like a “ ghost town” when I go in there compared to other banks. Why? Because the great majority of black people and black po- litical/social service agencies in this town do not bank at this institution. Banking at black banks would definitely be the start of building a stable black community, economically. However, the black banks must be willing to meet the needs of its black customers. Partnership is essen­ tial. Currently, white banking institu­ tions arc meeting the needs of black people, black banks, throughout the United Sûtes (only 38) had better u k e a long hard look at the black (dollars) consumer power and get busy. Black people have the power. Many white people see blacks as lazy, materialistic, criminals, welfare oriented, and shallow intellectually. We are the only ones who can eliminate these attitudes or perceptions. We can do that by simply stop blaming white folks for our shortcomings and become ac- counuble for your life. The white man docs not have that much power over my self-esteem or desire to be the best that I can be. Everyday, I read and see all the success stories about Asians, Vietnam­ ese, and other ethnic groups making good in America. These groups arc successful because they spend their money in their own com muni tics, do not fear hard work, have a strong sense of togetherness and family. We need to get back to basics and use the power we have. Let us stop complaining about the effects of slavery, how the white man holds us back, and shake the shackles from your mind. Stop blaming the while man for our shortcom­ ings and wake up. We already have the power. Just check our pockets... N.F.L. plans satellite signal scrambling and eventual pay-per-view contests by AARON FENTRESS Once upon a time the N.F.L. was a struggling league trying to keep it's head above water. Promoters of the N.F.L. tried everything to get fans interested in their sport. Today N.F.L. football is the biggest spectator sport in America. Of the top ten most watched television programs of all- time, six are Super Bowls. All this after the first Super Bowl in 1967 didn't even sell out. Now the N.F.L. has gotten greedy. N.F.L. franchises run in value anywhere from $60 million to $150 million. The N.F.L. is definitely a rich league. And it's trying to get richer. Even at the expense of the fans who got the N.F.L. where it is today. How soon they forget. The latest gripe, and eventual fan bamboozle, centers around satellite dish signals. Those lucky enough to own a satellite dish have the technology to pick up any N.F.L. broadcast regardless of the region in which they live in. That way those northwest folk can watch a real game being played elsewhere instead of suffering with the Scahawks. It all sounds pretty innocent to anyone outside of the N.F.L.'s brain-trust. The signals being picked up by the satellite dishes arc signals that arc being broadcasted for free in other regions across the nation. So what's the big deal. The problem for the N.F.L. lies with the sports bars. N.F.L. officials claim that they don't have a problem with the individual who picks up the signals, only with the bars who boost up their business by showing other quality games out of their regions. God forbid a bar sells few extra beers. "Sports bars are illegally stealing the signals of games that arc not being shown in the area," said NFL spokesman Greg Aiello. "Il's a federal copyright law. It's misappropriating a private signal." First of all how private of a signal can it be when a significant chunk of the nation is already picking it up free. Second of all if it wasn't for the fans who go to sports bars ritually to watch their favorite teams there wouldn't even be an N.F.L. The league exist because we support it. No other reason. The N.F.L.'s solution to this signal stealing is to scramble the signals. This way sports bar owners can't pick up the games. Then of course the N.F.L. is planning to start a pay-per-view system at around $20 a game. Mo' money, Mo' money, Mo' money. And less respect for the people who make the N.F.L. what it is. Right now fans are safe ,_ l_________________ _________________ Street Clean-up in the Northeast Sisters Gaining Equality Through Excellence (S.G.E.) is holding a street clean-up on October 13 from 12:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. Anyone willing to help is welcome. We meet at Peninsula Park on the south end. We'll go from Peninsula, head north, and stop at Skidmore street. Please come and support S.G.E.'s effort to clean up our community! * 4 .* from satellite signal scrambling. But in their new television contracts with the N.F.L., CBS adn NBC were required to begin scrambling their regional telecasts this season. CBS, however, has claimed they've been delayed trying to get the necessary technology in place. NBC has just pul off scrambling it's signals. So for now, the bars and fans can watch their cross country games with no problems. But next year will be a different story. "It's something we've tried to enforce for 10 years," Aielo said. "But it's imposiblc with all the bars and restaurants. The only effective way to do it is with scrambling." Rcalisticly $20 a game isn't that much when you consider the money made by the extra customers who walk in and stagger out of sports bars. For the average fan at home ordering the game it shouldn’t be that difficult to find a few friends and share the cost. But the price is not the issue. It's the principle of the situation. If sports bars didn't pick up the games the N.F.L. wouldn’t loose any money. With the sports bars picking up the signals the N.F.L. really doesn't loose any money cither. It just provides the N.F.L. with yet another opportunity to make more money. At the unwarranted expense of the people who make the league run in the first place, the fan. ■ * * « • »'• 'Vijh » 1 . : W •'■UK , ■ < *