nside Local doctor named for national commission Keeping up with form er N.B.A. player Steve Adams Citizens respond to education and Nike controversies in letters to the editor Should we prosecute drug abusing mothers? Part I I Page 2 Page 5 h o ra ry Page 5 Page 8 PO RTL Volume X X , Num ber 32 ERVER "The Eyes and Ears o f The Community" It is Not The "Persian Gulf", Folks: It Was Called The Ethiopian Sea ! K yra Parker Today’ s explosive situation in the “ M iddle East” ( ‘ Near’ East?) is h ighly by belligerencies among the na­ tions o f Iraq and Kuwait-and earlier, Iran. In m y high school days the area was referred to as Mesopotamia, but more to the point, the “ Ethiopian Sea” derived its name many thousands o f years ago because o f the presence, cul­ ture, conquests and administrations o f A frica n peoples. Stone inscriptions and papyri tell it a ll, from treaties and ad­ m inistrative fiats to religious ceremo­ nies and shipping documents. See W .E B . Dubois, “ The W orld And A fric a ,” and see M ontet, “ Eternal Egypt” . I like the way that M ontet puts it (pp.220,221,” ...a people o f very high antiquity, who lived before the Trojan August 22, 1990 By Ullysses Tucker, Jr. W ar, and long before the Bible stories were put into w ritin g .” Dubois in a chapter, “ The Land o f The Burnt Faces” (pp. 128,129) documents the Middle East conquests and administrations o f A f r i­ can Kings, and Queens o f Egypt and the Sudan (Thothm ose 1, 11, 111)” ...Thothmose I, the conqueror o f Syria and the V a lle y of the Euphrates...Thothmose III...his granite head w ith d istini Negro features is in the B ritish Musei ..conquered Syria in 17 campaign and crossed the Euphrates...The Babylonians and S yri­ ans sent their daughters to him in mar­ riage, and the descendants o f Syrian Rulers, conquered by his father and educated in Egypt, ruled as slaves o f the Pharaohs.” Matthew Prophet, Superinten­ dent o f Portland Public Schools, did say several weeks ago, “ The w orld contin­ ues to change rapidly and today’ s gen­ eration o f children is seeing, feeling and facing things on a scale not even imag­ ined by most adults.” Oh, Sir, many o f us adults ‘do’ imagine “ the scale o f change.” But, we also know that some very basic facts have not changed at all, and they never w ill; the truth and reality o f factual history is among them. In order to function as educated and cu l­ tured citizens, fu lly able to participate equitably in the political and economic order, individuals and peoples must be motivated, and must know who they arc, where they have been and their true role in the order o f things. An educational process o f ‘E X C E L L E N C E ’ w ill do just that! This newspaper recently high­ lighted ceremonies o f a local “ African Am erican Festival” which culminated w ith a co lo rful parade o f comm unity citizens, I was very impressed w ith the spectacle-this has always been a tradi­ tion in A frican Am erican communities. But, let us return to ancient times foran account o f the origin o f the African festival 5000 years ago-at a time when A frica ruled the world. Just this b rief description should alert you to the source o fa ll th a t‘pomp and circumstance’ (and finery) found among European Royalty and the Establishment Church. Elisa­ beth Lam y w ill provide you w ith a dc- alerie B. Currie is President/Owner o f One on One Tax Service be­ cause she has worked hard, believed in her dream to own a business, and had something to o ffe r the general public. It is one thing to desire your own business, but a company must have a service the people need or want. Death and taxes are tw o elements that consumers cannot avoid. Bo knows football; Currie knows taxes and how to take fu ll advantage o f federal regulations or law. For eight years, Currie worked as a tax auditor/ Revenue agent fo r the Internal Revenue Service before establishing her com ­ pany in October o f 1989. In this nation, there is no better teacher than the IRS when it comes to learning about taxes and tax law. A 1985 graduate o f Portland Slate U. (business administration/account- ing), Currie is married to Dan Currie, a Data System Coordinator fo r the Port­ land Public Schools. They have one child (Adrain, 13). She has a back­ ground in public relations, recruiting, and computers. When questioned about why she wanted her own business, the soft-spoken Currie smiled and gave the fo llo w in g answer. “ A fter w orking for the IRS for so long, I wanted to take my skills and do something else w ith them. I started my own business because it is a service to the com m unity and I get the chandce to do what I like, taxes.” P ortland O bserver-H ow can you come to love something that everyone hates? C u rrie -” Taxes are very interesting. It involves a lot o f people, it ’ s ever-chang­ ing, dynamic, a challenge, and i t ’ s something that I like to do." P ortland O bserver-H ow d iffic u lt is it to stay on top o f ever-changing tax law? C u rrie -’ T t’ s really not all that d iffic u lt once you get the basic understanding o f V Rachelle Greenidge tailed description in her book,’ ’Egyptian M y s te rie s ” -and see ‘ ‘ T im e -L ife Se:ies:Egypt.” Hathor o f Dendera and Horus o f Edfu; “ Horus the Elder was vener­ ated particularly as the d iv in ity o f light, triumphant over Seth, entity o f dark­ ness......On the inner face o f the Temple o f Edfu is a m inutely detailed descrip­ tion o f the A N N U A L F E S T IV A L OF TH E R E U N IO N , in the course o f whiuk Hathor o f Dendera was brought to meet Horus at the new moon to celebrate the day o f the conjunction. So rich in detail are the Edfu Texts that they enable us to reconstruct this happy festival in an evoca­ tive summary.” “ Excitement pervaded Den­ dera, starting on the 4th o f the month o f Epiphi and festivities follow ed one another p ra c tic a lly w ith o u t interruption...after several weeks the ‘ Beautiful Sailing o f Hathor’ , the great annual voyage would take place [down the N ile ], and the rite o f the first fruits o f the fie ld would be celebrated...tens o f thousands came to the river banks from the cities and the desert oases. Continued on page 5 25