«r • '< ♦ r *a/«r V « • -*'• ?*« » • ♦ 4 * * r « « » « a • * • ’* e^¥ wX » * < * * *■ * * September 19, 1990 The Portland Observer Page 3 »Portland Observer RELIGION SAVE THE CENTER T ne G ra c e C o llin s S c rip tu re o f the M atthew Chapter 10 UNITED METHODIST NEWS M em o rial on the old piano, and ju st fun, fellow ­ Com m unity Center, also known as ship, and LOVE!! the Christian Com m unity Center needs Our kindergarten program is equal the the help o f all the m em bers of this to o r superior to any in the City. By time com m unity and especially those whose our children com plete kindergarten they lives have been touched by the work recognize 100 w ords or m ore, count to M iss Collins has done. W e m ust raise $10,000 im m ediately as a part o f an effort to keep this day care and ministry open for others to benefit from this service. G race Collins M emorial C om m u­ nity C enter was founded as the Christian Com m unity C enter in 1954, as a non­ profit corporation. W e started in a large older house, which we outgrew in a year’s time. A Board o f D irectors was organ­ ized and prayerful search begun for larger quarters. The building on N.E. Russell was purchased in 1957. A fter much needed repair, renovating and alteration (par­ tially done by donated labor) we m oved in in July, 1957. A ttendance increased rapidly. W e soon had as m any as 108 children daily for our Day Care and K indergarten, and over 100 school-age students. In the evening we had teenagers for Basket­ ball, Ping Pong, W eight Lifting, banging 200, w rite their nam es,and recognize Rom an num bers I to XX. They know the days o f the week, and the months of the year. They learn the piano keyboard and many songs. They also, read sim ple sto­ ries. In Spanish they learn to count to 25 and to do double-digit m ath, adding and subtraction. Many years ago the children sang and recited many Bible verses at a pro­ gram in a large church. O ne o f my for­ m er college professors follow ed them in his Bible, to be sure they were accurate. A man cam e to him later and said, “ It isn ’t fair to ‘m ake’ those little children learn all those Bible verses.’’ He said, “ Yes it is! It’s good m ental gym nas­ tic s.” If you are interested in helping the center is this tim e of great need, please contact M rs. L aV em c Davis at King School, 280-6456 or the center directly at 281-6930. Fall Term Starts Sept. 24 AT Grace Collins with her kids THE CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH Starting Septem ber 19th thru 23rd, 1990. 7:30 p.m. e a c h night. Pastor and Missionary Roy L. Tate of The Christ M emorial C.O.G.I.C. will be celebrating their 9th Pastoral Anniversary. In honor of this occasion m any o f our local Pastors, guests, churches, family, a n d friends from all over the city and churches as far as Long Beach, California, will gather to help ce le b ra te this joyous occasion. Images o f military troops and refu­ gees, televised on the nightly news, amplify the Rev. Ihsan A rdhuerum ly’s concern for family members caught in the web o f the M iddle East crisis, the Iraqi native says. Dr. Ardhuerumly, pastor o f First United M ethodist Church in T exas, said he has had no contact with his three brothers and three sisters in Baghdad since Iraq’s invasion o f Kuwait Aug.2. “ I am concerned for their well-being...I do not think my family could leave the country even if they w anted to, ‘ ‘ he said. He is especially fearful for the young­ est victims-the children o f his brothers and sisters and o f others- concerning the effects o f the invasion and o f the U.N. em bargo on Iraq and occupied Kuwait, he said.’’The innocent are alw ays the ones who pay the price,’ ’ he added. “ For humanitarian reason, for the sake o f the innocent, (the U nited N a­ tions) should allow m edicine and food to be sent to the Iraqi people. Saddam Hussein and the rest will get their food...I am concerned that the wrong people are benefiting (during the em bargo),” Dr. Ardhuerumly said. During one nightly new report, which showed scenes from a refugee camp, he said he w ept when he viewed “ families scrambling for milk and bread’ ’ and when he saw evacuees from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh who were forced to flee K uw ait As events in the G ulf continue to unfold, Dr. Ardhuerumly said his col­ leagues have told him they are praying for him and he has received a num ber of letters expressing support. “ For the first few days, I walked the floors day and night. I called my friends; I called my (former) churches. I pul a plea for prayer in the newspaper here,’ ’ (Texas) he said. Born in Baghdad, Dr. Ardhuerumly Try Me Cleaners We are cordially inviting you to c o m e out a nd hear w h at th e men of G od will b e saying, a n d join us along w ith our local choirs to lift up Jesus' Holy name. E x p e rt A lterations Pressing & Cleaning 47 years experience 289-1885 NIGHTLY SPEAKERS Wednesday Pastor, Rev.T.L. Lewis, Morning Star Baptist Church Thursday Bishop/Pastor, A.R. Hopkins, Solid Rock C.O.G.I.C completed his high school education there, and came to the United States in 1952 “ with $234 and a suitcase to my nam e,” in pursuit o f an engineering degree. A fter he com pleted his education, he rem ained in the United States, becam e a U.S. citi­ zen and served in the arm ed forces for tw o years. A lifelong M uslim , he converted to Christianity after what he called a “ three- year dialogue” with his wife Lillith, a devout M ethodist. “ It becam e apparent that God was calling em, saying that 1 have a story ...I need to tell. The only way that it could be told was by answ ering the call to the m inistry,” he said. Dr. A rdhuerum ly left a successful business career 13 years later to enter Perkins School o f Theology at Southern M ethodist University in Dallas, where his wife had already begun to train for the ministry. The Iraqi invasion is “ morally wrong, politically wrong and contrary to the Muslim faith as I understand it,’ ’ he said. ‘ ‘The Muslim faith is like the Serm on on the Mount: be hospitable to your neigh­ bor and not initiate hostilities. The word Muslim means subm itter to the will o f G od,” he added. “ Iraq did not count on the wide opposition it received...and m iscalcu­ lated what President Bush’s reaction would b e,” Dr. Ardhuerumloy said. D espite widespread condem nation o f his act, Saddam H ussein will be slow to adm it he has made a m istake, the pastor said. In the Arab world, “ one m ust not lose face” and, therefore, “ denial that one is actually w rong” is com m on, he said. “ T hat is why Arab tradition is always ruled by consensus.” Dr. Ardhuermuly said his “ prayer for folks on all sides” is that they “ rec­ ognize that a higher will needs to con- sulted-a higher will that speaks for peace.” 806 N.E. Dekum Jesus Loves You! Bishop/Pastor, Samuel Irving, Albina Church of G od Friday NORTH PORTLAND BIBLE COLLEGE Our community's own inter-church center for biblical studies and ministry training SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Monday Evenings 6 :3 0 -9:30 p.m. Tuesday Evenings 9:00- 12 M 6 :30-9:30 p.m. 9:00- 12 M 6:30-9:30 p.m. Chaplain Jim Coleman Rev. Michael Lindsey Sis. Beth Nance Rev. Alan Cushway Sis. Beth Nance Bishop Grace Osborne Rev. Michael Lindsey TBA Old Testament Survey Basic Bible Doctrine) New Testament Survey 1 Prophecy of Isaiah New testament Survey I Defending the Faith Bible Ijtnds and Customs leaching Techniques REGISTRATION AND TUITION - still only $35.00 for the first class; $25 for each additional HOW TO REGISTER: a. phone 288-2919 for registration materials, b. Come early to the first session of your selected class. PLEASE NOTE: Our new, temporay location is in Berean Baptist Church 4822 N. Vancouver Avenue. Entrance on Wugant. 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue MT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH (corner of 8th & Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 WE ARE MOVING SUNDAY SERVICES TO Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor Stone Tower Church, N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 3Oth W o rsh ip S erv ices 8 :0 0 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. C h u rc h School 9 :3 0 A.M. to 10:30 A.M. B ible S tu d y . W ed n esd ay s, 116 N .E .S ch u y ler 10 :3 0 A.M. a n d 6 :3 0 P.M. Prison Ministries PRISON M INISTRIES, INC P.O. BOX 12396 PO RTLA N D , OREGON 97212 R adio M in istry e a c h S u n d a y , 8 :0 0 A.M.-KBMS God Bless You! A T e a ch in g C h u rc h W ith A R each in g M inistry D r. J a m e s E. M artin . S en io r P a s to r ARANATHA HURCH Sunday Services Sunday School For information Call: (503) 284-7563 THE NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH MRS C ’S WIGS WHOLESALE & RETAIL HUNDREDS OF WIGS FOR YOUR EVERCHANGWG UFESTYLES NAOMI SIMS • BORNFRIE • MICHAEL WEEKS BETTY CABlNl PROPRIE TO«' Guest chuches: Sat. Sept 22nd 8:00 pm Highland United Church of Christ Pastor - Rev. C. Prescod - Speaker Sun. Sept. 23rd 3:30 pm Love Temple Church of god in Christ Pastor - Supt. Paul Green - Speaker 9:00 A.M. Homing Worship 10:30 A.M Maranatha School o l Ministry 6:30 P.M 7:30 P.M Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler, Celebrates Their 9th Church Anniversary Sept. 22nd & 23rd 4222 N.E. 12th Avenue Portland Oregon Mid-Week Services ■ Wednesday JOHN OR VIVIAN PARKER Rev. Wendell H. Wallace Senior Pastor 1 • * « s 1237 NE Failing t 284-7594 tuis - sat 11i3O-6r00 2E ANO OTHER NAME BRANDS EVERYTHWC FROM CURRENT STYLES TO SPECIALTY W t S UNDUE HAH ORNAMENTS HAH BEADS & BEAUTY SUPPLIES MRS. C’S EBONY ESSENCE COSMETCS ZURI COSMETCS L IRBHBK . J Elder Leon Brewer Pastor 281-6525 7th & FREMONT (707 N.E. FREMONT) BEAUTICIAN & STUDENT DISCOUNTS 100% HUMAN HAH FOR BRAIDING WEAVWG &