a8e 12 I he Portland Observer-September 19, 1990 i Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS PRODUCTION WORKERS ACCOUNTANT Legal A id seeks fu ll time accountant for fund (n o n -p ro fit) accounting. K n ow l­ edge ol Lotus 123 and computerized accounting required. M IP Fund pre­ ferred. Bachelor/associate degree in accounting or related fie ld preferred. 5 + years experience required. Salary dependent on experience. Send res­ ume to: Carla Roberts, Adm inistrator, 310 SW 4th Ave., #900, Portland, Oregon 972(4. by September 28,1990. INDUSTRIAL ENERGY MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST $3,059. - $3,722./mo. M in im u m five years experience in In ­ dustrial energy management o f m in i­ mum o f three years experience plus an Engineer-In-Training (E IT ) or equiva­ len t certificate. Knowledge and expe­ rience w ith industrial facilities, Indus­ trial processes, power factor and power q ua lity. A b ility to write technical re­ ports and proposals; a bility to lead projects. Bachelor o f Science degree in engineering curriculum . Training in Industrial processes, building mechani­ cal or electrical systems and equip­ ment, com m ercial/Industrial process energy use, and building energy mod­ eling. V a lid d riv e r’ s license required. Send resume by November 1, 1990 to: Eugene Water & Electric Board P.O. Box 10148 Eugene, OR 97440-2148 A T T N : Human Resources Department EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Large manufacturing plant has im m edi­ ate openings. In this position em ploy­ ees w ill be required to handle finished products. This requires liftin g up to 50 pounds and standing fu ll 8 hour shifts. A ll selected candidates w ill be ex­ pected to progress to the highest level position in th various progression lad­ ders. A ll shifts open and w ill require w orking various shifts depending on seniority. Previous production experi­ ence and high school education re­ quired. The products produced at the plant are flexible packaging material & coated electrographivc papers. Machinery in the plant includes: Flexographic Presses, Waxcrs, Slitters, Bag Machines, E x­ truders, Coaters, and Form Presses. Excellent Health & Retirement Bene­ fits. Starting Wage $9.125/hr. A ll qualified please submit resume and salary history to: P.O. Box 3137 Port­ land, Or. 97208. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER INDUSTRIAL SITING SPECIALIST $2477-$3303 Monthly Position stationed at Trojan Nuclear Plant near Rainier, Oregon. Responsible for assisting in the implementation o f a State regulatory program for nuclear reactors and coordinaliong activities w ith those o f the operating company and other regulatory bodies. M ust have two years program experience in the regulation, operation or manage­ ment o f nuclear reactors. For applica­ tion materials, contact Prcsonnel ^Manager, Oregon Department o f Energy, 625 M arion Street NE, Sa­ lem, Or 97310. Telephone 503-378- 7806. A ll application materials must be received by October 2, 1990. An equal opportunity employer. ASSOCIATE PLANNER JOB OPPORTUNITIES O ur D istrict provides programs and serv­ ices to our 12 constituent school dis­ tricts. We are currently looking fo r qualified individuals for the fo llo w in g positions: A udiologist 95 days (20-24 hrs/week) ’ 10/01/90-04/30/91 Break As astant/Special Education (3 3/ 4hr per Day) Liaison, G ifted & Talented Program O p­ erations 162 days Requires Bachelor's Degree in planning or a related field and two years experi­ ence in planning. A P P LY B Y : Im m e­ diately, applications w ill be accepted until position is filled. A P P LY TO: C ity o f vacaville, Personnel Depart­ ment, 400 Boyd Street, Vacaville, C A 95688 or call 7070/449-5113. This position is in Salem, w ith the Ore­ gon Economic Developfment Depart­ ment Business Development D ivision. This position provides assistance to as­ sure that land w ith necessary services Needed Now, 30 persons fo r pleasant is available fo r new industrial fa c ili­ phone work. A ll welcome, no experi­ ties and to act as an advocate fo r busi­ ence required. F u ll or part time. 9-2pm nesses having d iffic u lty obtaining 4-7pm, up to S i2 per hour and daily required developmentfment permits. and weekly bonuses. To q ualify you must have tw o years ex­ Apply Business Sampler, 8383 N £ . Sandy perience w ith responsibility for evalu­ Blvd. ating, m onitoring and coordinating programs/projects; including program evaluation responsibility. The exam i­ Fulltime, $20,217. Feminist domestic and nation w ill test knowledge o f land use sexual violence program. A dm inistra­ and environmental regulations, eco­ tive, supervision and fund raising nomic development planning, LC D C experience necessary. A t least 2 years rules, and interagency coordination, o f experience w ith this type or sim ilar negotiation, and problem solving skills. non-profit organization required. Send Applicants must respond to examination cover letter, resume, and 4 references questions on the recruiting announce­ by 5 pm Oct. 1 to: ment and complete a state application. Portland W om en’ s Crisis Line The closing date fo r this recruitm ent is P.O. Box 42610 October 8, 1990. To obtain applica­ Portland, OR 97242________ tio n materials w rite or call: O ED D Personnel 775 Summer St. NE Salem, OR 97310 $7.06/hr, benefits, 27 hrs/wk. (503) 373-1200 ext.219 RESIDENTIAL SUPPORT SPECIALIST An EEO/AA Employer Substitute Teachers, Educational Assis­ tants, LPN JOURNEY LEVEL ELECTRICIAN JAMES RIVER CORPORATION’S For required M ESD application form , more info and closing dates call 257- 1510 (24/hr jo b inform ation) or come to Recruitment Office, 11611 N E Ains­ North Portland Converting Plant has an worth Circle, Portland. immediate need for Journey Level elec­ trician experienced in D.C. drive and An Equal Opportunity Employer programmable controllers desirable. Opening is fo r second or third s h ift Journey Level Electrician pay is $ 15.48/ hr. Plus excellent health & retirement benefits. Interested individuals should T C I C A B L E V IS IO N OF OREGON, subm it a resume to: INC., an Equal Opportunity Employer, currently has an opening fo r the fo l­ E L E C T R IC A L SUPERVISOR low ing position: P.O. B O X 17128 TCICablevision of Oregon, Inc. INSTALLER Q U A LIFIC A TIO N S : Good attitude, valid Oregon drivers’ s license w ith good record. Trained in pole clim bing, able to ca n y 28' span ladder. Basic elec­ tronics, a b ility to work w ell w ith pub­ lic , neat appearance and self starter. D R U G TEST R EQ U IR ED OF F IN A L A P P L IC A N T A P P L IC A T IO N S ACCEPTED U N TIL: September 21, 1990. Interested parties may submit applica- tions/resumes by m ail to: T C I C a b kvisio n o f Oregon, Inc., 3500 SW Bond, Portland OR 97201, A T ­ T E N T IO N : Greg Anderson APPRAISER/ANALYST III Oregon Department of Revenue $2349-$3131 Use appraisal, accounting, auditing, f i ­ nance o nginccring skills to appraise property lo r the State o f Oregon. For required application contact (503) 378- 3384. Respond by Sept. 25, 1990/ EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER MASTERCARD- PREAPPROVED N O O N E REFUSED. C LE A R B A D C R E D I;. C A L L 1-619-565-6597 E X T . C À I 978 24 HRS FOR A P P LI- ' CATION. P O R T LA N D , OR 97217 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Immediate opening MANAGEMENT ANALYST 2 class title Salary $2025-$2768 Fairview Training Center is accepting applications for: Management Ana­ lyst 2. Duties: conducts program evaluation stud­ ies and quality assurance audits o f medical and habilitative services. M inim um Q ualifications: Requires one year o f specialized experience per­ form ing management improvement studies A N D a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Engineering, Industrial Psychology, Public Adm inistration, Business or closely related field; or 3 years o f techn ical or staff level experi­ ence assisting in planning and carry­ ing out various management im prove­ ment studies. Preference may be given to applicants w ith experience and educational background in the devel­ opmental disability field. To apply, contact: Executive Personnel. Personnel and Labor Relations D iv i­ sion, P.O. Box 14155, Salem, Oregon 97309-0505, telephone: 378-3147, F A X : 378-4596, for jo b announce­ ment, applications, and test questions. Completed applications and test re­ sponses must be received by October 3, 1990 at 5:00 pm. EEO/AA EMPLOYER L Graveyard Thurs, Fri, Sat. Provides after hours support fo r clients o f w om en’s residential programs at the Y W C A . Applications at 1111 SW 10th, Portland. CRISIS SERVICE INTAKE SPECIALIST $7.06/hr, 15 hours a week. Provides c ri­ sis intervention and inform ation and referral services to phone and w alk-in clients o f the Y W C A W om en’ s Re­ source Center. W ill screen clients to determine e lig ib ility fo r services. Applications at 1111 SW 10th, Port­ land M U L T N O M A H C O U N TY Juvenile Counselor; $11.86 per hour; apply by September 28,1990. Assistant County Counsel; $39,213- $50.968 annually; apply by October 5 1990. WHERE TO APPLY Multnomah County Employee Services, Room 1430,1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland, OR 97204. ‘‘An Equal Opportunity Employer” CLINICAL AID Part and fu ll time positions available Monday through Friday. Social serv­ ice students encouraged to apply. Duties include scheduling, transportation, supervising adolescents, w orking with foster fam ilies and running general errands. Good opportunity to work with at-risk youth. Must have current Ore­ gon d riv e r’s license with good driving record. Salary $4.75 hour plus bene­ fits. Obtain application at Boys and G irls A id Society, 2301 N W Glisan, Portland, OR. or call (503) 222-9661 X220. Equal Opportunity Employer. OREGON COALITION O rganizcr/Facilitator/Traincr fo r m inor­ ity women’s groups. Oregon C oalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence. $18,000. Resume & 3 references to 2336 SE Belmont, Portland, 97214, by September 28. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AFFIRMA TIVE ACTION EMPLOYER Starting salary $ 10-$ 14 hour. C O D A Inc. seeks both RN & LPN to work in out­ patient drug treatment fa c ility p ro vid ­ ing services to methadone clients. Responsibilities include asscssmentof opiate dependant clients, adm inistra­ tion o f methadone, maintenance o f records and other general nursing du­ ties. W ork days and hours vary consid­ erably. C lin ic functions 7 days per week, 6am-3pm. To q ualify applicant must possess valid and unencumbered Oregon RN or L T N license and valid d riv e r’s license. Previous methadone experience is preferred. To apply complete and submit standard C O D A application form including screening question responses to C O D A Inc., 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. (503) 239-8400. Equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. (Salary: $2731-$3320/mo. plus generous benefit package) TELE MARKETING PUBLIC SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE 3 (C03230) PART TIME BACKUP NURSES $2477 - $3303 Mo. fully-paid retirement program plus generous leave and benefit package EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MULTNOMAH EDUCATION SERVICE DISTRICT NURSING Trojan resident MAILROOM NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY Are you interested in learning about a company from the ground up, in a fast- paced, physically active and varied- task m ailroom environment? I f you are - a valid Orc/Wash d riv e r’s l i ­ cense w ith an excellent driving history is required. Desired skills would in ­ clude operation o f postal and other business machines as w ell as other clerical skills. A fu ll benefit package is included in this fu ll-tim e position that has a starting salary o f $1,405/month. I f you arc interested in becoming a part o f this m ailroom team, please send/ F A X your resume identifying this specific jo b by September 21, 1990: Northwest Natural Gas 220 NW Second Avenue Portland, Oregon 97209 __ FAX: 721-2506 ADMINISTRATIVE SPECIALIST 2 (C01080) CHILD SUPPORT CASEWORKER IN THE RECOVERY SERVICES SECTION ADULT AND FAMILY, SERVICES DIVISION SALARY ($1686-$2243 MONTHLY) Excellent Benefit Package The State O f Oregon, A d u lt and Fam ily Services, is recruiting for an A dm inis­ trative Specialist 2, C hild Support Caseworker, in the Recovery Services Section located in Salem, Oregon. Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S : YO U M UST H A V E E Q U IV A LE N T TO: ..tw o years o f experience as an adm inis­ trative specialist or executive support specialist which included adm inistra­ tive support fo r a project, program, or operation. One year o f post secondary education may be substituted for up to one year o f the experience. Obtain a State o f Oregon Application (P D 1 0 0 ) and A n no u nce m e nt #)C901261 from Personnel Center, 775 Court Street, Salem, Oregon, 97310 or from Portland Personnel Center, PCC, 2850 SE 82nd Ave..Portland. AP PLY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, AP P LIC A T IO N S M U S T BE RE­ C E IV E D B Y OCTOBER 11, 1990, TO BE AC C EPTED FO LLO W TH E D E T A ILE D INSTRUC­ TIONS ON THE ANNOUNCEM ENT. »Advertising m Employment g* Blds/Sub-Blds CASE TECHNICIAN IN THE RECOVERY SERVICES SECTION ADULT AND FAMILY SERVICES DIVISION SALARY ($1414-$1858 MONTHLY) Excellent Benefit Package Through Diversity he innovative spirit at SAFECO built on the idea that involve­ T is ment in several arenas not only expands our options—It expands yours. This philosophy is as true In our product and service offerings as it is in our approach to reward­ ing every employee. As one of America’s largest diversified finan­ cial corporations, we offer excel­ lent salaries and an innovative benefits package. Our commitment to innovation and diversity is also reflected in the unique blend of cultures and customs in our people. By taking an active role in equal opportu­ nity efforts, we can more readily meet the needs of an Increasingly complex marketplace. To that end, we particularly Invite minority, sen­ ior, and disabled applicants to explore employment opportunities in areas such as claims, under­ writing, and clerical support. The State O f Oregon, A d u lt and Fam ily Services, is recruiting for a Public Service representative 3, Case Tech­ nician, located in Recovery Services Section located in Salem, Oregon. Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S : YOU M UST H A V E E Q U IV A LE N T TO: Tw o years o f experience in customer service; one year o f which must have included interpretation and explana­ tion o f rules, regulations, and policies, and responsibility for dealing w ith unique or unusual situations. Y our background must have given you the skills identified in the “ Exam ina­ tio n ” Section o f this announcement. Obtain a State o f Oregon Application (P D 1 0 0 ) and A n no u nce m e nt #)OC900664A from Personnel Cen­ ter, 775 Court Street, Salem, Oregon, 97310 or from Portland Personnel C enter, PC C , 2850 SE 82nd Ave.,Portland. APPLY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, AP P LIC A T IO N S M U S T BE RE­ C E IV E D B Y OCTOBER 12, 1990, TO BE AC C EPTED FO LLO W TH E D E T A ILE D INSTRUC­ TIONS ON THE ANNO UNCEM ENT. In return for your efforts, you can expect a very competitive starting salary, an excellent benefits pack­ age, and salary increases based on performance. Please forward your resume to SAFECO Insurance Companies, Attn: Personnel, 4101 S.W. Kruse Way. Lake Oswego, OR 97035. SAFECO SALES COMMERCIAL SALES REP C o d e - A - P h o n e , a le a d in g m a n u fa c tu re r/d is trib u to r o f te le ­ phone answering equipm ent & tele­ phones, is seeking a com m ercial sales rep experienced in marketing telecom m unication equipm ent. Du­ ties include: telem arketing product to m ajor phone com panies, Telco distributors, & com m ercial dealers; provide custom ers with price qu o ta ­ tions & delivery schedules; conduct product training seminars & develop program s to prom ote product; iden­ tify prospective custom ers; com pile inform ation on com petitive p ro d ­ ucts; and subm it new product pro­ posals. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. WORD PROCESSOR SECRETARY A private, nonprofit defender firm is cur­ rently seeking a replacement fo r the above position. Qualifications include: 85+ wpm typing, transcription experi­ ence, W ordPerfect 5.1, IB M /PC expe­ rience, and receptionist experience. We o ffe r excellent benefits and a start­ ing salary o f $ 1,557.00 per month. A p ply by com pleting a company app li­ cation packet available by calling 226- 3083, or pick up at M D I, 522 South­ west F ifth Avenue, Suite 1500, Port­ land, Oregon 97204. Deadline for this position is 5:00 p.m. on September 28, 1990. We offer a com prehensive benefits package & the opportunity to work in a team oriented environm ent. To apply send resume com plete with salary history to: EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PO Box 5656 Portland, OR 97228 SEWING MACHINE TRAINING Candidate m ust dem onstrate suc­ cessful track re co rd , have g o o d c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills o v e r th e phone & in person, & be willing to travel. Prior field sales experience with phone com panies preferred. C O D E -A -P H O N E * ANSWLHtNG AMCAtCAS PMUNt 5 FOR OVtR XJ VC AMS \ An Equal Oporlunity Employer ____________ M/F/H/V___________ Sewing Machine Training and Produc­ tion Manager fo r large jeans factory NURSE inside Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution, Pendleton. Salary range $2022-$2676 per mo. plus fu ll state benefits package. For application, send J RN PEDIATRICS Part to Full time Variable Shifts name and address or resume to Per­ sonnel, EO CI, 2500 Westgate, Pendle­ To w ork w ith dynamic team caring fo r m edically fragile infants and children ton,O R 97801, A T T N : M o lly Hansen. at a long term skilled nursing fa cility. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY For info call Margaret at: EMPLOYER G O V E R N M E N T S E IZ E D V E - H 1C LE S from $100.00. M ia ta ’s, C orvettes, M ercedes, Jaguars, Parsehes and other misc. confiscated PROVIDENCE CHILD CENTER 830 N.E. 47th Avenue Portland,OR 97213 503-234-9991 property now being sold to the gen­ eral public. F or buyers guide call (708) 355-9802 ext. 7585. Open 7 days 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. SISTERS OF PROVIDENCE SERVING IN TH E WEST SINCE 1856 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. VICE PRESIDENT FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION M ajor n ot-fo r-pro fit organization seeks qualified individual as Vice President o f i t ’s Finance and Adm inistration D ivision. W ill be responsible for e f­ fective management o f financial and internal operations and adm inistrative functions o f the organization; includ­ ing Management Information Systems, Human Resources, Finance and B u ild ­ ing Services. W ill w ork w ith comm u­ nity members and volunteer leader­ ship. Requires Graduate degree or equivalent in Accounting, Business or related field. M inim um five (5) years related w ork experience, preferably in a n ot-fo r-pro fit selling, w ith strong emphasis in the financial and MIS areas. Demonstrated a b ility to com ­ municate w ell in a variety o f settings. M ust display strong management and supervisory skills. Salary commensu­ rate w ith back-ground and experience. Send resume by 9/21 in care o f The Portland Observer, P.O. Box 3137, Portland, Oregon, 97208. JOB OPPORTUNITY Call our 24-Hour JobLine at 280-4727 for a- listing of current openings at Emanuel Hospital & Health Center. EMANUEL HOSPITAL & HEALTH CENTER A L eg ny Member I quel Opportunity Employer. M fH . Holladay Park Medical Center 1225 Northeast 2nd Avenue (503) 233-4567 Mnthh Com m itted to Career O pportunity 7 or A d Americans 24-Hour Job Line 239-3116 An Equal O pportunity Employer < A Legacy Member