MB ♦ * • i » '» * '• * * ’ ► ï é '» , « September 5 , 1990- The Portland Observer Page 7 OPINION 99? The "Hers” side of the His/Hers Opinion Page has been temporarily suspended while the Observer seeks a new writer ...And Justice For All by Angelique Sanders 4 9 medical care, guaranteed to every c iti­ Is our governm ent providing time, gives benefits and breaks to the zen in need), but the United States does for us properly? rich and shuns the downtrodden. not even try. “ Radical idealism ” , the I feel that the status quo of O ur way of life seems shaky political leaders dub it, and are afraid of politics needs some alterations, but I ’m when I see homeless children huddling being tagged radicals. Is it that they arc qucstioning-Bush’s success over Jackson against the cold. Many of those at the afraid o f raising people’s hopes, then in­ seems to affirm th is-w h eth er American hypothetical “ bottom ” have in-bred advertently dashing them to the ground citizens ARE dissatisfied (or perhaps hostility tow ards society in general due in the event the proposed change doesn’ t we’re afraid o f change). to the variety o f reasons they’ve ended work? O r are they truly of, by, W hat price are we and for the people, yet our citi­ paying for our A merican life­ • /u u v u » • D iy a r b c k ir *, zens don’t truly seek change? styles o f freedom: should we c n M IN O R ->Shahn M ore people on “ the upper \/T a b riz fear any governm ental struc­ -T® (7Ras Ain rungs” vote; obviously, those ture? I feel let down by what L. U rm ia " ;A lc p p o M ‘ who aren’t having trouble with our governm ent fails to pro­ umaniya the system don ’ t generally opt to vide. Do you, as an American <»k e H am a change it. S Y R IA • citizen, want: B a k h ta ra n Incorporating the realism of each a com prehensive health plan? ...a • o f my proposed benefits cost­ la n ia sc u A w elfare plan that provides ing—you guessed it, taxpayers’ yet does not overprovide (how B u sra Baghdad » d o llars-w o u ld n ’t it be worth it? about a w elfare-w ork program Isfal I would like to see a guaranteed that w ould not interfere with / medical plan with my hard-earned rak ' K a f the A m erican paid labor force, A sS S Y R IA ! money more than I would appre­ with recipients earning their , K ~ D G SER ciate seeing us at war with Iraq... welfare by accom plishing such •laqia(O asls) » r ***** ? / • T j a u f tasks as collecting litter or plant­ . Ü' My item this week is simply a ing gardens for the hom eless in ba . J u l,|,a J u n ia im a com plaint I have with the m an­ .vacant govem m entally-ow ned •n.t I n if ll c l ~ m c iit ü a i ager at L loyd’s cinemas. Last property? Persons with dis­ I'm sure we all understand why the U.S. Thursday, I w ent to see Ghost abilities could supervise for their (which, by the way, is worth is in Iraq. pay.)? seeing for more reasons than a com prehensive plan for the W hoopi G oldberg’s absolutely homeless, focused on finding flawless perform ance); and, at the on­ up where they are, unable to pull them ­ them perm anent jobs and shelters rather slaught o f a crucial scene, the film pro­ selves up. W hat happens to the hom e­ than tem porary? I’m seeing som e ef­ jector experienced difficulties. I can less person with no decent clothing, forts in this direction, such as Section 8 understand this type o f problem occur­ unable to bathe or groom , when he/she as well as various job program s, but our ring from time to time; but, first of all, looks for a job? I believe M cD onald’s homeless count is still trem endous...this they did not rewind the film (and, as it would even turn the person out. problem should be a tax priority, was the last showing o f the evening, it Perhaps it’s true that we c a n ’t a more comprehensive, govemmentally- would not have interfered with time) nor all have pink houses, but the American funded em ploym ent program? did the m anager apologize to the audi­ governm ent DOES have room to im ­ It seems unfair that persons can ence in any way. This show of disre­ prove. O ther political systems try and be “ gypped” by our American system, spect towards the consumers makes me often succeed at com prehensive benefit stepped on by others hustling to clim b think twice about where to take my busi­ plans (take Sw eden’s country-wide “ the ladder” . There is certainly som e­ ness in the future. thing w rong with a system that, at tax No One Should Tolerate Emotional/Physical Abuse BY ULLYSSES TUCKER^ JR._______ ast night I heard the scream­ ing, loud voices behind the wall. Another sleepless night for me. It w on’t do no good to call the police. Always come late if they come at all and when they arrive, they say they can’t interfere with domestic affairs between a man and his wife...and as they walk out the door, the tears well up in her eyes. Last night I heard the screaming, then a silence thatchilled my soul. I prayed that I was dreaming when I saw the am bulance in the road...and the policeman said, “ I’m here to keep the peace, will the crowd disperse-I think we could all use some sleep.” -Tracy Chapman, Fast Car 1988, “ Behind The W alls” The song made popular by record­ ing artist Tracy Chapm an is a sad, very sad commentary about a problem that exists in our country, state, neighbor­ hood, and in many families. Domestic violence is a very serious problem and in my opinion, No one should have to toler­ ate physical violence from anyone. It is immoral, inhumane, and wrong to physi­ cally abuse another person. B eit psycho­ logical, emotional, or physical abuse, no one should have to be subjected to this type of behavior. G ood or bad, our par­ ents have a tremendous effect on our attitudes, behavior patterns, values, be­ liefs, and actions. How each o f us as people express our love or hate in rela­ tionships is a direct reflection o f what was established or instilled in us long ago. The influence of parents on off­ springs is particularly strong in a society like the one we live in where extended families, close neighborhoods, rituals, which once dom inated impact, have broken down or disappeared. Growing up in an isolated environment or family, apart from a larger kinship/support net­ work, docs not provide enough space from parents or variety o f healthy role models to learn positive behavior, rela­ tionships between parents and children seem to be either too close or too distant, both cause communication problems in future relationships or possible even m otivate an individual to not be like their parents. Like many readers, I grew up in a household where fighting or violence was as common as the roaches and ro­ dents that stalked the neighborhood. Though painful to adm it, my mother blaming, making put-downs, breaking fought with my father and boyfriends. promises, fault-finding, nam e calling, She was a very physical individual, who giving double messages, making demands did not tolerate abuse from anyone. It’s that are highly unreasonable, creating possible that her attitude or frustration tension or extended periods o f silence, developed from raising seven children invading privacy, and a host o f other almost alone, o r from dreams or goals negatives that do not promote positive/ never realized. I will never know the healthy interaction in relationships. A relationship or marriage should reason because my mother is no longer living. I can recall several incidents as a be established or built on open, honest, and h e a lth y child, where my c o m m u n ic a ­ mother was the In addition to physical tions. In many target o f many abuse, there is also psy­ ways, people jokes by other chil­ chological and emotional endure these dren in the neigh­ types o f rela­ abuse. This type of abuse borhood, There tionships b e­ seemed to always includes criticizing, blam­ cause it allow s be some domestic ing, making put-downs, them to avoid violence in our breaking promises, fault­ in tim a c y . If apartm ent or just finding, name calling, giv­ someone is with outside o f it. On a person w ho is the other hand, ing double messages, not emotionally fighting between making demands that are available for mates was most highly unreasonable, creat­ them, there is common in the ing tension or extended little risk o f be­ housing projects I periods of silence, invading coming vulner­ lived in, and an able, rejected, every day part of privacy, and a host of other abandoned, or life. negatives that do not pro­ too attached. U n f o r t u> mote posltive/healthy Inter­ Still, the rela­ nately, many chil­ action in relationships. tionship is not dren grow up a healthy one th in k in g th at and needs some domestic violence serio u s re- is a natural part of life and develop a high level o f tolerance evaluation. Before considering a relationship towards it because it seems so normal. As a result of this tolerance or accep­ with someone, check out their history, tance, many people grow up with the at­ get a good feel for their attitude towards titude that they can abuse their mate or men or women. Find out what past expe­ ultimately accept abuse from their mate. riences influence current behavior, check No one should tolerate abuse. Some people out the dynamics ofthe family that you accept or tolerate abuse because they have in common or do not have in com ­ watched a parent inflict or endure abuse. mon, and which shame-based family rules They perceive the behavior as normal, dominate each o f your families interac­ which is dysfunctional and a person with tion. These are all important elements this perception should talk to their pastor that will determ ine how much growth will come in your relationship. Do not be or consult a professional for help. As aresult o f growing up in a violent blinded by the romance, wine and din­ household that left em otional scars, that ing, etc...find out who you are really have since healed, I now know what type going to spend time with before you o f household I do not want to be a part of regret it later on. By the same token, in the future. More importantly, I learned when you m eet someone who has been that my parents were not great models, through emotional and physical trauma, and to repeat the mistakes they made try being sensitive, supportive, a good would only contribute to another genera­ listener, and understanding. Patience is tion of domestic violence. Someone had very important. In closing, learn to understand how to break the cycle. Thank God for educa­ tion, finding healthy models, and m atur­ your family history has impacted your current attitudes and beliefs, only then ity. In addition to physical abuse, there will you be able to see where you are is also psychological and emotional abuse. today. You are what you were when... This type o f abuse includes criticizing, The Portland Observer is seeking a female to write the “ Hers” viewpoint in the popular column “His/Hers Opinion” published weekly in this paper. Individual should be creative, intelligent, committed, black, and an excellent writer. This person should also be able to meet publication deadlines. Please drop off samples at 4747 N.E. M artin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. No telephone calls, please. A freelance fee will be discussed should you be the one selected. October 3,1990 will be a m om en­ tous occasion for The Portland O b­ server. We will be celebrating 20 years as a publication, and also , w e will be featuring our annual women and mi- •' business special. y appreciate your support and as ? u«ren of our appreciation, we are veerin g special discounts for our long time supporters who reserve space for our women and minority business special edition. Speedy Service Best Cash Prices DAD'S OIL SERVICE Heating Oils Friendly C all for Quote!!! 104 NE Russel St. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 282-5111 Why nobody stays j ust once... BLOSSOMS BY THE SEA twice as nice 2 NIGHTS Weekly or Monthly Vacation Packages Oct. 15 90 to May 13 91 EOR THE PRICE OF ONE Oct. 15. to May 15 I FTNSIDF. OF Fl F IA CHRISTMAS AT THE MANOR t Night all-inclusive Mini Vacation 3 Night Traditional Christmas Package RESERVATIONS TOI I ERI E l-8O O -663-’ 5 S - .330 Q u e b e c S i .. V i c t o r i a . B.( t \H \ IW 3 ((» O il 3 H |- 3 t5 ( > I