PO RTLRNÖ Volume XX, Number 34 Dr. A. Lee Henderson previews potential of ad revenue in mi­ nority publications PAGE 2 ■■I OPINION Is it education or good minds that produce results? Professor McKinley Burt reflects upon this question in "Perspectives" PAGE 2 Angelique Sanders analyzes the shortcomings of the capitalistic system in "...And Justice For All" PAGE 7 As promised, Ullysses Tucker examines why people put up with physical and emotional abuse, and what can be done PAGE 7 i SPORTS Ullysses Tucker presents an al­ ternate view on the NIKE con­ troversy PAGE 5 A aron F entress h igh lights D om inique H ardem an, an underappreciated P.S.U. foot­ ball player on the rise PAGE 5 Also, don't miss the preview of the upcoming Martinez-Arce boxing match PAGE 5 ETCETERA FOR THOSE LOOKING...Are dating services worth it? Meet a woman from the American Singles Network, and see why she believes in them PAGE 6 □ ’’Cowboy Mike” Keever will bring his ’’magic time machine” to stu­ dents at King Ele­ mentary this Thursday, in an effort to promote students' reading enthusiasm 1>7 hen Ringling Bros, and Barnum VV & Bailey Circus Clow n, Mike K eever, com es to town to conduct "RINGLING READERS", you can be sure he'll bring along his size 36 shoes, red bulbous nose, orange wig and an important m essage for children in the Portland area-read in g is fun! A nationwide program designed to e n c o u ra g e c h ild re n to re a d , "RINGLING READRS" is sponsored in cooperation with Reading Is Fundam en­ tal (RIF), a national non-profit organi­ zation founded to prom ote reading. This year's all-new, 25 m inute, live presenta­ tion will feature "Cowboy Mike" Keever and his magical time machine perform ­ ing for Martin Luther King Elementary school at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, Septe- m er 6. Children from King, as well as other Portland schools have been in­ vited on a special field trip to participate in the program at THE AM ERICAN ADVERTISING M USEUM located at 9 N.W . Second in Portland. The field trip is sponsored by local Burger King restaurants and their community restau­ rants and their community representa­ tives Doris Bray, Mary Jorzig, Felita Burton and Charlene Gordon. Burger King is assisting schools with money for the field trips, and the com m unity repre­ sentatives will be serving students punch and cookies at the Museum. To show children that "Read­ ing Lets You Imagine", Cowboy Mike will take them on an exciting tour through time. An imagination tim e machine, run in part by children's own imagina­ tions, allows them to discover, through Pictured above and below are students at Martin Luther King Elementary school on Northeast Seventh and Alberta. books, how life was in days gone by and how it might look in the future. The program strives to encourage kids to develop their imaginations and create a renewed enthusiasm for reading. In addition, each youngster attending the program will receive the latest edition o f The Ringling Reporter, an 8-page newspaper containing fun and fact-filled stories about the Circus. Each story was written and edited especially for children by RIF. Immediately following the "RINGLING READERS"program, stu­ dents and teachers will tour the Adver­ tising Museum's current exhibit BROAD­ SHEETS, BOMBAST, and BALLY­ HOO: The History o f Circus Advertis­ ing. "RINGLING READERS” spon­ sor Ringling Bros, and Barnum & Bailey Circus will be at Portland's Memorial Coliseum Septem cr 12-16 with nine exciting performances. Tickets arc on sale at the Coliseum Box Offic and GI Joe’s TicketM aster Outlets. 25