August 22, 1990 The Portland Observer Page 9 Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS Employment Opportunities M ultnom ah County Program Development Specialist - Vo- rational Services: $27,478 - $33,596 annually; responsibilities inc ludc m oni­ toring operational details of mental health com m unity-based supported em ploy­ ment, educational and other programs; developing cooperative working agree­ ments with other agencies; and provid­ ing technical assistance to supported em ploym ent program s serving mentally retarded and develo p m en tal^ disabled students and adults; apply by August 31. 1990. Fiscal S p ecialist 2 - Social Services Di­ vision: $13.16 per hour, responsibili­ ties include preparing accounting trans­ actions, assisting with revenue tracking and grant accounting and preparing fi­ nancial reports and reconciliations; apply by August 31 ,1 9 9 0 . D ental H y g ien ist: $11.46 - $13.23 per hour; apply by A ugust 31,1 9 9 0 . Inform ation & Referral Specialist: $9.52 per hour; apply by August 31, 1990. Follow-up coordinator - AIDS Out­ reach P rogram : $10,89 per hour, apply by A ugust 31,1 9 9 0 . W H E R E TO APPLY Multnomah County Employee Services, Room 1430, 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland, OR 97204. Multnomah County is an Equal Oppor­ tunity Employer offering an excellent benefit package. TEACHER SPEECH & LANGUAGE .9FTE (4.5 days w eek/171 d ays p er Fiscal Y ear) Apply im m ediate need. Appl. Deadline: Open Until Filled Come to the M u ltn o m ah E ducation Service D istrict Recruitm ent Office 11611 N .E. Ainsworth Circle Port­ land, O reg o n for the MESD application form. An Equal Opportunity Employer ELECTRICIAN $1781 - $2362 Monthly Oregon State Highway Division has two vacancies in Portland. This position performs journey-level electrical work. You must be licensed as a General Jour­ neyman in O regon. Preference will be given to applicants with experience in traffic signals and/or illumination. To obtain an application, contact O D O T Personnel at (503) 378-6281. Applica­ tions m ust be returned by 5:00 p.m., September 10, 1990. We are an AA/ EEO Employer. PUBLIC NOTICE SENIORS NEED SPECIAL- NEEDS CHILDREN Seniors on limited-income who love chil­ dren can earn extra tax-free money and receive one free meal a day by becom ­ ing Foster G randparents to children with special-needs. Call M etropolitan Family Service’s Foster G ran d p aren t Program a t 249-8215 for more information. CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE T C I C ablevision of O reg o n , Inc. cur­ rently has an opening for a full-time customer service reprentative. A ppli­ cant qualifications include telephone skills, typing skills, ability to follow policies and procedures, oral com m uni­ cation skills, able to cope with stress and able to work w ell with the public and co- workers. A drug test will be required of the final applicant. A pplications w ill be accepted until 8/ 31/90. Interested parties may submit applications/resum cs by mail to: T C I C ablevision o f O reg o n , Inc., a t 3500 S.W . B ond, P o rtla n d , O R 97201, ATT:M AC. Equal Opportunity Employer MENTAL HEALTH Adolescence substance abuse program needs experienced Education/Prcvention Specialist to provide assistance services to middle schools, class presentation and group facilitation. Resum e to: M ainstream Youth Program , 4531 S.E. Belm ont, Portland, OR 97215. Equal Opportunity Employer Minorities encouraged to apply S tate of O reg o n Econom ic D evelop­ m en t D ep a rtm e n t is recruiting to fill two positions, both located in Salem. PROGRAM COORDINATOR - PROGRAM TECH. 2 $29,724 A n n u a l/S ta rt This position is responsible for evalu­ ation and contract supervision over lo­ cal construction projects in various ar­ eas of the state; the projects are part o f the state’s Com m unity Development Block Grant and Special Public W orks Fund. Qualifications: two years experience with responsibility for program /projcct monitoring and coordination in a com ­ munity developmcnt/public works pro­ gram. The experience m ust have in­ cluded program evaluation responsibil­ ity. Application must be received by Sep­ tem ber 5, 1990. RISK MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST - PROGRAM TECH. 2 $29,724 A n n u a l/S ta rt This position is responsible for assuring that Private Industry Councils (PIC’s) and contractors are operating training and em ploym ent program s for low -in­ come or disadvantaged population in compliance with applicable federal, state and local laws by participating in a monitoring process. Q u alifications: two years experience with responsibility for program /project monitoring and coordination in a job training, vocation education, em ploy­ ment or related program. T he experi­ ence must have included program evalu­ ation responsibility. Applications must be received by Sep­ tember 10, 1990. A pplicants will need to com plete a state application form and respond to exam i­ nation questions on the recruiting an­ nouncements. To receive these m ateri­ als please call or write: E conom ic D evelopm ent P ersonnel Office 775 S u m m er St. NE Salem , O R 97310 (503) 373-1200 ext. 219 An EEOIAA Employer POLICE OFFICER $2127 - $2564/m o. (D epending on qualification) E xcellent benefits plus P E R S r e tire ­ m en t c o n trib u tio n The City of Oregon City is seeking quali­ fied and exceptional individuals inter­ ested in a law enforcem ent career to fill current and future POLICE OFFICER openings. A pplicants m ust be a U.S. citizen, be 21 years o f age at time o f appointm ent, possess a high school di­ ploma or GED, possess or be able to obtain a valid driver’s license, have coorected or uncorrected visual acuity o f 20/20 in both eyes and normal hear­ ing acuity. All applicants o f the m ul­ tiple choice may be further evaluated by a crim e scene analysis/reporl writing test and a physical capability test. Top candidates placed on the eligibility list must successfully pass a comprehensive background investigation prior to ap ­ pointment and may also undergo pychol- ogical and m cdical/drug exams. Oregon City applications required. A p­ plication packets available between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. at C ity of O regon C ity, P erso n n el D e p a rtm e n t, 320 W a rn e r M ilne R o ad , O regon C ity , O regon 97045, (503) 657-0891. Closing date September 1 0 ,1990,5:00p.m . AnEqual Opportunity Employer. NURSING SUPERVISOR, FIELD SERVICES C o m m unity H ealth N urse 3 NO W EEKENDS Are you innovative? A visionary? Looking for an opportunity to use your strong m anagem ent skills? Clackamas County ’ s Public Health Di vision is seek­ ing a qualified individual to supervise several m atcm al/child health programs. These include well child clinic, com m u­ nity health nursing and other clinical services for mothers and babic> Inde­ pendent judgem ent, conflict resolution, strong decision making and strong tech­ nical skills a must. M aster’s dcgrccjKSL ferred. In addition to an outstanding benefit package, Clackamas County offers 6% PERS retirement contribution plus a salary range of $2632 to $3847, com m ensurate with experience. Deferred com pensa­ tion also available. COUNTY EMPLOYMENT APPLICA­ TION REQUIRED. A pplication m ate­ rials available at C lack am as C ounty P erso n n el, 904 M ain S tre e t, O regon C ity, O reg o n 97045. Open until suffi­ cient applications received. An Equal Opportunity Employer. GOVERNM ENT SEIZED VE­ H IC L E S front $100.00. M iata’s, C orvettes, M ercedes, Jaguars, Porsches and oilier mise, confiscated property now being sold to the gen­ eral public. For buyers guide call (708) 355-9802 ext. 7585. Open 7 days 8:00 a .m. to 11:00 p.m. PORT OF PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Sr. M arket Developm ent Associate to develop and im plem ent targeted m ar­ keting programs to attract com panies to locate in Portland that will generate cargo through Port marine terminal facilities. Position closes 8/24/90. Associate Planner working under the d i­ rection o f a senior planner/projcct m an­ ager to provide support to Port depart­ m ents in developing a variety of plan­ ning projects and studies. Position closes 8/31/90. For additional information, call the Port’s Job Hot Line (503) 231-5478 PAYROLL COORDINATOR The City of G resham is seeking a Pay­ roll Coordinator for varied and special­ ized tasks within the Payroll Section. Duties include: Coordinating produc­ tion o f payroll checks, processing date, generating semimonthly paychecks, answ ering questions, researching pay­ roll issues, distributing Social Security, Federal and Stale w ithholding taxes, verifying various monthly reports in­ cluding health insurance. The position requires extensive contact with all lev­ els o f City employees. Q ualifications: Three years o f respon­ sible experience in on-line payroll sys­ tem s, preferably in a m unicipal setting, including directing and monitoring the work o f others. Precm ploym cnt m edi­ cal exam includes drug screening. Sal­ ary: $2,091-2,667/m o. plus benefits. CITY APPLICATION AND SUPPLE­ M ENTAL QUESTIO N N A IRE R E ­ QUIRED. Apply by 8/29/90. C ity of G resham , H um an R esources Div., 501 N .E. H ood, Suite 100, G resham , OR 97030. (503) 669-2309. TD D (503)665-8519. EOE. — - - - -- ■ PROJECT COORDINATOR $36,492 - $47,268 The Portland D evelopm ent C om m is­ sion is seeking a Project C oordinator to assist with the D evelopm ent Depart­ m ent’s Eastside Development Program. This position will have responsibility for the C om m ission’s East Riverfront Park Project and the creation of design and developm ent guidelines for the area. W ill undertake other developm ent proj­ ects as assigned. Experience in the following areas is required: real estate developm ent, coordination of public agencies and private interests in the de­ velopm ent process, hiring and m anag­ ing consultants. Experience with public redevelopm ent agency and park plan­ ning or construction are also desirable. Successful candidate will have ability to work effectively with people, govern­ m ent agencies and private businesses and contractors. University degree in Planning, Architecture or Urban Design required. Graduate level training desir­ able. Three to five years experience in related field required. Closing date: Septem ber 7, 1990. For an application packet, please call 796- 6819 or apply at PORTLAND DEVELOPM ENT COM M ISSION 1120 S.W . Fifth, Suite 1100 Portland, OR 97204 An Equal Opportunity Employer GENERAL CLERK G eorgia-P acific C o rp , has an im m edi­ ate opening for a General Clerk to per­ form routine clerical duties for our ac­ counting departm ent. This entry level position will provide duties of a general nature including filing, typing, data entry and xeroxing. Two years clerical experience in ac­ counting functions preferred. Accurate typing ability and 10-kcy skills required. Ideal candidate will possess strong apti­ tude for accuracy, be highly organized and have excellent communication skills. Prefer applicants apply in person W ed­ nesday, 8/22 to Friday, 8/24 from 9:00 - 4:00. If unable to apply in person, send resume with salary history by August 24th. Please indicate specific position. G eorgia-P acific C o rp o ra tio n H um an R esources D ep artm en t - 17th F loor 900 S.W . Fifth Avenue Portland, OR 97204 Equal Opportunity Employer ta Advertising w Employment * Bids/Sub-Bids LABORATORY TECHNICIAN RECEPTIONIST SECRETARY Addictions Treatment Exciting opportunity to join our team of professionals in P rovidence M edical C enter’s new Addictions Treatment Cen­ ter. Immediate openings for the follow ­ ing: SE C R E T A R Y - Professional,excellent phone manner, interpersonal and com ­ munications skills, light typing. Data processing experience. R E C E P T IO N IS T - Light typing, busy phones, PBX System 75 preferred. Hours Mon.-Fri., 10a.m.-7p.m. $1818 to $2322 per m onth E xcellent benefits including m edical, d en tal, life, disability and 6% PE R S re tire m e n t co n trib u tio n . Clackamas County’s Department of Utili­ ties is seeking a professional lab techni­ cian to work at the Tri-City Waste W ater Treatm ent Facility. Individuals espe­ cially skilled and experienced in stan­ dard waste water lab techniques are urged to apply. COUNTY EMPLOYMENT APPLICA­ TION REQUIRED. Application m ate­ rials available at Clackam as County Personnel, 904 M ain S treet, O regon C ity, O regcci 97045. Closing date A ugust 31, 1990, 5:00 p.m. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing date for these two positions is Monday, 8/27. Com petitive salary and excellent benefits offered. Apply to Personnel D epartm ent, Provi­ dence M edical C e n te r, 4805 N.E. Gli- san St., P o rtla n d , O R 97213. An Equal Opportunity Employer. PR O V ID E N C E M ED IC A L CENTER SUPERVISOR, SPECIAL EDUCATION (EMOTIONALLY HANDICAPPED English as a Second Language Program) To supervise staff in the planning and implementation of direct teaching and/ or services with students. Appl. Deadline: 8/24/90 - OPEN UNTIL FILLED Call at 257-1510 Jcancen, for Multnomah E d u cation Service D istrict application form and additional information or come to M ultnom ah E ducation Service Dis­ tric t, 11611 N.E. A insw orth C ircle, P o rtla n d , O R . An Equal Opportunity Employer ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY COMMITTEE OF CLARK COUNTY, INC. - HEAD START OF CLARK COUNTY T E A C H E R - BA Elementary Educa­ tion, prefer ECE. 1 year paid experience with 3-5 yr. olds in preschool setting. Experience supervising adults. Begin­ ning salary S8.66/hr.; 30hrs./w k.; 36.5 wks./yr. T E A C H E R A SSISTA N T II - AA in ECE or CD A and 1 yr. experience with 3-5 yr. olds in preschool setting. Begin­ ning salary $6.06/hr.; 28hrs./w k.; 35.5 wks./yr. All positions require dependable auto­ mobile, insurance, valid driver’s license. Obtain application, position announce­ ment and jo b description 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Mon.-Fri., EOC Office, 10619 N .E. Coxley D rive, V ancouver, WA 98662 (206) 896-9912. Completed applications must be received in EOC office by 4 p.m., August 21, 1990. EEOC/AA ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY COMMITTEE OF CLARK COUNTY, INC. - HEAD START OF CLARK COUNTY BUS D RIV ER - Valid W ashington Comm ercial D river’s licenseor w illing­ ness to obtain. Experience working with young children. Salary range: $5.45 - $6.62/hr.; 20-32 hrs./wk; 28-35 w ks./ yr. PA R EN T IN V O L V E M E N T S P E ­ C IA L IST - Bachelor’s Degree in H u­ man Services or related field, or combi- anation of A.A. degree and two years experience in Human Services or re­ lated field. Salary range: $ 7 .0 6 -$ 8 .6 0 / hr.; 40 hrs./wk.; 40-45 wks./yr. All positions require dependable auto­ mobile, insurance, valid driver’s license. Obtain application, position announce­ ment and job description 9:00 a.m .-4:00 p.m., Mon. F ri.F iX ' Office, 10619 N.E. Coxley D rive, V ancouver, WA 98662 (206) 896-9912. Com pleted applica­ tions must be received in EOC office by 4 p.m., August 29, 1990. DATA ENTRY CLERK NO O N E REFUSED. CLEAR BAD CREDIT. CALL 1-619-565-6597 E X T .C X 1978 24 HRS FOR A PPLI­ CATION. Through Diversity he innovative spirit at SAFECO is built on the idea that involve­ T ment in several arenas not only expanas our options—it expands yours This philosophy is as true in our product and service offerings as it is in our approach to reward ing every employee As one of America's largest diversified finan cial corporations, we offer excel lent salaries and an innovative benefits package Our commitment to innovation and diversity is also reflected in the unique blend of cultures and customs in our people By taking an active role in equal opportu­ nity efforts, we can more readily meet the needs of an increasingly complex marketplace To that end, we particularly invite minority, sen­ ior, and disabled applicants to explore employment opportunities in areas such as claims, under writing, and clerical support. In return for your efforts, you can expect a very competitive starting salary, an excellent benefits pack­ age, and salary Increases based on performance. Please forward your resume to SAFECO Insurance Companies. Attn Personnel. 4101 S.W Kruse Way, Lake Oswego, OR Responsibilities: Data entry o f trainee information; filing and retrieving docu­ ments; verification o f data; operation o f various office machines. This is a regular, full time position. Preferred qualifications: High school diploma or GED; one year’s ex­ perience in data entry positions; demonstrated good oral com m unica­ tion skills. General clerical skills, word processing and data processing experience required. Salary range: $16,131 to $22,739 plus excellent benefit package. Closing date: 5 p.m., Thursday, August 30, 1990. ASSOCIATE PLANNER Applications available at T he P riv ate City of M ilwaukie, OR Salary: $2045- In d u stry C ouncil, 520 S.W . Sixth $2486/mo D.O.Q. (under negotiation), Avenue, Suite 400, Portland, O R 972(M. plus excellent benefits. Position per­ Fax 241-4622. No phone calls, please. forms a variety of tasks, including An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportu­ project work, and is expected to exer­ nity Employer. cise independent judgm ent and initia­ tive in performance o f assignments. GRAPHICS ASSISTANT Associate Planner has opportunity for $23,272 - $30,384 challenging work assignments in de­ Graphics Assistant in the Public Affairs velopment review and zoning adm ini­ Section o f the Portland Development stration, long-range and project plan­ Commission. Produce standard and spe­ ning and interdepartmental coordina­ cialized graphic materials using graphic tion and liaison. Special expertise or design, desk-top publishing, layout, paste­ project experience in transportation, up, under supervision of Graphics De­ housing or historic resources planning signer. Experience with M acintosh is necessary. Strong writing, public software; word processing/typing skills, com munication and basic design and working knowledge of photography; good graphic skills are essential for this attention to detail; good organizational position. This position requires three skills. Three years graphics layout and years of professional experience in design experience or college degree in city and/or regional planning work or a m ater’s degree in Planning and two graphic design field. Closing date: September 7, 1990. For years of experience in city and/or re­ an application packet, please call 796- gional planning work. Application packets can be obtained at the City of 6819 or apply at: PO R T L A N D D E V E L O PM E N T Milwaukie Personnel Office. Interested C O M M ISSIO N applicants must submit com pleted job application, supplemental questionnaire 1120 S.W . Fifth, Suite 1100 and written exam ination to be received P o rtla n d , O R 97204 An Equal Opportunity Employer by 5:090 P.M ., W ednesday,August 29,1990 at City of Mil waukie. Person­ nel Office, 10722 SE Main Street, EMPLOYMENT Milwaukie, OR 97222; (503) 659-5171. OPPORTUNITY Fax #(503) 652-4433. EEO The Federal Bureau of Prisons has opened a new Federal Correctional Institution busoperators in Sheridan, Oregon. The Federal (Part-Time) Correctional Institution will provide care, custody, and control for 15(X) Would you like a part-tim e job that pays minimum/medium security inmates. over $ 10/hr? Are you at least 21 years of age? Do you have an excellent Correctional O fficer positions driving record? Do you have good are available. Salary: $8 .7 1/hr , possible promotion to people skills? Have you had continu­ $9.68/hr. after six months o f service. ous em ploym ent for at least one year Experience: Three and a half years of with one employer? If you can answ er substantive work experience required. yes to all of these questions, then part- Some military experience and/or post time bus driving may be the jo b for high school education may be substi­ you! To find out, apply w eekdays tuted for work experience. between 8:30 - 4:30 PM at the TRI- In accordance with Public Law 93-350, MET Personnel O ffice, 4012 SE 17th applicant for positions within a federal Ave.,4th Floor, Portland: A pplications correctional institution must not have accepted through Friday, Septem ber reached their 35th birthday in order to 14, 1990. An EOE. be eligible for appointm ent to this p o - ----------- ------------------------------------------- SAFECO H sition. Interested individuals should contact the Human Resource Department at (503) 843-4442, or you may write the fol­ lowing address for additional infor­ mation: Human Resource Department, FCI-Administration, Post Office Box 5001, Sheridan, OR 97378-5001. THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EM­ PLOYER ADOPT! Happily m arried, financially secure couple w ants to share our love, home and stuffed ani­ mal collection with an infant. Please answer our prayers. Related expenses. Confidential. Call M artha & M ark collect after 4:00 p.m ., (215) 248-1595. POSITION OPEN T een P a re n t D ept. C o o rd in a to r Apply: AMA Family Day and Night Care 1425 NE Dekum 285-0588 285-0493 or EEOC/AA MASTERCARD- PREAITROVED JnMWtfoH Send resume to: P O B o x 11243 P o rtla n d , O R 97211 Must have own transportation and experience in w orking with teenagers. Closes August 31, 1990.