A * M .M M A tA ^.N X N N A A V X ^V Page 10—The Portland Observer August 22, 199(1 --------------- » ■■ A-\*A*d ¿» ,*;*■> s>>'» *‘ » » • ! * «»>»■«*»» » < *****< • -------------------------------Portland Observer & Advertising ®è Employment ■ Bids/Sub-Bids HOTEL The Portland Hilton INSURANCE MEDICAL CLAIMS ANALYSTS Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications lor Medical Claim s Analysis. H u s position is responsible lor accurate and timely paym ent ol Blue Cross and Blue Shield of O regon’s medical claims. Experi­ ence necessary to perform this task, will include: ■ 1 year recent clerical work experience in a doctor’s office or hospital setting ■ D em onstrated knowledge of medical terminology and anatomy. This may be obtained through a classroom setting or office experience ■ ICD-9/CPT-4 Coding ■ A minimum o f 6-12 months experience using a CR T in a production oriented environm ent ■ Fast, accurate use of a 10-kcy calculator Previous claim s processing or insurance billing experience highly desirable. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, Ilex-tim e work hours, and com petitive salary. Pre-em ploym ent drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #276 at the top of your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume to: Blue C ross an d Blue Shield of O regon H u m an R esources D ept.,5tli F ir 100 S.W. M ark et P o rtla n d , OR 97201 T D D #225-67X0 Em ploym ent CITY OF PORTLAND Police O fficer - to $3,217/mo. W ater Systems Planning Coordinator- $4,020/mo A ssistant M anagem ent Auditor - S2,659/mo. Laboratory M anager - 543,326/year M echanical Inspector - 53,068/mo. Loss Control Supervisor-$3,846/mo For more info./closing dates, call (503) 248-4573 (24 hour job information). No resum es please. BUREAU OF PERSONNEL 1220 S.W. Fifth Avenue, First floor Portland, OR 97204 Apps. also available at: URBAN LEAGUE 10 N. Russell Minorities, females and disabled encouraged to apply. PRINTING Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications in our reprographics department for the following positions. PRESS OPERATOR Q ualified applicants must have at least 2 years work experience as a Press O p­ erator. Two-color offset press knowledge and experience helpful. Education is graphics art or printing program is helpful. Applicant m ust be able to lift 50 lbs. BINDERY CLERK Candidate should be able to lift 75 lbs. frequently, have previous folder experi­ ence, and have the ability to read and follow directions. Two years bindery experience or completion o f a graphic arts program at a com m unity college preferred. These are swing shift positions with regular working hours from 3:3O-midnight; however, applicants must be willing to work overtime hours if required. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and com petitive salary. Pre-em ploym ent drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #371 for Press Operator or #372 for B indery Clerk at the top of your resum e or in your cover letter. Send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., Fifth floor 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 TDD #225-6780 Equal Opportunity Employer MARKETING Sr. Market Development Associate The Port o f Portland has a Sr. M arket Development Associate to develop and im plem ent targeted marketing programs to attract com panies to locate in Portland that will generate cargo through Port marine terminal facilities. The successful candidate will: -Conduct m arket research programs identifying target industries, primarily in transportation, warehousing and distribution -Develop and implemet marketing programs -Be involved in property negotiations Preferred qualifications include: -D em onstrated marketing experience, including research developm ent, prefer­ able in the transportation/distribution industry -Ability to prepare marketing proposals and make presentations to prospects -Ability to analyze real estate, problem s and recommend solutions -Degree in business, marketing, real estate, or related field or equivalent work experience. In additi n to a starting salary range o f 536,670 to 542,573, commensurate with experience, the Port offers a com prehensive benefit package. If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland Employment Office. 700 N.E. Multnomah, 14th Floor. Physically disabled applicant and applicants residing outside the tri-county Portland metropolitan area and Clark County may request application m aterials by calling (503) 231-5000, ext. 700. All applications must be received by 5 p.m., Friday, August 24, 1990. The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer Port of Portland 700 N.E. Multnomah P.O.Box 3529 Portland, OR 97208 Support our Advertisers— SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE PORTLAND OBSERVER_______ The Pordand Hilton is offering posi­ tions with flexible hours, free meals, easy access to bus line an excellent career opportunities. •ROOM ATTENDANTS •HOUSEMAN (m-f) ■BROILER COOK COCKTAIL SERVER ■SECURITY OFFICER Apply direct M on-T hurs9-12noon,921 SW 6th. Job Hot Line: 220-2560 Equal Opportunity Em ployer PUBLIC AFFAIRS Half-Time /Xssistant to the Director of Communications O regon S tate System of H igher E ducation P o rtla n d Office The Assistant to the D irector is respon­ sible for and/or assisting with: writing, designing, and editing a monthly new s­ letter; providing research to the Director and Vice Chancellor, arranging news conferences for the Chancellor and other system officers; writing and editing news releases, speech texts, broadcast scripts; legislative m aterials and other docu­ ments; responding to public and media inquiries; supervising student em ploy­ ees; and other activities and projects as assigned. Preferred qualifications: Bachelor’s de­ gree; excellent writing, editing, and proof­ reading skills; strong experience in desk­ top publishing; and the ability to com ­ m unicate clearly , concisely, and effec­ tively in written and oral form. Applications must be postmarked no later than Septem ber 4, 1990. Please send a resume, letter o f interest, and the names, telephone numbers, and addresses of three references to: D irector of C om m unications O regon S tate System of H igher E ducation P.O . Box 3175 E ugene, O regon 97403 Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Buy a HUD home in a hurry with Express Bid! Our tremendously successful Express Bid program makes the pro­ cess of bidding for and buying a HUD home faster and easier than ever. That's because now when you bid full price* or better on any HUD home, that bid will be opened at our daily (Tues.-Fri.) 2:30 p m. bid opening. Express Bids end the usual 10-day wait, speeding up decisions on even' full price or better bid submitted. (If more than one Express Bid arrives for the same property at the same bid opening, the highest net bid gets accepted.) So if you ’re looking for a real home­ buying bargain, and you’re in a real hurry, then ask your real estate agent to Express your bid on a HUD home. It's another great reason to go w ith The Home Team® advantage! For a listing of HUD homes available now. check the real estate classified section of the Sunday Oregonian. TELLERS O n Site Interview s: Lloyd C en ter Arc you a positive, energetic career ori­ ented person who loves working with the public? D on’t delay! Apply today! Opportunities NOW! First Interstate Bank o f Oregon has immediate openings throughout the greater Portland area. Our employees are partially reimbursed for public transportation costs. To find out more, visit our Lloyd Center Branch at 1405 L loyd C e n te r, N E 14th and W eidler, M onday A ugust 27,1990, from 10:00 am -2:00 pm . Employment representatives will be on hand accept­ ing applications and conducting inter­ views. Or you may apply from 10:00am- 4:00pm in the Human Resources De­ partment, 13th floor, Headquarters Build­ ing, 1300 SW 5th, Portland, Em ploy­ m ent applications are available at all First Interstate o f Oregon branch loca­ tions. J o b O p p o r tu n ity H o tlin e (503)778-8188. F IR S T IN T E R ST A T E BANK Equal Opportunity Em ployer We Promote a Drug-Free W orkplace PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SUBSIDY A m in im u m full p ric e b id is list p r ic e le ss a m a x im u m 6".» b r o k e r c o m m issio n a n d a m a x im u m .V’<> c lo s in g c o s t p a id by H I D if re q u e s te d HUD CREDIT DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT CELLULAR ONE Collections Representative IM M EDIATE OPENING!! The nation’s leader in mobile phone com m unications is expanding its credit staff as a result of continued growth. Wc are now accepting applications for a Cellular One Collections Representa­ tive who possesses the following: •Strong com m unications abilities. •Proven custom er service talents. •Self m otivation and team player strengths. •Ability to work productively in a de­ tailed and dem anding environment. ■Collections experience-m inim um one year on -line. •Computer keyboard familiarity. Please call our 24-hour resume center line (503)789-1750 to leave your name, telephone num ber and a brief descrip­ tion o f your qualifications and send res­ ume to: CELLULAR ONE Human Resources C ollections Rep. 409 SW 9th Portland, OR 97205 AU Replies in confidence An Equal Opportunity Employer COUNSELING CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY CLINICAL SUPERVISORS Starting salary 51644-51810 per month plus benefits. CO D A Inc. has 3 vacan­ cies for Clinical Supervisors in residen­ tial intensive outpatient and assessm ent programs. All require m aster’s degree in a human services discipline and /or extensive related clinical experience including clinical supervisory experi­ ence. Detail position announcements and application instructions arc available at CO D A Inc., 210 NF. 20th, Portland, OR 97232. (503) 239-8400. Equal op- portunity/affirm ative action employer. JOB OPPORTUNITY Call our 24-Hour JobLine at 280-4727 for a listing of current openings at Emanuel Hospital & Health Center. EMANUEL HOSPITAL & HEALTH CENTER ATTENTION: EARN MONEY TYPING AT HOME! 32,(XM)/YR Income potential. D e­ tails. ( 1 ) 602-838-8885 Ext. T - 12859 A L e g x y Member Equal Opportunity Employer. M FH