» * » ••» * » •* * •* * * » *««««« • « „ • « • • I """J “ " . Page 12—The Portland Observer -August 29, 1990 I r u n ia it u UD server CLASSIFIEDS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Project #3660 Scaled bids for the construction of Dawson Tract’s Sewer and Water System Improvements for the City of Brookings, Curry County, Oregon, will be received by the City until l:00P .M „P D T , on October 2,1990. Bids submitted prior to the opening are to be delivered to City Hall, Brookings, Oregon. Bid opening will be conducted at the City Hall and publicly opened and read aloud. The project includes installation of sewer lines, water lines, sewage pumping stations, and consists of the following approximate quantities. Schedule “ A ” -2,982 Lineal Feet 12” Sewer Line -1,635 Lineal Feet 10" Sewer Line -1,434 Lineal Feet 8” Sewer Line - 322 Lineal Feet 6” Sewer Line 4" Sewer Line -1,225 Lineal Feet 24" Steel Casing Bore - 80 Lineal Feet -5,252 Lineal Feet 8" D.l. Pressure Main 20" Steel Casing Bore - 80 Lineal Feet - 31 Each Various Manholes - 595 Tons A.C. Pavement Replacement -5,578 Lineal Feet 8" Water Line -1,010 Lineal Feet 6" Water Line 20" Steel Casing Bore - 135 Lineal Feet - 6 Each Fire Hydrant Assemblies - 944 Lineal Feet 3/4" Services Various Water Line Appurtenances Schedule “ B ” -5,270 Lineal Feet 8" Sewer Line - 425 Lineal Feet 6" Sewer Line -1,605 Lineal feet 4" Sewer Line - 21 Each Manholes - 675 Tons A.C. Pavement Replacement -1,572 Lineal Feet 12" Water Line -3,788 Lineal Feet 8" W ater Line -1,707 Lineal Feet 6" Water Line - 90 Lineal Feet 20" Steel Casing Bore -1,320 Lineal Feet Fire Hydrant Assemblies Various Water Line Appurtenances Schedule “ C ” 8" Sewer Line 6" Sewer Line 4" Sewer Line Various Manholes A.C. Pavement Replacement -4,385 Lineal Feet - 269 Lineal Feet - 930 Lineal Feet - 41 Each - 480 Tons NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Project #3714 Sealed bids for the construction o f Wastewater System Improvements for the City of Adair Village, Benton County, Oregon, will be received by the City until 2:00 P.M .,on October 1, 1990. Bids submitted prior to the opening are to be delivered to City of Adair Village, 103 N.E. Wm. R. Carr Avenue, Corvallis, Oregon 97330. B id opening will be conducted at the City Hall and publicly opened and read aloud. The project includes rehabilitation and construction o f gravity sewerlines, construction of two new pumping stations, and an outfall from Adair Village to the Willamette River, with the following approximate quantities: Schedule A 660 Linear Feet Trench Excavation and Back fill 660 Linear Feet 8 Inch Sanitary Sewer Pipe 115 Linear Feet 6 Inch Service Laterals 570 Linear Feet 4 Inch Sanitary Sewer Pressure Main 4 Each Manholes 3 Each Cleanouts 110 Cubic Yards Aggregate Base 90 Tons Asphaltic Concrete Pavement 3,864 Linear Feet 8 Inch Collection System Sewer Lining 792 Linear Feet 6 Inch Collection System Sewer Lining 575 Linear Feet 6 Inch Service Lateral Lining 810 Linear Feet 4 Inch Service Lateral Lining 15 Each Rehabilitate Manholes 1 Each Rehabilitate Cleanout 2 Each Pump Stations Schedule B Trench Excavation and Backfill Rock Excavation 8" Effluent Forcemain Pipe 8" Polyethylene Effluent Forcemain Pipe Miscellaneous Fittings Aggregate Base Asphaltic Concrete Pavement 11,513 Linear Feet 130 Cubic Yards 11,513 Linear Feet 8,378 Linear Feet 470 Cubic Yards 100 Tons Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of H.G.E., INC., Engineers and Planners, 375 Park Avenue, Coos Bay, Oregon 97420, and at the following locations: City of Adair Bay Area Plan Exchange Eugene Builders Exchange Oregon Builders Exchange Josephine County Builders Exchange H.G.E..INC., 19 N.W. Fifth Avenue Construction Data Builders Plan Exchange DJC Plan Center Contractor’s Exchange Builders Exchange Dodge Scan Adair Village, Oregon Coos Bay, Oregon Eugene, Oregon Roseburg, Oregon Grants Pass Oregon Portland, Oregon Portland, Oregon Portland, Oregon Portland, Oregon Salem, Oregon Medford, Oregon Seattle, Washington One copy may be obtained by prequalified prospective bidders upon receipt of cash or check in the amount of $ 110.00 may be payable to the Engineer. Deposit made upon procurement of drawings, specifications, and forms of contract documents will be non-refundable. Individual sheets and specification pages may be purchased for the cost of reproduction: Drawings $2.00 per sheet; Specifica­ tions $0.25 per sheet Bidders must pre-qualify with City of Adair Village on Standard Oregon Review Board Prequalification Forms, ten (10) days prior to bid opening. Disqualification statements shall be issued not later than 4 days before bid opening by the owner. Prequalification forms may be obtained from the Engineer and should be submitted to the Owner via the Engineer. If a prequalification form is The Portland Observer: Reflecting Community Pride 8" Water Line -3,134 Lineal Feet 6" Water Line -2,271 Lineal Feet Fire Hydrant Assemblies - 6 Each 3/4" Services - 890 Lineal Feet Various Water Line Appurtenances Schedule “ D ” Five (5) Various Sized Sewage Pumping Stations Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of H.G.E., INC., engineers and Planners, 375 Park Avenue, Coos Bay, Oregon 97420, and at the following locations: Bay Area Plan Exchange Medford Builders Exchange Eugene Builders Exchange Oregon Builders Exchange Josephine County Builders Exchange H.G.E..INC., 19 N.W. Fifth Avenue Construction Data Builders Plan Exchange DJC Plan Center Brookings City Hall Dodge Scan -Coos Bay, Oregon -Medford, Oregon -Eugene, Oregon -Roseburg, Oregon -Grants Pass Oregon -Portland, Oregon -Portland, Oregon -Portland, Oregon -Portland, Oregon -Brookings, Oregon -Seattle, Washington One copy may be obtained by prequalified prospective bidders upon receipt of cash or check in the amount of S 100.00 made payable to the Engineer. Deposit made upon procurement of drawings, specifications, and forms of contract documents will be non-refundable. Individual sheets and specification pages may be purchased for the cost of reproduction: Drawings $2.00 per sheet; Specifications $0.25 per sheet. Bidders must pre-qualify with Owner, on Standard Oregon Review Board Pre­ qualification Forms, ten (10) days prior to bid opening. Disqualification statements shall be issued not later than 4 days before bid opening by the owner. Prequalifica­ tion forms may be obtained from the Engineer and should be submitted to the Owner via the Engineer. If a prequalification form ison file with the Engineer and is notover one year old, refiling is not necessary unless there has been a substantial change in Contractor’s status.No bid will be considered unless fully completed in the manner provided in the “ Instructions to bidders’’ upon the bid form provided by the Engineer and accompanied by a bid bond executed in favor of the City of Brookings in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the bid. Bid bond is to be forfeited as a fixed and liquidated damage should the bidder neglect or refuse to enter into a contract and provide suitable bond for the faithful performance of the work in the event the contract is awarded him. Funds for the improvements are avail­ able, and monthly payments will be made by check. Any Contract award under this Invitation to Bid is expected to be funded in part on file with the Engineer and is not over one year old, refiling is not necessary unless there has been a substantial change in Contractor’s status. No bid will be considered unless fully completed in the manner provided in the “ Instructions to bidders” upon the bid form provided by the Engineer and accompanied by a bid bond executed in favor of the City of Adair Village in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the bid. Bid bond is to be forfeited as a fixed and liquidated damage should the bidder neglect or refuse to enter into a contract and provide suitable bond for the faithful perform­ ance o f the work in the event the contract is awarded him. Funds for the improvements are available, and monthly payments will be made by check. Any Contract award under this Invitation to Bid is expected to be funded in part by a grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),and the Department of Housing and Urban Development through the Oregon Commu­ nity development Program (0CD). Neither the United States nor any of its departments, agencies, or employees is or will be a party to this Invitation to Bid or any resulting contract. This procurement will be subject to regulations contained in Part 33 Procurement Under Assistance Agreements.Contracts awarded after September 30, 1988 are subject to 40 CFR regulations. Bidders on this work will be required to comply with the provisions of the President’s Executive Order No. 11246 concerning equal employment opportu­ nity, including all amendments and requirements issued thereunder. The require­ ments for Bidders and Contractors under this Order are explained in the Contract Documents. The attention of Bidders is directed to the requirements and conditions of employment to be observed and minimum rates to be paid under the Contract. The Bidder shall comply with provisions of ORS 279.348 TO 279.363 or the Davis- Bacon Act (40 U.S.C.276a) for this public work project The bidder’s attention is directed to the provisions of these Contracts that related to the utilization of small, minority, and women business enterprises during the performance period of the Contract. The following goals are set for this Contract: 1. Eight percent of the dollar amount of the construction services and/or supply services is to be performed by minority subcontractors and/or minority suppliers. 2. Four percent of the dollar amount of the construction services and/or supply services is to be performed by women subcontractors and/or women suppliers. Prior to award of Contract, EPA will review the Proposals with respect to the Bidder’s degree of compliance with the above goals; a low Bidder who has not achieved these goals must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director, Office of Civil Rights and Urban Affairs, EPA Region 10, that the goals are not attainable on the Contract work. Before a Contract will be awarded, compliance with all EPA and OCD requirements specified in the Contract Documents will be subject to EPA review and approval. The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals and to waive any informalities in said Proposals. The right is reserved to delete any portion of bid schedule at Owner’s discretion, and to award each schedule separate to the lowest responsive/responsiblc bidder on each schedule. A pre-bid conference to be held 1:00 o ’clock p.m., local time on the 10th day of September, 1990, beginning at the Adair Village City Hall. A tour of the wastewater and proposed construction work will be conducted. At this meeting all questions concerning the Contract Documents or proposed work will be dis­ cussed. No bid will be received or considered by the City of Adair Village or any officer thereof unless the Eid contains a statement by the bidder as a part of his bid that the provisions required by ORS 279.350 shall be included in this Contract. The City of Adair Village reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive all informalities. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the opening and thereafter until after the lapse of sixty (60) days from the bid open­ ing. By order of the City of Adair Village. Wanda Tobiassen City Recorder Support our Advertisers— SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE PORTlANi) OBSERVER w Advertising * Employment Bids/Sub-Bids by a grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Neither the United States nor any of its departments, agencies, or employees is or will be a party to this Invitation to Bid or any resulting contract. This procurement will be subject to regulations contained in Part 33 Procurement Under Assistance Agreements. Bidders on this work will be required to comply with the provisions o f the President’s Executive Order No. 11246 concerning equal employment opportu­ nity, including all amendments and requirements issued thereunder. The require­ ments for Bidders and Contractors under this Order are explained in the Contract Documents. The attention of Bidders is directed to the requirements and conditions of employment to be observed and minimum rates to be paid under the Contract. The Bidder shall comply with provisions of ORS 279.348 TO 279.363 or the Davis- Bacon Act (40 U.S.C.276a) for this public work project. The bidder’s attention is directed to the provisions of these Contracts that related to the utilization of small, minority, and women business enterprises during the performance period of the Contract. The following goals are set for this Contract: 1. Eight percent of the dollar amount of the construction services and/or sup­ ply services is to be performed by minority subcontractors and/or minority sup­ pliers. 2. Four percent of the dollar amount of the construction services and/or sup­ ply services is to be performed by women subcontractors and/or women suppliers. Prior to award of Contract, EPA will review the Proposals with respect to the Bidder’s degree of compliance with the above goals; a low Bidder who has not achieved these goals must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director, Office of Civil Rights and Urban Affairs, EPA Region 10, that the goals are not attain­ able on the Contract work. Before a Contract will be awarded, compliance with all EPA requirements specified in the Contract Documents will be subject to EPA review and approval. A pre-bidconferencetobeheld 1:00 o ’clock p.m., local time on the 12th day of September, 1990, beginning at the Brookings City Hall. A tour o f the wastewa­ ter and water system and proposed construction work will be conducted. At this meeting all questions concerning the Contract Documents or proposed work will be discussed. No bid will be received or considered by the City of Brookings or any officer therof unless the bid contains a statement by the bidder as a part of his bid that the provisions required by ORS 279.350 shall be included in this Contract The City of Brookings reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive all informalities. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the opening and thereafter until after the lapse of sixty (60) days from the bid opening. By order of the City of Brookings. Fred Hummel Mayor INVITATION FOR BIDS Project Number: WA16P008-906Z Project Name: Van Vista Modernization Sealed bids to furnish and deliver 4800 sq. yds. pad and carpet, 510 sq. yds. of sheet vinyl, 16.000 l.f. of rubber base, and 202 vertical blinds will be received by The Housing Authority of the City of Vancouver at the office of The Vancouver Housing Authority, 500 Omaha Way, Vancouver, Washington, until 2:00 o ’clock P.M., September 6,1990, and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud. The Information for Bidders, form o f Bid Proposal, Bid Bond, Contract, and Per­ formance Payment bond, Plans, Specifications, and other contract documents may be examined at the following: The Housing A uthority of the City of Vancouver, 500 O m aha W ay, V ancou­ ver, W A 98661. Copies o f these documents may be obtained after August 23,1990, by deposit­ ing $25.00 for each set. Such deposit will be refunded to each person who returns such documents in good condition within ten days after the bid opening. Each bid shall be accompanied by Previous Participation Certification, Non- Collusive Affidavit, and a certified check or bank draft, payable to The Housing Authority of the City of Vancouver, or U.S. Government bonds, or a satisfactory Bid Bond executed by the Bidder and a Surety that is acceptable to the Federal Government, in an amount equal to five percent o f the bid. The Contract will be awarded on the basis of the base bid unless it overruns the • amount budgeted for this work. In the case of such overrun, deductible alternates will be taken by the VHA in numerical order as they are listed to the extent nec­ essary to come within the budgeted total. If there are no deductible alternates or , taking all deductible alternates the resultant still exceeds the budgeted amount, the VHA reserves the right to reject all bids, or to secure additional funds necessary to awarding the Contract. If the total amount of the bid exceeds $25,000, the successful Bidder will be re­ quired to furnish and pay for satisfactory Performance and Payment Bond, or, separate performance and payment bonds, each for 50% or more of the contract price, or a 20% cash escrow or a 25% irrevocable letter of credit. Attention is called to the provisions for equal employment opportunity, insur­ ance requirements, and the payment of not less than the minimum salaries and wages as set forth in the Specifications. Any prevailing wage rate (including basic hourly rate and any fringe benefits) determined under State or tribal law to be prevailing with respect to an employee in any trade or position employed under the contract is inapplicable to the con­ tract and shall not be enforced against the contractor or any subcontractor with respect to employees engaged under the contract whenever either of the following occurs: (1) Such nonfedcral prevailing wage rate exceeds (A) the Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 276a et seq.) to be prevailing in the locality with respect to such trade; (B) an applicable apprentice wage rate based thereon specified in an apprenticehip program registered with the Department of Labor or a DOL-recognized State Apprenticeship Agency; or (C) an applicable trainee wage rate based thereon specified in a DOL-ccrtified trained program, or (ii) Such nonfederal prevailing wage rate, exclusive of any fringe benefits, exceeds the applicable wage rate determined by the Secretary of HUD to be prevailing in the locality with respect to such trade or position. The Housing Authority of the City of Vancouver reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or to waive any informalities in the bidding. No bidder may withdraw his bid within thirty days after the date of bid opening. STATE OF OREGON DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION DIVISION 2045 Silverton Road, N.E. Salem, OR. 97301 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL The Vocational Rehabilitation Division, an agency within the Oregon Department of Human resources, is seeking proposals from Research and Data analysis firms to perform a Needs Assessment for the state of Oregon. Complete proposal request, and Contract Agreements are available from Jack Kailey, at 378-3830. Minority, female, and small businesses encouraged to submit propos­ als.