A u gust 22, 1990 T h e P o rtla n d O b s e r v e r P a g e 7 HEUBLEIN SUPPORTS URBAN LEAGUE MRS C’S WIGS W H O L E S A L E & RETAIL H U N D R E D S O F W IG S FOR YOUR EVERCHANGWG LIFESTYLES ,A b e ttv » NAOMI SIMS • BORNFREE • MICHAEL WEEKS c a s in i ANO OTHER NAME BRANDS p r o p r ie T O “. TU V S -S A T 1 1 . 3 0 - 6 rOC EVERYTHUC FROM CURRENT STYLES TO SPECIALTY WHS UNOUE HAF ORNAMENTS HAF BEADS & BEAUTY SUPPLES BEAUTICIAN & STUDENT DISCOUNTS MRS. CS EBONY ESSENCE COSMETCS ZURI COSMETCS 281-6525 A HELPING HAND - Jerry Moore, (center) executive director of the Detroit-based Chrysler Motors Black Dealers Association (CMBDA), presents a check for $5,000 to the Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, founder of Operation PUSH, and McNair Grant (left), executive director of the Opera­ tion PUSH International Trade Bureau. The donation will support the work of the Trade Bureau, which assists African -American busi­ ness development through fair- share agreements and procure­ ment contracts. The Chrysler Motors Black Dealers Association is a national trade association of African-American dealers of Chrysler, Plymouth, and Dodge vehicles. 100'/. HUMAN HAF FOR 7th & FREMONT (7 0 7 N.E. FREMONT) S u p p o rt o u r A d vertisers-- SAY Y O U SAW IT IN T H E PO RTLAN D OBSERVER ♦P u rch ase by A u gu st 29th ♦Fly until F eb ru ary 28th S ta rtin g P rice C ity $ 1 5 8 .0 0 R T San F ra n cisco , & We believe it's our BEST TIRE VALUE EVER Travel Roberts (503) 287-1745 3415 N.E. Broadway Low Fall Fares <¡3 BRAIDING WEAVI1G »60,000-miie wearout warranty*— the longest we've EVER offered! »Lifetime FREE Replacement" »All-season tread design P R E D A T O R Predator 60 9099 ■IW T MICHELIN RADIALS AT REDUCED PRICES! K « 155 4 0 ,0 0 0 to 60.000-M ILE WEAROUT WARRANTIES* While Quantities Last! " I t Predator 60 euer tails due to a detect in material or workmanship during the usable life ol the tread— WE LL REPLACE IT FREE! L os A n geles San D iego $ 2 1 8 .0 0 R T St. L ou is D allas C h icago 60.000-mile wearout warranty AS LOW AS P155 8OR13 P165 80R13 P175 80R13 P185 75R14 P195 75R14 P205 75R14 P2O5 75R15 P215 75R15 P225 75R15 P235 75R15 29” $41.99 48.99 54 99 57.99 58 99 60.99 62.99 63.99 94.99 RoadHandler SCR 60.000-m ile weaiout warranty 50,000-tn il. wearout warranty $ 2 7 8 .0 0 R T J a ck so n , M iss. A tlan ta W ash in gton , D .C . r, / | i i ■ r- • / 9 N ew Y ork D etroit ♦Sen iors at L o w er F are ♦B ook U n ited A irlin es and we',1 su p p ly $ 3 5 .0 0 o ff cou p on ♦C all T ravel R ob erts for m ore in form ation I N. Dinkins, Mayor of the City of New York. National Urban League was founded in 1910 to promote inter­ racial cooperation at a time when racism was rampant in America. Since then the League has been providing programs of direct service to millions of people each year. Its name has always been synonymous with employment, training, and job placement, as well as advocacy, research, and sDecial Droiects which have a John E. Jacob (right), President, National Urban League celebrates with Lynn Borges, Chairman of the Hartford Urban League and Director of Human Resources, Heublein (center), and Jack Shea, Director External Affairs. Heublin the 80th anniversary of the National Urban League Confer­ ence recently held in New York City. Heublein was one of the prin­ ciple co-sponsors of the annual Urban League dinner that drew ?nnn nnnnle The kev note I’m not ■ ljust ca n 't understand some words. I j AS LOW AS 1S5/SR12 145 S h l3 155 SR13 175 SR14 185 SR14 185 70SR13 1 7 5 70SR13 1 8 5 70SR13 1 8 5 70SR14 195 79SR14 205 70SR14 195 60SA14 195 60SR15 34“ P165 80R13 P175 80R13 P185 80R13 P185 75R14 P195 75R14 P205 75R14 P205 75R15 P215 75R15 P225 75R15 P235 75R15 ti7 .9 d " 46.97 56.66 57 50 60.66 63.77 65.72 66.77 70.00 7 1 .6 1 69.76 MINUTE TIRE INSTALLATION M IC H E L IN M IC H E L IN ALIGNMENT Guardsman Radial RoadHandler LT RoadHandler + Guardsman Radial 50.000-m ile wearout warranty, 40 000-m ile wearout warranty AS LOW AS P155 80R13 P165 80R13 P175 80R13 P185 80R13 P185 75R14 P195 75R14 P205 75R14 P205 75R15 P215 75R15 P225 75R15 P23575R 15 P185 70R14 25.000-m ile wearout warranty AS LOW AS LT195 75R 14 $55.73 60.81 LT215 75R15 LT235 75R15 LT215 85R18BW LT235 85R16BW 8OOR16.5BW 6.75R16.5BW 9 50R16.5BW 30X9.50R15 31X10.50R15 6 5 .7 7 6 9 .9 1 7 1 .7 6 7 6 .9 9 6179 8 6 .9 2 87.79 6 9 .4 5 7 3 .2 1 w 1 n LOW 668.97 95.96 19" I W Thrust line P165 80R13 $ 3 3 .0 0 P175 80R13 3 6 50 P185 75R14 3 7 .9 9 P195 75R14 3 8 .9 4 P205 75R14 3 9 .7 2 P215 75R15 39.91 39.99 P225 75R15 usa GUARDSMAN f i r e s t o n e AS LOW AS P155 80R13 8OR13 p 155 8 • All-season tread design • 2 steel belts tor durability 138.99 104.79 122.97 152.99 9S.95 106.92 PASSENGER PERFORMANCE TIRES ! I ir e 7 l 7 l ^ í ä I iiiu uestuiie Total 4-wheel 24“ 39” 49” We set adiustable angles to manufacturer s specfications LIGHT TRUCK, VAN (BIFGoodrich TrailHandler "’[ Goodrich ■ ¿ m im in ' ____ I have difficulty hearing in noisy situations ____ I hear peo ple speak but have difficulty understanding the words. ____ I have difficulty understanding on th e phone. ____ I have to turn up th e radio or television to where it's uncom fortably loud for others. ____ I haven't h ad my hearing tested in m ore a year. If you said yes to any of th e abo ve. It's tim e to get your hearing tested a t an authorized Miracle-Ear Center. Call Today for Free Hearing Test. 281-2661 or 281-2663, ask for Sheila 690.66 97.75 56.96 93.77 67.79 Miracle-Ear* B e s t C a s h P r ic e s S p eed y S ervice D A D 'S O IL S E R V IC E H e a t in g O ils F rien d ly C all for Q uote!!! 104 NE Russel S t Portland, O R 9 7 2 1 2 (503) 282-5111 O O O DONOR _ _ _ _ PORTLAND PLASMA DONOR CENTER is [xciriDmfNNOUNCi oux GRAND^OPENING TIMESAVER OIL CHANGE We install up to 5 qts S p e c tru m o il and single-stage oil fil­ ter Lube chassis Limit on« coupon pat porthaaa Void whara prohibited by law Donale j w lih tonna btood piotino I roto« toth lorroter 'into1 fnioy monet «hila roti dono«1 Cleon iole heolmy J mednolly tupemiied ¡Unioni tophntnoled outomoied (omptii en keapt youi lime tpeni donolmj lo o minimum Othor »libs similor liv in g s INCLUDE Installation •L im it.. warranty to, months mito. .pMlltoO So. Auto Conto, tor dot.ils Not .11 products s o rv i« , ou.il.hlo a. .11 Auto Centers Some t.re s . m s . . . 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