Page 8 -T h e Portland Observer -A ugust 29, 1990 NOW' est Foods Sandwich Spied ring out the best. FRESH OREGON FRYERS GROWN Tiden Whole Fryers Packed In Bags FARMS’ • S' 1990 Best Foods, CPC International Inc. W G SEPTEMBER IS NATIONAL (M X E N MONTH . J U P O N [ E X P U E S 1130.-90 Save 200 . B e s t Foods ® Sandwich isas mi on Spred CONSUMER „ mrt one COupo<’ Of' purchase and vou must pay an applicable sa*s taws ;o«J *bere prohibited taxed or otherwise restricted Cash .aiue i t00< R flA itE R Best foods win reimburse you the face value of this coupon plus 8« it submitted m full compliance with the Bes' foods Rede-nphon °oiicy Send coupons tor redemption to Best Foods Box _ 870025 i Paso Texas 3858’ -0Cc’ 5 FREMONT PRODUCE AND MEAT 1325 N.E. FREMONT NOW OPEN SPECIALS EVERYDAY 10 a.m.- 7 p.m. FRESH FISH Salmon Catfish Buffalo fish Redshaper -& O C £ S ° BULK ITEMS Rice Navy beans Pinto beans Lima beans Green split peas AND OTHER ITEM S POULTRY Chicken breast Chicken wings Ham hocks Turkey necks PRODUCE Potatoes Onions Apples Carrots Grapes Watermelon Mustard, greens * ® CM 548001130208 79 48001 13020 America Re-discovers Whole Grain The Surgeon General’s Report on Nutrition and Health as well as other health organizations recommend that Americans increase their intake of complex carbohydrates. Whole-grain foods are excellent sources of this nutrient. They are often low in fat, including saturated fat. Whole-grain foods can be good sources of liber, vitamins and minerals. As an added benefit, substituting whole-grain foods for foods high in fat can help with weight loss That’s because a gram of carbohydrate provides less than half the calories of a gram of fat, Gunkler explains With all these benefits, it makes good sense to include whole-grain foods in meals and snacks Here are some ways to add them to your diet: • For breakfast, choose cereals that are clearly identified as being made with the whole grain, for example. Whole Wheat Total cereal. • Have you considered cereal as a snack'.’ A bowl of whole-grain cereal with skim milk and fruit can be a tasty bedtime or after-school treat • When choosing English muffins or bagels, look for those made w ith whole grain. • Prepare lunch sandwiches with whole wheat, pumpernickel or rye bread. • Use whole-grain pasta and rice in main dishes, salads, casseroles and soups. • Make coating mixtures for chicken and fish with crushed whole- grain cereal • For parties, offer your guests whole-grain crackers along with the selection of meat and cheese toppings Check the ingredient list on foods as you shop and select those made with whole grains for a flavorful, healthy addition to your diet ____ POUND 0 _ S P L IT FR YER B R E A S T S .....$2 2’ POUND $169 POUND FR YER T H IG H S ............ ...... I PO $■«39 PO UND FR YER D R U M S T IC K S WE RESERVE THE „,ruT THE FRIENDLIEST STORES IN TOWN SINCE T908 Specials Effective TUES. thru SUN. AUG. 28 thru SEPT. 2, 19 0 Place your advertisement in the Portland Observer Office# (503) 288-0033 Fax# (503) 288-0015 Ad Prices Effective 8/29 thru 9/4190 Chicken Vegetable Pie Supreme | 1 package (10 oz.) or 2 1/2 cups frozen mixed vege­ tables or frozen vegetable combination of your choice 1/2 cup frozen chopped onions 3 tablespoons butter or margarine 3 tablespoons flour 1 can (14 1/2 oz.) or 1 3/4 cups chicken broth 1/2 teaspoon marjoram or oregano, crushed Dash of ground nutmeg Dash of ground pepper 2 cups (about 3/4 lb.) cubed, cooked chicken 2 tablespoons dry sherry Pastry for 2-crust (9-inch pie) 1 egg yolk 1 tablespoon water Saute vegetables and onions in butter about 3 minutes. Gradually stir in flour. Lower heat, cook and stir 1 minute. Add chicken and sherry and heat thoroughly. Spoon into 4(11/2 cups) individual oven-safe baking dishes. Roll pie crust into 4 pieces 1-inch larger than the dish; place over chicken mixture. Crimp edges and cut vents in crusts. Beat egg yolk and water; brush over crust. Bake at 425 20 minutes or until crust is browned. Cook 5 to 10 minutes before serving. Makes 4 servings. Lead Cans Now Safe Due to recent controversy that has hinted at high-risk traces of poisonous lead in present canning methods, a recent study conducted by the National Food Processors Association (NFPA), the nation’s leading food industry scientific association, prompted the NFPA to recommend at a recent Senate subcommitte meeting that food manufacturers cease * ‘production, packing and distribution of all foods in lead-soldered containers.” Already, the number of lead-soldered cans produced in the United States has been reduced from 90 percent in 1979 to just 3.07 percent during the first quarterof 1990. The reduction of lead-soldered cans is due largely to efforts undertaken by NFPA and container suppliers through the Can Manufacturers Institute (CMI). Joint efforts resulted in new methods for manufacturing metal cans with no side seams and welded instead of lead-soldered side seams, and other technological im­ provements. NFPA’s current recommendation would apply to domestically-produced cans as well as those imported by NFPA members. NFPA and CMI are cooperating with the Food and Drug Administration in a new survey of food processors to learn more about how many of them use lead soldered cans and for which prod­ ucts. The report will be complete sometime this sum­ mer. “ There is no risk from lead levels in canned foods,” says Dennis Hcldman, executive vice president for scientific affairs for NFPA. “ Not only has the food industry vastly reduced the number of lead-soldered cans over the years, but in most children-the group toxicologists are most concerned about-most lead in­ take is of non-dietary origin, mainly the inhalation of lead-bearing dust and dirt and average water consump­ tion.” Heldman said. HOURS WEEKDAYS 4 A M ’ 0 4 I’M SAFEWAY ÏLAYRPAC H 0 .I M I .0 » « »ORANGE JUICE» Flav-R -Pac O ra n g e J u ic e 12-Ounce Frozen concentrate. Just add water and mix up a refreshing juice. Delicious & nutritious! ¿B umbl Ea. /B umble B ees (1 IN WATER I) SjynLLfeht Tuna in Water B u m b le B e e C hunk L ight T una Packed in Water or Oil, 6.5-Ounce Can. For great sandwiches, salads, appetizer snacks and more. For SUNDAY 9AM to 7PM