Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 26, 1990, Image 1

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Volume XX, Number 37*
His/Her Opinion is
Dan Quayles visit
PAGE 8 1
The Musical Extrava­
ganza Benefit is on
the way...
he Jefferson High School Band
has received an invitation to par­
ticipate in the 20th International Youth
and Music Festival in Vienna, Austria,
next summer.
Selected in a nationwide screening
process, the band w ill travel to Austria
in July 1991 and w ill perform and
compete w ith 50 to 60 ensembles from
15 to 20 different countries participat­
ing in the festival. The 45 member band
is the only group form Oregon invited
to the festival. The band w ill have to
raise about 5100,00 in the next year in
order to make the trip.
On Sunday September 30, 1990
(3-5pm), the Portland Chapter o f Links
w ill sponsor “ A Musical Explosion” ,
to help raise money fo r the trip. The
show w ill feature Ron Steen, Thara
M em ory, Goldie Irby, Garland T h ­
ompson, Leslie W illiam s, Brenda P h il­
lips, Danny Osborn, Georgene Rice and
Friends, and Sharon M itche ll o f KG W -
T V 8 w ill host the show. Tickets can be
purchased at Mrs. C ’s W igs, Jefferson
High, and from Portland Links mem­
bers. For more inform ation, call 280-
I am pleased to announce the
recent appointment o f Harvey Lockett
as manager o f the Department o f Trans-
portations Disadvantaged Business
Enterprise (D B E ) Program.
Harvey Lockett
Selected in a nationwide screening process, the band will travel to Austria.
Portland Singer Jac­
qui Sutton prepares
for the Oregon Dance
The Portland Observer
wishes to thank all of
those who submitted
their inquiries on the
HIS/HERS column.
We recently made a se­
lection: C.M. Brooks.
The HIS/HERS col­
umn may be found on
page 5, and this week's
topic is losing a mate.
Back to Square One
by Professor M c K in le y B u rt
The office is expected to remain
closed fo r four or fiv e months, until
remodeling o f the M ultnom ah level o f
the L lo yd Center M all is finished. When
the o ffice reopens, it w ill be located
inside the m all on the M ultnom ah level,
rather than outside, where it currently
“ The new o ffice w ill be larger and
provide more workstations than the cur-
rent o ffice, to help provide quicker serv­
ice to customers,” Ward said.
Other local D M V offices are the
Northeast Portland office at 1836 NE
82nd Ave., the West Portland o ffice at
1502 SW Sixth Ave., the North Portland
office at 8260 N. Interstate Ave., and the
M all 205 office at 9904 SE Washington
1 11
hat was a gratifying response to last
The L lo yd Center D M V o ffice w ill
be closed beginning September 29, 1990,
due to extensive remodeling o f the L lo yd
Center M all. The office w ill not reopen
until remodeling o f the m all is com ­
Customers arc asked to v is it other
Portland area offices during this closure,
and to take advantage o f D M V ’ s m ail-in
Center or Clackamas Town Center.
Another point I ’d like to make
is that I am s till encountering a number
week’s article detailing several youth
o f parents who arc ju s t devastated after
activities that could be sponsored by
one short look at news accounts ofthe
parents-program s capable o f being in ­
financial burdens which must be as­
stitutionalized by successive generations.
sumes in order to get their children through
As I said even earlier, these arc the kind
c o llc g c -th is , taking into account the
o f grassroots experiences and traditions
availability o f grants (decreasing). Some
that kept our group intact for w ell over a
are further depressed when, after earlier
hundred years.
enthusiasm over the glow ing ads extol­
Before going on let me take
ling the virtues o f “ attending a Southern
care o f a matter I ’ ve put o ff for several
Black C ollege” , closer investigation
weeks. There is a most usefull FREE
reveal new, seemingly insurmountable
B O O K L E T that should be sent fo r by
obstacles. Here, A frican Am erican par­
every parent/household in the com m u­
ents q uicly find they have the very same
nity. This ‘ ‘Consumer’s G uide” lists
financial constraints as white parents
hundreds o f publications covering valu­
w ith in the same income; the latter,
able inform ation on every aspect o f liv ­
many o f them, have long since discov­
ing, w ork and p la y -m a n y o f the p u b li­
ered that they cannot support one or
cations are free and many others priced
more o f their children at an out-of-state
as low as fifty cents or a dollar.
in s titu tio n -th a l is why so many o f them
Subjects cover a vast range o f
are found at the U niversity o f Oregon,
inform ation: day care, education, health
Oregon State U niversity, and Portland
care, safety at home or on the jo b , con­
Slate University.
sumer products, auto care and repair,
But the situation we have at
home repairs and maintenance, careers,
these schools is a frightening drop in
com m unity organizations, vacation
Black enrollm ent compared w ith the
choices, travel lips, youth activities, inter­
1970s, and at the same time and in ­
esting books or magazines, self-improve­
crease in the dropout rale among the
ment, new business ideas, m oving tips,
same group. I had perceived this trend
recipes, jo b selection, toys, sports, you
in process as I took early retirement at
name it!
Portland State U niversity in 1982. This
For this free government p u b li­
is why 1 have w ritten on the subject
cation and placement on a continuing
several limes, advocating a structured,
m ailing list, write to St. James, C on­
w ell-inform ed parent group w ith a
sumer Publications, Pueblo, Colorado
com m itm ent to greatly increasing A fr i­
81002. Also, in ligh t o f the increasing
can American enrollm ent in OREGON
number o f children being injured in the
S C H O O L S -a more affordable path to
home w hile trying to prepare meals w ith
higher education, especially consider­
electronic devices, I would suggest a
ing the current economic turn down which
copy o f ‘ ‘C om eC ook W ith Me: M ic ro ­
it appears w ill be w ith us for some lime.
wave C ooking For C hildren.” T ry B.
Dalton bookstore, downtown or Lloyd
Lockett to
□ Harold Lasley discusses
Lockett's D.B.E appointment
Black people have
monetry power, if
we'd learn how to
September 26,1990
"The Eyes and Ears o f The Community"
~ 1
Photo by Ullysses Tucker, Jr.
James Berry,
Owner, One Stop Records
b ling; Trent, 13; and Y u liis , 9) c h il­
dren. He is forty-seven years old. The
ames Berry is a civic-m inded
Business Profile caught up w ith Berry
busi nessman not just interested at the record store.
in making money, he is also interested P o rtla n d O b server-H o w does a
in providing jobs for the black comm u­ person go from d rivin g as a m otor man
nity, being a role model, and boosting
fo r the Chicago Transit A u th ority to
the image o f the Northeast area.
ow ning a record store in Northeast Port­
A native o f Chicago, Illin o is and a land?
1974 graduate o f Portland State U n i­
B e rry -” I le ft Chicago because o f
versity in Elen aiuuy Education (1974), the weather. I t ’s cold back there. W hile
Berry left the midwest because o f the 1 was stationed at Fort Lew is (U.S.
harsh weather Before opening up One A rm y), Washington, 1 visited Portland
Stop Records five years ago. Berry a few times and I decided to come back
worked w i th F OIC, the S tate o f Oregon
here fo r school. I ended up at PSU ma­
Em ploym ent D ivision, and as a motor- jo rin g in elementary education, but 1
man fo r the Chicago Transit A uthority.
ultim ately decided that I was a business
He attended Parker High School in man instead o f a school teacher. Before
Chicago. One Stop Records is not ju s t a owning the record store, I owned the
record store, it serves as a place where NE Business Center and a distributing
young people can come by to talk w ith
company. I s till own the Business Cen­
someone they respect. O ften times, ter.
young people make one stop for rec­
P o rtla n d O bserver-Y o u own one
ords, advice, opinions, and Berry is the o f the few record stores that caters to
man for it all. T ru ly One Stop.
the taste o f black consumers, do you
Berry has some definite ideas for feel like you have an obligation to them?
how black busincsscs/black business­
B e rry -” Yes. M ost o f our motto is
men can help the black com m unity. He to make sure that we get the kind o f
also has a vision for North/Northeast music that you can’ t get at Fred M ey­
Portland in the areas o f economic de­ ers, K -M art, or G .I. Joes’ s, that’ s our
velopment and youth services.
P o rtla n d O b server-Is this truly a
A member o f M om ingstar Baptist
Church, Berry and his w ife Valeric arc place where a person can make One
the proud parents o f four (Robin,20; Stop and find everything they need?
D om inica, 18; who is attending Gram-
Harvey has extensive experi­
ence in the C ity o f Portland's m unicipal
government, having served as an assis­
tant to form er Commissioner Charles
Jordan in the Department o f Public Safety
and Public A ffa irs, and to D ick Bogle in
the Department o f Public Works. D ur­
ing his employment w ith Portland, he
developed and implemented affirm ative
action procurement programs for the
C ity's capital improvement projects and
professional, technical and expert serv­
Harvey has a law degree from
W illam ette U niversity, been self-em ­
ployed, and has run fo r p olitical office.
His w ork has demostrated a stron com ­
m itm ent to the socio-economic devel­
opment o f m inorities and women.
1 also want to take this opportu­
nity to recognize V em ell West fo r his
service as A cting D B E Program M an­
ager fo r the past several month. V em ell
has made some outstanding contribu­
tions to the administration and opera­
tion o f the D BE program during his
career w ith the Department. He w ill
continue to play a vita l role as aContract
Compliance Specialist in the D B E Pro­
Quayle's Visit
Results in Riot
by Angelique Sanders
V ic e P resident D a n fo rth
Quayle’ s Rose C ity v is it on Monday
mirrored Bush’s May visit, drawing hun­
dreds o f rioters downtown and blocking
The $100-a-plate--$2500 to
meet Q uayle-luncheon resulted in pro­
testers lining Broadway and Sixth A ve ­
nue by the H ilton Hotel. O fficers carted
o ff 43 rioters. One hundred police were
called in, and mobbed the dow ntow n
area to re-route the ever-slowing traffic,
and were stationed at Pioneer Place as
late as 10 :30 p.m. that night, ten hours
after Quayle arrived. Buses ran gener­
a lly 10-15 minutes late, and cars were
brought to a near standstill as late as 6
p.m. that evening.
Protesters were inducing vom ­
iting , and pushing and shoving.
Quayle fle w down from Seattle
(where he spoke the previous day) fo r a
Republican fundraiser w ith Oregon Suu?
Representative Danny Smith. The lunch­
eon is expected to bring in $40,000
towards S m ith’ s campaign fund.