Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 15, 1990, Page 9, Image 9

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    August 15,1990--T h e P ortland O b server-P age 9
Portland Observer
for central city concern
G row ing non-profit seeks Manager to
supervise internal operations, develop
budgets, and manage the organization
in the Executive D ire ctor’s absence.
140 employees; $4 m illio n annual
budget. M ust have supervisory skills,
leadership a b ility and a m inim um o f 5
years m gm t experience. Excellent sal­
ary and benefits. Send resume and
salary requirements by September 4th
to 709 N .W . Everett,Portland, OR
97209. EOE.
Our district provides programs and serv­
ices to our 12 constituent school dis­
tricts. W e are currently looking for
qualified individuals for the fo llo w in g
Audiologist 95 days (9/11/90-4/30/91)
Intake Transition Teacher (EH Program)
200 days
Living Science Materials Attendant/Clerk
Registered Nurse, Complex Health Needs
190 days
Specialist, Social Studies 210 days 4/hrs
Teacher Special Education (EH Program)
190 days
S u bstitute
E ducation
Assistants J IN & LPN
For required M ESD application form ,
more inform ation and closing dates
call 257-1510 (24 hr/job hotline) or
come to Recruitment O ffice, 11611
NE A insw orth C ircle, Portland.
An Equal Opportunity Employer
C ity o f M ilw au kie, OR Salary: $2045-
$2486/mo D.O.Q. (under negotiation),
plus excellent benefits. Position per­
forms a variety o f tasks, including
project w ork, and is expected to exer­
cise independent judgm ent and in itia ­
tive in performance o f assignments.
Associate Planner has opportunity for
challenging w ork assignments in de­
velopment review and zoning adm ini­
stration, long-range and project plan­
ning and interdepartmental coordina­
tion and liaison. Special expertise or
project experience in transportation,
housing or historic resources planning
is necessary. Strong w riting, public
comm unication and basic design and
graphic skills are essential for this
position. This position requires three
years o f professional experience in
c ity and/or regional planning w ork or
a mater’ s degree in Planning and two
years o f experience in city and/or re­
gional planning work. Application
packets can be obtained at the C ity o f
M ilwaukie Personnel Office. Interested
applicants must submit completed job
application, supplemental questionnaire
and w ritten exam ¡nation to be received
by 5:090 P.M ., Wednesday,August
29,1990 at C ity o f M ilw aukie, Person­
nel O ffice , 10722 SE M ain Street,
Milwaukie, OR 97222; (503) 659-5171.
Fax #(503) 652-4433. EEO
The Oregon Public U tility Commission
has tw o openings in Salem. The Rail
Specialist ($24,600-$32,736) inspects
railroad facilities for compliance w ith
safety standards. To qua lify, you must
have 5 years experience as a railroad
train or engine service employee on a
Class 1 railroad OR 4 years o f such ex­
perience A N D 2 years in a nonoperat­
ing (mechanical or maintenance) po­
sition. College course w ork in c iv il,
structural, or related engineering may
substitute fo r 2 years o f the experience
(2 years o f coursework equivalent to 1
year o f experience. The Track Inspec­
tor ($28,344-$37,764) conducts track,
w alkw ay, clearance, and other ra il­
road safety inspections. To qualify,
you must have 4 years o f recent expe­
rience in track construction or mainte­
nance; OR 2 years o f such experience
A N D a Bachelor’ s degree in c iv il,
structural, or a related engineering field;
OR successful completion o f the fed­
eral Railroad Adm inistration appren­
tice training program. For application
materials, call 503/373-7949.
Support Our Advertisers!
Say You Saw It In The
Portland Observer!
The Federal Bureau o f Prisons has opened
a new Federal Correctional Institution
in Sheridan, Oregon. The Federal
Correctional Institution w ill provide
care, custody, and control for 1500
m inim um /m edium security inmates.
Correctional O ffice r positions
are available.
Salary: $8.71/hr., possible promotion to
$9.68/hr. after six months o f service.
Experience: Three and a h a lf years o f
substantive work experience required.
Some m ilita ry experience and/or post
high school education may be substi­
tuted fo r w ork experience.
In accordance w ith Public Law 93-350,
applicant fo r positions w ith in a federal
correctional institution must not have
reached their 35th birthday in order to
be e ligible fo r appointment to this po­
Interested individuals should contact the
Human Resource Department at (503)
843-4442, or you may w rite the fo l­
low ing address fo r additional in fo r­
mation: Human Resource Department,
FC l-A dm inistration, Post O ffice Box
5001, Sheridan, OR 97378-5001.
The State o f Oregon B u ild ing Codes
Agency has vacancies throughout the
state in the fo llo w in g certifications
Electrical, Plans Exam iner, Plumbing,
Structural, Recreational Vehicle,
Manufactured Home Construction. The
Inspector enforces state and national
code standards w ith in fie ld o f c e rtifi­
cation and assigned geographical area.
This recruitm ent w ill be used to estab­
lish a lis t o f certified people in each
area o f certification. The lis t w ill also
be used to f ill current openings. Salary
$1957-$2602/month. Excellent bene­
Request announcement, certification c ri­
teria, and application procedure from
Personnel O ffice, Building
Codes Agency, 1535 Edgewater N W ,
Salem, OR 97310. (503) 378-4839.
W ould you like a part-time jo b that pays
over $ 10/hr? Are you at least 21 years
o f age? Do you have an excellent
driving record? Do you have good
people skills? Have you had continu­
ous employm ent fo r at least one year
w ith one employer? I f you can answer
yes to a ll o f these questions, then part-
tim e bus driving may be the jo b fo r
you! T o find out, apply weekdays
between 8:30 - 4:30 PM at the T R I-
M E T Personnel O ffice , 4012 SE 17th
Ave.,4th Floor, Portland: Applications
accepted through Friday, September
14, 1990. An EOE.
Paragon Cable has immediate openings
fo r fie ld engineers to jo in our fast­
growing construction dept. B u ild new
plant by perform ing fie ld surveys o f
proposed construction projects, develop
routing designs and secure construc­
tion permits. W ork w ith C ity, County
and u tility officials.
Q ualified candidates must have HS d i­
ploma, GED or equivalent. Thorough
knowledge o f nat’ l electrical safety
code, state and local construction speci­
fications, OS H A requirements and basic
C A T V design and drafting knowledge.
M ust be able to clim b poles and lad­
ders up to 40' heights, able to read
necessary design and map prints. Have
excellent w ritten and verbal com m u­
nication skills, a va lid drivers’s l i ­
cense and good driving record.
W e support a drug-free workplace and
all jo b offers are contingent upon pass­
ing a pre-employment drug test.
Please apply no later than Friday, Aug.
17, to:
3075 NE Sandy Blvd.
Portland, OR
Equal Opportunity Employer
Happily married, financially
secure couple wants to share
our love, home and stuffed ani­
mal collection with an infant
Please answer our prayers.
Related expenses. Confidential.
Call M artha & M a rk collect
after 4:00 p.m., (215) 248-1595.
Salary: $2243-$2983 Monthly
The Oregon Health D ivision, Health Care Survey Section, is recruiting fo r in ­
dividuals to inspect home health agencies and hospitals across the stale fo r
compliance w ith state rules and Federal regulations. The applicant must be
licensed as a registered nurse in Oregon and have either a Bachelor’ s Degree
in Nursing w ith three years experience as an RN, a nursing diplom a w ith
four years experience as an R N , or an Associates’ Degree in Nursing w ith
five years experience as an RN.
The position is located in Portland, includes excellent benefits o f medical,
dental, vacation, holidays, and retirement. Questions may be directed to
Oregon State Health D ivision, Personnel SErvices, phone 503/229-5888.
applications and required announcement material may be obtained from the
Oregon Health D ivision. A pplication packages must be mailed to Exec.
Personnel Dept. in Salem by September 4, 1990.
The M etro E-R Commission (M E R C )
seeks applicants fo r the fo llo w in g part-
tim e positions, which w ill work at all
facilities (Coliseum, Stadium, Perform­
ing Arts Center, Convention Center)
w ith varying shifts:
Ushers, $5.15/hour, greet & direct pa­
trons to seats
Gate Attendants, $5.30/hour, take tic k ­
ets, m onitor doors/gates
Security Agents, $8.2385/hour, security
and safety during events
Stage Door Attendants/Night Watch,
$7.8790/hour, security o f stage door
and building
These positions are open to residents o f
the F irst opportunity Target area.
Boundaries are: N. C olum bia Bv. on
the north, N E 42nd Ave. on the east,
Banfield Freeway on the south, and N
Chautauqua, including Columbia V illa,
on the west.
A p ply in person at the reception desk o f
M em orial Coliseum, 1401 N. Wheeler
Ave, 8am-5pm, August 10-23, or come
to our H irin g Fair for residents o f the
firs t opportunity target area, August
20-21,Georgia-Pacific Room, M em o­
ria l Coliseum , 5:30 pm.
For additional inform ation about the H ir­
ing Fair, call 235-8771 x 164. For addi­
tional inform ation about M ERC posi­
tion openings, call our Job Line, 230-
Fine Host, caterers and concessionaires
at M ER C facilities, seek applicants
fo r the fo llo w in g positions:
Banquet servers, set tables, serve meals
& bus room
Bartenders, must have licenses required
by law, know drinks and service, how
to set up and balance, good basic math.
Concession stand workers, pleasant de-
meanor, w ill be trained on cash regis-
ter and taking inventory.
U tility persons, move equipment and
goods through the building & crowds.
Fine Host applications are available at
Fine Host offices at M em orial C o li­
seum or Oregon Convention Center;
Fine Host w ill be at the H iring Fair
August 20-21, Memorial Coliseum 5:30
Courtroom C lerk to a Judge COS II du­
ties include: attend court, process
documents, and interact w ith public.
$1467/mo w ith exc benefits. COS II
m inim um requirements are I year re­
lated experience/coursework and 50
wpm typing.
To apply: Judicial Dept. application and
answers to Supplemental Questions
are R EQ U IR E D and may be obtained
from: M ultnom ah Courts’ Personnel
O ffice, 1021 S.W. 4th/Room 225A,
Portland, OR 97204. Closing date:
August 24, 1990.
C om m unity M ental Health Center seeks
a master’ s level therapist skilled in
short-term therapy fo r C M I; personal­
ity disorder, adult children o f alcohol­
ics, dual diagnosis, situational prob­
lems and crisis recidivist clients. Fa­
m iliarity with AFS, and entrepreneurial
spirit desirable. Competitive salary and
Resume to:
Gary McConahay, Ph.D.
N/NE Community Mental Health,
4950 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr.
Portland, OR 97211
Closing - August 24,1990
' Minorities Encouraged to Apply
¡ To work 24-30 hrs/’week fo r non-profit
: com m unity c lin ic serving Portland’ s
i poor. Duties include providing on­
going & preventive health/mental health
services. C lin ica l experrequired. $17/
hr. Benefits include medical, dental,
disa bility, life insurance, sick time,
vacation, personal leave & holiday
pay. Obtain application packet from
Ecumenical Ministries o f Oregon, 0245
SW Bancroft, Suite B, Portland, OR
97201,503-221-1054. DO NOT SEND
RESUMES. Position may close any­
tim e after Aug. 22.
Equal Opportunity Employer
The Oregon Department o f Transportation, H ighw ay D ivisio n, is seeking
Statements o f Q ualification from consulting engineering firm s w ith demon­
strated experience in highway engineering.The D ivisio n proposes to engage
consultants to advance four projects from the p oint o f the approval o f the E n vi­
ronmental Document through the approval o f fin a l plans, specifications,and
estimates. The projects to be considered are:
1) Joseph Street Interchange-Stayton N C L Section, N orth Santiam H ig h ­
way No. 62, M arion County.
2) Paradise Creek-Klamath County Line Section and Drews Creek-Drews
Gap Section, Klamath Falls-Lakeview H ighway No. 20, Lake County.
3) C olum bia C ity NC L-W arren Section, L ow er C olum bia R iver H ighw ay
No. 2W , Colum bia County.
The Successful consultants w ill enter into one or more o f three personal
service contracts under which the method o f payment w ill be cost plus fixed fee.
The tw o projects on the Klamath Falls-Lakeview H ighway w ill be combined
under the same contract.
I f you are interested in being considered, a Request for Q ualification can be
obtained by calling or w ritin g Bob Thompson, Consultant Liaison Engineer, 307
Transportation Building, Salem, OR 97310; telephone (503)378-6563.
Statements o f Q ualification are due August 31, 1990.
The Housing A u th ority o f the C ity o f Vancouver, Washington, w ill receive
sealed bids at the A u th o rity ’ s o ffice, 500 Omaha W ay, Vancouver, W ashington,
98661, u ntil 2:00 p.m., August 28,1990 at which tim e and place all bids w ill be
pub licly opened and read aloud to furnish a ll labor, materials, equipment,
permits,and fees required to remove existing roofing, insulation, sheet metal
and haul from site. Install new asphalt prim er, base p ly , tw o layers preformed
ro o f insulation board, 3 plies asphalt impregnated glass fiber mats, mineral cap
sheet, sheet metal flashing, and cants according to the specifications and plans.
A prebid walk-through is scheduled fo r 2:00 p.m., August 20,1990, at 130
West 24th Street, Vancouver, Washington.
Specifications, location, bid preparation inform ation, terms and conditions
o f the Invitation fo r B id and General Conditions are on file and available at the
A uthority offices, 694-2501.
A certified check or bank draft payable to the Housing A u th o rity o f the C ity
o f Vancouver, Washington, as satisfactory bid bond executed by the bidder, or
acceptable sureties in an amount equal to 5 percent o f the bid shall be submitted
w ith each bid.
The successful bidder w ill be required to furnish and pay for satisfactory
performance and payment bond.
Attention is called to the fact that not less than the m inim um salaries and
wages as set forth in the Terms and Conditions must be paid on this project.
The A uthority reserves the rig h t to reject any and all bids and to waive any
inform alities in the bidding.
No bid shall be withdrawn fo r a period o f 30 days subsequent to the opening
o f bids w ithout the consent o f the A uthority.
Tommy M. Gay, Executive Director
The Sally McCracken building
Portland, OR
Rehabilitation of Four-Story Athens Hotel into Single resident
BID DATE: 8/22/90 4p.m.
Bond Requirement: NONE
All Trades Except: Plumbing, HVAC,
Fire Protection and Electrical
3015 SW First Avenue
Portland, OR 97201
(503) 222-4375
Fax: (503)274-7676
Contact Dave Riedel or
Bob Wilde
Plans Available:
Walsh Construction Co.
3015 SW First Avenue
Portland, OR
(503) 222-4375
NE Business Center
5514 NE 16th
Portland, OR
Holladay Park Medical Center
1225 Northeast 2nd Avenue
(503) 233-4567
Impact Business Consultants
8959 SW Barbur Blvd.
Portland, OR
(503) 245-9253
Committed to Career Opportunity Tor A d Americans
24-Hour Job Line 239-3116
An Equal Opportunity Employer
s Blds/Sub-Blds
Construction Data & News
1125 SE Madison
Portland, OR
(503) 234-0281
A Legacy Member
Construction Data & News
925 NW 12th
Portland, OR
(503) 225-0200
Oregon State Archives Building
Salem, Oregon
Bid Date: August 27 ,1990 @ 3:00 p.m.
L.D. Mattson, Inc.
P. O. Box 12335
Salem, Oregon 97309
FAX (503) 399-1437
Daily Journal of Commerce Plan Center
2374 NW Vaughn
Portland, OR
(503) 274-0624
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from women
and m inority owned business enterprises.
The Oregon Department o f Transportation, Highway D ivisio n, Planning
Section, requests Statement o f Q ualifications from interested consulting firm s
to perform a m ajor needs assessment and financial study for Oregon’ s roads for
the years 1993-2013. This study w ill detail road needs in all areas o f road
funding: construction and expansion, repair and preservation, and operations
and maintenance. The study w ill be approximately 15 months induration w ith
various interim products necessary. The estimated cost o f this study is in the
$1 m illio n range.
I f you arc interested in being considered, a Request for Q ualifications can
be obtained by calling or w ritin g T im H. Thex, P.E., Planning Analysis
Engineer, Oregon State Transportation Department, Highway D ivision, Plan­
ning Section, 325 13th Street NE, Room 605, Salem, OR 97310; telephone
(503) 378-3707.
Statement o f Q ualification are due August 31, 1990.
M in o rity Business Enterprises & Female Business Enterprises and Emerg­
ing Small Business Enterprises are strongly encouraged to submit bids on this
Berge Bros. Enterprises Inc.
Oregon State Archives Bldg.
Salem, Oregon
Bid Date: August 2 8,199 0 at 3:00 p.m.
Berge Bros. Enterprises Inc.
P.O. Box 133
Oregon C ity, Oregon 97045
Phone: (503)655-2865
Fax: (503)655-4335
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business,
m inority owned and disadvantaged business enterprises.