> V * • \ X * k < , 'x < *». X 'A xM x *t I’age 10— The Portland O bserver-A ugust 29, 1990 Portland ObSCrVOf CLASSIFIEDS HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Project: Replacement Hospital-Phase IV VA Medical Center-Seattle Washington Architect: John Graham Associates Bid Date and Time: September 13,1990 2:30 PM H otfm an Construction Com pany o f W ashington will be submitting a proposal as a G eneral C ontractor for the above referenced project. It is requested that sab bids and material quotations be directed as follows: HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF WASHINGTON 135 Lake Street South, Suite 265 Kirkland, Washington 98033 Washington Contractor’s License #HOFFMCC164NC All mail and telephone quotations should be addressed to the above address or the follow ing telephone and FAX numbers: Bid Phone: 206-822-5655 Fax: 206-822-3970 H otfm an C onstruction Com pany o f W ashington is an Equal Opportunity Employer and requests sub-bids and material quotations from small, minority, women owned and disadvantaged business enterprises. \ \ e would appreciate receiving an indication o f your intent to bid, items bidding and to whom we m ight address any questions, prior to bid date. Your quotation must be in strict com pliance with the Contract Documents. W e ask that you review all o f the “ Bidding and Contract Requirem ents” and Division 1 “ General R equirem ents” , which m ust be com plied with as they pertain to your scope o f work. We are looking forward to receiving your quotation. Dave Myers Purchasing Manager P R IN C IP A L E X E C U T IV E / M ANAGER E SE R V IC E S D IR E C T O R $3050 - $4298 The Oregon Department of Forestry currently has an opening in Salem for a Principal E xecutive/M anager E, Serv­ ices D irecto r. This announcem ent is to fill the current vacancy. Subm it an application now if you wish to be con­ sidered for this jo b classification. The Services Director provides m anagerial direction to the agency’s Services Sec­ tion, which includes Equipment Pool, .Air Operations, Property Control, Graph­ ics, Log Brands, and Records M anage­ ment operations. This position super­ vises unit m anager positions within the section who are located in different o f­ fices and buildings, and are responsible for statewide support operations. Announcem ent closes September 27, 1990. Contact D ep a rtm e n t of F o r­ estry P ersonnel Section, 2600 S tate S treet, Salem , O R 97310, (503) 378- 2565 for job announcement, test ques­ tions, and applications. NURSING REQUEST FOR BIDS The Portland/O regon Visitors Association is requesting proposals from Christm as tree farms relative to a direct mail campaign in November 1989. The following items are requested: *6(X)-700 3 ft. Christm as trees (tabletop) T r e e stand with water pan ‘ D ecorative balls, lights and garland ‘ Packaging for tree (Shipping Container) Bids are due on Septem ber 4, 1990. Should you wish a copy of the bid, please t ontact V em ita Johnson at 275-9752. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Geology Court Site Improvements Science Facilities additions & Alterations Eugene, Oregon 97403 Bid DAte: August 30,1990 @ 2:00 PM CHAMBERS CONSTRUCTION 2295 Coburg Rd. Suite 100 Eugene,Oregon 97401 Phone: (503)687-9445 Fax: (503)687-9451 We are an equal opportunity em ployer and request sub-bids from disad­ vantaged, minority, women, and em erging small business enterprises. I CHAMBERS CONSTRUCTION NOTICE OF INTENT The Oregon D epartment o f Transportation, Highway Division, is seeking a consultant to conduct environm ental research and to prepare an Environ­ m ental Impact Statem ent for the Sunrise Corridor project in Clackam as County, Oregon. The Division proposes to engage the consultanton a time and material basis. The Highway Division Region 1 office in M ilwaukie, Oregon, will ad­ m inister the study. If you are interested in being considered, a Request for Q ualifications can be obtained by contacting Bob Thompson, Consultant Liaison Engineer, 309 Transportation Building, Salem, OR 97310, telephone (503) 378-6563. A consultant pre-SOQ conference will be held at Region 1 offices, 9002 S.E. M cloughlin Boulevard, M ilwaukie, OR form 1:30-3:30 p.m. on Monday, A ugust 27,1990. Questions for clarification only will be accepted following this conference. Eight copies of the consultant’s response to the Request for Qualification are due by 12 p.m. (noon), Septem ber 11, 1990. NOTICE OF INTENT The Oregon Department o f Transportation, Highway Division, is seeking Statements of Qualifications from consulting engineering firms with dem on­ strated experience in project developm ent and highway engineering. The Highway Division proposes to engage a consultant for such services on the 1-5 @ H ighway 217/Kruse W ay Interchange project. The work will include surveying, mapping, detail design, preparation of final plans and the docum en­ tation necessary to obtain the approval of the Federal Highway A dm inistration to take the project out for bid. The successful consultant will enter into a cost plus fixed fee personal service contract. The anticipated cost o f these services is expected to range from $1,500,000 to $1,700,000. If you are interested in being considered, a Request for Q ualifications can be obtained by calling or writing Bob Thompson, Consultant Liaison engineer, 307 Transportation Building, Salem, OR 97310; telephone (503)378-6563. Statem ents o f Qualifications are due on Septem ber 21, 1990. INFORMATIONAL PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENT PUBLIC SCHOOLS CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids w ill be received u n til 1:00 p.m. on the d a te s in d ic a te d in th e P urchasing D epartm ent, Multnomah County School D is t r ic t 41J, 501 N. Dixon, Portland, Oregon fo r the items lis te d herein: DID FILING DATE September 18, 1990 BID TITLE Public Health Nurse NEW START PROGRAM Salary Range: $2,198-$2,945/Mo. Beg. Salary: $2,198/Mo. Provides a variety of professional public health nursing services. Assesses, plans and evaluates individual, family and community health needs; plans and directs clinics or special programs with clinics. This position will work with the New Start Intervention Program for pregnant women who are substance abusers. Requires Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from an accredited college or university and two years of responsible public health nursing ex­ perience. For required application and supplemental questionnarie, contact Lane County human Resources, 125 E ast 8th A venue, E ugene, OR 97401,(503)687-4171. Filing deadline is 9-7-90. Equal Opportunity Employer. COUNSELING Chemical Dependency Clinical Supervisors Starting salary $ 1644-S1810 per month plus benefits. CODA Inc. has 3 vacan­ cies for Clinical Supervisors in resi­ dential intensive outpatient and as­ sessment programs. All require m as­ ter’s degree in a human services disci­ pline and/or extensive related clinical experience including clinical supervi­ sory experience. Detail position an­ nouncements and application instruc­ tions are available at CODA Inc., 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. (503) 239-8400. Equal opportunity!affirma­ tive action employer. MENTAL HEALTH THERAPIST Outpatient adolescent substance abuse treatment program seeks qualified full time family counselorb for treatment and support services to families. En­ gagement skills and ability to work in team setting necessary. Equal O pportu­ nity Employer. M inorities encouraged to apply. No phone calls please. Send cover letter and resum e to: M ain stream Y outh P ro g ra m , 4531 SE Belm ont, #300, P o rtla n d 97215. NURSING Public Health Nurse New Start Program Salary Range: $2,198 - $2,945/Mo. Beg. Salary: $2,198/Mo. Provides a variety of professional public health nursing services. Assesses, plans and evaluates individual, family and com­ munity health needs; plans and directs clinics or special programs with clinics. This position will work with the New Start Intervention Program for pregnant women who are substance abusers. Re­ quires Bachelor o f Science degree in Nursing from an accredited college or university and two years o f responsible public health nursing experience. For required application and supplemental questionnaire, contact L ane C ounty H um an R esources, 125 E ast 8th A ve­ nue, E ugene, O R 97401, 687-4171. Filing deadline is 9-7-90. Equal Opportunity Employer. Electrical Shop M anager for Oregon State University Physical Plant, C orval­ lis. Journeyman electrician with valid Oregon electrical supervisor’s license required. Contact OSU D ept. o f H u­ m an R esources for application at (503) 737-3103. Completed applications must be received by August 29,1990. OSU is an AA/EEO employer and complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation A ct of 1973. Physical Plant W ork Control M anager at Oregon State University, Corvallis. Minimum four years physical plant ex­ perience including m aintenance, repair and construction required. College degree preferred. Contact OSU D ept. of H u ­ m an R esources for application at (503) 737-3103. Completed applications must be received by A ugust 29,1990. OSU is an AA/EEO employer and complies with Section 504 o f the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. SE C R E T A R Y Program & Office Assistant II Affirmative Action Program w ithin the Member Services Division The Oregon State Bar is recruiting for a part-time 20 hours per week, office as­ sistant to work within its A ffirmative Action Program. Position provides administrative and sec­ retarial assistance for program activi­ ties. Composes and types non-routine correspondence and reports; types let­ ters, memoranda, publications and pamphlets from drafts. Organizes pro­ gram records and reports, com piles in­ formation for variety o f surveys, ques­ tionnaires, reports and agendas. R e­ sponds to student questions regarding program services. Assists in loan, Pro­ fessional Partnership, Minority Law Day, clerkship, library, bar exam services and other program implementation. Skills needed include: ability to use WordPerfect software with personal com­ puter, strong office organizational skills, and excel Ien t i n terpcrsonal and com m u- nication skills. K nowledge o f m ulti­ cultural issues is helpful. Starting Salary Range: $723 per month. Apply immediately - Send resume with a cover letter to: P ersonnel O fficer, O regon S tate B ar, 5200 S.W . m e a d ­ ows R oad, Lake O swego, O R . 97035. Deadline for application: Septem ber 5, 1990. Equal Opportunity Employer ATTENTION - HIRING! G overnm ent jobs - your area. Many immediate openings without waiting list or test. $ 1 7 ,8 4 0 -$ 6 9 ,4 8 5 . Call 1-602-838-8885. E X T R 12859. ATTENTION: POSTAL JOBS! Start $11.4 l/hour! For application info call (1) 602-838-8885, Ext. M-12859, 6am - 10pm, 7 days. RADIO Perm anent part-time entry level posi­ tion assisting telephone operator for radio station. 9am -noon, M onday- Friday. Call Jan at 231-0750. Equal Opportunity Employer Paper Supplies For Warehouse Stock, 1991-92 Benson Polytechnic High School Additions And A lte ra tio n s Formal announcement, d e ta ile d s p e c ific a tio n s and bidding document may be obtained a t the above address. For a d d itio n a l inform ation, please contact M. J. Hutchens, D ir. o f Purchasing, 249-2000, Ext. 581. MASTERCARD- PREAPPROVED NO ONE REFUSED. CLEAR BAD CREDIT. CALL 1-619-565-6597 EXT. C X 1978 24 HRS FOR APPLI­ CATION. DATA PROCESSING PROGRAMMER/ANALYST Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O regon is currently accepting applications for the position o f Program m er/A nalyst in our paym ent/utilization departm ent. The successful candidate will: •Perform the com plete project developm ent life cycle in both a mainframe and microcom puter environm ent to support utilization analysis and m anage­ ment, reim bursem ent m ethodologies, contract negotiation, increased effec­ tiveness of existing corporate programs and the developm ent o f new pro­ grams. •Support health care services and other corporate areas through Ad Hoc data reporting and date analysis •Assume a leadership role in project developm ent applications. Q ualified candidates must have health care related background with emphasis on utilization managem ent, training and experience in user relations, data gathering techniques, file structures and technical writing. Requires a minimum o f 2 yrs. current experience using 4G L, i.e., Natural, SAS and working in both m ainfram e and m icro-com puter environments. Also must have a minimum o f 1 yr. o f recent experience developing and m aintaining a database and a college degree in business adminimstration or com puter science with special em phasis in statisitics. W ork experience may be substi­ tuted for a degree. The ability to work well in a team environm ent is highly desirable. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., Fifth Floor 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 TDD#225-6780 Equal Opportunity Employer Employee Service Manager The Department o f Com m unity D evel­ opm ent is recruiting for an Employee Services M anager to manage its Human Resources M anagement and Develop­ ment Program for 300 full-time and 200 part-time em ployees, including recruit­ ment planning, classification, labor and employee relations, affirm ative action, employee and m anagem ent training and development, wellness, safety and health, career executive and other employee services programs and activities, Min. qualficialions: Bachelor’s degree and 5 years progressively responsible experi­ ence in human resources m anagem ent and developm ent including two years as a manager. Salary up to $37,956 + medical/dcntal, retirement, vacation and sick leave. Position is located in O lym ­ pia. For application and bulletin call (206) 586-3425. DCD is an EOE. HELP WANTED Addressers wanted immediately! No experience necessary. Excellent pay! W ork at home. Call toll free: 1-800- 395-3283 »Advertising ^Employment ss Bids/Sub-Blds NURSE HEALTH RESOURCES COORDINATOR/ HOSPITAL Health M aintenance o f Oregon, a m ember o f Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O regon’s group of com panies, is seeking qualified applicants for the position o f Health Resources Coordinator/Hospital. This position conducts hospital based concurrent utilization review based on established review criteria, with specific em phasis on area of m ental health and chem ical dependency, conducts outpatient/concurrent utilization based on established criteria for m ental health and chem ical dependency; partici­ pates in approval o f services which require authorization; assists in quality assurance monitors and studies. Also responsible for maintaining an accu­ rate data base for all aspects o f HRM /QA program. Qualified applicants will have: •Current Oregon RN license •Exper. in utilization review •Experience in mental health and chemical dependency •Excellent oral and written com m unication skills essential Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package, flex time work hours, and com petitive salary. Pre-em ploym ent drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #401 at the top o f your resum e or you may apply in person between 9 a.m.-4 p.m. M on.-Fri. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., Fifth Floor 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer TDD # 225-6780 PRINTING Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O regon is currently accepting applications in our reprographics departm ent for the following positions. PRESS OPERATOR Qualified applicants must have at least 2 years work experience as a Press O p­ erator. Tw o-color off-set press know ledge & experience helpful. Education is graphics art or printing program is helpful. A pplicant m ust be able to lift 50 lbs. BINDERY CLERK Candidate should be able to lift 75 lbs. frequently, have previous folder expe­ rience, and have the ability to read and follow directions. Tw o years bindery experience or com pletion o f a graphic arts program at a community college preferred. These are swing shift postions with regular working hours from 3:3O-midnight; however, applicants m ust be w illing to work overtim e hours if required. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O regon offers an excellent employee benefits package and com petitive salary. Pre-em ploym ent drug screening required. Please apply in person between 9 a.m.-4 p.m. M on.-Fri. Please bring samples o f your work for the Press O perator position. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., Fifth Floor 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer TDD # 225-6780 PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE/ MANAGER E SERVICES DIRECTOR $3050 - $4298 The Oregon D epartment o f Forestry currently has an opening in Salem for a P rin cip al E x ecu tiv e/M an ag er E, Services D irecto r. This announcem ent is to fill the current vacancy. Subm it an application now if you wish to be co n ­ sidered for this job classification. The Services Director provides m anage­ rial direction to the agency’s Services Section, which includes Equipm ent Pool, Air O perations, Property Control, G raphics, Log Brands, and Records M anagement operations. This position supervises unit manager positions within the section who arc located in different offices and buildings, and arc responsible for statewide support operations. Announcement closes Septem ber 27,1990. C ontact D ep artm en t o f F o restry P ersonnel Section, 2600 S tate S tre e t, Salem , OR 97310, (503) 378-2565 for job announcement, test questions, and applications. Place your advertisement in the Portland Observer Office# (503) 288-0033 Fax# (503) 288-0015