Page 8—The Portland Observer—September 5, 1990 The Cold Reality: Why Black Men Commit to Certain Women U ntil now, no book like this one. had ever been w ritten fo r black women! S till, a number o f black men have called A lvis Davis a traitor fo r revealing such inform ation! Many o f them don’t want the women they are involved w ith to Without Bank Financing 1/3 of the Homes on the market will qualify for Bank fi­ nancing. 1/3 will require some repair before financible. 1/3 w on't qualify under any circumstances. 75% of the Homes in inner N/NE Portland will fall into the last two catagories. Let us show you how to avoid the hassles. Call today for a free market analysis. G n to ji- • u _i 1__ miZL PENINSULA REALTY INC. 8040 North Lom bard Portland, Oregon 97203 Business (503) 286-5826 Fax (503) 286-8675 KIMBERLEE HENR1KSON ROSE MARIE DAVIS SALES ASSOCIATE RES: (503) 289-2471 SALES ASSOCIATE RES: (503) 281-8976 read this book. For eight years Alvis observed and recorded the thoughts o f several hundred men on why they com m it to certain women and leave others. He listened to many women talk about their relationship problems. A lv is contends that black men are playing too many games w ith black women and that too often they are intensive to their emotional needs. He goes to explain that, “ A lm ost any women can get a black man in an intim ate relationship, it takes more to get him committed. What’ s even more heart­ breaking is to have a man comm itted, then lose his com m itm ent.” The C old Reality is a book w ritten to give black women a decisive edge when com m uni­ cating to men so that they can get the kind o f com m itm ent they desire. Topics covered in The C old Reality include: 1. W hat a black woman should not te ll about her past relationships. 2. Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated When to get involved sexually. 3. What black men are looking fo r in a relation­ ship. 4. The way to a black man’ s heart. 5. Never be fooled by his “ rap” again. 6. The importance o f respect in a rela­ tionship - how to get it and how to keep it and much much more. Black women w ill particularly ap­ preciate the sensible way this book is organized and w rit­ ten. A lv is ’ candor add a special credi­ b ility to his solid re­ lationship advice. The C old Re­ a lity w ill help many black women avoid a broken heart. It offers reassurance against many com ­ mon mistakes, while confirming that what they know and feel inside is often right. As one reader says, ‘ ‘This book is like a friend who has your best interest at heart.” And explains another, “ It says what I w ould have said i f I had w ritten a book on this subject I must get my daughter to read The C old R ea lity.” And another admits, “ I f only I had read this book before I let Em ie tear m y heart apart.” You can order your copy o f The Cold REality by sending $9.95 plus $2.00 postage and handling to Zevon Publica­ tions P.O. Box 4767 San Jose, C A 95150. Support our Advertisers— SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE PORTLAND OBSERVER Delayed Retirement Credits By James Roosevelt, C hairm an, N a tio n a l Committee to Preserve Social Security and M edicare You probably know that Social Security benefits are reduced for early retirement. But did you know that benefits are increased for late retirement? It’s true, and the in­ crease is getting bet- ___ [ ter, though it is not Roosevelt yet tair . At the present time, age bo is “full retirement age” for receiving Social Security benefits. Unless you are disabled, if you begin to receive benefits before age 65, your bene­ fits are reduced to make up for the additional months that checks will be paid. Over an average lifetime, if you retire early, you will receive exactly the same total benefits you would receive if you had waited until age 65 to retire. If you don’t apply for benefits until after 65, there is an opposite effect. For each month after age 65 that benefits are not paid, future benefits are increased. The same thing happens if you are already receiving benefits and have some checks withheld after age 65 be­ cause you have earnings over the annual earnings limit. This increase is called a delayed retirement credit. In 1990 the delayed retirement credit rose from three to three-and- a-half percent for each 12 months after age 65 that benefits are not paid (7/24 of one percent for each month that benefits are not paid).. The credit will continue to rise by a* half percent every two years until it reaches eight percent in 2008. At that level, it will be actuarially* fair. That is, workers who delay retirement (like workers who re­ tire early) will receive over their expected lifetimes exactly the same total benefits regardless of the age they begin receiving benefits. Ad Effective 9/5 Thru 9/11/90 BREAK THE CYCLE! A V o lu n te e r T rain in g P ro g ra m offered by The Boys and Girls Aid Society ot Oregon Safeway is in your Neighborhood to Stay W e've b e e n a frie n d o f th e fa m ily fo r o v e r 1OO years New we want to share our knowledge and experience with you so we can work together to B r e a k T h e C y c le s of •a r'r es n crisis, young people facing unplanned pregnancies and abuse T A K E T H E F IR S T STEP Attend an orientation session August 20 or September 10 6 to 9 pm BREAK THE CYCLE BASIC TRAINING SESSIONS September 20 and September 27 4 to 9 pm (dinner break included) ALL SESSIONS ARE HELD AT BOYS AND GIRLS AID SOCIETY 2301 NW Glisan Street in Portland For information and registration call Ralph Coulson at 222-9661 Funding for Break The Cycle Volunteer Trainings has been provided by: Oregon Community Foundation March of Dimes Foundation Fred Meyer Challenge The Boys A Clrls Aid Society o f Oregon SAFEWAY C rea m ette’s Macaroni and Cheese Quick to fix pasta dinner, complete in one package, 7.25-Oz. 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