August 15, 1990- The Portland Observer—Page 7 OPINION The ’’Hers” side of the His/Hers Opinion Page has been temporarily suspended while the Observer seeks a new writer ■ ■ •■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The Portland Observer is seeking a female to write the “ Hers” viewpoint in the popular column “His/Hers Opinion” published weekly in this paper. Individual should be creative, intelligent, committed, black, and an excellent writer. This person should also be able to meet publication deadlines. Please drop off samples at 4747 N.E. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. No telephone calls, please. A freelance fee will be discussed should you be the one selected. FOR THE CHILDREN WHO WAIT RIBBON CAMPAIGN A WINNING PAIR Guy L. Smith, IV, Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Philip Morris Companies Inc., center, congratu­ lates the two winners of the Philip Morris Summer Internship Pro­ gram’s Opportunity Awards during a recent reception for the 102 interns at the company's head­ quarters in New York City. The winners are Sherry Ann Jackson left, an intern with the Roundtable Theater Company and Joel Mentor, an intern with the Na­ tional Association for the Visually O ne Church, O ne Child o f Oregon, The Urban League of Portland, The Ameri­ can Red Cross and KBMS 1480are spon­ sors of the “ For The Children Who W ait” Ribbon Campaign to kickoff during the m onth o f August. One Church, O ne Child is a program designed to seek Black families to adopt Black children. The program has placed 31 children with permanent families since 1988. The ribbon cam paign is a way to inform the com m unity of the need to find perm anent homes for African A merican children who arc currently in foster care and to support the One Church, One Child program. Everyone in the com m u­ nity is encouraged and urged to take part in this campaign by tying on the ribbon to car antennas and/or side view mirrors to support the children who are waiting for a “ forever fam ily.” It is hoped as time goes by, that more people will real­ ize what it symbolizes. The ribbons should be displayed until all o f the waiting Black children have been adopted. “ W e hope to kick off a national ribbon campaign to include all o f the One Church, One Child programs and to recruit more sponsors” say Kathy Ken- drix, Public Relations Specialist for One Church, One Child of Oregon. Ribbons can be picked up at the Urban League of Portland, ION. Russell, The A merican Red Cross, 3131 N. Van­ couver AVe., KBMS 1480,510 SW 3rd and O ne Church, One Child of O regon, 5806 N. Albina. Handicapped. Both winners will receive a $1000 college tuition grant. Philip Morris sponsored 102 student interns, recruited by the New York City Partnerships 's Summer Jobs Program, to work in 102 non-profit agencies in New York City. The master of ceremonies for the reception, Smith said the company’s efforts make it possible for non-profit agencies to afford summer interns while preparing students for “the world of work." WANT TO BUY YOUR OWN HOME? M OVE SIX SPACES FORWARD. (It'll take just a few minutes to see if you can afford a HUD home!) H you've worked for two years for the same employer (or in the some occupation) and you have a good credit record, move ahead 1 space START Stop here and compute your Adjusted Income. That's your total gross monthly income, less federol withhold ing taxes Write your answer here and move on. * ■ Write the smaller omount of either space 3 or space 5 here. As a generol rule, that's the maximum omount you can afford for a monthly house payment (including property taxes). YOU DID ITI nth. number in space 6 is more than $ 5 5 0 , then chances are good that H UD has on affordoble home for you. Your next move is to coll your real estate agent. lo w monthly payment! and 3%downl Multiply your Ad|usted Income (from space 2) by 0.3 8 , then subtract $150 and wnte the answer here Then move on to the next space Add up oil your monthly debts (cor, loon, credit purchase, credit cord, child support and alimony payments you owe every month) and then odd $150. Fill in the total here and go to space 5. Most of our HUD homes ore opproved for FHA Mortgoge Insurance, which makes them more afford­ able than ever. Plus, HUD's bid process is easy. For listings of HUD homes available now, look for our big real estate classified od in every Sunday Oregonian. 0 HUD * DEPARTMENT O f HOUSING AND URBAN O f VEIOPME NT « 1989 by HUD. Portlond Office You're olmost home Multiply your Adpsted Income (from space 2) by 0.5 3 , subtract the amount on space 4, ond write the result here N o w move along P U A S I N O T l Ind-nrfuol a rt« do lenddn roqwtrtnwrdl for qwoMywif o p o t p * * » » bvy«' for O Korn* Tha formUo ko*« • mtendad only Io p»otn