'J • V-. • * J h ♦'* » * a J » Jf # A > « « * • % • * • • » * * ♦ » « * * 4 9 ^age 4— The Portland Observer- September 19, 1990 Portland Observer ____ ENTERTAINMENT Miss America 1991 SUPERSTAR M.C. HAMMER HURTS ‘EM, How To Live Good And Save Money Bars Across The U.S.A. Why Some Women Aren’t Faithful Shearlings And Leathers Sweaters TRACIE SPENCER. Make The Difference. How can such a big, rich voice come in such a small package? Answers the Los Angeles Times: “Spencer is only 15 but she displays a fresh­ ness and substance that better-known singers twice her age can t match Spencer has recorded several tracks that rival some of [Janet} Jackson's recent singles-and she’s also a stronger, more confident singer. ‘Make It Funky’ is one of the showcase dance cuts here, and Spencer performs it with a boldness and conviction that James Brown Getting Sex When You Need It Most would no doubt endorse. ONE I 9fO IN THE OCTOBER ISSUE OF EBONY MAN Sitting com fortably atop the record charts after a rapid clim b to success, rap star M.C. Hammer proves that he just c a n ’t be touched; Plus EM tells, “ Why Some W omen Are U nfaithful,” visits N BA star A keem “ The D ream ” O lajuw on, asks “ Should W omen Make the First M ove?” and slips into fall with the season’s w arm est sweaters, in the O ctober issue. H am m er, 27, the high-energy super- star w hdse talent as a rapper, dancer and actor hak e tended to music, dance, vid­ eos and com m ercial endorsem ents, to­ 1 day is making w aves in the entertain­ ment industry with his broad-based ap ­ peal, his showmanship and his keen sense of business savvy. Still celebrating the unprecedented success of his hit LP, “ Please Hammer, D on’t Hurt ’E m ,” currently the biggest-selling rap album of all time, Hammer tells why he’s much more than just a one-dim ensional rap­ per. “ I’m an entertainer,” Hammer says. ‘ ‘Rap, in the way I’m presenting ithas no limitations. My music has as much sing­ ing and dancing as any pop record,” he adds. 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 ¡T O P 1 0 S IN G L E S TFICL LAVLL UrTfUMBLIt So You Like What You See Atlantic 8786 Giving You the Benefit (NEW) MCA 4075 AU Night Pump 5104 1 Just Can't Handle It Jive 1386 1 L-O-V-E U (NEW) Reprise 5892 1 Don't Have the Heart WB 199II I Confess (NEW) WEA 6437 The Boomin' System Def Jam 73457 1 Got The Eeeling MOT 4739 Slow Love M a rjo rie Vincent of Illinois puts her hand up as a tear rolls down her cheek as Miss America 1990, Debbye T u rn e r, places the crown on her head after being selected as Miss America Samuelle 1991 at Convention Hall on September 8. Pebbles WOMEN IN BLUES TNT Hi Five Fat CAt Productions Presents The Northwest Women Bluestars In a Celebration of Koko Taylor’s Birthday! Take 6 James Ingram EU Featured Artists Kathy Hart, Marianne mayfield, Paulette Davis, Margo Tufo, Sheila Wilcoxson, Kita Montgomery, Sonny Hess, Laura Petch, and Monty Cowles. L L C oolJ Today Friday, September 28 Salazar’s Pine Street Theatre 8pm $10 Doc Box & B. Fresh MOT 6293 ONE 2061 F e a t u r in g . . . Beauty Salon TOP 4 0 s MUSIC RECORDS Tickets available through FASTIXX and at the door $1 off for members of The Cascade Blues Association 1615 NE Killingworth Portland, OR (503) 284-2435 S ta te S tr e e t S a le m , O re g o n $1 from every full price ticket will be donated to Bradley-Angle HOuse-a shelter providing help for women and children escaping domestic and sexual violence. 3 7 1 -7 3 8 6 FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL: 232-2583 or Cheyenne at PALACE BOOKING 229-0652 The Oregon Convention Center—it’s the kind of achievement that makes you want to stand up and dance! So. to celebrate its grand opening, we’re throw ing a free Street Dance, Saturday, W hite Roses Ltd. presents September 22. " a MAZE ' isey MR i 31 N W FIRST Party by the points of the brand new Oregon Convention Center at a Street Dance for the whole state—right in the convention center's parking lot. Dance to the music of Tower of 7:30 PM SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 The Partv by the Points Street Dance is brought to you by: p LSI PARTY nnmiiir JJ OREGON CONVENTION CENTER I OPENING CELEBRATION UFTUMfR m i ■ ,: ÿ V «* - •» •M * «TV*i *-•* » • ' » Fbwer. Nu Shooz and Body and Soul starting at 7:30 p.m. Stick around to watch a spectacular tower lighting and laser show at 10:45 p.m. How will you get to the Street Dance ? Take the tra in -M A X is free S aturday (and Sunday), and there’s a new station right at the center's front door. Or park—also free—in one of these lots . City ot Portland Pacific Lloyd Properties’ • • • • • 500 N E Multnomah • 700 N E Multnomah • 825 5hF Multnomah S W Tenth and Yamhill S W Fourth and Yamhill S W Third and Alder N W Front and Das is City Center Parking Portland Development Commission* • N W Front and Union Station ’ free shuffle M fffct between these >eU • N W Sixth between Hoyt and Irving the Oreqon Convention Center provided by Tn Mei i» jvaiUNe on »ne «eívuirn»’* i*»'- I hr (h e r m »•’* * * ’ < ' N 1 M jm n l uifh-rkme It Rlvd Poland ihepm 2 2 3 -9 9 1 9 S ep tem b er W ed. 19 L IP T O LIP T h u rs. 20 M O R R IS TEPPER Fri. 21 & Sat. 22 Q U A RTER FLA SH . Sun. 23 M O R N IN G STAR BA N D M on. 24 JO H N HAM M OND U") Tues; 25 i M OTHER . TONE * * • • ................... • • Featuring: Special Guest: F ran k ie B everly HOWARD HEWETT O ctober 3rd 1990 Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall 8:00PM ‘ Tickets Available at: P.C.A.P. Box Office Memorial Coliseum • All Gl Joe's Stores • Civic Auditorium Layout by B E. A. A *. t l